Heaven-defying Phoenix



0To Jiu Muli, asking her to use her own spiritual energy to send the Flower God Little Lotus to the planet's border was like asking her to personally send the Flower God Little Lotus to her death. She could not do that, if she really did that, she might end up living in regret for the rest of her life.    


"Little Xi, I can't …" A tear trickled down the corner of Jiu Muli's eye as it flowed down along her absolutely beautiful face, dissipating amidst the black Star River with a "Tick" sound.    


Seeing that Jiu Muli had rejected him, the Flower God Little Lotus frowned, went forward, and grabbed both of Jiu Muli's hands: "Jiu Muli! "Can you wake up and calm down a bit?"    


"You have your mission and I have mine. We have only come here for the same purpose, but I am going to stay here forever. But it is not your fault! Do you understand? " Flower God Little Lotus shouted to Jiu Muli, wanting to wake her up.    


Jiu Muli slightly pulled back his hand, placed it on Flower God Little Lotus's cheek and said: "This is too cruel, how can I bear to do that."    


In the next moment, Flower God Little Lotus flung Jiu Muli's hands off, turned around, and said with an ice-cold tone: "This world is a world where the strong preys on the weak.    


"Why must I be unwilling? I am fortunate to have a relationship with you. However, this seems to be the best I can do." Flower God Little Lotus did not dare to turn around to look at Jiu Muli's face.    


Looking at Flower God Little Lotus's determined back, Jiu Muli walked towards her step by step.    


It was only ten steps away, but Jiu Muli felt as if his feet were filled with lead, and every step he took felt extremely heavy.    


It was as if Jiu Muli was walking on a Soul-dispelling Spike. With every step he took, he felt a heart-wrenching pain coming from the bottom of his feet, piercing through his limbs and bones.    


When he was one step away from Flower God Little Lotus, Jiu Muli stopped.    


Jiu Muli did not go forward again, but stayed silent for a while, before she slowly called out with her gentle voice, "Little Xi …"    


Just this one sentence contained countless emotions. There was reluctance, pain, sadness, and memories. It caused Wu Ya Xiao Hei to immediately cover his mouth with his hands, not daring to make a sound as he began sobbing.    


After pausing for a while, Jiu Muli clenched his teeth and forced out a few words.    


"Alright, I'll help you." After Jiu Muli finished speaking, he slightly raised his head, and without daring to look at Flower God Little Lotus's back anymore, he closed his eyes.    


Tears silently rolled down the corner of Jiu Muli's eyes. Under the shine of the spirit refining lamp's multicolored light, the beautiful scene was ethereal.    


After receiving Jiu Muli's reply, Flower God Little Lotus also forcefully suppressed the grief in his heart, and only after a long while did he grit his teeth to calm his heart down.    


Seeing Flower God Little Lotus slowly turning around, Wu Ya Xiao Hei went forward and hugged her, thousands of words stuck in his throat.    


Before he could finish his sentence, tears had already flowed down his face.    


Flower God Little Lotus, who had finally calmed down with much difficulty, wiped his tears away from Wu Ya Xiao Hei's back and pushed him away, purposely forcing a smile: "Since I've already said it's alright, then don't be annoyed."    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei knew that the Flower God Little Lotus was joking around with him, but Wu Ya Xiao Hei was not laughing.    


"Little Xi …" Wu Ya Xiao Hei didn't know what to say, and could only repeat her name again and again.    


"Alright, I'm busy. I don't have time to cry with you." Wu Ya Xiao Hei didn't want Jiu Muli and Flower God Little Lotus to be restricted because of him, so he tried his best to hold back his sobs.    


Seeing that Wu Ya Xiao Hei had gradually calmed down, Jiu Muli and Flower God Little Lotus looked at each other for a moment, then prepared to remove the Immortality Star's curse.    


With the help of the spirit refining lamp's multicolored light, Jiu Muli had easily sent herself and the Flower God Little Lotus to the borders of the Immortality Star planet.    


The spirit refining lamp's resistance and obstruction allowed Jiu Muli to successfully use her mana without the Immortality Star controlling and closing his five senses.    


Just as Flower God Little Lotus stood in front of the Immortality Star and was preparing to use his own blood and spiritual energy to remove the Immortality Star's curse, the spirit demon corpses inside the Immortality Star suddenly moved. Like a group of controlled puppets, they flew out of the body pool.    


