The Romantic Soldier King



0Zhang Kejia looked at the complacent Ye Cheng, and rolled his eyes: "We are currently on the way to the inn, let's go eat, where are you?"    


"Inn? You went to the hotel? Elder sister, you couldn't have been eaten by that guy again, right? How about it? How are you feeling? "What does it feel like?" Zhang Kewei cried out in alarm.    


These days, the only thing that had happened was that girl asked him about how it felt to be involved with Ye Cheng, forcing him to avoid her when he was free. He really did not know if this sister was purposely angry at him, and said angrily: "If you're so worried about that feeling, wouldn't you know after doing it with this bad guy for just once?!"    


"That's right, master has finally woken up with great difficulty this time, so he must give it a try. However, I am still a little afraid, how about we go together?" We are at Wu Yang Cafe and Aunt Yin Fangyi is here too. Oh yeah, there's also a beautiful big sister. Zhang Kewei urged.    


After Zhang Kejia hung up the phone, he looked at the proud face of Ye Cheng, it seemed like Zhang Kewei's voice was heard by this guy.    


"Mm, but that's not bad. You two are my women in this life. You can't run even if you want to. However, I don't know what it would feel like if you two twin sisters were thrown onto the bed together." Ye Cheng said, his eyes revealing a look of longing.    


"You! "Hmph, to Wu Yang Cafe."    


Ye Cheng drove the car to Wu Yang Coffee Shop, and when the two of them arrived at the coffee shop, they saw the three women sitting opposite the door. The two of them were familiar with each other, one was the feminine Yin Fangyi, the other was the elven Zhang Kewei, the other one had caught Ye Cheng's attention, Zhang Kewei's words were not bad, she was indeed a beautiful woman.    


Of course, in terms of looks, this woman was slightly inferior compared to the three of them. But in terms of allure and sexiness, these three women couldn't even compare.    


The beautiful woman sat in the middle of the two girls, looking to be around twenty-seven to twenty-eight years old. Even though it was already autumn, the woman was still dressed in summer attire, with a tight-fitting T-shirt covering her upper body, making her already large breasts even more eye-catching, especially her V-shaped collar which revealed her snow-white breasts. Even from several meters away, the woman could clearly see her lower body clearly through the table, where she sat.    


Although the woman did not stand up, Ye Cheng could tell that she was about 1.7m tall, her dress was very fashionable, her delicate oval face was painted with some makeup and her eyes were painted in eye shadow. What was especially eye-catching was her wavy hair was an orange, falling onto her shoulders, and what made people's blood boil was that this woman actually had an eye, an innately alluring bone, yet extremely elegant and noble, she was definitely a spirit, a spirit that ate people without bones.    


"Master, you're finally awake! When did you wake up? Why didn't you come find me first to find my sister? When Zhang Kewei saw the two people who were standing at the door standing up and running towards Ye Cheng like butterflies, happiness filled up her cute face.    


Ye Cheng was hugged full of fragrant jade by Zhang Kewei. Ye Cheng reached out and tugged at Zhang Kewei's cute little braid, "Why didn't I go look for you, but you're not at the inn.    


"Beautiful twin sisters?" At the corner of the coffee shop, a man wearing a suit spoke in an envious voice. What made people even more envious was that Ye Cheng was currently hugging on both sides of him, on the left hand holding Zhang Kejia's hand, and on the right side was Zhang Kewei, who was in his embrace. The two girls' beauty could easily reach 85%, and most importantly, the two twins were willing to let these two girls into bed.    


Without a doubt, all the men in the coffee shop thought this way. However, those who were able to drink coffee here were mostly senior white-collar workers with high standards.    


"Sister Yi, this is?" Walking from the door to the coffee table they were making, Zhang Kewei desperately grabbed Ye Cheng's arm with her two small hands, her full and small breasts pressing against Ye Cheng's body, causing her heart to tremble. The three of them walked to the table, Ye Cheng smiled and greeted Yin Fangyi while nodding, his gaze landing on the sexy lady beside her.    


"Hehe, come, let me introduce you. This beautiful big sister is called Dai Chen, how about it? This is the master that I mentioned to you before, Ye Cheng. " Zhang Kewei took the initiative to introduce enthusiastically after putting down Ye Cheng's arm.    


The beautiful sexy girl gracefully reached out her hands to support her eyes, her legs that were tied together lightly fell down and stood up. She gracefully extended her hand towards Ye Cheng, and said: "Hello, my name is Dai Chen, nice to meet you."    


"Hello, Ye Cheng." Ye Cheng smiled as he extended his hand out to shake hands with the woman called Dai Chen politely.    


