The Romantic Soldier King



0This was not the first time someone dared to cause trouble for Jiange, but since three years ago, when the corpse of the troublemaker was pulled out of the Huangpu river, no one dared to cause trouble for Jiange. This was not the first time someone dared to cause trouble for Jiange.    


There were dozens of them. Hearing that a bold young man on the top floor beat up their man, all of them rolled up their sleeves and rushed to the top floor's private room as fast as they could.    


At this time, Ye Cheng was sitting on a chair as if nothing had happened. On the ground were the four thugs who had been beaten down, and behind him, was Pu Wanqing's group of students. They looked at Ye Cheng as if he was a monster. His skill was way too exaggerated, no wonder they were not afraid of him at all.    


All the male students were jealous of Ye Cheng's skill. As boys, who wouldn't dream of having such skill to show off in front of a beautiful girl?    


And for those girls, who were single, to be able to see the light in Ye Cheng's eyes, Pu Wanqing, he had truly picked up a treasure. Although Ye Cheng was suspected of pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, they felt that it was mostly because of Ye Cheng. He did not care about Wang Wei and only wanted to act like a normal person, not only did he have a graceful demeanor, he was also young and gentle.    


Wang Wei had always described himself as a Prince Charming, and he even intentionally wore a set of white clothes today. However, compared to Ye Cheng, who was similarly dressed in white, Wang Wei was just a clown.    


At this point, when the four burly men fought with the young man, they were actually knocked down by the young man. This caused Wang Wei's brain to go blank for a moment, as he could not accept reality.    


"Young Master Wang, what should we do?"    


"Just wait and see. Humph, after knowing a few moves, you think that it's the God Emperor. To dare cause trouble at Sister Xu's place, there's no need for me to do anything today. All you need to do is wait and see a good show, Sister Xu has status, even if Ye Cheng can get rid of all these spectators, he won't be able to leave this place. " Wang Wei revealed a sinister smile.    


"Ta, ta!" The sound of leather shoes touching the ground echoed out. Just from the sound of it, one could tell that there were many people who had come. In the blink of an eye, a dozen muscular men ran in from outside. One of them, a middle-aged man who was only wearing a white vest, glanced at Ye Cheng and walked in front of the group of lackeys who were wailing loudly on the ground. He frowned and asked: "Wen Song, what's going on?"    


"second brother, you finally came. It's that brat, he messed up here and beat us up without thinking. Look, my ribs might have been broken. You have to be the judge for us. " The one who spoke was the man who was slapped by Ye Cheng.    


The middle-aged man who wore a vest was none other than Zhang Qiang, the deputy manager of the lobby. He was a person of Donghai Road, and had been hired by the famous Karakorum Savant for a high price. The people of the underworld all knew that Zhang Qiang was here to cause trouble, so no one would come here to cause trouble.    


Zhang Qiang walked straight in front of Ye Cheng. The other party had a very strong aura, and even under the gazes of dozens of evil intentions, he remained calm. Just this determination alone showed that the other party was not a simple master. Zhang Qiang had roamed the society for many years and had seen many powerful figures. He could smell a trace of danger from Ye Cheng's body.    


He did not recklessly bring people to beat up Ye Cheng. Instead, he carefully probed, "May I know what your name is?"    


"Ye Cheng."    


"Mr. Ye, I, Kaige Mei, am open for business. Why did you beat up one of our staff members?" Zhang Qiang said with a stern expression. He remembered that there wasn't anyone with the surname Ye among the reputable people in the East China Sea, so he wasn't as nervous as he was at the start.    


Before Ye Cheng could speak, a few of Pu Wanqing's classmates stood up to speak for him. Everyone saw clearly, it was the people on the side of Kai Ge Mei who purposely bumped into Ye Cheng, but the person did not manage to hit him, and instead spilled the soup on their own pants.    


With so many people testifying, the situation was pretty much the same. It was the people on their side who were in the wrong. Logically speaking, he should take the initiative to apologize and settle the matter. However, for the other party to still have such an attitude after beating his person, it was a little hard for him to accept. If this matter were to spread, his prestige as Zhang Qiang and his reputation as Kaige Mei would more or less be affected.    


Just as Zhang Qiang was considering how to handle this matter, Wang Wei walked over with a few of his henchmen.    


"Qiang-ge." Wang Wei obviously recognized Zhang Qiang, he immediately brought out Xu Huiru and pressured him, "These people are the people that Sister Xu sent." The meaning behind his words, this matter was most likely sent by Xu Huiru.    


Zhang Qiang thought in his heart. Listening to what Wang Wei said, this dandy seemed to be in conflict with Ye Cheng, and furthermore, his boss Xu Huiru knew about this matter as well. He sent his subordinates over, and it was very obvious that Kai Ge was on Wang Wei's side.    


Ye Cheng sat there, he did not even have the intention to move his butt, he glanced at Zhang Qiang in disdain and said indifferently, "It's just a lousy KTV, do you think that this is the police station? If I follow you back to investigate, I will be eating here soon, I have a bad temper, sorry for the trouble." Since he had already broken off all decorum, Ye Cheng no longer worried about it.    


