The Romantic Soldier King



0Ye Cheng came to Vice President Feng's office. He did not have any good feelings towards this forty year old middle-aged woman and asked indifferently: "Why has Vice President Feng called me here?"    


"Your department's Director Zhang has officially submitted his resignation to the company via email." The attitude that Vice President Feng had when talking to Ye Cheng was completely arrogant towards his subordinates, "The reason why I called you over to chat is very simple, I hope that you can quickly familiarize yourself with the working flow of the overseas signboard department. During this period of time, you must act as the assistant director. At the same time, I will give you a mission. To understand why Zhang Yuchen wants to resign and to convince him to stay behind. "    


"Alright!" Ye Cheng and the Vice President Feng did not have much to talk about, so he could only reply with one word.    


The Vice President Feng waved his hand and let Ye Cheng go. When Ye Cheng left the office, she snorted with an unfriendly expression: "What kind of attitude is this, 24 years old and without any experience in working in the Personnel Department. To actually be able to become the Vice Supervisor of Ministry of Recruitment, she definitely has something going on with that coquettish fox Yin Fangyi. Let me grab hold of your weakness and get you all out of Winning Group. Sooner or later, the position of the general manager of Personnel Department will be mine. "    


Ye Cheng did not expect Zhang Yuchen to submit his resignation letter, so he guessed that he was probably affected by the Black Tiger Finance Company's forced debt.    


Ye Cheng's guess was not wrong. After being forced to pay by the Black Tiger Finance Company's hoodlum, Zhang Yuchen had the urge to retreat. With a debt of over five hundred thousand dollars, she was simply unable to repay. She had no choice but to lower her head to the cruel life situation and decide to accept all the requests from the Black Tiger Finance Company to repay this loan at a high interest rate.    


Zhang Yuchen had heard of the gang's methods of forcing money, and in order to not implicate her family, she had even prepared herself to sell her own body. Her mother's condition worsened, and she continued to pay for the treatment. Her family was already as poor as a pauper, all her relatives purposely hiding, Zhang Yuchen was simply unable to raise the money.    


Thinking about it, she took the initiative to come to the black account finance company early in the morning and borrow some money on her own as collateral.    


Not long after Ye Cheng arrived at the company building, he arrived in his red sports car. Her hair was dyed red, and she wore black sunglasses. She wore a small white halter top and bulging chest. She wore tight pants, completely revealing her young and mature figure.    


Lei Zihan stopped the car, looked at Ye Cheng who was sitting on the stairs, fiercely pressed the horn twice, and did not take the initiative to pay attention to Ye Cheng.    


"I thought you weren't coming!" Ye Cheng opened the door, sat in the front passenger seat, and unceremoniously ordered: "To Black Tiger Finance Company."    


Lei Zihan suddenly turned his car around, increased the throttle, and sped onto the road, merging with the flow of traffic.    


Ye Cheng teased: "If you drive so quickly and you get into a car accident, it's fine if I bump into you. Don't hit me."    


"It would be better if I crashed you to death." Lei Zihan cursed hatefully as he increased his throttle even further, faster and faster than the cars on the road. Although she was willing to accept her defeat, she was not willing to be Ye Cheng's follower.    


Ye Cheng laughed: "I'm in your car, if I get knocked to death, you won't be much better. It just happens that we are a pair of dead lovebirds, and we can also be companions on the road to the Yellow Springs."    


Lei Zihan spat in anger: "Pah, who would want to die with you. If you want to crash into it, that would be killing you. "    


"Then you can try. When the time comes, I'll hug you tightly. Even if I die, I'll have to carry you as a cushion." The corner of Ye Cheng's mouth revealed a wicked smile, and even pretended to size Lei Zihan up with a perverted look. "Even though you look a bit ugly, I won't turn my back on you."    


This was the first time someone said that he was ugly. Lei Zihan was driven mad and said fiercely: "Big pervert, you're the one who's ugly, if you keep looking randomly, I'll dig out your eyeballs and trample on them."    


"My eyeballs are bigger than an ox's. Watch out for your feet."    


"Don't worry, I definitely won't use my feet. I'm afraid that I might dirty my feet!" If you want to step on it, it's just driving.    


"He's still young and has such a vicious heart, you better be careful not to get married."    


"Even if I don't marry in my entire life, it has nothing to do with you at all. It's really the empress's fault for not rushing me."    


"Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with me. You're my follower now, so you're basically my servant girl." If you don't want to get married, as a master, I will have to worry about it as well. If no one marries you and it falls into my hands, I won't be able to raise you. "    


"Pei, who is your servant girl? Stop putting money on your face, it's disgusting."    


As the two fought back and forth along the way, Ye Cheng finally felt relieved and quickly reached the Haoran Building.    


The Black Tiger Finance Company was also in the center of the commerce market, not far from the Winning Group. elder brother Ye sighed at the loan sharking company's profits. The place they rented was the Golden Land of Eastsea City, how could they brazenly settle down in the center of the city?    


Ye Cheng and Lei Zihan entered the Haoran Tower, and their bickering came to a temporary end. Lei Zihan's face turned cold, it was as if he had gotten money from someone who owed her tens of thousands of dollars. In Ye Cheng's heart, however, he was secretly amused: "A little brat that's still wet behind the ears dares to bicker with me, you're still far from it!"    


