Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 341

Chapter 341

0Vernon's heart jumped when his Big brother mentioned Chloe meeting that old secretary. He snapped without thinking and asked, "What did she do? Did she hurt Chloe?!"     

Vincent was taken aback by Vernon's reaction. Seeing his meek little brother suddenly snap when Chloe's name was mentioned was a little weird. He even raised his voice in front of Vincent, which he had never done before.     

"What's wrong with you?" Vincent asked. "Why did you react as if your lover is the one that got hurt?"     

"Ah—" Vernon quickly realized that he was out of control because he got worried about Chloe's wellbeing. After all, who wouldn't when your beloved was targeted by these bastards?     

"I'm sorry, Big bro. I was just worried about Big sis, after all, who knows what kind of reckless thing she would do if she met you?" Vernon tried to pivot his way out of Vincent's suspicion.      

Vincent was still suspicious of Vernon's reaction but decided to shrug it off because he had a more urgent thing to think about.     

"Well, Secretary Maria had a conversation with Chloe and took a recording of her. That old hag wants me to check on the recording she made," Vincent informed his Little bro.     

"I—I see…." Vernon cleared his throat. He was so anxious right now. He wanted to check on Chloe to see if she was really alright. He also wanted to scold her for being so gullible.     

How could she allow herself to get trapped by that old woman?! What if she got kidnapped while Vernon was busy with work.     

Seriously, Chloe would definitely give him a heart attack one day!     

Vincent noticed anxiety in Vernon. Vernon wasn't really good at hiding his emotion, and Vincent practically raised him— with Chloe, of course.     

But he believed he was the one who raised Vernon the most, so he knew him well.      

"Why are you so anxious? Do you care that much about my wife?" Vincent asked. He had a meaningful smile darted towards Vernon, and Vernon couldn't help but be even more cautious after some of his true feelings were exposed just now.     

"Of course, Big bro… I care about Big sis Chloe too. After all, she is my… my sister-in-law…." Vernon said. He clenched his fist silently, as it was hard for Vernon to claim that Chloe was his sister-in-law.     

Obviously, he wanted more than that.      

"Don't you care about her too? She's your… your…" Vernon swallowed his saliva hard. He really disliked this, but he had to play along if he wanted to take down his Big bro. "Your wife…"     

"Well, I do care for her," Vincent replied lightly. "But you don't need to treat your woman like some kind of fragile glass statue. She can handle a punch or two."     

Vernon's hawk-like gaze deepened. He quickly lowered his head as he didn't want his Big brother to know that his eyes were filled with rage right now.     

He clenched his fist even tighter than before, to the point that his fist was getting white and trembling, trying to endure his rage.      

'This scum, I thought I could trust Chloe in your hand, thinking that you will treasure her,' Vernon thought. 'I left because I thought I'm not needed in her life because she has you. Oh, how wrong I was….'     

Vincent sighed and patted his little bro's shoulder again, "I want to spend more time with you, Vernon. But I have to see what kind of recording that old woman has."     

"I'll see you later, and don't worry about the project. You've done a great job, Vernon," Vincent said. He ruffled his dearest little brother's head before leisurely walking away, leaving Vernon alone in the meeting room.     

Vernon glared at Vincent's back, cursing him in his heart, wanting to snap that bastard's neck for hurting his beloved woman.      

But he had to be patient…     


Diamond was waiting outside. She felt anxious as she didn't know what had happened inside the meeting room between her boss and Vincent Gray.     

She believed her boss could handle that bastard with a cool head, but she was afraid that Vernon would lash out whenever Vincent mentioned Chloe.      


The door was opened from the inside, and Vincent left the meeting room with a thin smile.      

Diamond's eyes met with his, and she took a step back spontaneously.     

Because she felt that she was staring right at the eye of a viper, a snake that could bite you if you accidentally tick him off.     

"Mr. Gray—" Diamond bowed respectfully at Vincent, and Vincent stopped to stare at Diamond. He just realized how beautiful Diamond was.     

She was not as beautiful as Chloe in her prime, but she was still a condom-worthy woman for him.     

After all, he needed a new secretary after he kicked that stupid condom bitch Priscilla.     

He wasn't sure when he would use another condom-bitch, though. After all, his sex drive had been diminishing to almost nothing these days.     

'But it would be better to have a spare tire when I need one, right?' Vincent thought. 'Maybe when Chloe finally crawled back at me, I will regain most of my sex drive, and fucked Vernon's secretary.'     

'Hahah… I guess it's always nice to take something from my little brother. He needs a little discipline sometimes, to make sure he knows that his Big bro is still the best.'     

He pinched Diamond's chin and lifted her chin a bit until they stared at each other again, "You're my little brother's secretary, right? Your name is Diamond, if I remember."     

Diamond felt her stomach turning inside out. But she had to keep her professionallism and replied reluctantly, "Y—Yes, Mr. Gray."     

"Hmm… usually I don't like black women, but you're quite beautiful," Vincent commented. "I know that Vernon must've paid you well to be his secretary. But if you're interested in earning even more money with less work, you should come to my office. I have an open spot for you."     

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