The Romantic Soldier King



0In the basement, Leng Bing shouted until her throat was pierced, but no one paid any attention to her. The moist air continued to pour into her throat, causing her throat to emit the stench of blood. Even so, she still unwillingly cursed.    


Under the surveillance, the woman stared at the perverted and domineering Leng Bing and revealed a contemptuous smile. She is the young miss of Hong Alliance, are you sure you didn't apprehend the wrong person? "    


"This subordinate dares to use his own head to guarantee that this subordinate will personally witness Lin Xi protecting her as she enters the Aromatic cloud."    


"The woman twisted her neck. Rumours say that the young miss of Leng family is well-informed, gentle and quiet. No matter how I look at it, she doesn't seem like a slut. Where are Ye Cheng's subordinates now? "    


"While we are rushing over, Dao Ba is already waiting there."    


"You should go too, last time you did not take Lin Xi's life, this time you should all be more quick-witted, this person is Ye Cheng's left and right hands, his skills are definitely not weak."    


The man responded and walked out of the monitoring room, leaving Yu Feng alone to stare at the image of the cold ice.    


Where there was water, there would be a smell. To ordinary people, this was an unexplainable mystery, but to Chen Luoxue, water was her resource. It was not difficult to find ice through the smell.    


Standing on the rooftop, Chen Luoxue stared at the man who had just left. She leaped and quietly followed closely behind, arriving in the depths of the forest near the port.    


The man entered the house and muttered a few words to the baldy inside before the two quickly disappeared into the forest.    


After around twenty minutes, a car slowly entered the forest. Cheng Chen Luoxue who was hiding on the tree recognized the person in the driver's seat.    


Without the spikes on his body, Lin Xi took out two screwdrivers from the toolbox and kicked them into his pockets. Thinking about it now, Zhang Wei appearing should be a ploy to lure him away and lure him away with his weapons.    


"I'm coming, release them!" Lin Xi shouted a few times but no one replied him. He kicked down the metal door and rushed in.    


There was no one in the house. Lin Xi's heart skipped a beat, his footsteps became heavy and he sensed that something was wrong.    


Crack crack crack crack! The ground caved in and Lin Xi fell down with it.    


I've been tricked!    


Lin Xi cursed. In the midst of the gray soil, he caught a glimpse of a beam on the left, he bent his body, raised his foot, and hooked himself onto the beam to stabilize his falling body. He flew up, and what was waiting for him was indeed a huge net, and pushed him back into the hole.    


"Brat, you sure have a lot of guts!"    


Lin Xi lifted his head and looked at the person. He felt that this person looked a little familiar, so he thought about it and glared at him. It's you! "    


"Hehe, this time, no one will block the bullet for you. Let me see how many lives you have left!" Dao Ba pointed the gun at the center of Lin Xi's brows, the red dot flickered, and then pointed at's shoulder and pulled the trigger.    


The bullet did not plan for the bone, and the moment it came out, Lin Xi had already escaped under the gun.    


"Aiyo, he's pretty capable!" Dao Ba's face turned sinister, he kept his sniper rifle and said to the man beside him: "This is your chance, last time we were discovered by the two girls, boss let you go, now is the time for you to earn merits."    


The man struck his fists together and roared at Lin Xi. He jumped down the hole and attacked with his arms.    


Dao Ba, who was at the top, aimed at Lin Xi once again. He was like an outstanding hunter staring at his prey, but not anxious to attack.    


While dodging the man's attack, Lin Xi was also going to leave behind a red dot on his body. Right now, he was like a trapped beast, going crazy in search of an opening.    


Dao Ba sneered, he did not care if the man below him could win, he just liked to see the angry look on Lin Xi's face.    


The screwdriver started to spin in Lin Xi's palm. He was small and skinny, but he suffered greatly in terms of strength when it came to fighting against the muscular man. However, with his nimble body, he was able to dodge the attack with the help of the wind. He grabbed the screwdriver and stabbed it into the man's shoulder blade.    


The man bellowed, he suddenly tried to shake Lin Xi who was on his back off, but the screwdriver was different from most weapons. It's hardness was equivalent to a rock, and with external force, it was extremely difficult to remove it from the bone, and its hardness could also become as sharp as a knife.    


Lin Xi roared, he grabbed the handle of the screwdriver and pressed it down, forcefully creating a bloody wound on the man's back. "Consider yourself unlucky and become the first test subject."    


With that said, Lin Xi raised one of his hands up. Under the lens, his finger extended outwards as his purplish black fingernails emitted black energy.    


Dao Ba opened his eyes and pulled the trigger.    


Lin Xi didn't care about whether he lived or died, his five fingers reaching towards the man's wound. Suddenly, the bloody wound turned pitch black, and the man screamed in pain.    


When the bullet neared Lin Xi, it suddenly froze and fell to the ground, causing Dao Ba to make a sound of confusion. He shot again, and the bullet similarly froze and fell to the ground. "Who?"    


Lin Xi twisted his neck like a robot, greedily sucking on the death aura that the man was emitting.    


Dao Ba watched as his subordinates became corpses. He turned around and ran out the door, but was forced back inside the house by the person outside. "Who are you?"    


