The Romantic Soldier King



0Those who came prepared wouldn't be able to get anything out of him.    


Wang Dazhi first thought about it and tried to verify it on Da Chetian's body, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed like there was something wrong with this person. Before he could grab all the evidence, he couldn't touch a single hair on Da Chetian's body, so he released him under normal circumstances.    


Da Chetian bit off the people who did not order the Hong Alliance to threaten Xiao Miao and Noi. He only hoped that he could eat with them and make up for his mistake last time. As for how the Hong Alliance did things, he was unclear. He had been practicing in the Martial Arts Competition for the past few days and hadn't paid attention to the news. He didn't know that the police had come until he read the newspaper in the morning. He was very surprised.    


Without missing a drop of water, looked at Wang Dazhi with confidence. Under his calm exterior, for some reason, he gave others a bad feeling.    


Ten minutes later, Da Chetian came out of the police station, and when Wang Dazhi walked him to the door, he just happened to see Ye Cheng get on the car. He frowned slightly, and after shaking hands with Da Chetian, he turned around and entered the building.    


"Boss, this person is very problematic!"    


"Without a license, it's not easy to capture this person. Let's go, to Hong Alliance!"    


Da Chetian was in a good mood. After getting on the car, he asked the driver to take them to the wine house, as he seemed to really like that kind of place. On the way, he talked about how he could eat until his hometown.    


Ye Cheng casually spoke as if nothing had happened, but in his heart, he couldn't help but admire this person's thick skin. He even came to kill him yesterday, but today, he could actually pretend that nothing had happened.    


Ye Cheng did not eat raw food, so he did not like daily food. He remembered that the first time he ate, he had already said it, but the other party did not seem to have heard his words. There was only one possibility for a person in a nation of etiquette to completely ignore a customer's feelings.    


It doesn't matter! Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows. He lifted his wine cup and felt stuffy without waiting for the other party to speak. Then, he poured his wine cup and looked at Da Chetian with not a drop of wine remaining.    


Was it random? The five thousand years of history in China were not something that was inherited by the Bai clan. The rules of the Old Ancestor must be followed.    


Da Chetian was at a loss, and did not seem to be faking it. The few times he put down the cup and picked it up, it was all because of the way Ye Cheng held the cup in his hand, which seemed to imply something. There was no one else in the room, even Kocho Ryuichi did not follow them, so he had no place to ask, nor did he want to ask.    


"Mr. Noyi, I am very sad about Miss Xiao, but I will do my best to help you find her." Da Chetian put down his wine cup, picked up a piece of sashimi and placed it in his mouth. This time, I invited you here for no other reason other than a small matter. I would like to ask you for a favor. "    


Thinking about it carefully, they had never been ignored like this before. Ye Cheng used more force with his right hand, causing the porcelain cup to emit "ka" sounds.    


Da Chetian's expression slightly changed. He raised his head and realized that the crushed porcelain cup was perfectly fine as it was held in Ye Cheng's palm. He couldn't see a single crack on the surface.    


Under the silent and intimidating force, Da Chetian poured a full cup of wine and gave himself three cups of punishment. Then, with his hands on his knees, he leaned forward and said: "I admire your inaction at Hong Kong University."    


"Will three glasses of wine be enough? Mr. Da Chetian wouldn't be that forgetful, right? You almost killed my man yesterday, this matter can't be settled with just three cups of wine, do you know why I didn't call the police? "I just want to give you a chance. Tsk tsk tsk, I'm a bit disappointed!"    


"How can I make you happy? As long as you open your mouth, I can satisfy you. "    




"The people of our island will do as they say."    


"Good!" Suicide himself to apologize for your sins! "    


The corner of Da Chetian's eyes twitched, if he were to leave, it would be as difficult as pouring water. He had completely underestimated the other party, but islanders had promised him that he would do as he said, which was something he would do himself. Mr. Noye! "    


"The words that Mr. Da Chetian just said are engraved in my heart, please!"    


The smile in his black eyes became even wider. Ye Cheng continued to take tea with his legs crossed, not minding Da Chetian's twitching face in the slightest.    


Da Chetian pulled out the sword at his waist and held it horizontally in front of him. He moved two steps back and took off the clothes on his upper body, revealing his firm muscles. I hope that after my death, Mr. Noye will bring my bones home. "    


With that, Da Chetian sprayed some wine on the blade and used a clean white cloth to wipe the back of the blade.    


When he felt pain in his abdomen, Da Chetian felt a moment of despair. He still thought that Noi would not really want him to die, so he hesitated when he made his move. This hesitation would not let him relax, it would only make him feel pain.    


If he didn't make a decision, the instant he died would be like a sawing station.    


The incision was made with only subcutaneous fat, just a little bit away from the internal organs. The knife was stuck when it met the self-defense of the muscle tissue, and would cause a second injury when it was pulled out.    


Ye Cheng stood up and walked in front of Da Chetian. He crouched down and grabbed the blade hilt, then pulled it out with all his strength, bringing the starting point of the drop of blood and sprinkled it onto the beige yellow tatami. Mr. Da Chetian is also a blade wielder, his actions must be ruthless and accurate, if he hesitates like this, even if he doesn't die, he will still not live, the one who will suffer will definitely be himself. "    


Da Chetian held onto his abdomen. Although it was not a fatal injury, the wound was still very deep, and blood kept flowing out from the wound. If Ye Cheng wanted to kill him now, it would be as easy as turning his hand.    


