The Romantic Soldier King



0After Liu Xi determined the position, the five of them threw the electric map into the river and adjusted their equipment. Throwing away the equipment that they did not need, they lightly packed their equipment and headed towards the southern mountain peak with all their might.    


Ye Cheng was at the front, Xiao Yifeng was at the back, and the five of them were still in the original camp. In half a day, they had reached the southern forests, and their speed slowed down after entering the swamps.    


After comparing the location of the terrain, they were already fairly close to the two mountain peaks. As long as they passed through this swamp, they would reach the exit of the basin.    


In this forest, not only were there humanoid monsters, but there was also a God Beast. After last night, the five of them didn't dare to be careless. Leaning on the branches, they slowly walked forwards.    


From the moment they entered the forest, Blacky had been extremely anxious. Its small head continuously moved around, as if there was something approaching from all directions. Ye Cheng patted on its head to make others pay attention to his feet as he continued to walk.    


Fortunately, nothing happened along the way, the five of them quickly rushed out of the basin, revealing a large piece of grass in front of them. The grass, which was as tall as a man, swayed in the wind, and the oil yellow extended all the way to the two tall mountains.    


Ye Cheng jumped onto a huge boulder and looked at the entire grassland in front of him. As the wind blew, a black figure appeared within the grassland. "Be careful, there's something inside."    


Hearing Ye Cheng's shout, Xiao Yifeng retracted his leg and began to curse.    


Ye Cheng made a silent gesture, his eyes focused on the grass around him. An irregular flow flowed across the grass, from all directions, towards Liu Xi who was standing at the very front.    


"He's here!"    


With a loud shout, Ye Cheng flew out of the treetops and rushed towards the unprepared Liu Xi. With a kick, he kicked him behind himself and threw him into the grass.    


Xiao Yifeng turned Liu Xi over to one of the Wolf Fang squad members and spread out towards the direction where another gust of wind came from. When he could clearly see the other party's face, he shouted loudly. "A humanoid monster!"    


Receiving the reminder, another Wolf Fang squad member who was standing in front of the grass unhesitatingly opened the fire bolt. The flame ignited the grass, and the wind quickly spread.    


"Holy sh * t!" Xiao Yifeng roared in anger, he struck the flames on his body out, and struck his own hand. " Do you want to burn me too? "    


The Wolf Fang squad member's face turned white, he looked at the back of Xiao Yifeng, his teeth trembling.    


"B-Brother Xiao!"    


Liu Xi swallowed his saliva, he stared behind Xiao Yifeng, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets.    


A miserable wail came out from the wild grasses, and a big mouth that was like a giant basin swooped down from above towards where Xiao Yifeng was standing.    


As if he could feel the shadows enlarging behind him, Xiao Yifeng broke out in a cold sweat. He forced himself to calm down, and shot a glance at the members in front of him, quietly lifting the gun in his hand, and roared loudly as he shot fire at the black shadow.    


Just as the flames engulfed the black figure and Xiao Yifeng was cheering for his sudden intelligence, the large mouth of the black figure rushed out of the flames and straight towards him.    


"F * ck, what the hell is this? Flash!"    


Without waiting for Xiao Yifeng to shout, the other three had already pushed him into the forest behind them. A ray of golden light flashed, and in the instant the huge mouth pressed down, Xiao Yifeng, who was completely dumbfounded, was carried up to the treetops behind them.    




Its large mouth rubbed against the ground and raised, turning its body in the air, revealing the red light of the Chi Lin retreating between the two mountain peaks, once again disappearing from everyone's sight.    


"Who let you use a gun!" Ye Cheng roared.    


After Xiao Yifeng patted his chest and calmed down, he comforted his own men. Don't be angry! They are all brothers. "    


The Wolf Fang squad member's face turned red after making such a mistake. He did not dare to make a sound, and there was quite a grievance on his face. Humans are afraid of fire. I just want to burn them down in the wild grass. "    


"Ye Cheng exhaled a breath of air and stared at this reckless fellow for a long time. What's your name? How long have you been in Wolf Fang? "    


"Boss, calm down." These two only came here for a year and didn't take part in many missions. This Lv Ming, that Lv Yang is called Lv Yang, brother. "    


This time, Ye Cheng really couldn't laugh anymore. He thought that these few people were still powerful enough to make the two of them feel like newbies. He pointed at Xiao Yifeng and speechlessly squatted to the side.    


Xiao Yifeng slapped Lv Ming, he did not admit his mistake, and even refuted it. You two will be in charge of keeping watch tonight. "    


Ye Cheng looked at the burning wild grass, Lv Ming's method was not wrong, it was wrong, he did not care about his comrades' lives.    


Little Black jumped out of Ye Cheng's embrace and stepped onto the charred black soil, walking towards to the center of the mountain. Ye Cheng followed behind it, and Xiao Yifeng originally wanted to follow it, but he suddenly realized that there seemed to be no place for him in this world where a cat lived alone.    


"The boss really has a fiery temper."    


"If it was me, I would have immediately killed Lv Ming." Xiao Yifeng didn't blame Ye Cheng, his men's tactics weren't wrong at all. The mistake was that he had neglected the safety of his comrades.    


"Brother Xiao!" I'm so envious that you can work under my boss. If only I could join the Wolf Fang. " Liu Xi admired Ye Cheng from the bottom of his heart. It was not only his strength that made respect him, it also made him feel at ease in dealing with other people's affairs.    


"Work hard, there will be a chance! Brat, you have to let boss see your ability! " Xiao Yifeng took advantage of his age and patted Liu Xi's shoulder. "You should go to sleep early. With today's chaos, there's still a battle to be fought tomorrow."    


