The Romantic Soldier King



0Qiao Rubing looked at the watch in his hand, calculating every minute and second, and thought that Ye Cheng would fall in the next moment. But what made Qiao Rubing shocked was that at that time, Ye Cheng did not know how many of his enemies had died under his blade, and at the same time, he had also added another layer of frost onto Ye Cheng's body, adding another wound to it. The long road had lasted for three hours, and Qiao Rubing did not know what belief he had in Ye Cheng to be able to persevere through this long journey.    


Is that love?    


Unknowingly, two clear lines of tears had already flowed down Qiao Rubing's cheeks, and the slide of his finger had already reached from Ye Cheng's shoulder to his chest and even a hideous long gash on his left waist.    


Perhaps, this scar wasn't too eye-catching to the varying lengths of scars on Ye Cheng's body, but Qiao Rubing knew that this scar had also been left behind on that day.    


The scars on Ye Cheng's body were like rolling boulders that covered the ground, like rolling hills, like crisscrossing mountains. Not only was it not comfortable to the touch, it also looked somewhat sinister and scary, but these scars were extremely sinister in Qiao Rubing's eyes.    


Qiao Rubing slowly rubbed it for a while, and that itch that carried pain made the corner of Qiao Rubing's mouth curl up slightly. Two lines of clear tears had already gathered on his chin and dripped onto Ye Cheng's chest. Qiao Rubing slowly closed his eyes, then leaned over and kissed.    


Qiao Rubing's slender white jade hands gripped Ye Cheng's chin, their four lips facing each other, as a wave of cold air was sent into Ye Cheng's mouth with a roll of her throat.    


"Hmm?" Just as Qiao Rubing was about to let go of Ye Cheng's mouth, a pair of large hands suddenly wrapped around her slender waist, and very naturally slid down to touch her perky bottom. Ye Cheng's big hands were very gentle, but they couldn't resist pinching on her perky bottom.    


Qiao Rubing's body stiffened and she almost let out a surprised cry. Her beautiful eyes immediately widened, but just as she was about to struggle free from Ye Cheng's devilish hand, she didn't expect that Ye Cheng's other hand would instantly wrap around her back and stick tightly onto Ye Cheng's hand. Just as she was shocked, Ye Cheng's tongue quickly slipped in, coiled around her own tongue in an instant.    


But Qiao Rubing's thoughts were still too simple. With a flip of the body, Ye Cheng hugged Qiao Rubing, pressing the stiff Qiao Rubing down on top of her, while holding onto Qiao Rubing's neck with one hand to keep her from moving her head recklessly, Ye Cheng's other hand, which was pressed under her perky butt, slowly moved upwards along her slender waist.    


"Ugh ?" Being pressed down by Ye Cheng, it was unknown when her legs had already wrapped themselves around Ye Cheng's waist. Her two cute little feet were kicking about randomly, as if afraid to tear Ye Cheng's wounds, Qiao Rubing merely struggled slightly.    


When Ye Cheng's big hands covered Twin Peaks, Ye Cheng almost cried out in surprise due to the instant touch. Qiao Rubing, this woman, actually didn't have a shield on, she was so big, so soft, and so elastic. This was Ye Cheng's most direct feeling.    


Ah!" Qiao RuBing cried out in alarm and used all her strength to push Ye Cheng who was on top of her. She rolled over and stood up. Her beautiful eyes that were just gentle a moment ago were already filled with killing intent.    


"Ouch!" Ye Cheng exclaimed, and was actually pushed by Qiao Rubing until he rolled over and almost got off the bed.    


Qiao Rubing blushed and gasped for breath. This bastard actually dared to touch his place again! Qiao Rubing pointed at Ye Cheng with a trembling finger and said coldly, "Ye Cheng, you bastard!"    


"Hehe, cousin, which scene are you guys acting in? No wonder you insisted on taking care of Ye Cheng since Cousin sister didn't want us to come today. Unknowingly when, Chen Luoxue who dressed casually but with an even more stylish and beautiful appearance was already standing at the door to Ye Cheng's room, her delicate body leaned on the door frame as she watched the two people fighting on the bed with interest, with her mouth agape and a face full of curiosity.    


In his fury, Qiao Rubing saw Chen Luoxue, who was at the door, staring at him with interest, and thought about how Ye Cheng's perverted actions just now were all the way to his place. He guessed that Chen Luoxue saw all of this, and Qiao Rubing "Ya!" His legs went soft and he almost rolled off the bed. His beautiful face was flushed red, it was simply too embarrassed to death. Qiao Rubing hated that bastard Ye Cheng to death now.    


