The Romantic Soldier King



0Ye Cheng anxiously covered Lu Mengzhu's mouth, he carried her up from the waist and walked towards the other room that no one lived in.    


Lu Mengzhu's heart jumped around like it was carrying a little deer. Her face was red, but she was thinking in her heart: Big Brother Ye Cheng's thing is so big, it's so scary! Oh, what am I thinking, it's too embarrassing!    


Ye Cheng went to the other bedroom and locked the door, in case there was another misunderstanding. When the black shadow touched the side of the bed, he lightly pressed Lu Mengzhu beneath him. In the darkness, his own lips found her fragrance and he took a breath on it.    


"Mm ?" Under the intense kiss, Lu Mengzhu's throat let out an alluring, coquettish moan, but he deliberately suppressed it and did not dare to shout out loud. A trace of an indescribable desire rose from the bottom of her heart, and the burning sensation on her body became even more intense.    


In front of Ye Cheng's gradually maturing kissing techniques and teasing, this girl, who was still alive, could not hold herself back. Under her continuous caresses and kisses, the desire in her heart surged out like a tide.    


Big Brother Ye Cheng must be doing that kind of thing just now. He couldn't be thinking of doing the same thing to me, right? At this time, Lu Mengzhu's heart was a little afraid and a little anticipating, so he might as well let nature take its course! Sooner or later, I would be his woman.    


Her beautiful face was flushed red, and even though the room was dark, her eyes were still tightly shut as she enjoyed the kisses and caresses of a man, waiting for the moment to come.    


's only pajamas were taken off very quickly, and her snow-white lamb-like body was completely exposed to the air. However, in this dark bedroom, Ye Cheng could not see it clearly, but the feeling on her hands was extremely distinct. Her twin peaks were not much different from two bulging buns. They were just big enough for one hand to hold onto, making her feel extremely soft and comfortable to the touch.    


When Ye Cheng's fingers brushed across his smooth lower abdomen and gently probed into the valley, Lu Mengzhu's delicate body trembled, and an indescribable pleasure instantly spread throughout her entire body, sinking into her bones. She immediately felt her brain go blank, and subconsciously clamped tightly onto her legs, not allowing Ye Cheng's fingers to continue acting.    


Ye Cheng timely left her cherry lips, and her lips slid across her snow-white neck. He held the jade ball that had already hardened at the top of the small bun and sucked it again and again.    


Gradually, he gave up on all resistance and lost control of himself. His two legs also unconsciously separated, and the deep valley which was filled with flower and dew once again appeared.    


When Ye Cheng pressed her body into the secluded area, Lu Mengzhu moaned: "Un, it hurts ?"    


"I'm coming. Do you regret it?" Ye Cheng suddenly stopped his movements and asked softly.    


Lu Mengzhu shook her head and muttered in a shy voice: "I want to be big brother's woman, just like Big Sister Snowfall."    


"Just endure for a moment." Ye Cheng's movements became extremely gentle as her waist gently sunk. That layer of woman's most precious film-like barrier was completely broken through. Accompanied by the fragrant flower dew, they slowly delved into the deepest part of the valley.    


Following Ye Cheng's gentle movements, Lu Mengzhu felt that the pain was gradually disappearing and was being replaced by a feeling of extreme comfort. Wave after wave of impact spread throughout her body like electric currents, eroding her soul and making her feel as if she was floating in the clouds.    


Ye Cheng had already asked for it from Chen Luoxue, and very quickly surrendered. The two of them had reached the peak of happiness at the same time. Their bodies were tightly entwined, and the room gradually quietened down, leaving only the breathing sound of their desire after venting out.    


On this night, Lu Mengzhu finally became Ye Cheng's woman, and enjoyed the joy of being in love with a man, which made one willingly fall in love with a woman. She also understood why so many men and women were so engrossed in the mysteries.    


This time, she slept soundly, a sweet and contented smile on her face.    


When Lu Mengzhu woke up, he immediately felt that his lower body was a bit uncomfortable. Thinking back to last night's incident with Ye Cheng, his face flushed red, his heart felt as if it was soaked in a honey jar, filled with sweetness.    


"Bad, bad!" She suddenly thought about how she was still in the other bedroom. "I didn't go back to sleep in the middle of the night, how do I explain this to the Xiao Yao and Xiao Tong?"    


Lu Mengzhu anxiously put on his pajamas, got off the bed, looked at the red spots on his clothes, and carefully took the sheets and put them away. This was proof that he had lost the most precious thing to a woman, and had to be kept properly.    


She looked around the bedroom and hid the sheets in the closet. He then went behind the door and carefully opened it a crack to check out the situation outside.    


The living room was abnormally quiet, as if there was no one there. Only then did she muster up the courage to walk out.    


"You're awake!" The sudden voice gave Lu Mengzhu a fright. After seeing that it was Ye Cheng, she let out a long breath and touched the spot of her heart with all her might.    


"Good morning, Big Brother Ye Cheng!" Lu Mengzhu's face slightly blushed, and a hint of bashfulness emerged.    


Seeing her bashful expression, Ye Cheng stood up from the sofa and walked over. "Good morning, did you sleep well last night?"    


"It's pretty good!" Lu Mengzhu glanced at his extra room, and asked softly: "Where are Xiao Yao and Xiao Tong?"    


