The Romantic Soldier King



0The captured man admitted everything. He was a flying thief and had seen Chen Xiaomei in bars before, so he knew that she was a stage girl who would bring different men home every day. He also knew that she was being taken care of, that she drove a high-end sports car, that she was a vain woman, that she had a little money in her pockets, that she liked to show off her wealth.    


This kind of woman was easy to deal with, so the man had followed her for a few days and decided to make his move today. The reason was very simple, it was because Chen Xiaomei brought the man back home again today.    


Hearing that, Ye Cheng could not help but become suspicious, most thieves would choose to attack when there was no one at home, why is this thief running counter to others? Through the headset, Ye Cheng told his suspicions to Xiao Yao in the interrogation room, allowing him to pose a specific question.    


An Ningxuan stood beside Ye Cheng. She could tell that he was anxious, and was extremely concerned about this case. Now, with Chen Xiaomei dead, this thief was the last person to see her, so he became Ye Cheng's hope. What do you think of this thief? "    


"Motivation to kill! Chen Xiaomei is his motive. "    


An Ningxuan stared at Ye Cheng in confusion. Killing people indeed had a motive, all thieves only had one goal, and that was to run after stealing everything. Speed was their number one rule. What good would it do him to kill her? Just in order to be strong, you don't have to kill her. "    


Ye Cheng shook his head, he stared at the man on the screen, his black eyes releasing a sharp light.    


The man in front of Xiao Yao seemed to be extremely cooperative, telling him every detail, but there was one thing he was wrong about, he did not enter through the door.    


When Ye Cheng entered Chen Xiaomei's home, the lock was good, that meant, the man and Chen Xiaomei himself knew each other, he had been placed in there by someone, and from the thief's backpack, he could not find anything valuable, why did he go and steal things from someone else?    


The deeper they went into the interrogation, the more loopholes the thief had. Under Ye Cheng's sudden question, Xiao Yao forced the thief into a dead end, and the answers from the front and back were inconsistent, making it hard to continue the interrogation.    


At this time, the people from the laboratory called. After comparing the DNA, the liquid in Chen Xiaomei's body matched perfectly with that of a thief.    


Xiao Yao took the evidence and placed it in front of the thief as he said loudly: "After you rape her, you might be afraid that she will report you, so you will kill her!"    


"No, it's not like that."    


"Forced crime and murder are also capital crimes. You'd better tell us what happened that night. Don't play any tricks with us, understand?"    


The thief trembled all over and asked Xiao Yao for a cigarette to light, only after puffing and puffing did he regain his senses.    


The thief admitted her relationship with Chen Xiaomei, and the two of them met each other at a bar. Not only were the two of them running around together, they were also partners, picking out those rich old men and playing Immortal Jump. Chen Xiaomei would lure the man to the bed, and the thief would pretend to be her boyfriend. After the other party gave him the money, he would delete the photo.    


"Is that all? No more blackmail? "    


"Officer, how could you do this twice? It's very easy for others to reverse the situation."    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, the two of them were smart, most people would be flustered the first time, but the ones that could be solved with money would be solved, and those that were extorted would become the big bosses.    




Maybe last month, Chen Xiaomei suddenly stopped contacting me, so I went to a few bars she frequented and found out that she had tied up a pretty boy. At that time, I also needed money, so I asked her to make another round of tickets, but she didn't agree, and said that she wanted to arrest me. That pretty boy found someone to beat me up, and after paying me a sum of money, he chased me out.    


Ye Cheng squinted his eyes and asked Xiao Yao to give the photo of JOY to the thief. After confirming, the person who was in love with Chen Xiaomei was not JOY.    


"Do you remember what the man looked like?" Xiao Yao asked loudly.    


"Flat-cut, very white skin, with a mole around the corner of his mouth."    


The policeman sitting at the side confirmed the thief's identity by drawing a portrait according to his description. After the modification, a person's appearance appeared in front of everyone.    


"Who is he?" An Ningxuan looked at him and felt that he was extremely serious, but he could not recall where he was at.    


"Qiao Rubing's driver!"    


An Ningxuan immediately remembered the identity of the man in front of him. So it's him. No wonder I felt that it's so familiar. "    


The interrogation continued. Xiao Yao asked a few more crucial questions, and the thief paused for a bit before continuing. The day before the crime, Chen Xiaomei took the initiative to call the thief. She said that she had a big case and would be asked if she was interested, so after the case was completed, there would be a large sum of money.    


The thief was moved, he liked Chen Xiaomei, so the two of them made a promise and on the second day, the thief went to Chen Xiaomei's house. Originally, I wanted to go eat together with him, but two people came along and told me to hide in the closet.    


After a while, he cried out, "I could have saved her, but I was scared. They beat her and cut her throat, and she fell to the ground and looked at me with her eyes wide open."    


"Do you know why they killed her?"    


