Warlord, Get Out Of My Way

C154 Make up Your Mind to Buy a Medicine Shop

C154 Make up Your Mind to Buy a Medicine Shop

0Lin Miaoting did not continue to be sad. Instead, she directly asked for the price of this medicine store.    


"Old man, I wonder how your medicine store sells?" Lin Miaoting asked.    


"You saw it too. My medicine store is only this big. But there is a small courtyard behind. There are three rooms in the courtyard. Although the rooms inside are not big, there are three rooms in the courtyard. But they're all from the North and South House. But, girl, let me tell you something. The courtyard in the backyard is very big. Normally, this old man would use it to bask in some of the herbs that we picked ourselves. How about this? I'll take you to take a look first, after that, If you're satisfied, we can discuss the price later. "If you are not satisfied, I can only wish you a better house."    


Lin Miaoting heard the old man's words and nodded in agreement. Indeed, when buying things, one must look at the goods no matter what. If this thing said the price before looking but did not buy in the end, both sides would be satisfied and embarrassed. It was a waste of time and also a waste of the buyers and sellers' mood.    


Seeing Lin Miaoting nod and agree, the old man put the rules of the herbs in his hands to the side and then led Lin Miaoting and Xia Yu to the backyard.    


Opening the curtain that was used as a partition in the medicine store, the two of them walked to the back room of the medicine store. It was a small hall and there were many things and medicines stored inside.    


After passing through the hall, the three of them went into the courtyard. In fact, the courtyard inside was not as big as the old man had said. Perhaps it was because the medicinal herbs were placed in a relatively large area, so the entire courtyard looked very narrow. It was only enough for the three of them to walk in a horizontal row.    


As for the three small rooms that the old man mentioned, Lin Miaoting roughly took a look. Although the area inside was about the same size as the one she had lived in the earliest, it was still considered to be well-ventilated and had everything.    


"Old man, I like the layout of this shop and the backyard very much. I wonder how much you want?" Returning to the shop again, Lin Miaoting directly asked.    


"This shop is a little remote. I bought it for 15,000 taels. Later, I got a lot of medicinal herbs and dyed most of the medicinal herbs normal medicinal herbs. " However, there were also a few precious herbs, but they were kept in the backyard by me. Fortunately, I kept them in the backyard. "Speaking of this, the old man felt a sense of sadness. Then, he seemed to have realized something.    


Miss, apart from some daily necessities from our third son in the backyard, I want 18,000 gold taels from you. What do you think? "    


18,000 taels of silver? This price was very reasonable. After all, the location of the medicine store was indeed close to the end of the street. It was about to reach the city gate. And there was a powerful competitor on the opposite side.    


After thinking for a moment, Lin Miaoting finally nodded her head in agreement.    


There was no other way. It was her fault for suddenly changing her mind. 18,000 taels. She would treat it as doing good deeds, not to mention that she had obtained a shop in the capital. Just thinking about how she had seen those few trading shops just now... Even if the cheapest didn't bring the backyard, it would still cost her twenty thousand taels. The main point wasn't the things in the shop. It was worth eighteen thousand gold taels for all these things.    


At most, she would sell penicillin! She did not believe that the other party would dare to buy it, unless he was not afraid of the person with the most authority in Xuanyuan Kingdom. Besides, she still had the secret weapon of space, so who was she afraid of?    


"Old man, when can we settle the relevant contract documents?"    


The old man saw Lin Miaoting and agreed immediately. He was also stunned in his heart. Then, he said. "Miss, since you want to buy the herbs and continue to make the medicine shop, my third son will help you adjust the original position of the herbs as soon as possible. As for the procedures, you see that it is already late and the government is resting. " How about we go tomorrow morning? We can do the same too. Let's reorganize it. " The old man's words were very clear.    


"Of course," the old man said. "Then we have a deal. You can't sell it to anyone else." Lin Miaoting directly said. The old man nodded.    


After getting the confirmation from the old man, Lin Miaoting looked at Xia Yu. Receiving Lin Miaoting's signal, Xia Yu happily took out three thousand taels of silver from her pocket and handed it to Lin Miaoting.    


"Old man, this is three thousand taels of silver. Take it as the deposit for me to buy this shop. " I would also like to trouble you to write a word with a diploma so that I can rest assured. "What do you think?" Lin Miaoting passed the three thousand silver notes to the old man. Lin Miaoting was not worried that the old man would run away overnight because she believed him. Someone's guards are definitely capable of getting them back. Could it be that she was leaning against a big tree to take shelter? It was just that Lin Miaoting did not expect it. What she needed to cool down was not just this matter, but also other things...    


The old man looked at the banknotes Lin Miaoting handed over and did not reach out to receive them. Finally, after a while, the old man's hand trembled as he received the three banknotes with a thousand silver denomination.    


"Miss, you are really thoughtful. I will ask my son to find some ink paper and ink to come over and make room for it. We will now write a receipt."    


After the old man finished speaking to Lin Miaoting, he called her over. One of her sons, whose legs were still good, was tidying up the cabinet.    


"Second Brother, go find some ink and paper and pour out the counter while you're at it. Then go find Xu Shui, who runs a grocery store, and ask him to be our witness."    


"Okay, got it, Dad."    


Hearing his father's orders, The old man's second son, the young man whose legs were still relatively good, first dug out ink and ink from the collapsed cabinet, then went out to invite the person called Xu Shui.    


While waiting for the old man's son to return, Lin Miaoting and Xia Yu helped the old man tidy up the house. The old man stood up and refused to say that there was no need. In the end, under Lin Miaoting's insistence, they agreed. Later, when he saw that Lin Miaoting also recognized the medicinal herbs, he happily agreed to Lin Miaoting's help.    


"Young lady, you also know medicinal herbs." The old man saw Lin Miaoting correctly distribute the medicinal herbs into various drawers with names written on them. Her expression was slightly surprised as she asked. In particular, a hint of joy flashed across his eyes. Originally, he thought that this was a girl from a wealthy family. He had just come out to experience it, but he had never thought that she would be wearing white clothes. The veiled girl was a real herbalist. This was something that suddenly occurred to the old man's mind. However, it only flashed for a moment, and he did not catch it.    


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