Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

0"What's next? You're going to feed him cake and call him a good boy for being an obedient little brother for you? That's so weird," Shailene commented.     

Chloe's cheeks reddened out of shame. She knew it was weird to get so involved with Vernon's sex life outside.     

But she couldn't help it, as she felt it was her duty to keep him safe, just like how she always protected him when Vernon was just a kid.      

Shailene translated Chloe's silence as a sense of shame and guilt at the same time. She knew that Chloe was supposed to be her client since she was the main reason Vernon contacted her after years.     

But she couldn't help being a little petty toward this woman.     

Because Chloe was also the reason why she broke up with Vernon. Even if it wasn't her fault, his mind and heart were constantly filled with her.     

Shailene was his girlfriend, but she never had the chance to be Vernon's number one in his heart and never will.      

Thus, Shailene formed a new lie out of pettiness and told Chloe;     

"Well, you should know that I'm not his only woman. He has a lot of side chicks outside too," Shailene said. "You should probably scold him after this. Who knows whether he used a condom or not with those women."     

"Anyway, I feel tired after having a rough sex with him, bye, sister-in-law," Shailene made a fake yawning noise before hanging up.      

She put the phone back in Vernon's suit pocket and stood silent while staring at the sleeping bastard for at least ten minutes.      

She knew what she did was wrong, which would probably complicate everything for Vernon and his woman.     

"But it's not really my fault, Vernon," Shailene said. "Don't you realize that your woman doesn't even see you as her romantic partner. She is your sister-in-law, and obviously unattainable."     

"I thought, there is a possibility that she might be into cheating. Maybe you're just a way for her to feel young. But she doesn't even seem to be angry at you sleeping around," Shailene scoffed. "She's not even bothered when I told her that we had sex."      

"Vernon, you're so delusional. You're desperately clinging to a woman who doesn't even love you," Shailene bent her back and whispered in Vernon's ear gently;     

'Don't worry, I'm not that malicious. Take this as a little revenge for what you've done to me. After all, you said that you will compensate me to atone for your sin, right?'     

'Then I will punish you a little. So you will try really hard to get what you want. So you will know how painful it is to love someone while that person doesn't even seem to put you in their eyes.'     

Shailene smiled full of satisfaction. There was a chance that Vernon might never call her back after this, and that was okay.     

"But if you call me and ask for my help again, then I promise that I will help you. At least we're even after this, Vernon Phoenix Gray."     

Shailene chuckled mirthlessly, and she finally walked away from her private office, leaving the scum bastard Vernon to sleep alone, probably dreaming about his beloved Chloe again.     


Chloe was left speechless after the call ended.      

That woman's words pricked her heart, giving her a sense of shame and guilt simultaneously.     

She never realized how much she babied Vernon until that woman told her it was weird.      

"Ah, but it's not wrong though… to think about it again. It is weird…." Chloe was rethinking her current action.     

She was worried about a grown man and wanted him to practice safe sex as if he was a teenager who had just hit puberty.     

"But I really don't have a bad intention. I'm just worried that he might get entangled with the wrong woman and get her pregnant. There's always a chance that someone will baby trap her…."     

Chloe was in a dilemma right now. She wasn't sure whether she should confront Vernon and scold him about this or simply act like she knew nothing.     

After all, she didn't want to be referred to as a fussy sister-in-law.     

"Ah, I don't know. I feel like I'm doing the right thing, but maybe Vernon is not comfortable with what I'm doing…."     

Chloe pondered for a while, trying to find the best decision so Vernon wouldn't be mad at her.     

After a long ponder, Chloe finally decided;     

"Alright, I will keep supplying him with condoms. I think that's the right way to warn him to always practice safe sex outside."     

"I will also write a few notes to warn him in a uh… non-direct way. That's better than confronting him, right? So he won't feel ashamed."     

Chloe had a thin smile as she had found a good solution to this problem.     

With this, she didn't need to face Vernon's condescending gaze whenever he was annoyed.      

Chloe shuddered as she imagined that gaze, "Ah, he reminds me so much of that scum. But, they are brothers after all, it can't be helped."     


Vernon slept through the night, and his dream ranged from a good dream, such as meeting his Big sister Chloe, to a terrible one, like the first time he witnessed his father kissing another woman in their mansion while his mother was busy adorning herself with a new set of jewelry she bought.      

It was surreal and became one bad memory for Vernon.      

However, all of them paled in comparison with the worst one.     

The worst dream he always got whenever he had a sweet dream about Chloe.     

And that was…     

—Vernon's dream—     

Back then, Vernon was fourteen years old. He had just hit puberty and realized he was in love with his Big sis Chloe.     

And it wasn't sibling love.     

It was Eros, a passionate and romantic love, and he didn't shy away from the feeling.      

In fact, he wanted to embrace and declare to the whole world about it.     

The naive him was so in love that he told his Big brother about it;     

'Big bro, from now on, I will be fighting for Big sis Chloe's love too. So you better watch out, haha!'     

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