The Romantic Soldier King



0"That's right, that's right. Aiyayaya, I'm really going to die. Husband, look at my pig brain. It was clearly brewing before I saw my husband. I didn't expect to be so excited when I saw him." Husband, what do you think I should do if I'm so stupid? Is there any medicine that can be cured? " Just then, Ye Cheng still wanted to say something, but he was robbed by Lei Zihan in the end. But Lei Zihan did not speak properly, he slapped his forehead, as though a great disaster was coming.    


Why is this Xiao Nizi always like this, carefree and unrestrained?    


"What's wrong? What makes you blame yourself so much? Could it be that you have some kind of gift for me, which resulted in you falling into the bathroom and even being washed into the Pacific Ocean with a toilet? " Ye Cheng lightly pinched Lei Zihan's small face. Lei Zihan giggled with a little embarrassment on his face.    


"It seems that this is yet another sin of mine. Next time, next time I'll make it up. But this time, it's not this. I want to ask, where is Mei-jie? Why didn't I see Mei-jie? It can't be that husband has hidden Mei-jie sister, he's going to give us a big change in the living! " Lei Zihan's face was filled with surprise and joy. As he said this, he tried his best to hide behind Ye Cheng's back to see if there were any beauties.    


When he talked about Mei Zi, Ye Cheng's face was a little awkward, and his heart had a bad taste. According to the plan, he should have brought Meizi back to Carefree Villa by now, returning back from saving the beauty as a hero. He should have received the worship of all the beauties here. But now, he had returned, and with the blessing of the heavens, he had returned safely. He had returned to the side of the familiar people he was worried about, as if nothing had happened, and all the unhappiness was just shock and not danger. But now, Ye Cheng suddenly had a feeling of guilt, as if he was safe and sound right now.    


"Hai." With a long sigh, Ye Cheng felt a little tired and directly sat on the ground with his knees bent, supporting his arm.    


"Hubby, don't scare me, my little heart isn't good." Lei Zihan worriedly sat down beside Ye Cheng. During this time, she made a face that could not be considered successful, but could actually be considered as an ugly face, as she wanted to make Ye Cheng happy. How could Ye Cheng not know what she was thinking? He merely dealt with it with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. The disappointed look on his face was something anyone could see.    


"It's nothing. I just don't know what to say. The arranged meeting with the East China Sea Flowers Forest in the afternoon was just an elaborate scam. The goal was to take advantage of the importance of your Mei-jiejie to me and lure me there to use this opportunity to kill me. But in the end, their schemes were exposed. Luckily, your husband's brothers and master arrived in time to save my life. "Although I finally found out that Mei-jie wasn't there, it is my responsibility, my failure, and my reason to not be able to bring Mei-jie back." Ye Cheng's mood was a little low. Even if he couldn't bring back the beauty, it wasn't strictly Ye Cheng's responsibility, but at this moment, other than blaming himself for his incompetence, Ye Cheng had nothing else to think about.    


"Hubby, my mouth is stupid. I usually cause trouble, but you help me clean my butt and comfort me. Now that things have changed, I don't know what to do. The only thing that can be said is that it really has nothing to do with you, and Mei-jie is not even there, so it's useless even if you go. No, no, no. Husband is the most useful. Alas, I don't know what to say in the end. " As Lei Zihan spoke, he was already lost in his own world and unable to come out. He had been stuck in his original place for a long time, unable to come out.    


"Aiyaya, you're so annoying. I'm just saying, husband, don't worry, Mei-jie is a good person. A good person will be rewarded, and a good person will be protected by the heavens." "Aiya, I beg my husband, don't be unhappy. If my husband still doesn't listen to me, then, then I will kneel and never get up." Just as he was speaking, there was a plop sound, and Lei Zihan, who had kept his promise, kneeled down.    


"Alright, alright, alright. Husband will listen to you. Get up." When this little ancestor wanted to say something, he did so immediately. Those who were not clear would think that Ye Cheng was the one bullying her. It was hard for him to be sad all by himself, but it was to no avail for Lei Zihan. He was able to save Ye Cheng from being sad and depressed.    


"No, I just can't. Unless my husband can promise me not to be upset, I'll get up." Lei Zihan actually threw his arm, and made a gesture of "I won't rest until I reach my goal", he straightened his back a little, just like the strong officials from ancient times who were kneeling outside the palace, forcing the emperor to change the order.    


"If you don't want to get up, then don't. Alright, then I won't bother with you." Therefore, the best way was to leave her lying on the side. Ye Cheng, who had lost his audience, was sure to immediately turn around and chase him.    


Sure enough.    


"Hubby, you really did leave. You're not afraid of me being in danger even if you leave me here by myself." He had still put on a "I'll kneel to death if you don't agree" expression a moment ago, but now he hurriedly crawled into Ye Cheng's embrace. Ye Cheng really couldn't do anything to her. If Lei Zihan grew up a little more in a few more years, and if her body became a little more feminine, then the one who would be pounced on everyday wouldn't be her, but Ye Cheng instead.    