What would it be like after they passed through the mountain?    


Ye Cheng stood between the two mountain peaks with his hands behind his back, and Blacky squatted beside his feet. The wild grass was burnt to ashes, and a faint fragrance permeated the air.    


Blacky flapped its tail to cover its face, while Ye Cheng covered his nose and mouth vigilantly.    


LY's stoste were burnt away in time, and the fragrance it held would not quickly dissolve in the air. If it inhaled too much, it would create hallucinations, and if it was serious, it would lose its mind.    


Ye Cheng flipped open the corpse of the human-shaped monster. It had been completely burnt from the outside to the inside, and there was only one place that was still in good condition. He used the military knife to cut open the location of the heart and returned to the fire.    


That night, no one dared to sleep!    


"Bring me the head!" Ye Cheng asked Liu Xi to take out the head and throw it into the fire. With a creaking sound, the piece of meat in his hand moved, and without any hesitation, it too was thrown into the fire.    


The few of them stared at the piece of meat curiously. Not long later, the hard meat, under the effect of Ye Cheng's Gold Sun Fire, revealed its original form.    


"Wow, A.I. Chip!" Liu Xi fearlessly opened the fire and took out a small piece of A.I. Boss, as long as this thing isn't broken, those things will be copied out. "    


"How do you know?"    


"Hehe, of course I know. I designed a part of the program here, but this thing is still in its final days and the program needs to be adjusted and tested. It hasn't been put on the test yet, so why would it appear here?"    


Ye Cheng stared at Liu Xi strangely, and not only did he begin to develop a huge interest in this special Chinese organization. All of you? Then what is the role of Bai Lang in the organization? "    


"Bai Lang, he's just like Hei Er, a criminal maniac with high IQ. I heard that he's a sickly killer of the 5S rank after testing his mental strength."    


"Wa, I never thought that those two fellows would be so powerful, but with such people in the team, Bai Yue and An Gaohan are both experts, they shouldn't have been kidnapped so easily!"    



"Brother Xiao!" There were no clear signs of fighting at the scene, so the words used for kidnapping were incorrect. It's like a System Restore, although on the surface there doesn't seem to be any difference, but from a detailed perspective, the data will also be different, just like in the camp in the valley. If Chief Bai and the others were kidnapped, then they could be restored and the traces would also exist.    


"What do you mean? It's so complicated and it sounds so profound. "    


"If I want to conceal the original traces, there must be new ones left behind." Second, when you were leaving, I took a walk around the camp. From the surface, the surrounding soil, rock, and vegetation did not have any traces of being renovated, which means that there was no large-scale battle in the camp, and Chief Bai and the others probably left on their own. The only thing I do not know is that I have yet to analyze the equipment that can be placed on the ground. "    


Liu Xi talked nonstop for a long time, until he completely submitted to Xiao Yifeng's words.    


"Boss, we have this little thing here which is much more useful than a hunting dog."    


Ye Cheng smirked, he laid on the ground and placed his hands behind his head, looking at the night sky, and closed his eyes. What he was worried about now was not the humanoid monsters, but the Chi Lin.    


After a while, Ye Cheng woke up from his stupor. He did not know when the humanoid monster corpses on the black ground had been completely cleaned up, not a single trace left behind.    


"Who was on guard last night?"    


Ye Cheng's heart trembled for a while, but he still did not hear the slightest of movements.    


Xiao Yifeng blinked his eyes, he stared at Ye Cheng blankly, and after a moment of absent-mindedness, he ran over to watch the two fellows on night watch. Lv Yang laid on the ground and whooped, and Lv Ming ran off to who knows where.    


"One is missing!"    


Ye Cheng squinted his eyes, they were all trained people, even in their dreams, the slightest movement would wake them up, and there was only one possibility for them to die like last night, someone had drugged them.    


The missing Lv Ming was the most suspicious.    


Ye Cheng did not slow down his speed because of losing Lv Ming. Following his original plan, the four of them headed down the mountain towards the entrance.    


There were long dragging marks on the black soil. All the corpses that had been moved were dragged away in one direction, which was the canyon entrance that Ye Cheng was about to pass through.    


No one knew how deep or how deep these two mountains actually were. Aside from the humanoid monsters, there was nothing else waiting for them in the valley. One thing was certain, they were getting closer and closer to their targets.    


Standing at the mouth of the canyon, Ye Cheng ordered the others to completely dig into the sleeves and collars of their pants, not letting their skin be exposed. After being fully armed, the four of them ran into the canyon.    


The width of the canyon was just enough to allow four people to walk shoulder to shoulder. Ye Cheng and Liu Xi were in a group, Xiao Yifeng was bringing Lv Yang to follow behind Ye Cheng, they were using guns to scan left and right, and were able to see their surroundings more clearly through the mirror.    


The sound of the wind was echoing in the area, and from time to time, there would be gravel rolling down above their heads. The sound of their footsteps had been amplified several times in a unique geographical environment.    


After some distance, the gorge between the two mountains became narrower. The gap between them was barely enough for the two to walk side by side.    


Liu Xi who was walking in the middle suddenly stopped in his tracks, he turned his head to look at the canyon entrance they came from, then looked back and hesitated: "Boss, these two mountains seem to be moving!"    


"Bullshit, how could the mountain move?" Xiao Yifeng roared.    


Ye Cheng also stopped in his tracks. He spread out his arms to support himself, and his fingers were only able to touch the side of the mountain. He was able to maintain the same posture, and after a moment, he quickly started to run forward. The mountains are merging, run! "    


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