The Romantic Soldier King



0The feeling of seeing Ouyang Linghan again was very different. Ye Cheng tried to make himself look as relaxed as possible, but his pretense of being relaxed was quickly revealed by the other party. Ouyang Linghan was still as beautiful as ever, and even after removing her makeup, her face looked pale white.    


Ye Cheng did not say much.    


"Did I become more unsightly that you didn't want to look at me directly?" Ouyang Linghan asked jokingly the moment she opened her mouth, as she lowered her long hair and draped it over her shoulders. I remember you said you liked to see me like this. "    




Ouyang Linghan laughed. Why so many? The people of Ouyang family are never afraid of blood staining their hands, it's just that I did something that did not match their intentions, so I became like this! "    


Ye Cheng was unable to judge Ouyang Linghan's original intention. For women, marrying someone they didn't love was indeed worse than death. Han is a good lawyer, and I'm sure he'll win the case. "    


Ouyang Linghan continued to smile, staring at Ye Cheng who was smiling from the bottom of his heart, it was very easy to move others.    


Ye Cheng looked at it and not only was his expression moved, his hands under the table swayed slightly before he continued, "It's very difficult for you to be so meticulous by yourself, do you still have a helper? Is he ? "    


"I did it alone without any helpers."    


"Ouyang Linghan, I am not here to harm you, the person you want to protect has already turned himself in, the police can find him at any time, and at that time, you will think that he will replace you and go to jail. You two will only end up like this, saving one is clear?"    


After hesitating for a long time, Ouyang Linghan suddenly raised his sleeves and said: "I no longer have any hope, but I believe in you. He is a good person, the only one in Gate of Heaven who truly cares for me, he shouldn't have died!"    


When Ye Cheng saw the lines of purple cyan veins on Ouyang Linghan's arm, he was momentarily speechless, and his eyes widened as he used his strength to support the edge of the table with his hands.    


"The people from the Ouyang family are more cruel than you think!"    


After a long while, Ye Cheng finally calmed down from his shock. When did this happen? "    


"After the failure to seduce you, I don't know! It was very deep when it was discovered. " Ouyang Linghan put down his sleeves, and once again combed his ponytail with a self-deprecating smile. It was good of you to refuse me that night. "    




"Earth Escape has always been very careful. Those twins never left me even half a step. Only then would they have a chance."    


"Don't think about anything else. Getting out of here is the most important."    


"It's not safe outside!"    


Ouyang Linghan's persistence made it hard for him to understand. He stared at her for a long time before sighing. Ouyang Jing is right, you are a stubborn person. "    


"Take good care of him for me and send him out of the capital safely. Consider it as repaying me with a favor."    


Facing a person who wholeheartedly wished to die, Ye Cheng would no longer persuade him. He had his own considerations.    


When leaving the prison, Ye Cheng stood at the entrance of the Municipal Bureau for the better part of the day, staring at the fifth floor's window. The fame of North Side Ye Cheng was well-known in the capital. Anyone who did not know him would be able to recognize him with a single glance, but what was he doing here in the Municipal Bureau?    


In the time it took to eat a meal, everyone in the capital knew that Ye Cheng had been to the Municipal Bureau. Maybe it was because of the Ouyang Linghan case, or maybe it was related to the building that had broken the rules recently, but these people were more willing to believe that he had gone there for the Fourth Miss.    


With a cold expression, An Taining called An Ningxuan over to the study room. He wanted to hear from her about Ye Cheng's actions, to see if she had any intentions to go back on her words.    


An Ningxuan said without turning his head, "I'm here, what are you afraid of?"    


"You are a member of the national security, how could I dare to touch you? But you better bring a message to that brat. It's best if you don't do anything inside the family."    


An Ningxuan laughed, and left the study room without saying a word.    


A cat that couldn't be raised was as worrisome as an ingrate.    


An Taining stood by the window with his hands behind his back. Not long later, An Yuhai snuck in. Ye Cheng went to see the Municipal Bureau. He was worried that something might have changed, so he rushed over to the Old Hall. Unexpectedly, he heard the two of them conversing outside his door.    


"Big Brother, I heard your conversation with that girl just now outside of the door. I feel like you were a bit too hasty."    


"If we don't force it, what else can we do? I just wanted her to go and tell Ye Cheng not to think that we would be easily bullied, and to take my things and try to please the East Side s, it won't be that easy. "    


"Things have not been clarified yet. Maybe Ye Cheng has other arrangements? Until now, he has not done anything to harm our West Side, so ? "    


"Hmph, what benefits does Ye Cheng give you for you to speak up for him like that?"    


"Now that the two cities in the southeast have reached a consensus, if we were to fight with the North Side at this time, wouldn't that be the beauty of adulthood? Even if you object to Ye Cheng, you should wait until we take down the two cities in the southeast, then it will not be too late to settle the scores later. With An Ningxuan in our hands, as long as we treat her nicely, that brat wouldn't dare do anything, right? "    


An Taining looked at An Yuhai and took a deep breath. Ouyang Linghan did not die, but everything else was fake! If he dares to let that woman out, I'll let his woman die! "    


An Yuhai saw that he was unable to convince An Taining, so he could only leave the study room.    


