The Romantic Soldier King



0Ye Cheng sat in the living room. He was busy cooking tea and water as if he was the owner of the house, and he seemed to understand Ye Cheng's interests very clearly. From the view of his back, he looked like a good gentleman, and didn't give others any discomfort.    


"I heard from Ru Bing that you like tea!" JOY took a tray of tea and put it on the table and made himself a cup of coffee.    


"Thank you!"    


"What is Mr. Ye doing here?"    


"With regards to the case of the beauty parlor, Luo Xue has been apprehended! The police suspected that he had killed his grandma, so they came to see if there was anything they could do to help. It seems that when his grandma was in trouble, a lawyer was the one who took care of her. "    


"Yes, she accompanied Snowfall over that day, and the victim didn't want to blow up the matter, so she was willing to reduce the compensation to settle the case. At that time, it was rather late, and Snowfall was still insisting, so I drove her over, but I didn't expect that it would be another two days. Sigh, my grandma has always been in good health, why did she suddenly die of a heart attack?"    


"The police think so too?"    


"The cause of death is a certificate issued by the hospital. I accompanied Snowfall to complete the procedures, there shouldn't be any fakes, right? Why did the Mr. Ye think it was him? "I'm very popular, who here would want to kill me?"    


"Maybe it's related to the beauty parlor. Someone doesn't want her to go to the police and retake the case."    


"How is this possible? "The police have already accepted the case and it is indeed a cosmetology medical accident. In this kind of case, most merchants would try to settle it privately. Even if we win the case, the guests would suspect the merchant and affect their future business."    


However, why is it that after I heard about the accident, you took away beauty parlor's goods, why didn't you immediately find the supplier to protect their rights, isn't this what you should do for beauty parlor?    


"Hehe, it's not convenient for me to tell this to Mr. Ye, and I don't have any obligation to tell you."    


"Ah, that's true! Now that Snowfall was at the police station, what was the lawyer going to do? Aunt and Chen Xiaomei are both her relatives, I feel that there must be some sort of secret behind this, so I came here to look for evidence. I didn't think that I would bump into you, and this is also good, so I didn't come here to find you for help and become Falling Snow's lawyer. "    


"JOY raised his eyebrows." I know Chen Xiaomei, she asked me for my help when we were trying to stock up previously, there's no problem with the contract, it's just an accident that something like this happened, but why would she die? "    


"The person who knew said she knew some big shot's secret, so she was killed! You said just now that you and Chen Xiaomei know each other, and that counsel knows what Chen Xiaomei does in the East Sea? "    


"She's been living in Melbourne all this time and has just joined Eastsea's beauty business. I didn't expect this to happen. After the incident, I looked for her, but I couldn't find her. Where did the police find her?"    


"Her apartment. First, they raped her, then they killed her!"    


"Really? That's too surprising. "    


"What do the counsel think of my proposal?"    


"I'm afraid I'm not up to the task. If Ice is not here, the company has a lot of things to do. Furthermore, with my relationship with Snowfall, I should avoid suspicion."    


"Ah, then let's recommend a lawyer!"    


"You can call the prosecutor. The lawyers in the court are not bad."    


Ye Cheng laughed and stood up. Personally, I think the best way to avoid suspicion is to help her handle the case. "    


"I'll think about it!"    


When Ye Cheng returned to the East Sea, it was already 8 in the evening. He went to see Qiao Rubing at the veterinarian's hospital, and had to say that the vet's actions were quick. In just a few short hours, he had already completed all the procedures and became the new principal of the cooperative hospital.    


Qiao Rubing received very good care of her in the hospital, she had dedicated herself to nursing and was even equipped with a nutritionist to treat pregnant women's meals from the side.    


Ye Cheng handed his daily necessities to the nurse, held Qiao Rubing's hand and walked around the hospital in the garden. He told her what had happened today and told her the latest news about his victory.    


"Are there any other successors besides you?"    


"The most likely one is the general manager. However, he has been overseas for a long time, so he probably won't come back to mess with us."    


"What is your relationship with this general manager?"    


"He's also from the Qiao Family, but it's okay, I've only seen him once."    


"You are still the victorious CEO, disappearance and death are two different concepts, unless JOY declares you dead, then the position of victorious will change. Death requires a lot of proof, your inheritance right in Qiao Family is not so easily shaken, but when he acts, what kind of change will occur in authority?"    


"The acting CEO still has authority restrictions, such as the large project needs the shareholder's consent to start, the project is already not restricted by the authority limit, if JOY wants to do something big, it can only do whatever it wants if he buys more than 60% of the shareholders and is on his side."    


After Ye Cheng had a rough understanding of the internal operations of Victory, he supported Qiao Rubing and went back to the ward, coaxing her to sleep, then they went to the Principal's office.    


The vet was playing with his pocket-sized Maltese, looking at the palm-sized dog, Ye Cheng felt depressed. Such a small fellow, if he accidentally sat on it, wouldn't he die? "I just saw you turning the hospital's sales store into a pet store. Do you like being a vet that much?"    


"There are so many doctors here. It's boring without me using a knife."    


