The Romantic Soldier King



0Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that the Old Buddha had been angered, but Ouyang Xiaoxiao didn't have any feelings for her, and instead praised her words with a thick smile. Dongshan sanatorium is your hard work, I will definitely watch over him for you! Ah Long, the Buddha came out for a long time, send him back to rest! "    


On the mountain path, the Ah Long had been observing the Buddha through his mirror the entire time. Although he looked calm on the surface, from the looks of his fist that he had never relaxed, it seemed like he was suppressing himself. Buddha, do you really want to have this young master act recklessly? I have already received a lot of information, the higher ups are very dissatisfied with him doing this, now, not only the North Side have joined in, even the national security has sent news, the Eastern Mountain will definitely investigate!    


"The Old Buddha snorted." This Ye Cheng is not a dragon in a pond, I placed all my hopes on this coffin. I never thought that he would be such a great person, could it be that our Gate of Heaven really can't get past this crisis? It's been ten years.    


The Ah Long had never seen the Buddha being so hopeless. Back then, when he was still a child after his master helped him fight in the war, he did not have the qualifications to enter the inner court and could only exterminate the disciples of the Ghost sect at the outer court. Just the people on the other side alone almost caused him to lose his life.    


"Buddha, there is something that I have been holding in in my heart for a long time. I will say it today."    


"I know what you want to say, what you have done is irreparable like the water you poured out. However, I do not regret it, if it wasn't for that battle back then, there wouldn't be the Gate of Heaven today, and I don't have a Buddha like you, I just didn't expect the descendants of the Ghost sect to be even stronger." The Buddha sighed, he had other plans, at least until now he had not finished his chess piece.    


A JEEP passed by them as they drove down the last bend in the road. The people in the JEEP glanced at them, unwittingly, and the corners of their mouths lifted in mockery.    


"It seems to be Ye Cheng's car!"    


"Ah Long, mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind. Actually, there is another way to go about this. Unless we go to the end, there is still a chance of survival, not to mention that we have not reached the end of the line yet."    


"Buddha, what do you mean?" The Ah Long opened his eyes in shock, but he could not continue speaking. He shut his mouth, concentrated on driving, and returned to the old mansion.    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao never thought that Ye Cheng would come knocking on his door so directly, and for such a straightforward reason.    


Ye Cheng had come for Ouyang Linghan, and even before the Buddha had spoken, he was still the Buddha's guest. In other words, he was a noble guest of the Ouyang family.    


Even though he did not reject, he did not agree with Ouyang Linghan, as it was not that simple to want to meet him.    


Staring at the gold in his black eyes, Ouyang Xiaoxiao flashed an excited expression, and it was quickly submerged under his brown eyes. Fourth Aunt said that the person he did not want to see the most was young master Ye, to put it bluntly, don't you think that you have a thick skin? At least in terms of women, I really can't compare to you. "    


"It's hard to say if there are any relationships between a man and a woman, but how can the Small Fifth Lord understand the relationship between your Fourth Aunt and I. Furthermore, whether she wants to see me or not is not something that you can say. Let's just go and ask, if she really doesn't want to see me, I'll just leave."    


"No need to ask, I know the result."    


As if he had already predicted this answer, Ye Cheng laughed. Small Fifth Lord is so afraid of me meeting Ouyang Linghan? "Fine, it doesn't matter if I don't show it to her. Then, I'll lend this to her!" Putting down a glass bottle that looked like it was made of pink crystals, there were traces of silver flowing within the powder.    


"What is this?"    


"The cold spirit body was poisoned, does the Small Fifth Lord not know about it? This is the antidote, you won't forget, right? "    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao squinted his eyes. Ye Cheng knew that Ouyang Linghan was not too strange, and in the Watch Room, when the two of them met, he could see clearly, but to be able to research the antidote with just a glance, it was truly bullshit. If you say that the antidote is the antidote, then how would I know that you didn't give me the poison? "    


"Isn't there a strong research group behind the Small Fifth Lord? Whether it's the antidote or not, we'll know once we analyze it!" Ye Cheng stood up. I'll come back in three days. I hope your answer will change. "    


Ye Cheng left. Ouyang Xiaoxiao stared at the pink crystal and fell into deep thought. According to Ye Cheng's way of doing things in the Hong Kong Island, he should not be so courteous.    


He picked up the phone and dialed a number. After waiting for a while, Ouyang Xiaoxiao called out an address and then left the sanatorium.    


Zhang Meme walked out of the sickroom with her long hair behind her back. She had come here with the other social service providers to express her condolences. Noticing that Ouyang Xiaoxiao was walking hastily towards the back of the mountain, she kept up with him.    


There was one thing that Ye Cheng was right about. There really was no one more suitable to follow than Zhang Meme. She quickly walked towards him, passed him and went up the stairs into the female restroom.    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao only slightly raised his head to look at her back as she passed by, and didn't pay any attention to her, and walked downstairs.    


Zhang Meme lied down by the window in the female restroom, facing the old building. If Ouyang Xiaoxiao wanted to go there, he would have to pass through the corridor below, in the entire Dongshan sanatorium, there was only one road that could lead to the old building, or to the ground level. Then, it would be impossible to pass through the stairs here.    


Below the window was the washbasin. He didn't know if the designer was suffering from hypoxic brain damage, so he designed the washbasin here. However, it was this flaw that created a good viewing platform.    


Zhang Meme wasn't tall, she stood next to the window with her head exposed. Even if Ouyang Xiaoxiao was cautious in his surroundings, if he saw that there was someone at the female restroom, he would only be washing his hands.    