"How arrogant." Zhang Qiang could tell that as Wang Wei's opponent, he should have some background. Normally, he wouldn't offend these people, that was why he gave Ye Cheng face and allowed him to discuss the matter with him in private.    


However, Ye Cheng was too arrogant, he did not give any face at all. He himself was also a reputable figure on the East Sea, but being thrown off the stage by someone who didn't give him any face at all, he was immediately enraged. He punched out first, smashing towards Ye Cheng's nose.    


At such a close distance, he was very clear that this punch would definitely break the bridge of Ye Cheng's nose. For this dandy who did not know the depth of heaven and earth, only a lesson that requires blood would be able to make him understand.    


At such a close distance, Ye Cheng suddenly stretched out his hand and blocked it. The majority of the force on Zhang Qiang's fist landed on his arm and spread to his entire body.    


Zhang Qiang was obviously stunned for a moment. He did not expect Ye Cheng to actually react so quickly when he looked so cultured and refined. No wonder he could beat up four bodyguards and make them lie flat on the ground.    


"That's right. You have some skills, but it's not enough to be arrogant in front of me. " Zhang Qiang roared in anger, and did not wait for Ye Cheng's reaction. He kicked Ye Cheng's face. This kick was much more powerful than the one just now.    


"Is that so?" Ye Cheng was also secretly furious in his heart, he did not dodge and immediately kicked out, clashing with Zhang Qiang's kick.    


When Zhang Qiang's feet made contact with Ye Cheng's, his expression changed immediately, the other party's strength was enough to completely crush him. He tried to pull back, but it was too late. Ye Cheng's powerful kick landed on his chest, directly kicking his body out of the way.    


However, when the kick collided with the other party's body, it reduced a lot of strength. When the kick landed on Zhang Qiang's chest, he only had three levels of strength left, which was not enough to kill Zhang Qiang.    


Zhang Qiang coughed, spitting out a mouthful of blood, he stood up shakily. Ye Cheng was indeed more powerful than he had imagined. He alone was not a match for his opponent.    


"Call me." If something happens, I'll bear the burden. " Zhang Qiang waved his hand. If he let this brat leave just like that, he wouldn't have to stay in the East Sea.    


Hearing that, a dozen of his subordinates immediately rushed towards Ye Cheng.    


"Everyone stop!" Just as both sides were about to start fighting again, a clear voice resounded throughout the arena. The voice was clearly that of a woman. The decibel level was not high, but it was heavy.    


Including Ye Cheng, all of them stopped at the same time. Zhang Qiang was at the back, and was the first to come into contact with the woman who was walking towards him, only to see Zhang Qiang respectfully greet her: "Sister Xu."    


"Nonsense." The person who came was Xu Huiru. As the box did not allow the installation of surveillance cameras, she was not clear about the situation inside, and was worried that Song Lianghe's friend Ye Cheng would be injured, but when she walked over, she realised that the ones who were injured were all on her side. Even Zhang Qiang had blood at the corner of his mouth, but Ye Cheng was fine.    


Xu Huiru immediately came in front of Ye Cheng, with a professional smile on his face, "young master Ye, I'm really sorry, it was all a misunderstanding." As he spoke, he bowed to show his sincerity.    


Xu Huiru's performance instantly surprised the thugs and Wang Wei.    


"You are?" Ye Cheng was a little confused. The beautiful and sexy young mistress in front of him had somehow come out of nowhere, and had immediately apologized to him. Especially when the other party bent over, her work line was immediately exposed to him. This caused him to be unable to help but take a few more glances.    


"I am the boss of the Kagomei Entertainment Club. I am very sorry about what happened just now. Mr. Ye, do you have any compensation request? We will comply with all of them." When Xu Huiru said this, he purposely puffed out his chest.    


When Xu Huiru said this, even he was dumbfounded. He was powerful, but he shouldn't have been treated like that by a stranger, right? Furthermore, this woman called Sister Xu was not an ordinary person.    


"Boss Xu, I don't think we know each other, right?" Ye Cheng thought for a while and lit up a cigarette.    


"Yes." Xu Huiru smiled flirtatiously, and said with a smile, "young master Ye is Young Master Song's subordinate, so he's naturally our esteemed guest ?!"    


"Young Master Song?" Ye Cheng was slightly startled, he was not someone to be trifled with, and no one in the Eastsea City dared to take his little brother, so he couldn't help but ask, "Which Young Master Song?"    


"Song Lianghe." Xu Huiru hurriedly said.    


"Him ?" Haha, you said that I'm someone close to him, you must be mistaken, I'm not his subordinate. " Ye Cheng couldn't help but laugh when he heard Xu Huiru say that he was a subordinate by Song Lianghe's side.    


Xu Huiru was a little confused by Ye Cheng, but she carefully dialed Song Lianghe's number, and only needed to ask Song Lianghe, and the matter would be clear. If Ye Cheng had nothing to do with Song Lianghe, then Xu Huiru would definitely not let this person, who dared to cause trouble for her, go.    


Soon, the call connected. After understanding Xu Huiru's words, Song Lianghe only left one sentence.    


"You dare to provoke the young master Ye? You really don't know if you're dead or alive. I, Song Lianghe, want to be the little brother of young master Ye, I think they will not accept me ? "    


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