"After breakfast, I sent them to the hotel to help. Snowfall and Ru Bing also went to work." Ye Cheng sent her a gaze that reassured her, "They don't even know what happened between us last night, so you shouldn't worry so much."    


Lu Mengzhu once again let out a long breath, "Fortunately I wasn't discovered by them!" Then, he frowned again. "Then how can I explain why I didn't sleep in the bedroom last night?"    


"I told them that you had something on today and you left early." Ye Cheng considerately asked: "Are you hungry? Go change your clothes and get ready for breakfast. "    


"Big Brother Ye Cheng sure has thought it through!" Lu Mengzhu smiled from the bottom of his heart, hugged and kissed Ye Cheng, then happily walked towards his bedroom.    


When she changed into a fresh and small flower dress and washed up, Ye Cheng had also arranged for breakfast. It was rare for there to only be two people in the house, so Lu Mengzhu really enjoyed a warm breakfast for the two.    


Ye Cheng continued to carry dishes for Lu Mengzhu, "Eat more, and properly nourish your body."    


Lu Mengzhu nodded, the feeling of being cared for and cared for by a man was too wonderful, the smile of happiness on her face never faded.    


"In the future, you will be the mistress of this family, and everything in this family will be up to you." As he said that, Ye Cheng took out a crystal clear and shiny glass bracelet from his pocket. This is for you, like it? "    


"So beautiful!" Lu Mengzhu did not bother to continue eating and snatched it away. "This bracelet is as clear and translucent as a crystal, pure and flawless. She loves it so much that she can't let it go." It's so beautiful, I love it. "    


This bracelet was brought over by Ye Cheng after he killed Cao Jinsheng. He had kept it for a long time but it was useless, so it was given to Lu Mengzhu. It was originally a pair, but he planned to give the other one to Chen Luoxue.    


"It's good that you like it. Let me bring it to you." Ye Cheng took the bracelet, lightly passed through Lu Mengzhu's delicate hand, and wrapped it around her wrist.    


"So happy. I suddenly feel like I'm the happiest woman in the world." Lu Mengzhu said excitedly.    


"I also promise that you will always be the happiest woman." Ye Cheng said emotionally.    


Lu Mengzhu suddenly threw herself into his embrace, hugged him tightly and took the initiative to give him a hot and wild kiss.    


After kissing her passionately for a while, Ye Cheng patted her back and said gently: "Quickly eat, if you don't eat it's cold."    


After eating a meal that Lu Mengzhu thought was his happiest breakfast in his life, she grabbed Ye Cheng's arm and left the house like a good and gentle wife. Originally, Ye Cheng wanted her to rest well at home, but she refused to do anything.    


When he arrived at the bottom of Winning Group, Ye Cheng told Lu Mengzhu to wait for him inside the car for a while. Ye Cheng walked into the building alone and took the elevator to the security office.    


The little secretary, Ning Luoling, had nothing better to do and was watching a TV show on his computer. Suddenly, the office door was pushed open, and Ye Cheng walked in. She quickly pressed the pause button and laughed: "president Ye!"    


Ye Cheng nodded his head, he did not care about her watching TV while she was at work, and directly asked: "Luo Ling, do you know how to get a resignation letter?"    


"Yes!" Ning Luoling pouted her small mouth, and said unhappily: president Ye, I only peeked at the TV for a while during work time, you don't need me to take the initiative to resign, right?    


"I didn't say I wanted you to resign!" It was clear that Ning Luoling had misunderstood his meaning, Ye Cheng anxiously said: "I am the one who is leaving, help me get a report on my resignation!"    


"Alright!" Seeing that it was not about him resigning, Ning Luoling was completely reassured, and happily smiled. She suddenly overreacted and stared at Ye Cheng, surprised: "president Ye, you want to resign?"    


"Yes, I'm about to resign."    



"president Ye, why did you resign after doing your job well?" Ning Luoling was extremely confused, although the department that Ye Cheng was in was not particularly important, they were only under the jurisdiction of the Chairman Joe, and their position in the company was even above tens of thousands of people. How many people would dream of leaving, and yet he actually wanted to resign?    


"Tian Tian has nothing to do, so she feels bored and wants to change the environment." Of course, Ye Cheng would not tell him the real reason, "You better hurry and get it out for me, give it to Chen Assistant before noon, let her pass it to Chairman Qiao."    


"president Ye, can you not resign?" Ning Luoling was extremely reluctant. No one asked about her being late, then leaving early, and her work was relaxed and free. However, she knew that the reason she was able to work so comfortably was all because her boss was Ye Cheng. If Ye Cheng resigned and changed the boss, his good days would also come to an end.    


"Help me hand over my resignation report first. It's not certain if the chairman will approve it or not!" Ye Cheng suddenly remembered something, and said: "Write another letter of appointment and formally appoint Ge Jun as the manager of the security department. Once it is done, inform Ge Jun for me."    


Seeing that Ye Cheng had made up his mind, he immediately became gloomy and sighed: "president Ye, you have resigned, what should I do?"    


"You will continue to be assistant to the general manager. Your position should not change for a short period of time. Alright, hurry up and do it, I'll be leaving first. "    


Looking at Ye Cheng's leaving figure, Ning Luoling felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.    


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