The Romantic Soldier King



0A gunshot shocked everyone. After the gunshot, everyone looked at Ye Cheng and realised that he was not harmed in the slightest. On the contrary, Hao Feihuang howled and fell to the ground. His right palm was penetrated by the bullet and was drenched in blood.    


An Gaohan kept his gun, and said coldly: "Obstructing me from carrying out my mission, you're courting death!"    


This shot of his had shocked everyone present. The policemen were all terrified. Just who was this guy, daring to open fire in front of everyone.    


"My hand!" Hao Feihuang screamed hysterically, and fainted from the pain.    


Lei Ming was shocked: Secret Service agents are really different from police officers, they don't even bother to greet them, shooting as soon as they say shot, it was really f * cking ruthless. He promptly called out: "Quickly send Deputy Director Hao and his son to my hospital, send people to watch Hao Feihuang's investigation, capture Hou De Zhi for me as well."    


"Captain Lei, I didn't do anything. Before Hou Dezhi could figure out what was going on, he was pushed out by the police.    


Ye Cheng wiped away the blood on his forehead and said: "Lei Ming, please do something, my phone has been destroyed by Hao Tengda's son, you have to compensate me by coming back."    


"I'll do my best." Lei Ming secretly thought: To be able to beat the Deputy Director of the police station to death, if you really have the guts, even if you were to let the National Security Agent handle it, you will still be in big trouble.    


Ye Cheng said with a straight face: "Not as much as I can, but as long as I can. If Hao Tengda does not compensate me with the compensation, I will find your police station to compensate me. "    


"Isn't the compensation a bit too much?" Lei Ming frowned, even a phone made of gold was not worth five hundred thousand!    


"My phone is a treasure. Even if I had money, I wouldn't be able to buy it. I only compensated him with 500,000 yuan." Secret Service's special phone was something that could not be bought even with money. Ye Cheng took the chance to ask for a large amount of compensation.    


An Gaohan interrupted: "Ye Cheng doesn't have much to ask, if he doesn't compensate me, I will personally come to collect it."    


Lei Ming was the head of the group and the head of the group was the head of the group. "Here comes the blackmail from the partnership." When Deputy Director Hao wakes up, I will definitely respond to him truthfully. "    


"I'll take Ye Cheng with me first, leave the rest to the police." An Gaohan glanced at An Ningxuan, then swaggered out of the police station with Ye Cheng.    


One of the policemen was unconvinced and asked, "Captain Lei, who is this man in black that's dragging two hundred and eighty thousand people along with him? You're just going to let him go like this? "    


In order to calm the anger of the crowd, Lei Ming had to reveal his identity.    


"Damn, so it's a national security agent. No wonder he doesn't care about the local police." The policemen had lost their temper.    


After leaving the police station, Ye Cheng and An Gaohan embraced each other as if they were brothers. He laughed and asked, "Broken Wolf, why did you come to the police station?"    


An Gaohan's nickname in the special forces was "Savage Wolf". This person was cold and merciless, his actions were ruthless, and the criminals that fell into his hands would either die or be injured. "In the face of Ye Cheng, he still maintained his cold and detached attitude. Your phone has been destroyed, so Chief Zhao sent me to investigate. "    


Ye Cheng asked: "After leaving the special forces, you joined National Security?"    


"Yes sir!"    


"I remember that you were staying in Wolf Fang well. Why did you choose to leave?"    


"For my private sake."    


"Damn, you're still keeping secrets from me." Ye Cheng punched An Gaohan, "We haven't seen each other for a few years, let's find a restaurant to drink."    


Not long after Ye Cheng left the police station, an Audi stopped in front of the entrance to the police station. A well-cut top, knee-length skirt, and slightly curly hair made him look especially capable.    


"Not long after she entered the police station, this woman came out on the phone." Xiao Lin, your friend has already left the police station. It looks like he doesn't need my help. "    


"Left?" Xiao Lin continued to ask: "Then there won't be any more problems with Ye Cheng, right?"    


The woman lowered her body and got into the car, then replied: "It should be fine. The police told me that Ye Cheng had been released on no crime." The National Security Agency secret service had interfered with Ye Cheng's affairs, of course the police would not tell the woman the truth.    


Xiao Lin was relieved: "That's good, I'll be troubling you Qin Li, I'll treat you to dinner tonight."    


"You have to treat me to a meal. I pushed the case out of my hands for your sake. If I don't kill you now, I'll suffer a huge loss. " Qin Li laughed: "Oh right, it would be best for you to bring that friend of yours. The man that makes you so nervous, he can't be the boyfriend you secretly have, right? "    


Xiao Lin said: "Don't spout nonsense, he is our department's Vice Supervisor. I felt that he was not bad, so I asked for your help. "    


"So it's your boss!" You have a future. " Qin Li ridiculed: "Then bring them even more so that I can take a look. I'll help you check them."    


"F * ck you, he has a girlfriend." Xiao Lin replied back: "Since you have the heart to advise me, why not quickly find a man to marry yourself out."    


"So what if you have a girlfriend? If he really suits you, it would be easy for you to pry him away with your beauty."    


"His girlfriend is prettier than me. Alright, I'll see you tonight."    


Ye Cheng and An Gaohan arrived at a high-quality restaurant, and even asked for a private room. During the meal, Ye Cheng was practically the only one speaking. An Gaohan's words were limited, it was like a toothpaste being squeezed, he would answer whenever Ye Cheng asked.    