Ye Cheng will not let Da Chetian die from excessive bleeding, he tore apart his noble uniform and forcefully stabbed it into the wound, pressing down on the vital energy and blood at both ends of his acupoints, stopping the flow of blood. " However, according to the speed of your blood flow, you will lose too much blood in less than an hour and will pass out. I will keep your life first, but there are conditions, you want to live or die, you have one hour to decide. "    


"Say what you want!"    


Mr. Da Chetian needs to make a decision as soon as possible. Once this matter is blown out of control, will the people of the Gate of Heaven still clean up your butt? "    


Da Chetian's eyes flickered, then Ye Cheng smiled and continued: "According to what I know, the representative of Gate of Heaven has already arrived at Hong Kong Island last night, does Mr. Da Chetian have the confidence to endure past his slash? Now that the Hong Kong Island is in such a tense situation, with so many murders happening and my fiancee is also missing, who will take responsibility for it? "There must be a criminal behind the murder to end it. This is the same for any excess, isn't it?"    


"What do you mean?"    


"Mr. Da Chetian is a smart person, he should be able to find a way to get rid of him." Stepping out of the sealed room, Ye Cheng stopped and said again: "There isn't much time, finish the battle quickly."    


Kocho Ryuichi walked past Ye Cheng. After pausing for a moment, he immediately rushed in the right direction, and when he saw Da Chetian lying on the ground while wounded, he roared in anger. He wanted to chase Da Chetian and fight him to the death, but was stopped by Da Chetian.    


After being sent to the hospital for treatment, Da Chetian calmed down. Is the Small Fifth Lord here? "    


"The butler has already sent someone to deliver a letter to the other branch. From his words, Small Fifth Lord is very dissatisfied with what has happened over here."    


"Bring your men to the warehouse, 5-11!"    


"That person cannot be trusted!"    


"I do not need your opinion on my decision!"    


Kocho Ryuichi clenched his fists, and forcefully swallowed down the words he was about to say. I'll go over right now! "    


"I remember! "Leave no one alive."    


Da Chetian looked out the window and his pupils contracted. Hong Alliance...    


Dongchuan warehouse! He was ranked third in Hong Kong Island not because of its scale, but because of its special design. It provided many small private enterprises with places to store their goods, paid standard for their loved ones, and had three cold storage rooms that could handle the goods twenty-four hours a day. It was considerably safe.    


After avoiding patrol, he climbed up 5 ? 11. His subordinates were all ninja s picked out from a thousand leaf household, and before Kocho Ryuichi even reached the roof, the three of them had already entered the warehouse from different positions.    


There were three beds in one corner, clothes hanging from ropes at the other end, and several luggage bags at the entrance. One of them could tell by the length of the door that there were firearms stored inside. There were a few knives on the cabinet, and there was flesh on the sharp teeth.    


After greeting each other, the three of them went into stealth mode and entered the warehouse. The unique camouflage technique of the ninja was unable to be seen with the naked eye. Looking down from the top, there was not a single person in the room, but in reality, he had already been concealed by the infiltrators.    



Kocho Ryuichi laid on the roof without moving until the second half of the night, when three people staggered in from afar. They pushed open the door to the warehouse and fell on the bed with the heavy smell of alcohol. Suddenly, someone jumped up and grabbed a knife from the table to protect his chest. His reaction immediately attracted the attention of the other two, and his sharp senses saved their lives in an instant.    


The three of them each held their weapons and stared at three different places. The first one made a hand gesture towards two people, and they all started to move towards the gate. The moment one person pulled open the gate, the first one jumped off the table onto the right side of the gate.    


With a ripping sound, a black shadow appeared out of thin air. Instead of dodging, he punched out at his opponent.    


ninja, be careful! That old bastard betrayed us. " The one who spoke was Xing Tian, as he roared angrily, he raised his right arm to block, the dagger in his hand clawed at his opponent's hand, he used his strength to push ninja up, and shouted: "One out, one out, I will deal with them."    


Hearing the big boss's shout, Xing Yun grabbed Xing Lin's collar and pushed him outside the door forcefully. Look for Soul House! "    


Amongst the three of them, Xing Lin was the weakest. He knew that this was definitely not the time to seek personal heroism.    


Xing Yun roared, he brandished the iron rod hidden at the side and released waves of Qi to attack the other side.    


Although the other party had left after disguising himself, it was only human Qi, as long as you breathe you can find it, the two brothers' skills were not weak, Xing Yun quickly found a second place to hide, he smashed down with his staff, and revealed a dark face.    


ninja grinned at Xing Lin for a moment, not showing any signs of panic or dodging. With a hook, he was already in the air, a thin metal wire wrapped around his hands, slowly approaching towards Xing Lin's neck.    


"Be careful!"    


Xing Tian turned his head around just in time to see this thrilling scene. After throwing a punch at the opponent, he picked up the box beside his feet, bent his knees and knocked the box flying towards the second ninja.    


Xing Yun's heart was startled, he was too careless, he squatted down, opened his arms and drew a half circle, with one leg staring strongly, he flew up along the circular arc in the air, three sharp blades appeared in his two palms, brushing against ninja's armpits, his back hitting the opponent's back, and after landing, he stabbed towards the opponent's neck with his left hand.    


No. 1    


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