The Romantic Soldier King



0Ye Cheng followed the direction Shadowflame pointed and not long later, he saw a bright light in front of him. It turned out that this was only an underground tunnel, and when he came out of the tunnel, he discovered that he had just passed by a field of farmland.    


After searching around the exit for a while, Ye Cheng found a few messy footprints. A few meters away, there was a wolf fang mark.    


With his new discovery, Ye Cheng was overjoyed. He increased his speed and continued his chase. Right now, time was of the essence to him. Xiao Yao and his other subordinate had also disappeared without a trace, and judging from the crops that had been trampled on, the tracks were still fresh, meaning that the other party had not gone far. This was a good sign.    


There were two wolfhound handles at the door, and a jeep was parked in the courtyard. There were two security rooms at two of the quadrangle courtyard, and there was only one independent house with two to three stories high. Each floor was guarded.    


Ye Cheng was hiding in the farmland. Right now, the sun was about to set in the west quickly.    


After a while, a few people came out from the house, and Ye Cheng recognized one of them. It was Young Lord Inagawa Otake, and the two people behind him looked like they were from Inagawa-kai.    


Inagawa Otake shook hands with a man dressed in a Chinese tunic suit and chatted for a while, then got into the jeep and left.    


Ye Cheng slowly moved half a step to the left and saw clearly the person who was dropped in the courtyard. "Black bear!"    


The man dressed in the attire of Zhong Shan looked around, then ordered people to close the iron door, and walked into the villa behind him. Ye Cheng suddenly stood up, and felt a presence behind him, and turned around to grab his hand.    


"It's me!"    


Hearing the familiar voice, Ye Cheng withdrew his attack. Seeing Xiao Yifeng and Fan Mingcheng dressed like ghosts and squatting under a tree, Ye Cheng was so dark that only the whites of his eyes could be seen.    


Xiao Yifeng waved his hand towards Ye Cheng, signalling him to follow, the three of them walked towards the forest behind them. In the depths of the forest, Ye Cheng saw a simple tent made from tree branches. Underneath the tent, there were a computer and a locator.    


"Two died, and Black Bear was locked up in there. He didn't commit any atrocities, but he was given an injection every day. What took you so long? "    


"Something has happened in Hong Kong! He had just killed a monster at the factory, what was the situation inside? Why not just go in and save them? "    


"If we could have saved him, we would have gone in to save him!" Xiao Yifeng revealed a painful expression. "This is what we've detected in the past few days. You want to take a look?"    


"These red dots are scattered all around the house in the minefield. Only one path can be entered, and there's an infrared monitor in front of us, and there's an identification at the door. If you want to enter the minefield without taking the proper route, you have to force your way through."    


Ye Cheng stared at those red dots, which had a diameter of five meters and formed a half circle. From the surface, it was not clear what type of mine was buried here, but he had thought of an extremely simple method.    


"How many people are in there?"    


"There are 35 armed men. This is the armory." Xiao Yifeng pointed to a small square building beside the villa.    


"Breakthrough from the right path. With firepower, we only need two minutes." Fan Mingcheng said as he wiped his gun.    


"Did you see two policemen brought in today?"    


"Only one car went in. No one else."    


"An Ningxuan's underlings went missing in the medicine factory. I tracked their footprints and came here!"    


"Someone's coming!" Fan Mingcheng shouted in a low voice from afar.    


A motorcycle drove into the villa. Fan Mingcheng looked at the two people's lips through the telescope and said, "They found Shadowflame's corpse! We have no time. "    


put away the equipment and carried his backpack. He gestured to Ye Cheng and Fan Mingcheng and the three of them quickly went into the forest.    


Over ten minutes later, Shadowflame's corpse was brought back.    


The man in the Chinese tunic suit lifted up the cloth. The body was different, poisoned and dead.    


"Wolf Fang technique!" Find them. "    


Another group of people rushed out. Under the lights, the man dressed in the Chinese tunic walked in front of Black Bear. He held onto Black Bear's chin and forced him to face him. Where are they? "    


Black Bear weakly raised his head and spat on the man's face.    


"Good!" "A spirit of loyalty!" The man in the Chinese tunic suit laughed sinisterly and took out a chair to sit in the yard. I heard that the people from Wolf Fang have very hard bones, so I won't kill you. I will slowly torture you to see how hard your bones are. "    


The entire courtyard was lit up by lights. After Ye Cheng quickly took out the thug in his hands, he cut off his head and threw him to the side.    


A timid person went back to the mansion and whispered a few words into the man's ear. The man immediately stood up and took out his gun to destroy the person. Wolf Fang's people, listen carefully. Your people are in my hands, obediently come out and surrender, or else I'll kill him! "    


Fan Mingcheng bellowed as he was about to walk out, but he was stopped by Xiao Yifeng. He looked at Ye Cheng and asked, "Thirty-five people.    


Ye Cheng shook his head, he gazed at the brightly lit courtyard in front of him.    


Seeing that there was no response, the man dressed in the middle mountain suit shouted to his subordinates, "Every ten minutes, inject 0.5. I want to see who can last past who!"    


Black Bear stared at the needle, struggling with all his might. He clearly knew what was inside.    


"I know you will like it. Isn't that what you have to find? This medicine has yet to be listed on the market, so I'll use you to try it out. If the effect is good, I can sell it for a large sum. Don't blame me for being ruthless, but your teammates are too weak. "    


"The potion worked instantly, and the black bear let out a painful cry. His round eyes were bloodshot and blurry, as if he had fallen into another space. No one knows what he's looking at now."    