Unexpectedly, Dai Chen gave a sweet smile, her charm fully revealed that the finger holding Ye Cheng's hand was scratching in Ye Cheng's hand, causing Ye Cheng to look up suspiciously, just seeing her blinking eyes at him without leaving a trace, it was a bit mischievous, but more of it was seducing.    


Even though Ye Cheng was firm in his resolve, he was still shocked by the alluring movements of this woman, and thought to himself, What a Spirit Demon girl.    


Just as Ye Cheng's mind was in turmoil, Dai Chen took out her soft and small hands from Ye Cheng's hands, and told Zhang Kewei who was beside her: "You are the only sister Zhang Kejia, right? So beautiful, Mr. Ye is truly blessed, to have a girlfriend as beautiful as you are."    


"Thank you." Zhang Kejia shook hands with Dai Chen, acting naturally and unrestrainedly.    


After the three of them sat down, Yin Fangyi looked at Ye Cheng who was nestling against the two girls, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. He was immediately covered up, and asked with concern while smiling like two ordinary friends: "Are you better now?"    


"Yeah, that's enough. I just miss you a bit, hehe." The sadness in Yin Fangyi's eyes naturally did not escape his eyes.    


Yin Fangyi was stunned by Ye Cheng's words, but Yin Fangyi was someone who had experienced a lot in the past, so he immediately calmed down and changed into an angry look: "You're missing me, why aren't you coming to the company to look at me?"    


"Hehe, I heard that my company is slowly on the right track. I want to pull you, the head minister, from Sister Bing to let me use you. When the time comes, I will have plenty of time to look after you." Ye Cheng said while grinning.    


"That still requires president Qiao's consent." Yin Fangyi laughed.    


"We're all from the same family, there shouldn't be any problems." Ye Cheng laughed.    


"Waa, Master, you can't have taken a fancy to my aunt, right? But that's understandable. She's so beautiful, and also very feminine. That's right, she's still single right now." It was as if Zhang Kewei had discovered a new continent, the two sparkling eyeballs under his curved eyebrows rolled around the two of them.    


"Yeah, I like the Sister Yin. Xiao Nizi, if you have nothing else to say, please say a few words of praise." Ye Cheng reached out and scratched Zhang Kewei's cute little nose.    


Zhang Kewei wrinkled her cute nose, hugged her chest and said: "This is simple, as long as Master is willing to curry favor with me, I will definitely speak up for you. When the time comes, put my aunt on the bed, don't forget about my contributions as your disciple."    


"Stinky girl, what nonsense are you saying!" Yin Fangyi blushed and touched Zhang Kewei's armpits.    


"Hehe, auntie is blushing. Did I hit the mark on all of you?" Zhang Kewei laughed.    


Yin Fangyi did not dare to look straight into Ye Cheng's eyes, and angrily said: "Damned girl, you dare to make fun of your aunt, if you continue speaking such nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart."    


"My good disciple has such good eyes. But I, your master, am so handsome. It's possible that Sister Yi would like me, right?" Ye Cheng smiled and looked at Yin Fangyi.    


"Hmph, look at how beautiful you are." Yin Fangyi angrily kicked Ye Cheng under the table. Why did he say such words in front of the two girls, are you not afraid of them hearing it?    


"Hmm, Mr. Ye is indeed very handsome, and also very manly. I heard that you've been sick for the past few days? Are you all right? " Dai Chen interrupted.    


Ye Cheng was startled, he looked at the peculiar look in Dai Chen's eyes for a moment, then laughed: "Thank you for your concern, I'm already much better."    


Hehe, I have a purpose. I heard that Mr. Ye has a large company and I'm still a jobless nomad. I wonder if Mr. Ye can accept me?" "Dai Chen smiled like a flower and looked at Ye Cheng with an enchanting and alluring gaze.    


"Hehe, I wonder what Miss Dai is studying? I can arrange a good position for you, but the company has just started, so the salary won't be too high. Ye Cheng thought for a while, and felt that there was something wrong with this woman. Now it seemed that he could only ask Sister Yi how she knew this woman, and he could not blame her. After being reminded by An Ningxuan, she was extremely wary of strangers, even if it was beautiful ladies.    


"It doesn't matter what the salary is, as long as it's enough for me to eat. As for the profession, just give me a public relations promotion. I'm good at this." Dai Chen said without the slightest intention.    


Dai Chen was right, with her beauty, it would be easy for her to promote public relations.    


"Mmm, if Miss Dai is willing, I would naturally be happy. Miss Dai is obviously an intelligent and capable woman." Ye Cheng praised her, but her words had two meanings. Ye Cheng felt that it was necessary to understand this woman better.    


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