"The vet locked Teddy in his cage." Do you know how much this can sell for? "    


"It's not going to be a fight with Tibetan Mastiffs."    


"Isn't that nonsense? Can a Tibetan mastiff be raised in the city? "    


"JOY found the video and took a picture of Xiao Lin's face. The police will trace it back here soon, I came over to remind you."    


"No way!" When I just became the Principal, you started finding trouble with me, Ye Cheng, you did it on purpose! "    


"Do you think this money is so easy to get?"    


"You definitely did it on purpose! I have a legal license, so I'm not afraid to look it up, but your little woman is easily exposed here! It's on TV every day, it's hard not to recognize her! "    


Ye Cheng nodded in agreement. "So?"    


"Of course it's to move!" "Seeing Ye Cheng smiling at him, the vet had a bad premonition. You can't be thinking of taking her to my house, right? "    


"You're thinking too much!" "With your skills, it should be easy for you to confuse us!"    


"I want more money!"    


"I can send you a professional."    


"I'm already very professional, add money or I won't do it!"    


"Ah, recently Wolf Fang is on a mission near here. I should really like to meet my old friends."    


"Ye Cheng, you are ruthless!"    





According to the clues provided by JOY, the police found traces of the white business car driving. Finally, they arrived at a nearby city in the East China Sea. They found the car and driver at a car store and were brought back to the police station.    


What's unexpected is that the driver wasn't in the East China Sea on the day of the incident, or was on a business trip to a nearby city. There are relevant documents at the gate to prove that the driver wasn't lying.    


An Ningxuan knew in his heart that it was definitely because of Ye Cheng. After playing up the video that he had received from JOY once again, he found a suspicious point.    


"After adjusting his position in the technical department, the pilot revealed a blurry figure behind him. After identification, this person's face shape was 80% similar to JOY's." Does a thief want to catch a thief? "    


"Security, what do we do now? Do you want to arrest JOY right away? "    


"Don't alert the enemy, bring Chen Luoxue up for questioning."    


"I've already answered your questions, what else do you need me to say?" Chen Luoxue asked weakly.    


"Like ice was kidnapped, she's not missing!"    


Chen Luoxue raised his head, his eyes revealing a look of doubt. Kidnapping? "How is that possible?"    


"The kidnapper was JOY!"    


"This is impossible!"    


"Luo Xue, I hope you can cooperate with us in our investigation. The two killers who killed Chen Xiaomei are already under our surveillance. Ye Cheng still wants to give you a chance, if we make a move, who do you think will be JOY's scapegoat? "    


"No, impossible!" JOY will not kidnap someone like the ice. Without Qiao Rubing, he would not even be able to win. "    


"What if all the major shareholders who won the deal put forward JOY? Even if you didn't have Qiao Rubing, you would still be able to operate. Since you are here, you should be clear of their operating pattern, why are you here? Because your presence is a problem for JOY. "    


Chen Luoxue bit her lips, inserted her finger into her hair, and then wrote the contradiction on her face.    


"I said it already, will Ye Cheng still protect me?"    


"He didn't want to protect you, so why did he let me capture you?"    


"But he doesn't trust me!"    


"That's because you don't believe him!"    


"Aunt and I had never thought of settling things out of court. Aunt had called JOY several times, hoping that he would be able to get in touch with the supplier, but JOY had been trying to get out of the way. JOY also threatened Aunt to kill Chen Xiaomei if she refused to reconcile with him out of court. We were very afraid that we would agree to JOY. That night, he went to find Aunt and me with his agreement, because there were differences in terms of money and responsibilities, and JOY killed Aunt in front of me. I wanted to call the police to save her, but JOY told me to mind my own business, and said that Chen Xiaomei was in his hands.    


An Ningxuan poured a cup of tea for Chen Luoxue and looked at the monitor. She knew Ye Cheng must be able to see it.    


"I don't know what method JOY used to hide his death certificate from the hospital. The police have also come to investigate and found nothing out of the ordinary. The next day, JOY hastily went through the procedures and buried his aunt."    


"Since the police are here, why didn't you report it?"    


"I did, but that police officer is very familiar with JOY, I do not dare, and Chen Xiaomei is also in his hands, I am afraid that he will really kill her, that is my aunt's only flesh and blood."    


An Ningxuan frowned. You mean the dead Chen Luoxue isn't your cousin? "    


"Xiaomei has always lived abroad, how could she be a Miss in the East China Sea? The person you found isn't my cousin, but they look very similar."    


An Ningxuan was stunned on the spot. If you were to carefully identify this person, would she really not be your cousin? "    


Chen Luoxue looked at the photo and shook his head. It seems that the one who started the beauty parlor was his cousin, who had just returned back home. At that time, we were still eating together, but this woman was really not one.    


She was powerless to support her head. According to Chen Luoxue's testimony, she could directly invite JOY back for coffee, but without a conviction, JOY was too clear on the way the police handled the case to destroy all the evidence. Only he and Chen Luoxue were present, so JOY's words were enough to argue for her.    


"What do we do now?" An Ningxuan asked the monitor.    


Ye Cheng stroked his chin, the result was outside of his expectations.    


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