"I don't know, it seems like Chen Xiaomei has evidence of an important person, the two of them rummaged through the house, then called me and left in a hurry. I looked at the dying Chen Xiaomei, my heart was sad, and wanted to call the police, but I was afraid of provoking trouble. Then, because she kept staring at me, I felt it and did it with her until someone came in again and I got caught. "    


"Motherf * cker, you can even do something like raping a corpse? You're really abnormal!" Xiao Yao said contemptuously.    


"Officer, at that time, she was still alive. I thought someone would come and save her, so, but I really didn't kill her. It was those two people who killed her."    


Ye Cheng walked out of the control room and lit a cigarette. Chen Xiaomei had the evidence of an important person in his hands, and this person could very likely be JOY. The driver who summoned Qiao Rubing. "    


An Ningxuan nodded his head, he immediately ordered his men to bring the men over for questioning. The two of them returned to the office, An Ningxuan called out Chen Xiaomei's information once again, and found an interesting place.    


"Chen Xiaomei left for Melbourne four years ago and returned three times. Both times were at the end of the year, and the last time was a few months ago.    


There are two possibilities. The one who is going to Melbourne is not Chen Xiaomei, and there is also another possibility. The two of them are not the same person.    


The second day!    


After Ye Cheng came out of the police station, he drove back to the Serenity Club, showered and changed his clothes, then stood on the window sill on the second floor looking out. There seemed to be less people watching the club from before, so he dialed Sang Huihui's number.    


At five-thirty in the afternoon, Chen Luoxue came out of Winning Group with JOY behind her. The two seemed to be very close.    


"Ye Cheng honked the horn on the carriage, and then walked out of the carriage and waved his hand at Chen Luoxue. "Snowfall!"    


"JOY glanced at Ye Cheng, and then walked over and greeted enthusiastically." Mr. Ye, we meet again. "    


"Long time no see. Do you mind if I pick up Snowfall and get off work?"    


"What are you doing here?"    


"Hui Hui had a dance at home. I was running errands. Get in the car!"    


Chen Luoxue awkwardly looked at JOY, and then pulled Ye Cheng to the side. I said don't come looking for me. "    


If you don't want to go to jail, then obediently come back with me. Chen Xiaomei is dead, Aunt is dead, and you are the only heir to the Chen family. Ye Cheng threatened in a low voice.    


"What did you say?" Chen Luoxue bellowed, JOY looked at them and asked.    


"What I said was human words. You'd better explain it to that monkey and get in my car. Otherwise, I'll use another method to take you away. You can decide for yourself!"    



"Ye Cheng, I didn't think you were this kind of person." Chen Luoxue growled in disappointment.    


"I'm someone like that to begin with. It's just that you didn't notice me. Hurry up, there's not much time left."    


Chen Luoxue walked in front of JOY helplessly. The two of them spoke something, and JOY kept looking at Ye Cheng and nodded his head, and after a while, JOY sat in his own car and drove away. Chen Luoxue walked in front of Ye Cheng and said: "Forget about the ball, why are you looking for me?"    


"We'll know when we get there." After Ye Cheng pushed Chen Luoxue onto the car, he entered the drive and headed towards the club.    


Sang Huihui had disguised himself as a ball, but there were almost no participants.    


Chen Luoxue did not hold much hope for the ball that Ye Cheng was talking about, so he knew that it was an excuse. Therefore, when he saw Sang Huihui, he only greeted him.    


"I'm already sitting here. If you have something to say, quickly say it. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore."    


"I'm very sad for you to be so cold!" Ye Cheng said smugly.    


After Sang Huihui put down the fruits and drinks, he walked out. Not long later, Lei Zihan and Mei Zi arrived at the club, and the three of them started to play in the living room.    


The people outside would only think that the people in the room were just a bunch of devils dancing around, and nothing was worth watching.    


Chen Luoxue's face was cold, she picked up her drink and drank, waiting for Ye Cheng to speak.    


"Ye Cheng had been observing Chen Luoxue's expression the entire time. After confirming that she was not faking it, he placed Chen Xiaomei's information in front of Chen Luoxue. Chen Xiaomei has two sets of information, shouldn't you explain it to me? "    


"I've already told the police, we'll settle the matter of the beauty parlor out of court, there's no need for them to interfere, what are you doing?"    


"If it was just a beauty medical accident, I wouldn't be so concerned. However, I found out that there were illegal drugs in the RED, so it wasn't just a beauty accident."    


"What do you mean?"    


"Literally!" Chen Luoxue, I can still tell you about this as my friend and lover. If you don't want to meet me in the interrogation room of the police station in the future, this is your last chance.    


Chen Luoxue bit her lips, her face flushed red as she turned her head away.    


"Did JOY coerce you or did you have any weakness in his hands?"    


Chen Luoxue shook his head. It has nothing to do with him. "    


"Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows. To be so protective of that person, could something have happened between the two of them? This is something he absolutely cannot endure." You slept with him? "    


Chen Luoxue suddenly raised his head and ruthlessly slapped Ye Cheng. You are shameless! "    


Ye Cheng chewed and sighed in his heart.    


"Other than that, I can't think of a better explanation."    


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