Ye Cheng contentedly took a sip of the small wine, "Your personality hasn't changed at all over the past few years, and you're still as taciturn as before, cherishing your words like gold. "You won't be able to find a girlfriend like this. As your former comrade in arms, I'm even a bit worried for you."    


An Gaohan also drank a mouthful of wine, "I have never considered the possibility of a girlfriend."    


Ye Cheng advised: "You are already more than twenty, it's time to consider your life and not drift down by yourself." He was about the same age as An Gaohan, but he had entered the Wolf Fang Special Forces one year earlier.    


An Gaohan was the most silent person in the group at the time, his personality was eccentric and he could only occasionally chat with Ye Cheng. In addition to his outstanding military skills, Ye Cheng always liked to go on missions with him. Although they had only worked together for two years, they had lived and died together many times. The brotherhood between them was quite deep.    


As the two of them were chatting, the door to the private room was pushed open, and An Ningxuan, who was dressed in casual clothes, walked in. Her body was slender and slender, with a straight waist, even though she wasn't wearing a police uniform, her cold and charming face still naturally revealed a valiant look, causing Ye Cheng's eyes to light up.    


Ye Cheng asked with doubt: "Why are you here?"    


An Ningxuan didn't look at Ye Cheng as she turned to look at him. Her red lips slightly parted as she said in a low voice, "Big Brother!"    


"You are siblings?" Ye Cheng laughed out loud. "You two are like siblings, your tempers and personalities are exactly the same.    


An Ningxuan did not follow up on Ye Cheng's words, and pulled a chair over to sit beside An Gaohan.    


An Gaohan calmly replied, "She's my younger sister, so you won't need to introduce me to her."    


Ye Cheng smiled as he sized up the siblings, "The more I look, the more they look like each other. His eyes darted around as he smiled evilly, "Old Han, there's something that I need your help with."    


An Gaohan asked: "What is it?"    


"A while ago, I had a competition with your sister, but she lost. "According to the bet we made before the competition, if she loses, she'll be my woman, but your sister seems to be adamant about it. What do you think we should do?" After knowing that An Ningxuan was An Gaohan's younger sister, Ye Cheng spoke even more unrestrainedly.    


There was still no change in An Gaohan's expression, and he said coldly: "I have no objections if she wants to be your woman."    


An Ningxuan did not expect Ye Cheng to bring up this matter in front of his brother, and said angrily: "I never agreed to your bet at all."    



Ye Cheng laughed: "Why are you in such a hurry, I'm not done speaking yet! Since you are Old Han's younger sister, then let's drop the bet from last time. "    


An Ningxuan said in dissatisfaction: "It was a fake thing to begin with."    


"Being able to become Ye Cheng's woman is your honor."    


An Gaohan almost vomited blood in anger when he heard these words. She said angrily, "Brother, why are you still speaking up for him? I don't want to be his person."    


Ye Cheng said complacently: "Your brother is smart enough to know that I'm a hundred times better than other men."    


An Ningxuan muttered: "So shameless!" She could no longer sit down and angrily said, "Brother, you have nothing else to do, I'm leaving."    


"I called you here for an urgent matter." An Gaohan suddenly became more serious, his ears turning to listen for any movements.    


An Gaohan never had a smile on his face, there must be something important going on. Ye Cheng lowered his voice and said: "There's no one around to listen in, go ahead!"    


Ye Cheng knew that these siblings were the special agents of Old Company Commander's Zhao Hongwu. The National Security Department did not send them here for no reason, they must be here on some special mission. As for the specific mission, he had no idea.    


An Gaohan said in a low voice: "Chief Zhao sent us siblings to the Eastsea City to investigate the collusion between the Black Tiger Gang and the Japanese Inagawa-kai, in an attempt to destabilize the country."    


Ye Cheng gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn, those underworld forces from Little Japan also dare to extend their tentacles into China, they are really courting death!"    


The Chinese government could allow some local gangs to develop freely, but it would never allow any foreign powers to cause trouble. When necessary, he would definitely use some iron-blooded method to kill it without mercy. Actually, the government allowed some gangs to develop, on the one hand, to prevent foreign gangs from infiltrating the country.    


An Gaohan said in a serious tone, "I have already investigated the Black Tiger Gang secretly for a period of time, so the interactions between the two gangs are very hidden. Last month, Black Tiger Gang's Sect Master Lei Baihu went to Japan and met with the higher ups of Inagawa-kai. The two gangs' companies, on the surface, were uncharacteristically close, and I was afraid they were planning a major operation that could endanger national security. "    


The Ministry of National Security's duty was to safeguard national security. When necessary, it was possible to eliminate some hidden dangers in the cradle, and those who performed related tasks were the special agents.    


An Gaohan continued: "Little sister, you have to use the police system to monitor the movements of the Black Tiger Gang. He turned and said to Ye Cheng: "Old friend, Chief Zhao had instructed me to ask you to cooperate fully if we were to take action."    


Ever since he had retired from the Wolf Fang Special Forces, the bloodlust in Ye Cheng's bones had been dormant. When he heard that there might be a movement, he immediately became excited. He was born not to be a peaceful person, so he immediately expressed, "No problem, just notify me of your actions."    


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