The Romantic Soldier King



0"The boss stared at An Gaohan and cold sweat broke out from the bottom of his heart. A corpse abuse case? "    


Ye Cheng blinked his eyes at An Gaohan, not only was he shocked by his calm demeanor, he was also shocked.    


"I have to leave first."    


Just as An Gaohan stood up, he was blocked by the boss in front of him. If you want to leave, it won't be that easy. Close the door, and if you don't say what you want today, don't even think about leaving. "    


"Boss, you are forcibly seizing the innocent masses. This is against the law."    


"Violation of the law? As long as I have money, the police are nothing. " Suddenly, the boss arrogantly said, "Your cat injured my shop's customers, so the medical fees and compensation cannot be lacking. In addition, you have to apologize to me. You have insulted my restaurant, so the mental damages cannot be reduced by a single cent."    


Ye Cheng shouted. He had seen shameless people before, but he had never seen such a shameless person.    


An Ningxuan could not hold back his anger, he was about to go berserk on the spot, but he was stopped by Ye Cheng. When men do things, why would women stick their tongues in?    


Pushing An Ningxuan to the side, Ye Cheng linked his hands with the boss's neck and pulled the girl's arm to the side.    


"I say brother, a wise man knows what to do. If you want to make a big deal out of this, then it's you guys who will be at a disadvantage."    


"Don't try this on me. It's not that easy for you to fool me."    


The boss was a person who desperately wanted money. Since it was impossible to argue with him, he turned to the little girl. Sister! Your boss doesn't know what's going on here. Do you think this matter is a private matter or a public matter? "    


"Brat, you're really good-looking, how could you threaten a girl? If you have the ability, come at me. Don't be afraid, I'm your boss, I'll carry the burden."    


"Good!" That's what I was waiting for. " Ye Cheng waved his hand at the black cat and the black cat quickly ran into the kitchen. Ye Cheng sneered and then charged in. I'm handing it over to you outside. "    


An Gaohan supported himself up with his head as he looked at the person in front of him, he did not want to be mixed up in this strange conflict, but he had coincidentally met Ye Cheng, so this kind of thing happened a number of times, and was extremely annoying.    


"Leave those unrelated people and go where you should be."    


Anyone who passed by would be able to tell that this handsome guy was not someone to be trifled with. He didn't speak much, but his entire body was filled with hostility. Upon hearing these words, those who didn't care about their own matters all retreated to the side.    


The boss was startled for a moment, and immediately followed Ye Cheng into the kitchen.    


"Stop, what are you doing?"    


The kitchen was quite clean. Under Ye Cheng's constant rummaging, all of the ingredients were thrown to the ground.    


Ye Cheng pushed the owner away, and the black cat jumped around in the meat, as if it was looking for something. Not long later, it started to clamor about a snake skin pouch that was stuffed at the bottom of the cupboard.    


"Hehe, it's you."    


Ye Cheng slammed the fridge door shut, pulling the snakeskin bag out of the cabinet. Opening it to gag, a pungent stench of blood assaulted his nose.    


"Boss, I think it's time for you to explain things to the health authorities, animal protection organizations, and the police."    


"What ? what is this?" The boss blankly stared at the snakeskin bag. His surprise didn't seem to be fake.    


Ye Cheng chuckled. It's about your purchases and your employees. "    


Crouching down, Ye Cheng stretched out his hand towards the black cat. The little guy jumped onto Ye Cheng's shoulder and sat there steadily, it bared its fangs at the owner, Ye Cheng dragged the snake skin bag out of the kitchen and threw the corpse in front of the girl.    


"I'm not asking you anything, just leave a message for the police!"    


"Big Brother, I beg of you, please spare me." The little girl kneeled on the ground and grabbed Ye Cheng's leg as she cried out.    


"Girl, not everyone's pet can be abused." Ye Cheng pulled out his feet and walked to An Ningxuan's side, handing the black cat over to him. He glanced at the leftover meat on the plate and smirked at An Gaohan. I didn't know you were so loving. "    


"What do you mean?" An Ningxuan asked, confused.    


"I like your brother's intelligence. Let him test my chemical composition, and let me help him settle this cat meat shop."    


"What the hell is going on? Why is there so much cat meat in my shop? Say it! " the owner asked, rushing out of the kitchen and dragging the wounded man.    


The man pushed the boss away and punched him twice, causing him to scream on the ground. Then, he picked up the kitchen knife on the ground and waved towards Ye Cheng.    


"Damn it! This is bad news! I want your life!"    


Ye Cheng shook his head, bent the knee, and kicked the man into the air, mercilessly punching him in the perineum.    


The man bounced off the wall and tumbled onto the table. The girl ran up to check on his injuries while crying. Unexpectedly, the man grabbed her by the neck and stood up, threatening her with a knife. "Everyone, move aside. If anyone dares to obstruct me, I will kill her."    


Ye Cheng looked at the man, he then made a gesture of invitation, the man was holding the girl and walking towards the door, at this moment, a police car was already approaching from afar, upon noticing that there was someone holding onto a hostage with a sword, he immediately requested for assistance, and before long, several police cars arrived one after another, holding onto the gun and aiming it at the criminal with the gun.    


An Ningxuan secretly looked outside and spoke to Ye Cheng: "You truly are a bad person."    


"I admit that to deal with such a scum is to use evil to suppress evil."    


"The girl cried and complained as she cried." Don't you love me? How could you do this to me? "    


"Shut up you stinking woman. Why don't you look at your own face? If you're so ugly, who would want you? "If you weren't the supervisor here and if it wasn't convenient for me to do anything, even men wouldn't want you."    


The man's contemptuous words broke the girl's heart, causing her to cry out loud.    