"Boss!" Fan Mingcheng roared at Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng silently walked to the side, grabbed a human head and ran out into the air.    


"The sound of a bullet breaking the shell instantly rang out." Three points to the left!    


Fan Mingcheng immediately fled out, and found a sniper on a tree, instantly killed him, and brought his head back with him.    


"There are 19 heads here, the detonation time of the mine is only two minutes, so you have to pass through the frontline within one and a half minutes."    


"Ye Cheng, are you really giving up on Black Bear?"    


Not to mention two minutes, even a few seconds were more than enough for the opponent to kill Black Bear.    


Ye Cheng only smiled as he grabbed each and every head with one hand. You only have a minute to break through. "    


Xiao Yifeng stomped his feet and was the first to rush down the hill.    


Boom!" BOOM!    


A series of explosions sounded and a fiery light came from all directions.    



The man in the Chinese tunic suit in the middle could not hold it in any longer, as there were people fearlessly attacking from the minefield. With his order, he focused all his firepower towards the front, while the two shadows sneaked in.    


The two dogs by the door, smelling the scent of strangers, immediately barked.    


The man dressed in the Chinese tunic felt that it was a good idea and immediately sent some people to investigate.    


Xiao Yifeng and Fan Mingcheng used their blades to cut off the dogs, and when the henchmen came out, he used his Spirit Serpent Cave to kill them. Then he skillfully chopped off their heads, and one of them climbed up to the villa, taking the high ground.    


Xiao Yifeng sneered, he threw his head up and kicked towards the center of the courtyard.    


Swish! Seven or eight people surrounded him, with guns in their hands, they pointed at Xiao Yifeng.    


"I'm here!" Xiao Yifeng faked an expression of raising his hand and walked towards the man dressed in the chinese tunic suit.    


"You are Ye Cheng?" The man dressed in the middle mountain suit sized Xiao Yifeng up from head to toe, the corner of his eyes narrowing.    


"Release my men!"    


"You want me to let them go, Ye Cheng, you wish for me to release them. You wolf fang broke through two of my bases, and you want me to release them. Men, tie them up!"    


Xiao Yifeng revealed a strange smile, and directly kicked the person in front of him, sending him flying to the ground. He held onto the person on the left with both of his hands, turned his body, and kicked towards the other side with twisted legs. After knocking two people down, a gunshot rang out, and a hole had been punched through the black bear's thigh.    


"If you don't want your brother to die, then surrender."    


Xiao Yifeng released his hand, and a heavy blow to the back of his head struck. His body tilted, and his head shook, three black gun muzzles appeared.    


"How much benefits did Inagawa Otake give you by helping outsiders to harm our people?"    


"People die for money, birds die for food! This old man admits that he doesn't recognize money. " "The man in the chinese tunic suit patted Xiao Yifeng's face and chuckled. I never thought that one day, the famous Ye Cheng in the East Sea would be so weak. I think those people have overestimated you,, that whatever, when I kill all of you, I will be the boss of the East Sea. "    


Even if you kill me, you won't be able to be the boss of Eastsea City. Relying on you, you are nothing but a pawn in the hands of Yichuan, he would abandon the Hong Alliance and cooperate with you. I have never even heard of you.    


"Bullshit!" "The man in the middle mountain suit used his spear to smash towards Xiao Yifeng's head. Hong Alliance is nothing, back then I did all sorts of shady things for that Leng, now that I have power and influence, I can just throw me away like a rag, hehe, I will definitely not let that brat get away with it, and you. "    


"Pointing the gun at Xiao Yifeng's temple, the man in the middle mountain suit pulled the trigger. As long as I can get your head, and hand it over to the mountain pass, the entire East Sea will be my territory and all the businesses will be in my hands. Don't worry, I will fulfill your wish of getting Hong Alliance out of the East Sea, and they will also be my enemies. "    


"Ha ha!" Xiao Yifeng laughed out loud. I, Ye Cheng, am not afraid of death. Since our common enemy is the Hong Alliance, who are you? "    


"You don't need to know who I am, I'll send you to see Hades now."    


The main hall! Shell out! There was only a fraction of a second of time. However, it was this little bit of time that miraculously happened.    


Bullets stuck!    


Xiao Yifeng laughed and said loudly: "I cannot continue, why aren't you coming out!"    


Before the man could figure out what was going on, his vision blurred and a fire dragon shot out from the firepower. In a flash, it circled around the entire arena and stood in front of him.    


"You, who are you?"    


"Ye Cheng!" "Ye Cheng revealed his true appearance after putting away the golden sun body, and used his palm to grab onto Zhong Shan's neck, pushing him against the wall." Fan Mingcheng, kill them all, don't leave a single one alive. "    


A gunshot rang out from the top of his head. None of them had escaped the fate of the bullet.    


Xiao Yifeng easily broke free from the ropes that had been untied long ago, walked to Black Bear's side, and helped him untie the ropes.    


"You, you are Ye Cheng?"    


"What else do you want to say?"    


"You, you can't kill me, I am ?"    


The middle-aged man no longer had the chance to tell Ye Cheng who he was. Ye Cheng pinched his fingers tightly, and his throat made a "ka ka" sound.    


"I have no interest in knowing who you are!"    


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