The Romantic Soldier King



0Although the man was crafty, but to Little Black, his craftiness was only as boring as playing with a monkey.    


Blacky lay prostrate on the ground. It lowered its body and lifted its tail, which was as straight and firm as a stick.    


The man panted heavily. He was almost driven mad by this black cat. It was clearly a four-legged beast, but it felt like it was fighting with a human and couldn't gain the upper hand at all.    


Throwing the dagger aside, the man made up his mind. He took out his handgun and fired at Blacky. The bullet hit the metal barrel and bounced off, piercing through the oil pot at the side.    


After the smoke cleared, the man looked at Blacky and found that it was still sitting on the ground. Its pair of black eyes were shining with a golden light and it meowed.    


The second bullet missed and hit the ground, causing sparks to ignite.    


The man's eyes were red with anxiety as he screamed and rushed up to the gun while looking at it. Xiaohei retreated step by step, randomly firing at the oil, creating a long snake that scuttled up from the man's feet and ran up his entire body.    


The man was stepping on Blacky, who was in the middle of the fire. His mouth was wide open as he couldn't believe what he had just seen. By the time he could react, he had already been burnt into black charcoal as he fell backwards.    


The flames engulfed the entire room without restraint. The cats guarding the path all retreated backwards.    


Ye Cheng carried Mei Zi and jumped out of the air vent, using his body to protect her as he rushed out of the house.    


"Is Little Black dead?"    


"Heaven is in the hands of the worthy!"    


His golden eyes swept across the fire field and a black cat slowly walked out from the fire field like a black panther. Its entire body was enveloped in a layer of golden light, and as the fire power surged, the layer of golden light became even more dazzling.    


It was like a king standing in front of the fire, blocking the flames behind it. It made a low purr towards the cats in front of it, and in the blink of an eye, the cats had already left the building, disappearing into the streets.    


With a hong sound, the window on the ninth floor released a huge explosion. Ye Cheng stared at the fire dragon that came out and called the police.    


Meizi hid in the car, tears streaming down her face. With such a big fire, Xiaohei would definitely not be able to escape. She felt a wave of sadness in her heart.    


Ye Cheng caressed Mei Zi's beautiful hair, pointed to the road across them and said softly: "What did I say just now, there is a chance for the best. How could my cat die so easily?"    


She turned to look out the window and saw Blacky squatting at the intersection, waiting for the traffic light to change. Elder Brother Ye, Little Black is still alive. " After saying that, Mei-zi jumped out of the car. After flipping over the green light, she ran to the other side of the road and hugged Xiaohei as she forcefully kissed her.    


"Meow." Blacky meowed. This sound was very seductive, enjoying Meizi's soft lips, and it even used its pads to grab Meizi's cheeks from time to time. It squinted at her, looking no different from a vulgar old man.    




A big hand holding the back of Xiao Hei's head pulled him out from Mei Zi's embrace. Xiao Hei brandished his four limbs in annoyance, turned and glared at Ye Cheng, and warned him in an unreconciled manner.    


"Little Pervert, I'm warning you again. Next time, if I see you eating my woman's tofu again, I'll throw you into the water."    


Xiao Hei moaned twice, and rubbed her face against Ye Cheng's big hands.    


"Hurry up and let it go. Do you think that everyone wants to eat tofu like you?!" Mei-zi, who was at the side, went out for Xiaohei, grabbed the child in her arms, and ran across the street.    


"Be careful!" Ye Cheng looked at a car coming in and cried out in shock. He grabbed Mei Zi's arm and dragged her back. Miss, it's red light now! "    


Meizi stuck out her tongue, nestled into Ye Cheng's embrace, rubbing Little Black, not daring to move an inch.    


Ye Cheng watched as the fire engine rushed over before driving back to Black Tiger Alliance.    




A figure entered a villa. He opened a door and walked in familiarly.    


Inside the bedroom, a man and woman were rolling on the bed. The woman was shouting excitedly. She hugged the man tightly. When he stopped rolling, she opened her eyes and saw a figure standing on the bed. After staring blankly for a moment, he let out a terrified cry.    


JOY, who was lying on her stomach, heard the woman's scream. He let out an excited roar and rushed into the battlefield, but the woman had lost her temper, she pushed him hard, as if she saw something frightened, and wanted to run away from him. JOY frowned in displeasure, slapped the woman twice, and backed away from her.    




JOY was hit hard on the bed. He shook his head and stood up again, but another punch slammed into him and threw him onto the bed.    


The black shadow shouted at the woman, "Scram!"    


The woman threw herself down, picked up the clothes on the floor and rushed out of the room.    


JOY rolled over and rushed to the bedside table. He wanted to pull out his gun, but a black muzzle was pressed against his head with a crack.    


"Who are you?"    


"Chief Ye told me to bring you a message. If I don't kill you today, you are allowed to return his woman to his residence untouched tomorrow."    




The black shadow moved the gun and the hollow shot sounded out. JOY screamed in fear and fell onto the bed. By the time he had reacted to the fact that there were no bullets in the gun, Black Shadow had already left the room.    


JOY touched his head and rushed into the bathroom with lingering fear. He used cold water to wash his body, calming himself down.    