"Ah!" Jiu Muli screamed out from the shock she saw. When she saw the controlled goblin corpses flying towards her, the first thing she thought of was when she thought back to that dream, where she saw the fierce battle at Temple.    


Just as these goblin rushed towards him, Jiu Muli remembered something terrifying.    


She remembered back then on the Temple, after the fierce battle, the corpses of the goblin s did not have their souls dispersed, but they had all been lying on the Temple. Thinking about how she had almost fallen asleep due to the Immortality Star's curse just now, Jiu Muli felt like she knew what was going on.    


Perhaps these goblin s weren't dead at all, and these corpses were the same as the situation he was in just now. Because of the Immortality Star's attacks, they fell into a deep sleep for a long time.    


Although it didn't die, it was no different from a corpse.    


However, what Jiu Muli did not expect was that these slumbering goblin would actually wake up at this moment.    


It seemed that the mysterious power behind the Immortality Star was indeed very strong.    


Just as these goblin were getting closer and closer to him, and Jiu Muli was preparing to use his spirit refining lamp to counterattack, he was stopped by them.    


"Help me." Flower God Little Lotus shouted at Jiu Muli, "Quick!"    


"Little Xi …" In the nick of time, Jiu Muli suddenly recalled back the spiritual energy that he wanted to release as a barrier to protect the two of them.    


As per his agreement with the Flower God Little Lotus, Jiu Muli would inject the spiritual energy that was tainted with the aura of the Immortality Star for her when the Flower God Little Lotus cast the technique.    


Flower God Little Lotus's body was tainted with the aura of a Immortality Star and a relieved smile appeared on his face.    


It was time.    


Flower God Little Lotus threw the Little Lotus in her hands away, and soon after, the entire body of the Flower God Little Lotus was enveloped by the star radiance produced by the Little Lotus.    


Flower God Little Lotus raised his head slightly and gathered all the blood in his body between his eyebrows. Then, he turned around and released all the spiritual energy in his body.    


"Little Xi …" In just an instant, Jiu Muli personally saw Flower God Little Lotus turn into thousands upon thousands of blood droplets, and flew towards the Immortality Star.    


Jiu Muli felt like his chest had been struck by something. He was almost knocked flying by the light waves produced by the fight between the spirit refining lamp.    


Watching as the blood gradually turned golden pink, and then turned into a rain of stars falling down onto the Immortality Star.    


Following the disappearance of the Starlight Flower Rain, all the goblin that were rushing towards Jiu Muli instantly vanished into thin air.    


"They're all dead?" Looking at the goblin's body that had lost all its soul, Jiu Muli knew in his heart that these corpses were actually not the same as the ones she had encountered just now.    


Seeing the last drop of golden rain of flowers falling into his palm, Jiu Muli couldn't help but cry.    


"Little Xi …" Jiu Muli shouted out Little Xi's name and found it hard to breathe. Then, Wu Ya Xiao Hei let out a shrill cry that pierced through the Star River, "Little Xi!"    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei flew towards the Immortality Star. When Jiu Muli turned around, he saw that Wu Ya Xiao Hei had actually miraculously broken through the restrictions on her entry, and very easily arrived by his side.    


Seeing the Wu Ya Xiao Hei who appeared so easily, Jiu Muli knew that the Flower God Little Lotus had really succeeded.    



She had successfully dispelled the Immortality Star's curse, but she had died and forever disappeared in the middle of the Mana Spirit Beast.    


Thinking about it, Jiu Muli felt something penetrating her heart, causing her to cover her chest. She had to rely on the spiritual energy to be able to suppress the strange feeling in her body.    


When Jiu Muli felt better, she raised her head to look, only to realize that around the Immortality Star, the black flames and illusions that had enveloped the entire planet had already disappeared.    


The black and red flames on the Immortality Star's surface also disappeared, and the entire Immortality Star only had a layer of weak blue light.    


Without enough time to grieve for Flower God Little Lotus, Jiu Muli saw the black purple-robed corpse that she had originally seen floating above the Immortality Star s.    


She was surprised that the corpse did not dissipate under the Flower God Little Lotus's incantation, but instead still appeared in the air above the Immortality Star.    


Previously, when Jiu Muli was a distance away from the Immortality Star, she thought that Qin Zheng had appeared out of thin air above the corpse of the Immortality Star s, but now, she discovered that she was wrong.    


The owner of this body was actually not Qin Zheng, but Qin Huaiye.    


