The Romantic Soldier King



0After seeing Ma Liangcun and the others off, Ye Cheng returned to the hotel. When Mei Zi left, she had already pulled back her barrier, bringing along Pan Yue and the man in white with her.    


The little sister at the hotel was very surprised when she saw Ye Cheng. Last night, there was only an old man who had brought two young men to book a room.    


To Ye Cheng, it sounded like the little girl was sleeping soundly during the night and had forgotten that they had greeted each other. They were the colleagues of the three people from before, and the three people from before had left early in the morning to leave them to pay for the room.    


The young lady actually believed the lies that were so full of loopholes and did not ask any further. After completing the check-out procedures, she busied herself with it.    


The guard opened the door early in the morning and saw a silver JEEP parked in front of the door. It was obviously the same car from yesterday.    


Han Qian, in the name of Ouyang Xiongyan, asked to see Ouyang Linghan, but was rejected by the nurse at the front desk for not being there.    


Ma Liangcun had mentioned it before. Previously, Ouyang Xiaoxiao had said that Ouyang Linghan had went to the Old Buddha's mansion due to his summons. She had calculated that it would be around the time when he would be on his way or had already returned to the nursing home. But there was one possibility that Ouyang Xiaoxiao had lied and hid and did not leave.    


Ye Cheng entered Ouyang Qichen's room as the National Security. The room was neat and tidy, and from what the nurses said, the sanatorium was cleaned every day by nursing staff. It was Li Fugui's job before, but now that he was dead and no one had found a new person, they were all temporarily in charge.    


Ye Cheng found the nurse in charge of cleaning the place to ask about Ouyang Qichen's condition, and the nurse revealed a small detail. On the day Ouyang Qichen and Ouyang Xiongyan had an argument, his mood was extremely unstable, as if he was a completely different person.    


When Han asked the nurse to explain in more detail, the dean walked in from outside and interrupted their conversation.    


Ye Cheng had a black face, and looked like he was not to be trifled with.    


After the dean introduced himself, he moved away from the nurse and sat down on the sofa while touching the table, sighing. Normally, these kinds of people would invite people to the office to take a seat, but this President Ma was different from ordinary people.    


Two days ago, Chief Ma of North Side came here to investigate. I did not know about it, but it was just an accident, and actually even the National Security Agency had been dispatched, I would like to ask if you are pestering them, and even making them unable to do business. Now, the families of many patients are complaining to us, could you police investigate a case with a lower profile?    


Ye Cheng leaned against the table with his arms crossed, the reason he did not speak was because dealing with such a person was Han Li's job.    


Sure enough, as soon as the dean finished speaking, Han Li calmly opened his phone and played the conversation.    


"What are you doing?"    


President Ma's words just now, I can find at least 5 counts to accuse you, so please speak with caution in front of the lawyer. Secondly, let me solemnly remind you, the difference between the Six Departments of State Security and the police, the former doesn't need any notice to be able to be executed first, so, it's best for you to not have any mistakes. Of course, if you cooperate with his work, hehehehe!    


This was a threat from Guo Guo. However, it was very effective against people like Principal Ma. Six Departments of State Security's authority was above their locality and anything they interfered with was basically a threat. President Ma coughed dryly. He changed legs and said, "OK, how do you want me to cooperate with your work?"    


"Three, no. If you can do it, it'll be to cooperate with our work."    


"It's impossible for Dean Ma to do any of these three things, regardless of whether he listens or not." You are making things difficult for me, don't tell me that even if you want to kill me, I won't care? " Upon hearing this, President Ma immediately felt that he went overboard. He coughed and added, "As long as you don't disturb the patients in the sanatorium, I will agree to the rest."    


The investigation started from the front desk, and every staff member was invited to Ouyang Qichen's room to be questioned by Ouyang Qichen. Everyone's questions were different, and even if they spoke privately, they would still dare to be a little confused, for example, what they usually liked to eat, whether they were interested in their children or not. Some of them even had their periods of time when they were asked, where everyone was confused.    


Standing at the side, he resisted the urge to laugh, only Ye Cheng would do such a thing, disturbing the other party would not be as reckless.    


The whole morning was spent in such a mess. At noon, the two of them ate in the hospital cafeteria. Carefully, Han noticed that the employees' meals were different from the patients', and there were also several levels to the patients' meals. According to the patient's records, these categories didn't seem to have anything to do with the patient's condition.    


Ye Cheng secretly recorded the arrangement of the different types of food and sent it to Montes for analysis.    


Soon, he received news about the various diseases caused by the food. However, most of them were related to the stomach and intestines.    


Why does a sanatorium provide unhealthy meals to patients?    




"You mean to say that by removing the poison from their bodies through diarrhea, some of them are already in their seventies and eighties, what can the night evil get from looking for these people who are about to die?"    


"Resistance to drugs!" "Or other drugs. There must be others that haven't been found."    


Ye Cheng took out a few photos and passed them to Han. This was captured by me from Ouyang Linghan's body. Her blood has already been infused with this purple-black poison, and I remember the first time I met Lin Xi, the two's situation was similar. The difference is that Lin Xi met me. "    


"So you're saying that night evil wants to develop a medicine similar to your own blood, and from there, develop a medicine to fight against it?"    


Ye Cheng nodded, the possibility of this happening was very high and he was unable to think of any other factors.    


