Don't Go Against My Mommy

C439 A Precursor to Hcheng

C439 A Precursor to Hcheng

0Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei were currently ignoring each other. If Lin Yuelin did not provoke her, she would be even more unwilling to get close to him.    


"Little dumpling, you are the most obedient baby. Mommy's health is very bad. Dad will bring her up to rest." Lin Yuelin was actually very tired as well. He had not slept well for several days. He was busy during the day, but when he saw Soong Yuan, he still smiled from the bottom of his heart.    


Cheng Luo watched Lin Yuelin's reaction from the side in surprise. He originally thought that Soong Yuan's unreasonable actions would be criticized by Lin Yuelin. He did not expect the CEO to be so gentle and reasonable with her just now. Such a loving CEO really made him accept his incompetence.    


Soong Yuan fiercely glared at him. This person was really annoying. She did not even admit that he was her father and he called himself father. She still remembered what Luh Cheng had said back then. He believed that he was the third person who destroyed her family. He was a brainless villain.    


In fact, Luh Cheng's words had already been deeply ingrained in Soong Yuan's mind. She could not accept that Lin Yuelin was her father.    


Soong Yuan had always liked to sleep with Soong Ze when she was young. The first time she called him father was always towards Soong Ze. Therefore, she only had one father in her life, and that was Soong Ze.    


"My dad is Soong Ze. If you call yourself daddy again, I won't bother with you anymore." Soong Yuan threatened.    


Lin Yuelin did not want to bother with this little brat at all. He was afraid that he would pick her up and spank her butt later. What he said was really infuriating. Qin Fei didn't know what was going on either. As long as she was excited or afraid... She didn't have any strength left in her body. Lin Yuelin picked her up. They went upstairs.    


"You've lost a lot of weight recently. It's not good for you to eat. If Mo sees you in the future, he will feel sorry for you." Lin Yuelin held Qin Fei in his hand. This was not the weight of an adult. It was as light as a feather, as if it could float away if one was not careful.    


Qin Mo had always been a sensible person. This was the only impression he gave Lin Yuelin.    


"You can't find Mo properly even if you don't have the strength, so you must eat obediently in the future." Lin Yuelin's voice carried deep affection.    


Lin Yuelin had never thought that Qin Fei was such a willful woman. Whenever she was in a bad mood, she would torture her own body. She would not eat, drink, and sleep, which made his heart ache.    


Qin Fei also did not want him to be like this. She also wanted to control her emotions. She did not want to be like a madman. "But I can't eat."    


"If you don't eat well, don't go to H City tomorrow." Lin Yuelin knew what kind of thing could threaten the current Qin Fei.    


Lin Yuelin put Qin Fei on the bed and went downstairs after he settled her down. He asked the kitchen to make some light food and send it to the room. Then he quickly returned to the room. At this time, Qin Fei was very fragile. He did not want to leave Qin Fei for a moment.    


Qin Fei lay on the bed alone. Her mind was filled with the things between her and Luh Cheng. Some were things that happened when she was young, and some were things that had only happened recently. She had never realized that the face that always had a smile on it was actually a disguise.    


But she felt that Luh Cheng's eyes were sincere when he treated her well, and he was also lying and pretending. His gaze could not lie to anyone. Whether it was Luh Cheng's kindness to her or his love for Soong Yuan, Qin Fei believed that he was sincere. But why did he still do it?    


Qin Fei thought about it and felt as if her brain was about to explode. Then she kept coughing intensely. When Lin Yuelin pushed the door open and came in, he saw Qin Fei coughing desperately, which surprised him again. His heart ached again.    


"Why are you coughing? Don't tell me you have caught a cold?" Lin Yuelin quickened his pace and walked to Qin Fei's side. Her current condition really worried him.    


Qin Fei's skin was already fair and had become much paler during this period of time. Now, her face was dyed red from coughing. She covered her chest and coughed violently, as if she was going to cough out all her internal organs.    


Lin Yuelin could only sit by the bed and gently pat her back to help her breathe.    


"Did you kick the blanket at night and catch a cold?" Qin Fei's body was already very weak, so it was not a big deal for ordinary people to catch a cold. For Qin Fei, it was very likely that it would develop into a big problem.    


"Don't be so flustered. I only coughed because my throat was a little dry." Of course, Qin Fei did not say that she felt that there was already blood in her throat and mouth. She had not eaten well and slept well during this period of time. Her body had already consumed a lot of energy. If she told Lin Yuelin, she definitely would not think of looking for Mo tomorrow.    


Lin Yuelin said with an irresistible tone, "When the food comes, you must eat more."    


Qin Fei knew that if her body did not eat well, she would not be able to support it. She also felt bad seeing Lin Yuelin worried about her because of her. She was already an adult. She had to make him worry a little.    


"Okay. I will definitely eat well in a while."    


Soon, the food was served. Cheng Luo personally brought it up. Just as they entered the room, Cheng Luo looked at Qin Fei and knew that her condition was not good. TCM was particular about hearing and asking. Her expression had already betrayed her internal situation.    