After taking a deep breath, JOY goes downstairs and sees the woman trembling on the sofa, smoking in fear.    


"Call the police!"    


The woman stared at JOY without any reaction. JOY stepped forward, gave the woman two slaps, and shouted again: "Call the police!"    


The woman covered her face and dialed 110. Ten minutes later, the police car stopped outside the villa.    


The policeman in charge of the police department, after hearing JOY's description, stared at him suspiciously for a long time before he asked, "You said someone threatened you and made you hand over your woman?"    


"Ye Cheng! Black Tiger Alliance's Ye Cheng, Officer, I am a good citizen, I am a lawyer, I do not even know who Ye Cheng is, please do know, I do not want my life to be harmed, I need you all to protect me 24 hours a day. "    


The police officer in charge of the scene came out of JOY's bedroom. He said with disdain, "Mr. Lawyer, there are no traces of fighting or bullets in your room. There are only traces of you and the female officer. For this, you want us to protect you 24 hours a day."    


"How is this possible? That person was in the room, and he did something to harm us. Look at the bruises on my forehead. "    


"Are you sure you didn't hit the headboard when you were too violent?"    


"What do you mean?"    



"We just carefully searched your villa, the doors and windows are still intact and there are no traces of illegal entry. Mr. Lawyer, we are very busy, please don't look at this kind of joke in the future, otherwise I will catch you."    


"Police Comrade, you must believe us. Everything we say is true."    


"Well, if this person comes to harass you again, give us a call."    


After the police drove the car, they stuffed it into JOY's pocket. He signaled for the others to pack up and leave.    


"I want to complain to you!"    


"Sure thing!"    


The three policemen walked out of the mansion. One of them said to himself, "Damn, I met some crazy people in the middle of the night. How unlucky!"    


No one believed what JOY said. The police car left the district with its lights flashing.    


JOY stared at the crying woman and kicked her in annoyance. "Scram, get lost from here!"    


"JOY, how can you do this to me?" The woman rubbed her calf that was in pain from being kicked and started complaining.    


"Laozi is rich, I'll do whatever I want to you. If you have the ability, sue me, bitch."    


"Fine, I'll count it as you being ruthless!" The woman grabbed her purse and stomped out of the villa.    


He sat down on the sofa, took a few gulps of wine from the table, pushed away his wet hair and squinted his eyes.    


The call was still ringing, but no one answered. JOY called several times, but he still couldn't find the other party. He threw the phone angrily at the wall, causing the phone's screen to crack.    


In the early hours of the morning, a woman in a taxi arrived at the police station to call the police. The police officer who came out to receive her immediately recognized the woman. After a few teasing words, he asked the woman to sit down. "Miss, we're not fighting anymore in the middle of the night, it's time to report this to the sect. I see that your lawyer boyfriend isn't that good, so you should leave as soon as possible."    


"Police Comrade, I want security!"    


"Success, this time, what do you want to play?"    


"I've been made strong by someone!"    




The police officer stared at the woman in front of him in astonishment. After a few seconds of frozen expression, he picked up the phone and dialed the number. Then, he picked up the pen and paper and started recording.    


"Uh, repeat again, who was stronger than you?"    


"The great lawyer of the Winning Group, JOY! The person who forced me to call the police just now, he's a madman, a pervert! "    


"Young mistress, there's no need to rush it. Take your time and talk about it!"    


The woman sputtered a lot and the content was explosive. The police in front of her were stunned. She did not expect that such a famous lawyer in the East China Sea would do this in private.    


"Miss, why didn't you report it back then? It's been a year and it's already lost its expiration date. It's not good for you!"    


"Police Comrade, I know that a woman like me cannot win this case, but I also know that you guys are investigating this person. If possible, please let me see you."    


"Say you want to see our director?" A middle-aged man walked in from outside. He glanced at the woman and shook hands with the policeman in charge of recording.    


"Captain, this woman just reported to the police that her boyfriend was threatened by an unknown person. However, after we investigated the scene, we didn't find any illegal people entering the scene. Now, she's reporting that she was raped by her boyfriend."    


"Yes." The middle-aged policeman nodded. "Let our department handle this case!"    


"Yes sir!"    


After handing over the formalities, the middle-aged policeman took the woman out of the police station.    


After the woman walked a few steps, she suddenly stopped. Where are you taking me? "    


"Didn't you want to see Security? She's still at the station. I'll take you there. "    


The woman hesitated for a moment before getting in the car.    


The middle-aged man drove all the way to the outskirts of the city.    


"No, this isn't the way to the city. What are you?"    


"Sit tight, I won't hurt you." The middle-aged man glanced at the woman, his hazy eyes filled with an evil light.    


"This woman is too familiar with those eyes. She leaned towards the door in fear." You, you're with them! "    


"Hehe." The middle-aged man chuckled. "Now that you know it's too late, you want to report it to the police. Girl, you're not courting death."    


"No, don't kill me. I can give you a lot of money. Please let me go!"    


The middle-aged man shook his head in regret.    


"I'm begging you, I promise I won't say anything. I'm begging you, please let me go!"    


"Save your strength to tell Yama!"    


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