The Romantic Soldier King



0When these words came out, everyone looked at Ye Cheng as if he was an idiot. Did he treat himself as a Superman? They were counting on one person killing their Grand Dragon Gate, so others would not laugh at them.    


"This kid is not just bragging." Zhou Bo Yong snorted, he squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Cheng, waving his hand, causing the people around him to pull out a machine gun, and waited for Zhou Bo Yong's order, intending to shoot Ye Cheng into a hornet's nest.    


"Why don't you try and see if I'm bragging or not." Ye Cheng sneered coldly.    


Zhou Bo Yong saw this with his own eyes, and did not know why the person in front of him was so confident. Just now, he had been able to quietly take care of all the guards at the entrance.    


"Ah Hu, why don't you try and see what he's capable of." Zhou Boyong said.    


A fat guy sitting next to him stood up. He really was too light when he said he was a fat guy. He swayed his fat body, looking like a small mountain. At least four or five hundred people were nearing him.    


"What a big lump of meat." Ye Cheng was startled, he never thought that humans could eat so much, how much food would they waste?    


"Die." Ah Hu roared, his seemingly gigantic body moved at an astonishing speed, his fist whistled as he arrived in front of Ye Cheng.    


"I wonder how strong such a big lump of meat is." Ye Cheng snorted, clenching his fists, he welcomed the attack. He wanted to shock everyone present, after all, if there were so many people attacking together, it would be difficult for him to handle it.    


"Is this person an idiot?" "Daring to compete with Ah Hu in strength." A burst of mocking laughter came from within the room. Ah Hu's strength was terrifying. His fist strength could reach up to five or six hundred Jin, which was the equivalent of a lion biting into a person.    




The two fists fiercely clashed, the immense force causing Ye Cheng to retreat continuously, a look of difference flashed across his eyes, he never thought that the strength of the person was actually so terrifying, even his seemingly huge body did not slow down.    


"This kind of place with such a huge power is already very shocking. But there's actually such an expert, if he were to lose to Inagawa-kai, he would at least have the strength of a Jounin, and a powerful character at that. " Ye Cheng was shocked.    


Ah Hu was also shocked at Ye Cheng, he did not expect him to actually be able to withstand his fist, "It seems like you are not simple."    


"You look really complicated. With such a big body, you're actually still alive. How much food do you waste every day?" Ye Cheng sneered, although Ah Hu was strong, he did not feel threatened yet.    


"You." A hint of anger flashed through Ah Hu's eyes. It had been a long time since someone had called him a fatty. Those who had cursed him a fatty all had their heads smashed into pieces. "Go to hell."    


Ah Hu said, trembling his huge body, he rushed over, if he was to continue fighting, he would at least lose half of his life, upon seeing this, Ye Cheng immediately dodged to the side, originally thinking to use the blade in his hand to cut his neck, but thinking about it, he might not be able to scare them.    


"Bang." A loud sound rang out and the entire temple trembled. Dust flew into the air and many people coughed repeatedly.    


Ah Hu wailed in pain, he did not expect Ye Cheng's reaction speed to be so fast, to actually be able to dodge his flesh war chariot.    


"Go to hell." Ye Cheng let out a cold snort, went behind A Hu and grabbed onto his body, the veins on his body bulged, all the energy in his body exploded out, finally lifting A Hu up, throwing him towards Zhou Bo Yong's direction.    


Seeing this, Zhou Bo Yong was stunned. He had not expected this person to be able to lift such a heavy object that weighed almost 500 kilograms. Just how terrifying was this person's strength?    


He dodged to the side, but his unlucky lackeys were not so lucky. They dodged too slowly, and were pressed down to the ground by A Hu's huge body. They didn't even have time to cry out before they were turned into minced meat.    


"F * ck, this is a lot more cruel than me." Ye Cheng sneered, if such a fat guy took her as his wife, would she be able to take it?    


"Ahh, damn it, I'm going to kill you." Ah Hu crawled up from the ground. This was a great shame and humiliation. He was the only one who had ever thrown someone else. Who would have thought that he would also have been thrown out?    


"You're not qualified to kill me." Seeing how his move had shocked quite a few people, he could not help but laugh coldly. The blade in his hand drew two beautiful arcs as it flew towards Ah Hu.    


"Be careful!" Zhou Boyong was quick to react. He immediately reacted by snatching the machine gun from the hands of one of his henchmen and began to snatch at the blade of the machine. This Ah Hu was his number one Warrior General, he could not afford to die like this.    


A burst of flames lit up, the blazing bullet whizzed onto the blade edge, striking it hard enough to send it flying backwards, Ye Cheng's expression was cold, he did not think that there would be someone who had such a powerful spear technique, he rolled forward, caught the blade that was flying backwards, and shot towards Ah Hu once again.    


This time, his speed was clearly much faster than the previous time. The blade left an afterimage in the air as he arrived in front of Ah Hu. Ah Hu's eyes widened, "So fast."    


Ah Hu let out a sound as the blade sliced through his neck, causing blood to gush out like a fountain.    