When he returned to his room, he discovered that An Gaohan was already waiting there. He was extremely surprised, so he closed the door and locked it. "Why are you in my room?"    


"second grandpa, no need to be nervous. I just brought a few things over."    


An Gaohan coldly pushed a USB drive to the front of An Yuhai. Ye Cheng will let you see the contents within, I hope it will help you make your decision. "    


An Gaohan didn't give An Yuhai any time to hesitate. He stared at the other party as if he was facing all the criminals.    


"You're threatening me! In the end, Ye Cheng is an outsider, your surname is An! "    


"In your eyes, An Ningxuan and I are outsiders, I have long known of my identity, if I were not from the national security, my fate would not be better than An Ningxuan's! Therefore, there is no need for second grandpa to play sympathetic cards with me. "    


"You, you!"    


An Gaohan laughed coldly! I don't want to bring up the family scandal again. Take a look and give me a decision. "    


"I'm calling for help now. You know the result."    


"Then let's give it a try. I don't mind doing the extermination of my sect. The first to exterminate my sect is the national security. Even for the Heavenly Emperor, it is the same, not to mention a small An clan like yours."    


It sounded like a threat, but it was also an indisputable fact.    


An Yuhai's pupils shrank continuously. He picked up the USB from the table and inserted it into the computer. The moment he saw these content, An Yuhai had the urge to smash the computer.    


"If second grandpa wants to delete it, then delete it. I still have a lot of backups." An Gaohan warned An Yuhai before he moved his mind. If it wasn't for Ye Cheng pleading for leniency for you, I could've seized you with just these things. "    


An Yuhai laughed out loud. I didn't expect that I would fall into the hands of these little brats. "    



"Not only you, everyone has this information. This is a gift in return for Ye Cheng, to thank you for your little mistake in thinking of the past. I'll give you this chance."    


"What does he want?"    


"I do not know about this, maybe second grandpa understands this."    


An Gaohan stood up, walked to An Yuhai and said in a deep voice: "A wise man knows his place, second grandpa should think for himself."    


"I want you to betray An Ningxuan, will you?"    


"second grandpa has such a strong threat in his hands, I will! People should not kill themselves. Besides, the current Sect Leader of the 'Men's Gate', did he even have the qualifications to be in charge like this? "Think about it carefully, surviving is the way of the king."    


An Yuhai fell into deep thought. He did not care about when An Gaohan would leave, just like what Ye Cheng had said before.    


He stared at the phone on the table, his eyes filled with emptiness. He had been immersed in his own world for several hours, and the women in the distant villas were all anxious, as they didn't dare to get close to him and wait. After returning from the Municipal Bureau, he sat on the swing and thought about his own matters.    


She looked at Ye Cheng and said: "How long has it been since I last saw him like this?"    


Sang Huihui sighed, he could not remember how long it had been, but every time Ye Cheng would do something like this, it would definitely not be a good thing. There's still no news from An An. He's just waiting for the phone call, so don't think too much. "    


Chen Luoxue lifted his long hair, and the fish scales had already extended below his chin. From afar, the scales that were reflecting a faint light under the moonlight looked like a work of art.    


"Are you all right? Recently, the fish scales have been developing very quickly. "    


"I'm fine!" Chen Luoxue subconsciously pulled up his collar. In any case, it must be more complicated than we feared. "    


Ye Cheng did not make any changes to the phone as it vibrated. Under Sang Huihui's instructions, Chen Luoxue walked over to him and picked up the phone.    


An Yuhai seemed to have not expected it to be a woman, for all of them to be dead.    


"The call you were waiting for is here!"    


"Is Leng Bing able to heal you?"    


"Maybe, but to a certain extent, she can't!"    




Chen Luoxue nodded. I don't have any intention to treat you guys. I like what I am like now. "    


"You want to be a mermaid?" Ye Cheng laughed out loud. He stared at Chen Luoxue lovingly, his hands grabbing onto her wrists as he pulled her into his embrace. I can always remember the soft sensitivity of the scale, but it's not yours after all. "    


As he spoke, his fingers rubbed against the fish scales on Chen Luoxue's skin, hearing the other party's bashful panting, Ye Cheng's eyes turned dark. Too sensitive, wife. "    


Chen Luoxue resentfully glared at Ye Cheng, bit her lips, and did not pay attention to the movement of her fingers. An Yuhai called, but you still aren't answering? "    


The phone continued to vibrate. Ye Cheng looked at the caller ID in annoyance, and eventually released his hand. I'll let you off today. "    


Holding his cell phone, Ye Cheng walked out of the villa. Not long later, he heard the sound of engine coming from downstairs, Sang Huihui stood on the balcony and looked at Chen Luoxue who was at the door, revealing a worried expression.    


An Yuhai met Ye Cheng in his own courtyard house in the middle of the night. This scene was all seen by the black shadow and he hid himself in the treetops in the courtyard for a long time before quietly leaving.    


The black shadow's speed was extremely fast, like a gentle gust of wind brushing against his face. In the blink of an eye, he had already landed a few meters away. When he looked again, he was already nowhere to be seen.    


Entering the Old Hall of East Side, the black figure took off the black figure on his body, revealing a pale face. He tiptoed to the front of the study room, and before he could knock, a voice came from inside.    


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