The Romantic Soldier King



0At the entrance of Yiran bar, the security guards had already tied up the two assassins who had been beaten up by Ye Cheng. They waited for the police to come and deal with them.    


Qin Li and Jiang Chuyao both looked anxious as they stood on the stairs. Lu Mengzhu helped out at the hotel, but did not come to the bar.    


"Sister Qin, is the elder brother Ye in danger?" Jiang Chuyao asked worriedly.    


"Don't worry, he'll definitely be fine." Qin Li comforted her, but in her heart, she was not confident at all.    


The majority of the people in the station did not know Shiman's family's background, but he had often gone out to interview Shiman with him and learned that her father was one of the deputy mayors in Eastsea City.    


After the Crazy Flower Shirt killer's car left the city, the car sped away, and the scenery on both sides of the road flashed by.    


When he was in the city, Ye Cheng had had a few chances to climb onto the roof, but he didn't do that. He wanted to see when this killer would stop. Other than that, he saw that the killer had made a few calls and probably contacted other killers in hematite. As the saying goes, a talented warrior with great courage, he still hoped that the assassins of hematite could come.    


After changing directions several times, a large courtyard appeared in the middle of nowhere. A row of houses could be vaguely seen, which looked a bit like a factory.    


The pitch-black yard door opened and the killer slammed on the brakes. The car swerved and charged into the courtyard.    


The car suddenly stopped, and the flower shirt killer immediately held his dagger up to Shiman's snow-white neck. He took a few glances at the back of the car and noticed that Ye Cheng was still missing, and immediately raised his guard.    


Five or six masked men appeared in the courtyard. With firearms in hand, they surrounded the van, step by step.    


"Don't shoot, I'm from your side. I'm Blood Leopard." The Flower Shirt Assassin hastily shouted when the masked men appeared in his line of sight.    


"Where's Ye Cheng?" a man wearing a green mask with fangs asked in a deep voice. Although they were all assassins of the hematite, they would never reveal their true faces in front of other killers when they went on a mission together.    


"You didn't find any trace of him?" The killer with the nickname 'Blood Leopard' quickly said, "Before he entered the courtyard, he was still lying in the trunk. He must have jumped off the car. He must be nearby!"    


"Search everywhere, we must kill him. Blood Leopard, you will be responsible for taking care of the hostages!" The other men quickly ran out of the courtyard.    


"He lifted the mask and whistled. Seven or eight masked men appeared from behind a pile of saplings." Ye Cheng is nearby, everyone go search! "    


With that, the masked man brought the other masked men and left the courtyard, searching for traces of Ye Cheng.    


"Most of my hematite's assassins have been chasing after Ye Cheng, and even the most powerful Green Hunting Beast has appeared, no matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to escape death!" "I've brought Ye Cheng to this place for a great deed. He should be able to get quite a bit of money from it, so I'll leave things to you guys to fight for!"    


After seeing Ye Cheng's skill, the Blood Leopard didn't think that it would be's match if it met him head on. "He lowered his head and looked at Shiman, licking his lips sinisterly. This little girl is really not bad. After she kills Ye Cheng, I will also have a good time here! "    


Outside of the courtyard were all sorts of saplings. It would be difficult to find Ye Cheng's hiding place. The light of a flashlight swept back and forth, all of the killers were separated by no more than three meters, quickly searching for Ye Cheng.    


Discovering that there was someone searching, Ye Cheng slipped deeper into the forest through the gaps between the trees. The phone in his pocket vibrated a few times. He quickly took out his phone, blocking the light coming out from the screen, and took a glance at the message from Xiao Ya. Be careful, fourteen people are looking for you.    


Fourteen killers really think highly of me. Ye Cheng kept his phone and continued to walk carefully. Although these shrubs gave him an excellent hiding place, they also restricted his movements. If he moved too much, it would easily cause the trees to sway and expose his position.    


He could only use a roundabout way to avoid the direction in which the killers were searching. He took a detour to the other side of the courtyard to save Shiman.    


The range of the killers' search expanded and became a two-man team. The distance between the two groups also gradually increased, and they used the light of the flashlight as a signal to communicate.    


Xiao Ya was wearing a multicolored butterfly mask, forming a group with a man wearing a flowery mask. She kept her distance from the man and followed him through the woods.    


"I hate it!" The man with the flowery mask was a sissy, waving his hands around to chase away the mosquitoes beside him.    


Xiao Ya looked around and saw that the two groups of people were at least twenty metres away from him. Through the gaps between the trees, he could only see the flickering lights, and no one could be seen at all. Suddenly, she strode to the side of the sissy man, raised her fist and used all her strength to smash the back of his head.    


As he had enough strength, the masked man didn't even have time to make a sound before he fell into Xiao Ya's arms. Slowly, she put the man down, took off his mask, picked up the two flashlights on the ground, and proceeded as if nothing had happened.    