Psychology was her favorite subject. With regards to human nature, she silently counted for ten seconds in her heart before she tiptoed to look outside the window. As expected, Ouyang Xiaoxiao entered the iron gate the moment she turned around.    


When a person determined that there was no second person, they would subconsciously let their guard down, thus it was very easy for Zhang Meme to discover the little secret behind the other metal door.    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao did not walk through the corridor outside of the old building. Instead, he lightly tapped on one of the walls a few times before he passed through the corridor outside and disappeared into the other side. From the looks of the floors, it was very likely that he went down.    


It was really strange. Why did he knock on the wall?    


When he zoomed in, there was nothing out of the ordinary on the wall. After discovering the suspicious points, Zhang Meme insisted on leaving the society. On the carriage, she sent a photo to Ye Cheng.    


After receiving the message, Ye Cheng entered Meier's office, and let her handle the video and photos. Under the super clear camera, Ye Cheng's every movement was displayed in front of Ye Cheng's eyes, and from the photos, the walls indeed did not have any flaws.    




This was hard to say. Maybe Ouyang Xiaoxiao had already found traces of Zhang Meme, so he did this intentionally, causing them to be suspicious. But if it was true, the tapping was a signal.    


"This person is the most cunning opponent you've ever met, right?" Meier asked as he tapped his keyboard.    


"Hmm, it can be considered one. But I just don't think he is! "    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao was indeed a pretty good opponent, but looking at the matter of him taking care of Ouyang Xiongyan, it seemed that his methods were not very good, and he could completely do it better than that.    


Putting aside the boss behind the scenes, who was the ruler of the capital, Ouyang Xiaoxiao was obviously not qualified. He seemed to be acting for someone else, who was the one controlling him?    


"Meier, bring out all the information I have gathered about their relationship. \'    


"I didn't get the chance to do it!" Meier looked up at Ye Cheng with a pitiful expression. You've given me too much. "    


Ye Cheng caressed Meier's hair and kissed it, then revealed a look of disdain. How long have you not washed your hair? "    


"Meier thought very seriously. "About half a month, but I have a bath every day!"    


Ye Cheng coughed dryly. Is there anyone who takes a bath and doesn't wash their hair? "    


"The Meier pointed at himself. It's still not you! "    


"How long will it take to complete the relationship?"    


"Half an hour!"    


"Come to the office and find me. Then I'll take you out."    


"Is this for my vacation?"    



"What do you think?"    


Meier made an 'OK' gesture and focused on creating the character diagrams.    


After half an hour, Ye Cheng extinguished the smoke in his hand and walked out of Sang Huihui's office, just in time to meet Meier. We agreed on a holiday! "    


Ye Cheng pushed open the door to the office.    


"elder sister Xue Luo, are you here to play with us as well?"    


"I'm not as lucky as you. Also, he came looking for me during the holidays. Basically, he took the initiative to look for me, but it wasn't a good thing. He worked hard, but he still didn't pay me."    


Meier rolled his eyes and started to giggle. Hubby, this is your mistake, falling to elder sister Xue's outer perimeter, wind and rain, wind and rain, it's so exhausting, why don't you give me any money, you're too stingy, if people outside knew that our Hei Yao had a stingy boss like you, who would still dare to apply! "    


Ye Cheng blinked his eyes. I didn't give you a salary? " Chen Luoxue shook his head. No way! I remember that there's always an account every month, and Hui Hui signed it for me! "    


"That's right! You didn't give me a salary, the ones who gave me money were all intelligent! "It's so dangerous like me every day, how can it be enough just like that? It seems like I'm going to jump off the job."    


Ye Cheng exclaimed. The two women should have come together to talk about money, right?    


"Look at the two of you! How tacky! Money is what you say, especially for a money grubber like yourself! "Who do you think I am? I am your husband. What's mine is yours."    


"Yep, yours is ours, ours is still ours, so let's raise our wages."    


Meier opened her arms as if it was natural, and tightly held her beloved tablet under her arm. "Boss, if you don't think about the increase in our wages, then we will really lose our job!"    


Chen Luoxue looked at Ye Cheng's defeated state and felt his heart aching. If you force him again, he'll still be a miser. Why fight with him over things, let's get down to business! "    


Meier pouted. "Hmph, you're the only one who favors him."    


Sang Huihui heard the chirping coming from outside the door, she smiled and shook her head as she walked in. An An said that she won't come, and that the An clan isn't at peace right now. "    


"Wife, you've come really well. They bullied me and said that I was a miser. I request that they comfort me and take care of me." Ye Cheng started to act cute with Sang Huihui, he pointed at her and said, "Idiot, I'm also working, the real potential customer is here."    


Meier rolled his eyes and kicked Ye Cheng. Can you be any more shameless? "    


"Alright, this is what he is like. You are just asking for trouble by arguing with him." Sang Huihui took out the secondary card he prepared beforehand, and handed it over to Meier and Snowfall. "I'm the one who's going to jump the bucket the most."    


"No limit?"    


"I already wrote one for each of you when the company went public. I forgot about the things that have happened recently."    


Meier began clicking his tongue. "Hmm, it seems like you're quite reliable."    


"What do you mean 'reliable'?"    


Meier kept saying "yes" a few times before smiling as he kept the card tightly in his pocket, afraid that it would drop. Sister Hui Hui, do we really not need to return the money after we're done here? You won't deduct it from your salary, will you? "    


"Besides, I'll really be doing business!"    


Meier stuck out her tongue. She stopped playing around and projected the interface onto the platform. After adjusting the screen's size, she waited for Snowfall to put down all the curtains before saying, "Your guess is right."    


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