Don't Go Against My Mommy

C414 The Desire to Go Surfing

C414 The Desire to Go Surfing

0"A week?" Qin Fei thought for a while. It seemed like it would rain in Bali in a few days. It would not be fun if it rained.    


"Can't you stay for a week?" Lin Yuelin seemed to see Qin Fei's hesitation and asked nervously.    


"No, no, no." Qin Fei shook her head. "I don't have a job anyway. I will stay wherever I go. Besides, I also want to spend more time with you."    


Qin Fei was very disappointed when she thought about not seeing Lin Yuelin after returning to the country. Instead of waiting for Lin Yuelin back in the country, she would rather stay by his side. It was a very good thing to see him every day.    


"Today I want to take you guys to the Sea God Temple." Lin Yuelin introduced the trip to the Sea God Temple as he walked.    


"But you are not allowed to enter this temple unless you are an Indian." Qin Fei thought that since she was not a member of any religion, it would be useless for her to go. Who would want to just walk around outside? It would be better if she did not go in.    


? "Don't worry. Since I have brought you guys there, I naturally have a way to let you guys in." Lin Yuelin said mysteriously.    


Qin Fei knew that Lin Yuelin was very capable, but these were all things related to faith. No matter how amazing Lin Yuelin was, he could not bribe some religious people.    


Qin Sheng had a certain understanding of the Sea God Temple before. The information showed that it was one of the three most famous temples in Bali. The temple was built on a cliff and looked like it was standing in the water. It was a wonder.    


"Dad," Qin Sheng stopped and turned around to look at Lin Yuelin.    


"Are we going to the Sea God Temple to see the sunset? I heard that the sunset there is the most beautiful. I want to see it." Qin Sheng said.    


"It's too early to see the sunset now. Let's go to Kuta Beach and take a look." Lin Yuelin thought for a while and said.    


Qin Fei did not know much about Bali. She had not made any strategies before, so she did not know all the locations.    


"Beach?" Qin Fei was thinking about what was different about this beach. Outside their hotel was the beach.    


"Let me take you to surfing." Lin Yuelin had previously brought Qin Sheng to surfing. She liked this adventure sport very much.    


Qin Sheng was full of anticipation when she heard what Lin Yuelin said. She was a little scared when she went with her father before. She fell in love with him after playing with him once under his encouragement. This sport was too exciting.    


"Sheng is only eight years old. How can she play such an exciting and dangerous sport? What if she falls into the water? " When it came to surfing, although Qin Fei had never experienced it herself, she had seen it on television. She only had one impression, and that was danger.    


As a mother, Qin Fei was not willing to let Qin Sheng try.    


??? "Sheng swam very well and it was fine to fall into the water. Furthermore, Sheng already knew how to surfing previously. She had more or less mastered the technique. If I am not there, I will still be by my side. As a father, will my daughter be in trouble?" Lin Yuelin did not think that surfing was a dangerous thing. It was all because these parents protected their children too well. Many parents overseas took their children to surfing when their children were only a few months old.    


Qin Sheng was really afraid that her mother would not let her surfing.    


Qin Fei still had a straight face and decisively said, "I don't care what you say. Anyway, Sheng, you will listen to me."    


She really hated Lin Yuelin's glib tongue. In just a few moves, he had already moved Qin Sheng's heart. Her eyes had already lit up.    


"Mom, I want to go. I was fine before." Qin Sheng felt that her mother was making a fuss over nothing.    


The last time she was surfing, she saw a younger brother who was even younger than her surfing.    


Soong Yuan had been staring at these adults and did not know what surfing was. But since her sister was surfing, it meant that it was a very fun sport.    


"Little dumpling is also surfing." Soong Yuan suddenly raised her hand and volunteered.    


Qin Fei really had a headache right now. One of them had yet to be convinced and now another came, "Don't mess around with dad and sister. Listen obediently."    


"Fei Fei, protecting the child like this won't do any good to the child's growth. Sheng is really outstanding. You have to trust her." Although Lin Yuelin knew that the consequences of not listening to Qin Fei were very serious, he felt that he was not wrong about this.    


" Mom, look at my body. It is very strong. " Qin Sheng rolled up her sleeves and showed her muscles.    


"Why do you have muscles?" Qin Fei was dumbfounded.    


"When Dad exercises, I also exercise with him, so I have muscles." Qin Sheng said.    


"Even if you have muscles, what does that mean? If I say you can't surfing, that means you can't." Qin Fei felt that logic could not convince the father and daughter, so she could only use power and politics.    


"Mother, you can't do this. I really can surfing. I had surfing with my father before." Qin Sheng was genuinely afraid that Qin Fei would take away her opportunity to surfing. This kind of opportunity was not something that could be found at any time.    


"Sheng, didn't you and sister already feel hungry?" Qin Fei could only change the topic now.    


She wished she could beat Lin Yuelin up right now. If there was nothing else, why would she bring up such a dangerous game like surfing? ...    