"Danger? Look at who your husband is, he's the Ye Cheng who is invincible throughout China, with me here, there's no danger at all. Furthermore, even if I'm not here, the entire hospital is surrounded by people from your Black Tiger Gang, what other dangers are there? " Ye Cheng knew that there was a loophole in his words. Coincidentally, Lei Zihan also knew about it.    


"If my husband isn't here, there will be danger." Lei Zihan's voice was low, her calm tone containing traces of tears. Ye Cheng knew that even if Lei Zihan acted as if nothing had happened, and acted as if she wasn't worried at all, it wouldn't be able to make up for the shadow that had appeared in her heart from everything that had happened in Carefree Villa this afternoon. In the end, she was far from being as strong as she said she was. In the end, she was still just a child.    


"It's all over, and my husband is still here, isn't he?" Ye Cheng hugged Lei Zihan's shoulders, hoping that she could feel his strength. Lei Zihan trustingly raised his head and looked at Ye Cheng. Slowly, he saw trust in Ye Cheng's eyes, hope and sun-like light.    


Lei Zihan's smile, in the face of Ye Cheng's gaze that was like the morning sun, bloomed elegantly and beautifully.    


"Yes, I believe in my husband." Lei Zihan nodded his head, he was extremely obedient. Ye Cheng thought, if Lei Zihan could act like this everyday, then he would have to worry less about himself and his father. However, would he still be Lei Zihan in that case? I don't know, Ye Cheng wasn't someone who should think too much in the first place.    


"Alright, since husband has come, I will accompany you this Xiao Nizi, right? Hurry, bring your husband to see your Big Sister Snowfall, and see how Ning Luochan is doing. Amongst them, I am relatively at ease with Falling Snow and Qiao Rubing. After all, one is my girlfriend who has been through a lot of things following me, and the other one is the high and cold Demon Queen of Winning Group. But Ning Luochan is different, she doesn't know anything. " When Ye Cheng said these words, it wasn't that he did not notice the change in expression on Lei Zihan's face. It's just that the current Ye Cheng only thought that it was because of Lei Zihan's emotional fluctuations.    


Lei Zihan was stunned for a good two seconds. To Lei Zihan, who was good at blabbering, talking, pestering, and being unruly, this was too abnormal. She seemed nervous, but had to feign ignorance.    


"Good ?" Okay, let's go, I'll take my husband to see big sister Luo Chan. You don't even know, only today I know what it is to lose color, I see pity. Big Sister Luo Chan was completely terrified by that group of fiendish people. Before I even fainted, she fainted before anyone hit her. You said she was in a coma for that long, but why is that not enough sleep? Tell me ? " No matter how Lei Zihan said it like a machine gun, Ye Cheng could tell that it was a little strange, maybe he really was overthinking it.    


Ye Cheng, who was being led forward by Lei Zihan, suddenly stopped, and slowly retracted his hand.    


"We don't need to see Ning Luochan first, I want to see Luo Xue and Qiao Rubing first." While Ye Cheng was speaking, he used all his strength to stare into Lei Zihan's eyes. Sure enough, Lei Zihan's eyes and her personality were the same, unable to hide the truth.    


"Alright, alright, I will bring you to see Big Sister Snowfall right now, isn't that easy? "Come, come ?" Just as Lei Zihan wanted to take a deep breath, he did not expect that the even bigger test was still ahead.    


"I've changed my mind again, I want to go see Qiao Rubing. Now, immediately, bring me there. " Yes, it was this clear expression. Lei Zihan was so afraid that he did not dare look straight at Ye Cheng.    


"Tell me, how ?" Before Ye Cheng could finish, Lei Zihan interrupted him.    


"Nothing, nothing at all. However, right now ? Now... Now Elder Sister Bing went to sleep. Husband, it's not like you don't know that Elder Sister Bing is a workaholic, just now your company's Ning Luoling has finally contacted her elder sister, and thus also contacted Qiao Rubing. Soon after, the large pile of matters that we had to deal with all piled up in front of Elder Sister Bing. Tell me, why are they not as heartbroken as her husband? Elder Sister Bing had just received a shock, and she was given so many tasks. Even so, the Elder Sister Bing was already so tired that he fell asleep. " If it was any other time, Lei Zihan would have finished his speech in a breath of air. But what about now, Lei Zihan said stop.    


To think that she was still able to make sense of the situation after speaking so much. If it were any other time, Ye Cheng would have really believed it. Unfortunately, so many things just happened in the afternoon.    


"Is that so? I'm going to see her. I'm just looking. Ye Cheng's eyes were like lasers, as if he wanted to see through all disguises. In front of Ye Cheng's eyes, Lei Zihan was anxious and uneasy.    


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