Cheng Luo looked at Lin Yuelin and swallowed the words that he was about to say. Lin Yuelin had been overdrafting his body's work and investigating Qin Mo's matter during this period of time, but he still had to worry about Qin Fei. How could he bear it? It was better not to say that Qin Fei's health was not good under these circumstances.    


Qin Fei saw Cheng Luo bring the things up and prepared to get off the bed to eat. This was what she promised Lin Yuelin.    


Lin Yuelin directly blocked her way. "Don't come down. You should eat on the bed."    


Lin Yuelin was originally a person with mysophobia and did not allow eating on the bed. However, Qin Fei was an exception. There were many things in his life that he could not do.    


Lin Yuelin took a bowl of rice from Cheng Luo's plate and said, "You have been working so hard recently. Come, let me feed you."    


Qin Fei was a little shy. She was not a child and did not need people to feed her. So she quickly rejected, I can eat. It's not like I have no hands or legs.    


Lin Yuelin stood at the side and quietly watched Qin Fei eat. Qin Fei was not used to his gaze always on her and felt uncomfortable all over.    


Lin Yuelin realized that Qin Fei did not seem to have moved her chopsticks and thought that he might have made her feel awkward. So his gaze turned to the window. He did not know why he could feel that it was actually Qin Fei who made it difficult for him to be a parent. He originally thought that it would be a child. He hoped that Qin Fei would have a good meal and rest, just like how his parents hoped the child would have a good meal.    


Lin Yuelin's biggest problem now was to find Mo and let Qin Fei rest in peace. Then, he would be willing to eat more. He wanted to raise her until she was white and fat.    


Qin Fei actually did not want to eat at all, but Lin Yuelin looked at her like that. If she did not eat, he would definitely be worried.    


Blood kept flowing in her throat. She did not like the taste of blood and sweetness, but she still had to swallow the food together with the food.    


Seeing that Qin Fei seemed to have some difficulty eating, Lin Yuelin thought that the rice was too dry. He said, Cheng Luo's soup is not bad. You can try it.    


"Yuelin, when are we going to He City tomorrow?" Qin Fei's mind was now thinking about finding Qin Mo.    


"Nine o'clock in the morning. "    


Qin Fei would not be able to sleep tonight. She thought that since she could not sleep anyway, she might as well go find Qin Mo earlier, so she suggested, "I hope it is earlier."    


Lin Yuelin wanted Qin Fei to have a good rest for the night, so he asked his assistant to book the tickets a little later. This woman did not look at her current expression. It was so bad that it made people's heart ache. She needed to rest for a while.    


"Don't talk anymore. After eating, go to sleep early. We will leave tomorrow after getting up."    


"I will go to bed immediately. Let's go at six. It is enough for us to sleep until six o'clock." Qin Fei could not wait any longer. She really wanted to see Qin Mo as soon as possible.    


"When it is five o'clock tomorrow, I will come to see if you have really rested well. If I think you have rested well, I will change the plane ticket." Qin Fei had already lowered her attitude. She was now begging him. But Lin Yuelin was still indifferent.    


He was a father, but he was also a husband. The relationship between husband and wife was always higher than the relationship between parents. He had to take care of his wife first before he could take care of his own child.    


Qin Fei knew that Lin Yuelin's stubbornness was not worse than hers, so she did not speak anymore. She deeply knew that no matter how much she said, it would be useless.    


The next morning, Qin Fei woke up very early. She originally thought that she would not be able to sleep. However, when she found out about the dark hand behind the scenes yesterday, she was like a deflated balloon. Very quickly, she fell asleep. Last night was the best time to sleep during this period of time. After her recuperation, she was already very energetic.    


Qin Fei ran to Lin Yuelin's room and pushed him. Yuelin, why are you still sleeping? Hurry up and change the plane tickets.    


Qin Fei was afraid that she had slept, so she set the alarm for five o'clock in the morning.    



Lin Yuelin was still sleeping. Qin Fei only saw the black shadow in his eyes now. She really felt sorry for him. He must have worked harder than she did during this period of time.    


"Yuelin, I'm sorry to make you so tired." Qin Fei murmured in a low voice, then leaned over and kissed Lin Yuelin's forehead.    


If Lin Yuelin still did not wake up from the noise, it would be because he slept too deeply. When Lin Yuelin opened his eyes, he saw Qin Fei's big and bright face.    


"Good morning, my wife." Lin Yuelin showed a big smile on his face. It felt good to see Qin Fei when he opened his eyes.    


"Good morning, husband." Qin Fei also smiled slightly.    


Hearing this name, Lin Yuelin's tired heart was immediately filled with vitality again. This kind of Qin Fei was very similar to when they first met ten years ago. She was still young, fierce, and eloquent.    


"Fei Fei, I love you." Lin Yuelin wanted to protect Qin Fei's pride, but it was he who had worn away all of her pride over the years. He felt very sorry for her.    


This chapter is over.    


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