"I'm starving. The baby is starving." Soong Yuan had starved to death a long time ago, but for some reason, her mother never mentioned eating. Instead, she talked about surfing. She almost thought surfing was like eating.    


"Since that's the case, let's go eat first." Qin Fei wanted to waste more time eating, so she did not have time to surfing. Instead of patiently discussing with Qin Sheng, it was better to be smart.    


Soong Yuan's desire for food was obviously more important. She quickly raised her hands in agreement with her mother's decision, "Okay, okay, let's eat."    


Qin Sheng could obviously understand Qin Fei's scheme. With a face full of disappointment, she looked innocently at Lin Yuelin. It made him feel somewhat reluctant. In the end, it was still a woman's heart that needed to be more ruthless.    


"There is a very good restaurant near Kutta Beach. Let's go there and eat." Fortunately, Lin Yuelin was prepared.    


Qin Fei bit her lips. It seemed that Lin Yuelin was determined to take Qin Sheng to go surfing.    


"I don't want it. I'm going to starve to death. I want to eat now." Qin Fei said sweetly, her eyes filled with a charming smile.    


Lin Yuelin's Zhang Liang did not expect her to cross the wall and still want to bring his daughter to surfing. It was better to deal with her first.    


Soong Yuan, who was at the side, heard what her mother said very well. "That's right, that's right. We have to eat now. I'm hungry. The baby is hungry."    


Soong Yuan was already waving her arms and legs to show that she was hungry.    


Qin Fei was very grateful for her daughter's help at the crucial moment. "Thank you, baby. Mommy will bring you to eat immediately."    


Soong Yuan immediately ran in front of Qin Fei and hugged her thigh, "Mommy, I want to eat meat. It is very fragrant meat."    


Soong Yuan was already swallowing her saliva.    


Qin Fei liked salty food, but children all liked sweet food. The food here was very suitable for Soong Yuan's appetite, so after she came here, her appetite increased greatly. When it came to eating, her eyes lit up. ...    


"I want ice cream, donuts, delicious ones, sweet ones." Soong Yuan clapped her hands as if she could already see a large amount of delicious food surging towards her.    


"Today we can't eat sweet food anymore. You eat such sweet food every day. Furthermore, you also have to eat so much sugar. It would be strange if your teeth were not eaten up by insects." Qin Fei was very unwilling to let Qin Sheng eat sugar and usually gave less. But Lin Yuelin completely messed up her plan and made her eat more sugar than she had in the past few years.    



Qin Fei also did not know who inherited Soong Yuan's habit of eating sugar. She did not seem to like eating sugar very much, and Lin Yuelin had never eaten sweet food before. But why did the three children born like sweet food so much?    


"You don't understand at all. Eating sweet things makes one's heart sweet, and one will feel very happy." Soong Yuan looked like she would be happy if she ate sugar.    


"I want to see if you will be happy when you grow rotten teeth." Qin Fei rolled her eyes at her.    


"Mom, you are just too unromantic. That is why you have been frowning for a long time." Soong Yuan still remembered that her mother had been frowning a while ago. She thought that if her mother could eat more sugar then she would not be so upset.    


Qin Fei really did not know where this little girl learned these words from. She was like a little adult. Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin with resentment again. It was all because he had given her too much sugar these few days and broke the rules.    


Lin Yuelin did not understand the criticism in Qin Fei's eyes this time. He clearly stood there obediently and did not do anything. Why did she blame him again?    


Qin Fei just wanted to say that Soong Yuan was Lin Yuelin's daughter. At such a young age, she was already eloquent. She really did not know what she would be like in the future. Just thinking about it made her feel scared.    


Lin Yuelin knew that he could not starve his wife and child. He could only point to the front. "Alright, alright. Let's eat nearby. There is a very delicious restaurant not far ahead."    


Although Lin Yuelin had never played around, he knew where there were delicious restaurants all over the world.    


Soong Yuan heard what he said and focused all her attention on Lin Yuelin. Qin Sheng knew that her desire to surfing had been shattered. She also thought that in her sister's heart, she was not as important as food. This made her even more depressed.    


Soong Yuan said, "Uncle Lin, hurry up and lead the way. We are going to eat something."    


Every time Soong Yuan called Lin Yuelin uncle, his eyes were filled with resentment. It was clearly his father's, but now he was called uncle. No matter how he heard it, he felt uncomfortable.    


? "Little dumpling, you are very tired walking. Come and let uncle carry you." Lin Yuelin could only take a step back and ask for the second best. He only hoped that he could quickly move her and wait until she was willing to accept him as her father.    


The current Lin Yuelin was like a delicacy to Soong Yuan. She did not hesitate to rush towards Lin Yuelin.    


Lin Yuelin had long opened his arms and waited for a lump of soft meat to appear in his arms. "Little dumpling, run up and jump into uncle's arms..."    


This chapter is over.    


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