The Romantic Soldier King



0Just as the butler had left the study, he was dragged to the corner outside by the shadow that was waiting outside the door. When Liu Fu raised his head, he chuckled. It turns out that the second master is looking for me. Just ask someone to pass a message and I'll be coming over. Why are you doing this in this room?    


Ouyang Qichen waved to his subordinates, indicating them to let go of Liu Fu. Speak properly and stop suffering. What do I ask and what are you going to answer? Cut the crap, do you understand? "    


Liu Fu bowed, nodding his head as he replied, he glanced at the man beside him and called him the Lone Bear. This person was 1.9 meters tall, and had a strong build. He was one of Ouyang Qichen's trusted aides, and also a bodyguard.    


"Liu Fu, you said that an illegitimate child with an illegitimate child.    


Everything is for the sake of the Ouyang family's future considerations. Young Master Sun said that as long as it can bring benefits to the clan, whether it's an illegitimate daughter or an ugly girl, he would be able to accept them with his eyes closed. Moreover, An Ningxuan is as beautiful as a fairy.    


As soon as Liu Fu finished speaking, his body instantly lightened up and he crashed into the ground behind him. Before he could even figure out what happened, he was once again lifted up by someone.    


"Lonely Bear, be careful, don't hit my face. If our young master finds out, I'll go fishing in the sea for you." Even though Ouyang Qichen stopped his subordinates, he walked in front of Liu Fu and said with a fake smile: "Liu Fu, you have been serving the Old Buddha since you were young, follow Master. That was your life back then, but you shouldn't forget who raised you."    


"Liu Fu will never forget that the Second Elder reborn from my parents."    


Ouyang Qichen pinched Liu Fu's chin and looked left and right. Ye Cheng has arrived in the capital, you should be clear about this matter, right? "    


"Second Old Master, what do you want to do? The Old Buddha said that the Ouyang family could not touch him without permission. "    


"Liu Fu, what are you so nervous about? I'm just asking if there's such a thing. Let go of Liu Fu, and Ouyang Qichen waved towards the lone bear. "I've been out for a long time, so you should drive carefully on the way back to see Housekeeper Liu off."    


Liu Fu limped back to his house, and a servant informed him that Ouyang Xiaoxiao was already out. He did not say where he was going, but he had already driven for more than half an hour and called the old buddha. The other young masters and mistresses were all there, but he did not see the young master.    


Sigh, I've been tricked by that kid again!    


Liu Fu was also depressed in his heart, but he had no choice, the title Demon King of Confusion was not earned for nothing, but with Lord Fifth's ability, this was something that was publicly accepted by all in Ouyang family, under a huge mistake, he had returned from studying abroad, and saved the life of his opponent by disappearing. With this ability, even Lord Buddha might not be able to do it.    


Ask the servant to go to the wine cellar and bring a case of good Lafite to the old Buddha as a form of apology. Liu Fu took his car and went out to find someone. It was already late at night, it was always dangerous to go out. Ever since Ouyang Xiaoxiao rejected the marriage alliance between the Bai Qi family and chose An Ningxuan, the Bai Qi family threatened to make him pay. This was not a joke.    


Finding Ouyang Xiaoxiao was actually very easy, he only had a few places to go, and that would be easy. However, this time, Liu Fu made a mistake, and when he came out from the last stronghold, he realized that his master had gone missing.    


The capital was so big, where would Ouyang Xiaoxiao go?    


Under the feet of the Son of Heaven, all roads led to peace!    


The locals all believed in this street. Countless people came to watch the flag raising ceremony every morning. There was a darkness hidden behind such an energetic Chang'an Street.    


Where there is light there is shadow, this is the law of nature, light can replace shadow, just as darkness can mask day.    


Under the bright light, a series of deep alleys ran through this ancient city. One could see old men strolling around with birdcages everywhere, as well as old aunts chatting in groups of three or five. Even in the middle of the night, the alleys were still bustling with noise.    


The capital city was a forest of tall buildings, but the most valuable thing was still the courtyard houses. A complete set of courtyard houses cost at least one million yuan, and if there was a famous house, there would be at least ten million yuan.    


From a small dark room came the sound of "hualala". Familiar people would laugh inwardly when they heard this. They didn't know which family had the guts to set up a mahjong room in their own yard.    


The small dark room was filled with smoke. Several people of different ages gathered together at a table, rolling up their cards. Some were happy about it, while others were worried.    


There was a well in the middle, with a bucket of water at the side and a bucket of water at the side. The well was still wet and had not dried out yet, so both sides had turned out the lights, and the house to the east was a mahjong house, while a room to the west was facing the street.    


Suddenly, a shout came from the dark room, followed by the sound of someone hitting the floor. The courtyard rushed out from the south side of the room, carrying up his pants, and before the blush had faded from his face, he was already scared pale by the sound. It was truly a pity that he had not done his job well, and he didn't know if he would be the cause of this disaster or not.    


"Masters, what's going on?" The yard didn't seem to be looking at anything as he lowered his head and barged into the house. His originally thin and small body was now completely ignored by the tall and big customers.    


"You've come at the right time. Come over here and we'll discuss it."    