Ye Cheng felt that this was not enough, if the man did not use force, the policemen outside would not have opened fire, he stepped forward and said unfairly: "Hey, what you said is wrong, after all, she is your woman right? One day husband and wife are merciful, you will not kill animals and will not die, but taking hostages is a crime, lad, I advise you to put down the kitchen knife, surrender yourself, there is still a way to live."    


"Don't come over! Don't think I don't know what you're up to. I turn myself in, hmph, fart! If I go in, then I won't be able to come out. Just give me a random crime and I will have my life ruined. "    


Uh! Your life will be ruined if you don't go in. Ye Cheng secretly thought in his heart. He glanced at Hairy Ball who was being pulled out to play by the black cat on the ground and took a step forward. "Don't move!"    


Ye Cheng raised both of his hands, making a gesture of surrender, and taking advantage of the man's surprise, he bent down to pick up the ball of hair, and threw it at his face.    


The girl screamed. She tilted her head, and Hairy Ball struck the man right in the forehead. Receiving his shock, her right hand trembled, and the kitchen knife slid towards the girl's neck.    




Blood flowed out from the wound, the man pushed the woman to the ground, then raised his blade and rushed towards Ye Cheng.    


Xiu Xiu! *    



The bullet had gone through the glass, and a shot had hit the man in the knee. The other bullet had hit him in the heart.    


The man stared at Ye Cheng's playful smile, threw himself onto the ground, and twitched for a few moments before dying.    


The police rushed into the hotel and detained everyone.    


Officer Wang walked in from the outside and after bowing to An Ningxuan, he turned and faced him. We meet again. "    


"Officer Wang has worked hard." "Ye Cheng reached out his hand and grabbed Officer Wang's hand. "The suspects organized innocent boys and girls to kill animals, mixed the corpses into the food and drinks to sell them. They were discovered by us and tried to seize the hostages to escape."    


"Could the two of you please take the statement from my police station!"    


Ye Cheng shrugged his shoulders at An Gaohan, and the two of them drove the police car to the police station, where the police had sealed off the place.    


After finishing his statement, Ye Cheng asked Officer Wang: Is there any progress on Chen Luoxue's case?    


"Ah, I was just about to call you about this matter. This morning, Chen Luoxue rescinded the topic and asked for an out-of-court settlement, Mr. Ye, we police are very busy too, so it is very difficult for you guys to do this again and again. Now that this case is still in my hands, it would be best for you and Miss Chen to reach an agreement.    


Ye Cheng smiled and walked out of the police station. He dialed Chen Luoxue's number, and with two beeps, the call went straight to the center of the call line. It was clear that he had been blacklisted, as to what the hell was this woman doing.    


Ye Cheng angrily grabbed his phone and walked down the stairs. When he raised his head, he saw Lin Changqing running up from below with his face covered in sweat.    


"Brother Lin, where did you come from?"    


As soon as Lin Changqing saw Ye Cheng, he immediately pulled him to the side. Brother, I was just about to look for you. Just wait for me for ten minutes. Ah, in less than twenty minutes, I'll definitely be out. "    


Ye Cheng nodded. Looking at Lin Changqing, it seemed that things were urgent, he followed him into the police station, and when he saw him heading straight for An Ningxuan's office, his heart moved. He turned and left the building, and leaned on his car and lit up his cigarette.    


is in the police station now, is there any major event in the past two days in Hong Alliance?    


"My third uncle has come to the East Sea."    


"Leng Bing!"    


"Ye Cheng, long time no see. I never thought that it would be me, right!" "On the other end of the phone, Leng Bing was sitting sideways on the sofa, staring at Old Fart." Compared to Second Uncle, this Third Uncle of mine is much more troublesome to deal with. You will see him soon, don't blame me for not reminding you, he is someone who doesn't care whether he is soft or hard. "    


The phone was cut off as Leng Bing giggled at the elder.    


"If you do this, Ye Cheng will kill you."    


"He won't! As long as it's beneficial, he won't go against the rules. Besides, I didn't lie to him! "    


If Ye Cheng was so easily tricked, then he wouldn't be Ye Cheng. Cold Ice had the same pride as everyone else in the colored Leng family. He was too confident in himself, so such a person should have suffered a little. Therefore, he did not remind her this time.    


Ye Cheng looked at the phone and chuckled. It was normal for the Lao San to intervene when something happened to the Leng family. Did this Xiao Nizi deliberately release words to provoke him into fighting the Hong Alliance? Then you really think highly of me.    


Twenty minutes! "Lin Changqing came out of the police station's building, and moved his fat body to Ye Cheng's side. Brother, now that we're done, let's find a place to sit! "    


Ye Cheng let Lin Changqing get on the car, and took a few turns to find a place to have a meal.    


As night fell, Lin Changqing rubbed his stomach and exhaled.    


"Bro, I know who you are, and I know what you want to do. The last time I was looking at the bar, I should have guessed your identity. You didn't treat me well enough."    


Ye Cheng laughed. Brother Lin didn't ask, so of course I didn't. I thought I would know. Now, let me formally introduce myself, the Alliance Chief of the black tiger platform, Ye Cheng! "    


"Black lawyer, Lin Changqing."    


After the two parties officially introduced themselves, Lin Changqing sighed once again. "If I knew you were my opponent, I wouldn't have accepted this case."    


Brother Lin, rest assured, my actions are right and wrong, you helped Hong Alliance fight this case, it has nothing to do with me, Leng Zhao kidnapping the little miss of Hong Alliance is the truth, the police can investigate and find out, your opponent is a prosecutor, not me, Ye Cheng.    


Lin Changqing laughed out loud. Brother, was the little miss of Leng family really kidnapped? "    


Ye Cheng shrugged his shoulders, showing an expression of ignorance    


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