Don't Go Against My Mommy

C497 Final Victory

C497 Final Victory

0"Brother, we are a family." Lin Yuelin provoked him.    


"We are not a family. I am different from you." Luh Cheng was depressed and short of breath right now. Moreover, Lin Yuelin always said some irritating things. He really could not communicate with him properly.    


"Brother, don't be so stubborn. Let me go and let yourself go." Lin Yuelin must bring Mo back this time. He had already broken his promise many times in front of Qin Fei. He absolutely couldn't go back on his word.    


Luh Cheng randomly searched Carrot Cube's body and then took out a gun. "Do you believe that I will kill you now?"    


"Kill me. I am willing to let Mo go." Lin Yuelin was almost certain that Luh Cheng would not shoot him.    


"Why should I agree to your terms? What right do you have to negotiate with me?" Luh Cheng had already lost to Lin Yuelin. It was impossible for him to reunite with his family.    


"You have always thought that I have a good life in the Lin family. Do you know what kind of life I have been living since I was young? I don't have friends or even parents. They only care about their own feelings. That so-called father is still a playboy. And my mother always thinks that I am like my father, so when she sees me, she never has a good expression on her face. When I am sick, it has always been the maid who watches me. My parents have never come to the hospital to see me. Oh right, your mom should love you. Compared to you, besides being richer, I don't have anything more blissful than you." Lin Yuelin had only told Qin Fei about these things. He did not want to be miserable. However, if his words could make him feel better, he did not mind putting the pain of his childhood in front of them.    


"Do you think my personality is very similar to yours? How can I not be like you? I have never received love, but I have a responsibility. My childhood was constantly encouraged, and I was studying when other children were playing. Other children were sleeping, and I was studying. When I was young, I had to bear the responsibility of a family business. Do you think that Lin is very important to me? It is the source of my pain. " Lin Yuelin said this without any reason and became excited. "Do you think that Lin Jiadong only let you down? He also let me down."    


Luh Cheng's eyes were filled with disbelief. He had always thought that Lin Yuelin had stolen what he deserved, and that he had lived a happy life in the Lin family.    


"Nonsense. Lin Jiadong gave up on my mother because of your mother." Luh Cheng's face was full of pain.    


"You are wrong. My mother and Lin Jiadong had a business marriage. They don't like each other. At first, their marriage was useful to the prosperity of the family, that's why they got married. I am their product, no one has ever felt sorry for me. In the eyes of Lin Jiadong, all I need to do is shoulder the responsibility, and never give me a little bit of fatherly love." Lin Yuelin felt that his heart and lungs were in pain.    


Luh Cheng always felt that he was the victim. Could it be that he was much better?    


"You don't have to say anymore. I won't believe it." These were things that Luh Cheng didn't know about. He didn't know if it was true or not, but he knew that if he heard too much, he would definitely show mercy.    


"Because of my parents' influence, I once thought that I would not get married. Because marriage is too terrifying. I originally thought that my life would be so lonely, even though I looked very cool and at ease when I was in the midst of the flowers... Only I know how desolate my heart is. Until I met Qin Fei, she let me see hope. It made me want to spend my life with someone for the first time. It was her who made me become someone who likes sunshine. " When Lin Yuelin mentioned Qin Fei, he had a smile on his face.    


"You deliberately said these things to make me sympathize with you, right?" Luh Cheng gritted his teeth and said.    


"I don't need anyone's sympathy. I just want to tell you not to think that you are the only unfortunate person in this world. Then, you will be full of malice towards this world. There are many people in this world who are more difficult and painful than you. " Lin Yuelin had once hated his father, but he still walked out. However, Luh Cheng had lived until now with such hatred, which caused his personality to become extremely paranoid.    


He sympathized with him.    


"Don't speak anymore. Get lost." Luh Cheng said to the people behind him, "Help me get him out of here."    


This was the first time in Lin Yuelin's life that he was thrown out by a group of people. He stood up. He patted the dust off his body and smiled helplessly. He had already told them about his tragic encounter, but this Luh Cheng was still not satisfied.    


"Lin Yuelin, I'm sorry. Thank you for not killing my brother-in-law." Carrot Cube bowed to Lin Yuelin.    


"What's the use of apologizing? Keep it. I'll be leaving first." Lin Yuelin smiled coldly and turned around to leave.    


"Mo went to Italy. I only know this. The rest is up to you." Carrot Ding knew that she had betrayed Luh Cheng, but she couldn't bear to see Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei clearly know that her child was still alive. She would never see them again.    


Lin Yuelin's big strides finally stopped. He didn't know whether he should trust Carrot Cube or Luh Cheng's smoke bomb.    