He narrowed his eyes, and with a single glance, he immediately began to let out a cry. There were many people who came to this place, and it was rare to see such a handsome young man. His clothes were not bright and beautiful, but they were also clean, especially his almond-shaped eyes.    


A man looks at the face, and good is born of the heart.    


The dean had a very good impression of this young man. The big and vulgar guest had made his first impression that this young man had been bullied. Otherwise, who would be so stupid as to provoke someone stronger than him?    


He wanted to understand the situation, if it was just a small problem, he would just have to advise both sides. But after he opened the bottle, the young man started choking, grabbed a bottle of hot water from the floor and threw it at the brawny man.    


"Aiyo, hey, my ancestors! They are going to beat people to death!" The guests sitting at the side of the table had their levels shattered, splashing water everywhere as they screamed.    


He had originally come to join in the fun, and had been addicted to playing hand to hand, but he hadn't expected the other three to bully him at a card table. At the start, he had only won two cards, but he didn't think that the big man would raise the price, play the big game, and the matter would end up like that.    


Upon hearing the words of the others, the headmaster immediately understood what was going on. These three were famous hoodlums here, and would only come with big brands if they didn't have the money. It was a common matter of three against one, and they would only pick the new faces to make their moves. The regular customers all knew that these three would hide whenever they saw one, and it would be weird if they did not empty their pockets when meeting one of these hoodlums.    


Who would have thought that this time they would meet a thorn in the side? The first few hands were rookies, and after gambling, his card skill was superb, making money was not easy. Thus, the moment the three of them shot a glance at each other, they began to commit suicide.    


The youngster was pressed down on the table. No one dared to go up and interfere, so they hid far away to watch. It was even more impossible to call the police.    


Three adults bullying a young man. It was really shameful of them to say such words. Some of the older women at the side couldn't stand watching and advised the young man to admit his wrongs, so it wasn't necessary for him to act like a hero to speak good words.    


However, the youngster's skin and flesh were tender and tender, but his bones were very hard. It didn't matter who was the target, as all he did was not beg for mercy.    


After all, if there were more people watching, the three of them wouldn't dare to act too arrogantly. Although the young man was the type of person who loved anyone who came out of a door, if he wanted money, there was only one thing he could do, and if he had the ability to kill him, otherwise, he would just be carrying his life like a witness.    


The young man was quite tactful with his words, killing the people around him. He couldn't care less and couldn't be bothered to do anything either.    


Just as both sides were deadlocked in a stalemate, someone suddenly shouted. Everyone's eyes were fixated on him. This person had been sitting with his back facing them the whole time, occasionally rubbing his mahjong cards to guess at his looks. From the beginning to the end, he had never said a word, so people had ignored him.    


I say, you three, are you going to play this game or not? I've already paid for it, and I haven't finished running four laps. What do you mean by that?" The man was in Beijing, carrying a flip-flop, with a pair of nineties showing off his long black leg hair, a black shirt the color of the nineties on his grey denim vest, and a chain around his neck. His hair was short and shapely, and his black eyes shone with a playful light.    


Hearing this, the dean immediately shut his mouth and called for the others to continue. He took out a few red notes from his pocket and stuffed them into the burly man's pocket. Three sirs, this is also a small business, only two tables! This bit of money can be considered as a form of respect for the three of you. It's late at night, so I'll treat the three of you to a drink and a roll, okay? "    


"F * ck, you want to send us away? Do you think we need food?" The brawny man took out the money the academy master stuffed into his pocket and threw it onto his body. "Go, go, go, stop your mother walking around in front of me. If you want to help him pull the blanket, then this courtyard will belong to the three of us. How about it?"    


"The dean is too embarrassed to accept this. He's unlucky to meet someone who doesn't listen to reason." Three lords, these words are not nice to hear, I do not care about this matter, please go out and settle it, the night has alarmed the neighbors, and you are not the ones who have suffered, I have good intentions for you, giving three hundred is already a lot, if you offend the police chief Ma, then it will not be easy. "    


"Using the police chief Ma to scare us, I think you don't want to do business anymore, right?" The brawny man pushed the academy master away with his palm. It was already shameful for the three of them to not be able to handle a single one of them. Now that so many people had fallen, the brawny man's face had already turned ashen. "Take this brat away."    


The two burly men grabbed the youngster on the table and dragged him away. Unexpectedly, the nimble hands and feet of the youngster leapt onto the table, flipped over, and threw themselves onto the shoulders of the man who had just shouted. "Save me!"    


The young man met the other's black eyes, and after spitting out a few words, he fainted.    


The man in black stared at the young man lying on his lap, and swept the person down to the ground with an expressionless face. "Boss, this card doesn't look like it can be played anymore. I'll return the money and leave."    


The academy master was still being held up in the air by the strong man, so his neck was rendered speechless. He could only wave his hands and cry out as if begging someone to call the police.    



The black clothed man stepped over the young man's body and walked towards the strong man. Without saying anything further, he pushed against his head and knocked him into the wall. The strong man screamed out loudly and sat on the ground.    




The man in black glanced towards the direction of the scream, but he suddenly stopped talking. He stared at the shining gold in his black eyes and fell to his knees on the ground. "Spare us!"    




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