Chen Luoxue had been secretly observing from the start, not expecting Ye Cheng to have this kind of ability, she raised her right arm and threw a water ball at Lin Xi.    


Lin Xi, who had been drenched in water, suddenly became clear-headed. Looking at the corpse under his feet, he was a little taken aback. The ice is in the basement of the warehouse office at the docks. "    


"Who are you?"    


"You don't need to know who I am. There's still time to go."    


Chen Luoxue blocked Dao Ba's path, and a pair of glass-like eyes stared straight at him.    


"New humans?"    


"I know a lot, but I don't like the term." Chen Luoxue clasped his hands together and gathered a water ball. I don't like to kill people, but you have to die. "    


Dao Ba spat on the ground. If you want me to die, that will depend on whether or not you have the ability. "    


After firing two shots in a row, the bullets flew towards Chen Luoxue in a strange trajectory, relying on their speed, Dao Ba was very confident in himself. However, the bullets seemed to have suddenly found life, as they turned back after going past his trajectory, and headed back the way they came.    


Dao Ba suddenly fell to the ground and dodged the bullet's pursuit. He thought that he could ensure that this way, under Chen Luoxue's control, the bullet would turn around and shoot towards him.    


"The standard of a good hunter is how to catch his prey, not to tease it. A hunter who does not respect his prey is not a good hunter, remember this saying. "    


The second bullet accurately hit Dao Ba's chest and the second bullet had almost exploded on top of the original two wounds, completely shattering his beating heart.    


Chen Luoxue walked in front of Dao Ba, tore off his clothes, and revealed a phoenix. She smiled as she tore off his head, wrapped it in Dao Ba's clothes, and left the metal hut with his spear.    


Lin Xi rushed back to the port without stopping. It was already night time, and the pier was completely lit up by the lights.    


The guard tried to stop Lin Xi's car, but avoided it because he was afraid of being crushed.    


JEEP ran and stopped in front of the office, facing the security guards who were coming out from the building, Lin Xi cursed, and without saying a word, he raised his screwdriver and attacked.    



The security personnel were not Lin Xi's match, and were quickly dealt with. He rushed to the basement, and found a hidden room full of ice. Did they hit you? "    


Leng Bing shook her head with a sad face. She thought that she was very powerful, but did not know that the skills she had learnt from the white-browed man was just a three-legged cat.    


Lin Xi exhaled. As long as he was not injured.    


In such a large room, only Leng Bing was locked up. Having learnt the lesson from his mistakes, Lin Xi became more cautious, and walked towards Leng Bing as he turned his head back. When he arrived in front of her, he didn't see any movement and immediately untied the ropes on Leng Bing's body. "Come on, I'll carry you out."    


"We can't get out!" Leng Bing suddenly said while lying on top of Lin Xi.    


Lin Xi turned his head around in a daze as a cold light flashed before his eyes and a sharp blade stabbed down. "You're crazy!"    


Pushing away the ice, Lin Xi dodged to the side. Using the light from the lamp, he saw that there was no trace of ice in the room, only a man wearing a black cloak.    


"Stupid. They didn't kill you in the iron house. It looks like they've already died."    


"Where's Leng Bing?"    


"The Infernal Realm!" The black gowned man waved his hand, releasing a black mist from his robes and rushed towards Lin Xi with a fishy smell.    


Black mist!    


Lin Xi's warning bell rang, he anxiously retreated, and with one stomp on the wall rock, he jumped, and after dodging the black fog, he dragged the chandelier to the other side, the wall that had been attacked by the black fog seemed to have been splashed with sulphuric acid, releasing bursts of green smoke.    


F * ck! What the hell was this? Lin Xi blinked his eyes. If only his boss was here, then what kind of background did this fellow have? He looked like one of the subordinates of the night evil, but he did not seem to be on the right track.    


After his attack failed, the black cloaked man retreated quickly. Black mist spewed out from his sleeves towards Lin Xi who was on the roof.    


Lin Xi thought for a while. If the other party used poison, he was not afraid of him, but the ancestor master. Thinking to this point, Lin Xi stopped dodging and took off his jacket to hide his face to face with the black mist.    


The areas that he had been touched by the black mist started to itch and hurt, but this was only a short period of time. After that, there was no longer any feeling, and Lin Xi secretly meditating on the black mist had no effect on him, but instead aroused the desire for the poison from the bottom of his heart.    


black cloaked man realized that his poison mist could not cause any harm to Lin Xi, so he opened his mouth and shot out a ray of silver light.    


"How poisonous!" Lin Xi roared out angrily, he raised his arms and quickly spun, dispersing the poisonous mist. With three clangs, the silver light was absorbed into the screwdriver. I didn't expect this thing to be so useful. "    


He smashed the screwdriver to the ground and inserted its tip into the ground, causing his entire body to shake.    


"You are Lin Xi!"    


"If you use poison in front of me, you will fail."    


A hissing sound came out from black cloaked man's throat as he took a defensive stance in front of Lin Xi. I've heard that the night evil has raised a new human, and I actually ran into one. "    


"How do you want to die?" We've already started a massacre today, so I don't mind having another life in my hands. "    


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