Don't Go Against My Mommy

C8 Nightmare's Slap(2)

C8 Nightmare's Slap(2)

0At that time, Qin Fei was just a proud daughter of heaven who had never experienced any setbacks. She did not know that only restraining her power was the performance of the strong. Only then would the surrounding people become an iron wall to protect her. However, what Qin Fei did not understand was that Qin Xiaoxiao used it the most smoothly.    


Qin Xiaoxiao's tears immediately poured down like a heavy rain and her entire face was wet. She used both hands to hold the hem of her clothes and cried with tears, "Older sister, what do you need to do to be willing to accept me? Don't you think that I am also a victim? Is my identity something I can choose? You know, I have been suffering because of my identity as an illegitimate daughter. But when my father told me that I still have a sister, I was very happy. When I saw you, I was even happier, I was proud of having such an excellent elder sister. I truly want to be sisters with you. I have no schemes or schemes."    


Qin Fei had long been immune to Qin Xiaoxiao's tears. She had already seen such a scene countless of times. This woman seemed to be a faucet without a gate. If she wanted to cry, her tears would fall like rain.    


Actually, Qin Fei quite admired this kind of ability. Actually, as long as she gave in and cried in front of her father and Soong Ze, her situation would not deteriorate but she could not do it.    


Qin Fei frowned and her eyes were filled with disgust, "Let go."    


Qin Fei dragged Qin Xiaoxiao to the staircase.    


"Qin Xiaoxiao, are you going to let go?"    


"I won't let it go even if I die."    


"I won't let it go even if I die? Qin Xiaoxiao, you don't know how much I want you to die." Qin Fei's face was dark and her eyes were deep.    


After saying that, she pushed Qin Xiaoxiao and she automatically let go of the hand that was holding her. Her eyes revealed a proud smile.    


Qin Xiaoxiao rolling down the stairs laughing made Qin Fei feel deeply uneasy. She heard the huge sound of falling. Her mind was a mess. Impossible, she did not really want her to die. She didn't use much strength either, so how could she fall?    


It wasn't until Soong Ze appeared in front of her that she figured it out. This was Qin Xiaoxiao acting!    


But it was already too late to say anything now. Blue veins bulged on Soong Ze's forehead. His face flushed red from anger, and his eyes were bloodshot. He had sentenced her to death without even asking her a single question. "Fei Fei, you're too detestable."    


"It's not me..." Qin Fei wanted to explain, but when the words reached her mouth, she could not say anything.    


She had always believed that those who loved me would understand me. What was the use of explaining to those who did not love me.    


"You have disappointed me too much." Soong Ze slapped Qin Fei hard on the face. Qin Fei tasted the fishy and sweet taste of blood in her mouth. All the confusion and helplessness in her heart instantly calmed down.    


At that moment, Qin Fei felt that the love between her and Soong Ze, who were childhood sweethearts, had died.    


When the slap landed, Soong Ze's hand still remained in the air. He looked at Qin Fei and saw that there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth, but the brilliance in his eyes had long disappeared. He was like a lifeless puppet, dull and hopeless.    


He looked at his hand that had just hit Qin Fei in confusion and shock, and then looked at Qin Fei who was gradually becoming calmer and calmer. The determination in her eyes stung his eyes, and it also stung every living cell in his body.    


"Fei Fei, I..."    


Explanation? How could he explain it?    


Soong Ze had always protected Qin Fei since she was young and had never said anything loudly to her. Not to mention hitting her. No one understood her stubbornness better than him. He knew that his slap had really hurt Qin Fei's heart. He also knew that no matter what he did in the future, he would not be able to make up for today's slap.    


It was completely over between them.    


Soong Ze's face was filled with endless regret and pain.    


Qin Xiaoxiao, who rolled down the stairs, was sent to the hospital by Qin Shi. The doctor said that she might never wake up.    


When Qin Shi transferred the doctor's words to Qin Fei, she did not have the time to care about whether she could wake up or not. She could not even fill the gap in her heart.    


Qin Fei did not tell anyone that after Qin Xiaoxiao appeared, she lived like a hedgehog. But not long ago... Soong Ze personally pulled out her sharp body, allowing her to walk with her bloody flesh exposed. Every step she took was filled with bloody pain.    


People were used to seeing scars on the outside, and not caring about the injuries in their hearts was the most fatal.    


No one cared about what Qin Fei was doing. They only blamed her for her mistakes and made her repent for what she had done.    


Qin Fei was sent from Qin family to England by Soong Ze. She was ordered by Qin Shi.    


However, the first month Qin Fei went to England, the maid of her mother when she was still alive sent news that Qin Xiaoxiao had woken up.    


What a big game of chess, such a wonderful play. Qin Fei accompanied Qin Xiaoxiao in acting for so long but she had never thought that Qin Xiaoxiao did not want her forgiveness. Instead, she replaced her position in the Qin family and her position in Soong Ze's heart.    


What a huge appetite!    


But Qin Xiaoxiao really did it.    


In less than four years, Qin Xiaoxiao and Soong Ze's engagement banquet was on the auspicious day of the auspicious day, and she was even called back by her own father to attend.    


"You bastards! You are all bastards! What did I do wrong? Why are you all treating me like this?! Why don't all of you believe me?!"    


[This chapter is over]    


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