"Damn it." All of this happened in an instant. Although Zhou Bo Yong had blocked Ye Cheng's blade attack the first time, he did not expect that this person could react immediately. Furthermore, the second attack was much faster than the first.    


Shocked, everyone in the room was stunned by Ye Cheng's bravery. When they fought against Ah Hu, they did not lose out in the slightest, as they lifted up a huge object weighing close to 500 jin and threw it to the side. Then, within two moves, they took Ah Hu's life.    


"Is he really a human?" Many people exclaimed in shock, their expressions were filled with fear, Ye Cheng's strength had exceeded beyond their range of understanding.    


"Get the gun and kill him." Zhou Boyong's heart skipped a beat and he immediately shouted. If this period of time was too long, all of these people would probably lose their combat strength.    


A few sober people took out their machine guns and started shooting in Ye Cheng's direction.    


"Da Da Da." Suddenly, the entire room rang with fire tongues, and all of the fire tongues shot towards Ye Cheng's direction in unison.    


"Too late." Ye Cheng said, his body as light as a swallow, he rushed into the group of people, the daggers in his hands made multiple moves, easily slashing through several people's necks, all of them groaned under his breath and fell to the ground, not moving an inch.    


Due to Ye Cheng sneaking into the crowd, the people who were shooting became silent, they did not know what to do, if Ye Cheng had been shot, all of their comrades would have been killed by him.    


"Shoot that bunch of idiots, or we'll all die." Zhou Bo Yong roared. He grabbed his machine gun and started firing, not caring if they had killed any of his men.    


Such a huge commotion in the temple startled the people outside. Many of them rushed over and soon arrived in the temple. However, the scene before their eyes was something they would never be able to forget for the rest of their lives.    


The scene in front of him was like that of an asura from hell. There were more than ten corpses strewn all over the ground. The sect leader's location, Ah Hu, had his eyes wide open. He lay there with blood dripping from his neck.    


Just when everyone was stunned, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them. Before they could clearly see his appearance, he disappeared from their sight. Following that, a row of bullets whizzed forward, causing many people to fall into a pool of blood.    


"What are you doing? Rebellion? " A man who looked like a leader roared. He raised his machine gun and fired at the inside, and quite a number of people fell to the muzzle of the gun.    


Upon seeing this, many of his lackeys also shot their way inside.    


"Damn it, you bastard. Die for me."    


The originally quiet and dilapidated temple suddenly shook. Gunshots tore through the dark night and countless people fell into pools of blood. Many of them did not know what was going on. They only knew that they had to shoot anyone they saw or they would be shot to death.    


The ruined temple became a slaughterhouse, countless people wailing in grief.    


"All of you, stop." It was a pity that the current situation was no longer within his control. Everyone's eyes were red with killing intent.    


There were more than a hundred people in the large Grand Dragon Gate. Who knew how many people would die in this chaos, or how many would bring along who knew what reason they would have, so they ran to the side. In his heart, he had already paid respects to Ye Cheng a few times: "Don't let me catch you, I'll make you beg for death if you can't live." The Grand Dragon Gate that had been in operation for a few years had been destroyed overnight.    


"As you wish." Ye Cheng suddenly appeared in front of him, he looked at Zhou Bo Yong with a funny face: "It feels good killing your own people, right?"    


"Ah, go to hell." Zhou Bo Yong's heart burned with anger, his anger made him lose his mind, and he rushed towards Ye Cheng alone.    





Ye Cheng cleanly slapped Zhou Bo Yong's face, causing his eyes to release a gold light, and his body to fly backwards. The few subordinates behind Zhou Bo Yong knew that the person in front of him was not someone to be trifled with, and did not care about their boss's life or death, they turned and ran.    


It was a pity that Ye Cheng was going to destroy all of his Grand Dragon Gate tonight. These people had only run a few steps when Ye Cheng already arrived in front of them.    


"Who are you? "How can he be this strong?" Being slapped awake by Ye Cheng, Zhou Bo Yong's eyes flashed with panic as he said.    


"Who I am is not important. What is important is how many wicked things you have done in this area." Ye Cheng sneered, these scum would only bring disaster to their side by letting them live, so he might as well kill them all.    


"Are you a cop?" Zhou Boyong said.    


"Is that important?"    


"If you let me go, I'll give you 10 million. As long as you let me go, I don't think you'll have that much money even in your lifetime as a police officer." Ten million was an astronomical number for the police.    


"Only ten million?" Ye Cheng sneered, just by going around the casino, he would be able to earn tens of millions.    


Without any hesitation, the blade slashed across Zhou Bo Yong's neck, taking care of Zhou Bo Yong and Ye Cheng who looked like a black and white immortal, they harvested all the lives in the broken temple. Soon after, the broken temple sank into silence, and the entire broken temple did not have a single trace of life left.    


"A bunch of scum. They really deserve to die." Ye Cheng scoffed, with so many dead, he could not let others find out, or else it would cause panic.    


After igniting a fire, Ye Cheng left the dilapidated temple.    


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