"Lin Yuelin, in fact, my brother-in-law knows he is wrong, but his temper is like that. He would never apologize. His brother-in-law is sick. He won't be able to live for long. That was why he planned all of this. I'm not saying all of this to ask you to forgive us. I just hope that everything will go smoothly in the future. My brother-in-law doesn't know the exact location of Qin Mo. He only asked Qili and Mary. It was Shangguan Xue who escorted him after the plastic surgery. Qili was Shangguan Xue's younger brother. He hates Shangguan Yan, but you let his enemy die. So he hated you to death. You must be careful when you see them. " Carrot Cube told Lin Yuelin everything she knew. Perhaps this was the only thing she could do for them. She hoped that she could help her brother-in-law relieve some of his sins.    


"Thank you." Lin Yuelin was silent for a while before he said.    


Looking at Lin Yuelin's back, Bai Qi could not help but sigh. In fact, Lin Yuelin and Luh Cheng really looked alike. No wonder they were brothers.    


Initially, Lin Yuelin was a little happy when he found out about the whereabouts of the silence, but he found out that Lin Yuelin was really similar to ___. Qin Mo was now in Shangguan Xue's hands. He couldn't be happy no matter what. Shangguan Xue had always hated Qin Mo and Qin Fei. Now that Mo was in her hands, he didn't know what would happen to him.    


His steps were a little heavy, but he had already started to calculate how to find Mo as soon as possible. After thinking for a while, he still told everyone about this matter. The current situation was that there was a lot of strength in numbers.    


In the past, when Lin Yuelin encountered a problem, he only knew that one person was doing things with a low head, but after meeting Qin Fei, his male tendency had changed a lot.    


Lin Yuelin believed that they would definitely be able to find Qin Mo if they worked together this time.    


When Qin Fei heard about Qin Mo, she was talking about some things with Mei Shuang. She originally thought that it would take a few months to settle these things. However, she didn't expect that Lin Yuelin would be able to settle all these matters in such a short period of time. The admiration she had for Lin Yuelin was like a surging river. If Lin Yuelin was right in front of her at this moment... She would definitely give him a kiss impatiently.    


Qin Fei held Mei Shuang's hand. She did not even know how painful it was when she held her hand. She said randomly, "Mei Shuang, do you think the food last night was really delicious?"    


?? Qin Fei could not find any words to describe her feelings at this moment.    


Mei Shuang did not know what had happened at all. Anyway, after she answered the phone, she felt as if she had received a huge shock. She was stunned for a long time before she grabbed her hand and said some brainless words.    


"Fei Fei, what's wrong? Are you sick?" Mei Shuang was shocked by Qin Fei's abnormal behavior.    


Qin Fei suddenly stood up from her seat. "I'm fine. I'm going to Italy immediately."    


Mei Shuang still did not know why Qin Fei was suddenly so excited. Wasn't it just going to Italy? This was a very normal thing. She heard that Qin Fei also grew up in a big family. The Qin family had a solid family background. Could it be that the Qin family had fallen?    


When Soong Ze received Lin Yuelin's call, he heaved a sigh of relief. He initially thought that Lin Yuelin would most likely die this time. He didn't know how he was going to explain this to Qin Fei, but now he finally felt relieved. However, there was still no precise location of Mo. As Soong Ze picked up the phone, he greeted Luh Cheng's eighteen generations of ancestors. This man was truly a good man. People always said that people would die with good intentions, but why was this man still so shameless?    


?? After Lin Yuelin told these news to the people he needed to tell, he immediately flew to Italy. He had already made up his mind that this time, no matter how much manpower, material resources, and financial resources he spent, he had to find Qin Mo.    


Their family had been separated for so long, so they should have gathered together.    


Everyone rushed to Italy from all directions. They had a common goal, and that was to find Qin Mo.    


Of course, Lin Yuelin was the closest to Italy, and he was also the first to arrive. In the past, he would come to this country when he was on a business trip. He liked the sunshine in Italy very much. But this time, he was not in the mood to appreciate these things. Lin Yuelin did not know anyone in Italy, but he believed that as long as he had money, there was nothing he could not do.    


When Lin Yuelin arrived in Italy, he found the biggest radio station in Italy. He asked them to publish the news that they could find Qin Mo and get a large sum of money.    


When Soong Ze and Qin Fei arrived, Lin Yuelin was already very busy here. Fortunately, his English was very fluent, so it was not a problem for him to communicate with the locals.    


Soong Ze and Qin Fei's English was also good, but Soong Ze did not understand some of the languages that the locals spoke. At this time, he could only rely on Lin Yuelin.    


The help Soong Ze could provide to Lin Yuelin was that he had many partners in Italy. As long as he needed help, he could go and find them.    


Lin Yuelin and Soong Ze split up to find Qin Mo, while Qin Fei could only wait in the temporary residence in Italy. Her biggest use was to beg him not to get hurt when she found Qin Mo.    


This chapter is over.    


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