"So you're saying, Ouyang Linghan is in danger now! But isn't she someone from the Gate of Heaven? Isn't the night evil afraid of the people from the East Side turning hostile by using her as an experiment? "    


Ye Cheng shrugged his shoulders, he had hidden some facts, and when he thought of Ouyang Jing's words, he still held back for him.    


In the afternoon, the staff of the sanatorium were trembling in fear of being called to question them again.    


After work, Principal Ma came to Ouyang Qichen's room and discovered that Ye Cheng and the others were not there a long time ago. He asked the guard and found out that they had already left after having lunch.    


The two people in the room did not return to the room after lunch. Under the control of the door, the time Ye Cheng's car left was 3 o'clock. No one had seen the two people in the last two hours, where could he go?    


He did not dare delay any longer and changed his clothes before driving away. He was so anxious that he did not notice the engine behind him. He passed through the East Side and stopped in front of the South City Division.    


The locomotive passed Principal Ma, and through the mirror, they watched him enter the building. In front of him, if he turned left and left, he would circle around and enter the hotel's car park.    


entered from the outside. He put down his helmet and placed it on the table, then turned on the computer. After he adjusted the position of his helmet, An Gaohan heard hurried footsteps from the screen. "It's done!"    


Ye Cheng put down the binoculars, and looked around the Bureau Chief's office, before knocking on the door and entering.    


The voice disappeared after the person entered, allowing Ye Cheng to tell Han not to speak, the camera was pulled in, and stared at the lips of the two people inside as it started to translate.    


So it turned out President Ma was not Ouyang Xiaoxiao's man. He had always been working for the South Side!    


As the two conversed, Principal Ma's mood suddenly rose. He stood up and pointed at the other person with threats before slamming the door and leaving.    


Looking at the new Chief, he seems to have already known that there was something wrong with the Dongshan sanatorium. The reason why he helped Ma Liangcun was probably because he wanted to borrow the power of the North Side to kill him.    


"Maybe it's Baiqi Yushu's idea, but don't forget that Baiqi Mingchao has a close relationship with him, and dare not say that he doesn't have any rights on the east mountain ? .At the very least, this new bureau chief might not be on Baiqi Yushu's side." An Gaohan closed the computer and took out an envelope from his pocket to give to Ye Cheng. The higher ups have already agreed to investigate Dongshan sanatorium thoroughly. The person you want will arrive tomorrow night. "    


"Help me thank Old Company Commander."    


"Ye Cheng, this is the last time you are making an exception. If you are still unable to deal with the night evil and the LY stoste, then that is when new debts are owed, so you must succeed."    


Han looked at the two of them, he nodded towards An Gaohan and followed him out of the hotel.    


He angrily slapped the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator and sped through the intersection in front of them. The yellow light flashed as it flipped the green light over and a truck rushed over from the intersection and directly knocked away the car that had come out from the side. The truck landed on the side, crushing a small sedan that had just left the intersection.    


A car accident that could have been avoided happened just like that. Everyone stared at the intersection in shock. The most unfortunate one was the car that had its roof flattened. The hope of life inside was very small.    



The emergency brake on the truck had left a long indentation on the road, its rear end was almost 90 degrees, the driver sat inside the truck, the windshield was broken, tiny glass was stuck to his face, one eye was bleeding, his face was pale and his eyes were blank, he was scared.    


Emergency vehicles, fire trucks, and traffic police arrived one after the other. The ones that rescued them, those that investigated them, and those that were in control of the scene, all blocked the entire intersection.    


After clearing a part of the scene, Truck driver was brought to the side. He moved the truck away and cleared half the road with the traffic police commanding, the road slowly began to clear up.    


None of the two cars that were hit survived.    


According to the driver's description, he saw the intersection turn green and sped past it. He didn't expect a car to come rushing out. There was no medicine for regret in this world.    


This was just an accident, but it just so happened that the one who died was Principal Ma. Even more unfortunate was that the person responsible for the accident happened to be himself.    


Not long after the accident, the people of East Side arrived at the traffic police station. Li Dazhuang left after seeing that the driver had understood the situation.    


Due to the sudden death of the Dongshan sanatorium's Principal, the Old Buddha, who was accompanied by Ah Long, came to Dongshan sanatorium and asked Ouyang Xiaoxiao whether he was the one who ordered this matter.    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao took out the evidence of President Ma and the people of South Side colluding. The reason Ma Liangcun was able to enter the Dongshan sanatorium to investigate was all because of the South Side, and now there were still people from National Security. Once the Dongshan sanatorium was breached, the Gate of Heaven would be done for.    


The old buddha was stunned for a moment before he started chuckling. Know what your uncle said about you? Raising the tigers is a source of trouble! "    


"The Buddha regretted it. You should have killed her along with me. You gave your two sons permission to kill your own woman. Why did you keep me here?" You did not do it because you love me, but because I happen to be a coffin. "    


"You know quite a lot. So what you're doing now is to take revenge for that woman?"    


"Avenge her, hahaha, I am not that great yet! "I admit that you gave me a taste of power, but there's no one left in Gate of Heaven who can compete with me now, and the Buddha still wants to spend his later years of life in the old mansion, playing chess and drinking tea, so there's no need to ask too much about what happens outside."    


The old Buddha said a few good words, then stopped Ah Long from impulsively saying, "For our Gate of Heaven to have a successor, it is truly a joyous occasion!"    


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