After walking for a short distance, seeing that no one had noticed his abnormality, Xiao Ya hurriedly grabbed a flashlight under his arm and sent a message to Ye Cheng, informing him of his location and had him meet up with him.    


"They were even talking about sneaking in. Now they can just walk in openly." Ye Cheng identified the direction, and after circling half a circle, he moved towards the location of the Xiao Ya.    


Xiao Ya signalled to Ye Cheng with her flashlight as she walked. Suddenly, she saw a man standing between two trees in front of her. Who else could he be other than Ye Cheng?    


Ye Cheng quickly walked forward, hugged Xiao Ya into his embrace and fiercely kissed him a few times.    


Don't mess around, be careful not to get caught by other assassins." Xiao Ya passed a flashlight and a flowery mask to Ye Cheng and said in a low voice, "Put on the mask. The hitman you pretend to be is nicknamed 'Big Sister Hua', a very effeminate man.    


Ye Cheng wore a mask with a bitter face, and said with a frivolous voice: "You're hateful, you want me to act like such a woman."    


His voice instantly made Xiao Ya feel disgusted, he forced a smile and said: "It's very similar, just that tone, I didn't realize that you actually have the potential to be a transvestite."    


Who's the transvestite?" Ye Cheng naughtily stared at Xiao Ya and said in a normal tone, "You dare to say a man as manly as me is a transvestite, do you want me to put you on the spot? This sort of small forest is truly a good place to do business.     


Xiao Ya pleaded for mercy, "I didn't say that you are still not okay. Quickly go, so as to not attract the attention of the other killers."    


The two made a show of strolling around for a bit. After seeing that the other killers had returned to the courtyard, the two of them also started to return. Along the way, Ye Cheng passed by the flower sisters who were beaten unconscious by the Xiao Ya. Ye Cheng took off his clothes and changed it to his body, immediately releasing a pungent smell.    


"It would be a disaster if he were to be kept alive!" Ye Cheng's hands grabbed onto his head, and with a fierce twist, he broke his neck.    


His movements were too nimble, the Xiao Ya was unable to stop him even if he wanted to. He could only let out a helpless sigh. I was planning to let sister Hua live, but how did you kill him? "    


"Anyways, the person has already been killed by me, so you can blame me for it. Let's go!" Ye Cheng held Xiao Ya's hand and walked in the direction of the courtyard.    


Returning back to the courtyard, Ye Cheng twisted his body and pretended to be a woman as he quietly looked around to survey his surroundings. This place seemed to be where the saplings were kept, as there were a large number of different kinds of saplings piled up in the yard.    


The assassin 'Green Demon' who wore a green faced fangs mask counted in silence, and discovered that there were not more than one, and said angrily: "Dammit, let Ye Cheng escape, everyone stay alert and retreat at any time, scatter!"    


"Hehe, it's time for laozi to go and have fun!" Right now, it didn't care if it killed Ye Cheng or not. It could not wait any longer as it carried Shiman into one of the houses.    


"Sister Hua, this is my favorite thing to see. I'll join in the fun too!" Ye Cheng's butt twisted and turned, her posture was extremely feminine as she quickly followed the Blood Leopard. In his heart, however, he was cursing: Damn, acting like a sissy is so tiring.    


Some of the assassins couldn't hold back their laughter. It seemed like the blood leopard's chrysanthemum was about to be destroyed as well! Although they rarely saw each other's faces, they understood Sister Hua's hobbies. Before he killed someone, regardless of whether it was a man or a woman, they would all taste each other's chrysanthemum.    


The blood leopard kicked open the door, walked in quickly, and tried to close the door with his heels.    


Ye Cheng pushed open the door from behind and smiled coquettishly: "Blood Leopard, you don't mind Sister Hua watching you do that, right?"    


"Blood Leopard felt a headache coming on. Why did this sissy follow him?" Sister Hua, you can look, but please spare my ass! "    


"Don't worry, Sister Hua is not interested in your chrysanthemum!" Ye Cheng even conformed with a Orchid Finger.    


"That's good, that's good!" The blood leopard heaved a sigh of relief and said ingratiatingly, "If Sister Hua is interested in this little girl's chrysanthemum, we can attack together. The front is mine, the back is yours."    



That's a good suggestion!" Ye Cheng smiled coquettishly and gave the blood leopard a flirtatious look with a blink of his eyes. In the past, he had also disguised himself as a woman, such as an aunt, an elder sister-in-law, and even a grandma. However, this was the first time he had acted like a sissy.    


The Blood Leopard ignored the 'Big Sister Hua' and carried Shiman to the wooden bed. Ye Cheng closed the door and easily bolted it.    


"This woman looks a little more genuine. In my experience, eighty percent of her looks like a chick, if she doesn't kill Ye Cheng on this mission, it would be worth it!" The blood leopard excitedly muttered. It quickly took off all of its clothes, and the excited monkey rushed over.    


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