Indeed, Qin Huaiye was somewhat similar to Qin Zheng, and because he wore the profound purple colored clothes, Jiu Muli mistakenly thought that he was Qin Zheng.    


But now, after his face could clearly be seen, and even his eyelashes could be seen, Jiu Muli was shocked to discover that the owner of this corpse, was actually Qin Huaiye.    


How could it be Qin Huaiye, why would he be here?    


Then what about the Qin Huaiye in her dreams? Jiu Muli felt that the situation was developing in a more and more bizarre fashion.    


The prophecy and the development of reality were real and fake. Jiu Muli no longer knew what kind of strange things she would encounter if she continued on her path.    


Looking at Qin Huaiye's body that was floating above the Immortality Star, Jiu Muli fell into a daze. She remembered the days when she was together with Qin Huaiye and remembered the last words that Qin Huaiye had said to her.    


He had told her before that the soul of Qin Zheng in his body had been transmigrated from the Immortality Star.    


Thinking about it, Jiu Muli's heart suddenly tensed up, in his nervousness there was anticipation.    


If it was like this, then it meant that Qin Zheng was probably still in the Immortality Star s, and his body was still in there. He didn't go to other places, does that mean that Qin Zheng was definitely still alive on this planet?    


Jiu Muli did not have enough time to think, and stepped onto the Immortality Star. Seeing Jiu Muli anxiously step onto the Immortality Star, he also wiped his tears and mucus, then followed closely behind Jiu Muli.    


"Hey, Jiu Muli, wait for me." Wu Ya Xiao Hei, who had yet to recover from the grief of losing his Little Lotus, twisted his legs and almost fell onto the Immortality Star.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei saw that Jiu Muli's footsteps were moving extremely quickly, so he could only call out to Jiu Muli from behind, hoping that she would wait for him.    


However, Jiu Muli who was about to reach the body pool, acted as if she did not hear him, and continued to walk toward the side of the body pool without even turning her head back.    


The of the Immortality Star was like a huge, dark underground castle. Jiu Muli stood at the edge of the body pool and looked down.    


Jiu Muli raised his head and looked at Qin Huaiye, who was hanging above her head. From start to finish, he felt that there was another familiar aura in the body pool.    


A black shadow flashed. Jiu Muli suddenly lowered her head, but she didn't discover anything.    


No, Jiu Muli was staring intently at every corner of body pool, she still felt that there was life in this body pool.    


Due to the disappearance of the group of demon corpses, the body pool had turned into a very dark and desolate empty city.    


Jiu Muli's gaze swept across every corner of the buildings in the empty city, but he still could not see anything.    


Jiu Muli hesitated for a moment, before she jumped in.    


"Ah, Jiu Muli." Wu Ya Xiao Hei, who had finally caught up to Jiu Muli, was about to reach him, but in the instant he raised his hand, he failed to grab onto anything as he watched Jiu Muli jump down.    


The dark Star River only had a few bits of starlight scattered weakly on the Immortality Star.    


The white light formed a clear contrast with the dull black planet, and when Jiu Muli, who was dressed in white, jumped down from the body pool, it was as if he had drawn a heavy line in black and white within the Star River.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei did not manage to get a clear understanding of the situation, and almost fell down because he wanted to hold onto Jiu Muli. Fortunately, he stopped in time, and after falling, he tightly held onto the edge of the body pool.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei took a glance at the body pool, he originally thought that there would be many terrifying scenes below, but now he realized that there was nothing.    


"Jiu Muli, can you hear me?" Wu Ya Xiao Hei walked towards the body pool, wearing a white robe.    


Jiu Muli heard Wu Ya Xiao Hei's voice and turned around. "Wait for me upstairs, I'll be right back."    


Jiu Muli simply did not give Wu Ya Xiao Hei a chance to speak, he turned and left. Wu Ya Xiao Hei had no choice, watching Jiu Muli who had already left, could only swallow down his stomach full of words.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei watched Jiu Muli enter the body pool and sat up at the edge of the body pool.    


He turned around and looked at Jiu Muli's white clothed figure walking in the darkness of the body pool's building. If he had only looked at her back, he would have thought that she was a ghost that travelled back and forth in the darkness.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei was stunned. When he raised his head, there was no trace of Jiu Muli.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei quickly stood up and looked around, but he did not see any trace of Jiu Muli within the body pool.    


"Jiu Muli! Jiu Muli! " Wu Ya Xiao Hei anxiously shouted out Jiu Muli's name at the edge of the body pool, but no one came to reply him.    


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