The two of them took the elevator up to the sixth floor. When they walked out of the elevator, Ye Cheng saw the signboard of the black account finance company.    


On the surface, it looked no different from a regular financial company. They cleaned up quite cleanly. Ye Cheng walked along the corridor for a few steps, and saw that there were several mahjong tables placed in the spacious rooms on both sides of the hall. Each table was surrounded by people, and the room was filled with smoke. It was very different from the outside.    


"San-er, rub my cards, I need to go to the bathroom!" A brawny man with a black tiger tattooed on his bare chest walked out of the room with a cigarette in his mouth.    


When he saw Ye Cheng and Lei Zihan outside of the door, he asked them with a fake smile: "Brother, are you here to make a loan? You came to the right place, which one of us doesn't know that our Black Tiger Finance Company is absolutely fair and has high reputation. "As long as you have the appropriate collateral, you can borrow as much as you want."    


After saying that, he looked up and down at Lei Zihan with his eyes. For example, the beautiful unconventional girl beside you could be used as collateral, so it wouldn't even be a problem for me to lend you a million. "    


Lei Zihan was not in a good mood in the first place, but after hearing the tattooed man's words, he became furious. All of a sudden, she kicked the tattooed man fiercely in his stomach, using him as a punching bag. Get lost, call Shi Hu out. "    


The tattooed man staggered against the door and angrily shouted, "Fuck, you dare to make a scene at our company? You don't even know where you are!"    


Ye Cheng had always been looking for trouble with the Black Tiger Finance Company, he never thought that Lei Zihan would actually start a conflict with these people. He purposely said mischievously: "Xiao Han, I'm using you as a mortgage, be a bit more polite to me."    


Hearing Ye Cheng's words, the tattooed man became even more arrogant. He rubbed his stomach and said, "You dare hit laozi. Little girl, don't even think about leaving today. Just wait and see how I'll serve you from my bed."    


"You blind bastard, this big sis will cripple you." Being blatantly flirted with, Lei Zihan was furious. Like an angry lion, he rushed out and quickly kicked the tattooed man's crotch. She couldn't beat Ye Cheng, but she could take care of an ordinary man.    


The tattooed man never thought that this seemingly harmless girl would actually be so fast. It was already too late to dodge if he wanted, and Lei Zihan firmly kicked him in the crotch. He howled miserably as he clutched his crotch and fell to the ground, rolling around.    


Ye Cheng noticed the dark red crotch of the tattooed man. It seemed that he would not be able to keep his life. The delinquent girl was really ruthless, instantly crippling the tattooed man.    


"What's going on?" The mahjong players noticed the situation outside the door and ran out one by one.    


"Da Li, what's wrong with you?" The few of them surrounded the tattooed man and asked anxiously.    


Ye Cheng looked kind as he said, "Hurry up and send her to the hospital. After you get there, you can still save your life, otherwise, you'll be a eunuch for the rest of your life."    


"Hurry and drive Da Li to the hospital." A few of them lifted the tattooed man and ran towards the elevator.    


"Who dares to stay in my territory and injure Da Li?" The crowd parted, and muscular man Shi Hu walked in with a gloomy face.    


Lei Zihan said: "It's me!"    


When Shi Hu saw Lei Zihan, he immediately forced out a smile. Big Sis, why are you here? You think that blind Da Li has offended you? "    


Lei Zihan said with a cold face, "I don't want to see that guy in the future."    


"From now on, Da Li is no longer a member of our Black Tiger Gang." Shi Hu immediately announced that he had expelled Da Li from Black Tiger Gang, who told him to provoke Lei Zihan? He looked around and instructed: "All of you have come to Big Sis, if anyone is blind and dares to provoke her, they will end up the same as Da Li."    


"Greetings Big Sis!" Everyone shouted in unison. They had heard of this "Big Sis" 's mighty name, but they had never seen him before. Today, seeing him for themselves, they had all engraved this image of Lei Zihan in their hearts, as they did not want to be the next Da Li.    


Shi Hu asked: Big Sis, what business do you have with the company? His entire attention was focused on Lei Zihan, so he didn't notice Ye Cheng.    


Lei Zihan looked at Ye Cheng, and said coldly: "I'm fine, it's because he had something to do."    



It was only then that Shi Hu saw Ye Cheng. He said hatefully: "Ye Cheng, I didn't go look for you, yet you still dare to present yourself at my doorstep. Brothers, surround this brat for me." He sneered in his heart: Aren't you amazing? I don't believe that you can get out of here with over thirty people surrounding you.    


Hearing Shi Hu's orders, the people immediately surrounded Ye Cheng, the entire corridor became as lively as a market.    


Lei Zihan was most pleased to see someone teach Ye Cheng a lesson, as he quietly retreated out of the crowd, crossing his shoulders and waiting to see a good show.    


Ye Cheng casually swept a glance, and saw approximately seven or eight people. Because of the limited space in the corridor, there were only four people on each floor. Don't look at how many there were, there could only be four people who could attack Ye Cheng at once. If you want to gang up on me, you have to bear the consequences. "    


Seeing that his own men were in place, Shi Hu shouted coldly: "Brothers, attack, cripple him."    


The four people who were closest to Ye Cheng struck out with their fists and kicks. Some attacked, while others attacked. Unfortunately their plans went wrong, Ye Cheng had a hundred times more fighting experience than them. Just as these people assumed their stance, Ye Cheng had already reacted.    


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