Qiao Rubing's delicate feet stepped on the floor, looking very anxious and uneasy, her two small hands did not know where to put them. The current her did not have the dignified air of a CEO of a corporation, her nervous appearance was just like a mistress who had been discovered secretly being in a relationship with a man: "Snowfall, it's not what you think, I ? "I ?"    


Hehe, I didn't expect that Cousin to fall too. To be honest, I'm a little disappointed, but I think that with just Cousin, you will have to hold on for at least a year before being taken over by this guy. Chen Luoxue did not seem to be angry at all, and from her tone, it seemed as if she had persisted for a few weeks before being taken down by Ye Cheng, which was something that was worthy of showing off.    


"Falling Snow, it's not what you think, it's Ye Cheng, right, Ye Cheng! Explain yourself to Snowfall right now! " As Qiao Rubing spoke, he pointed his finger at the main culprit behind this matter, seeing Ye Cheng lying on the bed with his butt stuck out, mumbling to himself, Qiao Rubing unhappily kicked at Ye Cheng's butt, whether Ye Cheng was a man or not, to the point where Chen Luoxue found out, he actually pushed him out, and he only hid his head in the blanket, not daring to face him.    


"That's right, Ye Cheng, what are you muttering about?" Chen Luoxue also noticed the change in Ye Cheng.    


"I really don't want to see anything anymore." Ye Cheng turned and said to the two of them.    


"Can't see anything? Is it because you haven't gotten used to the brightness after being unconscious for so long? " Chen Luoxue was shocked in his heart, as he asked with doubt. His eyes were staring straight at Ye Cheng, and he realised that Ye Cheng's eyes were wide open, the black and white in his eyes, looking no different from a normal person's eyes. The only difference was that Ye Cheng's thief eyes couldn't even move, as if he was really blind on television.    


"No, I initially thought it was because I wasn't used to the brightness, but I can't see anything now and I don't have any strength left. Ru Bing pushed me just now and if I hadn't reacted fast enough, I would have been pushed off the bed." Ye Cheng said bitterly.    


"Ye Cheng? You really can't see anything anymore? " Qiao Rubing had also thrown his previous shyness to the back and waved his hand in front of Ye Cheng's eyes with a face full of doubt. He didn't know how much of an advantage Qiao Rubing had gotten from his acting skills, but she was still doubtful if he was putting on an act to get over it.    


"Yes, but I can feel a slight vibration in the air through my senses. You should be shaking your hand. I'm not hurt in the eye either. " Ye Cheng said with a sullen face.    


Chen Luoxue was somewhat suspicious, and even believed him, because if it was a normal situation, regardless of who it was that saw him in front of, as long as Ye Cheng saw him, the pair of thief eyes would definitely scratch all the important parts of his body ruthlessly.    


"You really can't see anything?" Qiao Rubing had also temporarily forgotten about his previous awkward shyness. As he knelt on the bed, his small hands waved in front of Ye Cheng a few times. His eyes stared fixedly at Ye Cheng, waiting to see if he was acting or not.    


"How could I lie to such a serious problem?" Ye Cheng's current mood was extremely complicated, he did not know if he should be happy or depressed. Logically speaking, he should have won the prize and not died from having his body explode, moreover, all the meridians in his body were broken.    


Ye Cheng was now very suspicious of whether the secret manual that crazy Western Poison Ouyang Feng gave him was pirated or not.    


Chen Luoxue sat on the bed and looked at Ye Cheng's sullen and aggrieved face, he thought for a while and said, "Then let's go to the hospital. I see that you have eyes and everything, and you don't have any spare parts, you should be able to treat it."    


"F * ck!" Hearing Chen Luoxue's words, Ye Cheng sounded like she was being sarcastic. Not only did she curse, she also reached out and grabbed onto Chen Luoxue's body: "F * ck, don't look at me, I'm blind. I can even bully you."    


Unexpectedly, Ye Cheng placed his hand on the place where 'Chen Luoxue' stood. The tentacles were very soft, and Ye Cheng even shamelessly pinched them, then asked casually: "elder sister Xue, you have a big chest? "How did it become so big in just a few days?"    


No, that's not right, Ye Cheng suddenly woke up. This is Chen Luoxue, aren't these two treasures the one he just touched?    


"This is bad!"    


Ye Cheng cursed, but before he could even withdraw his hand, Qiao Rubing's terrifying scream filled with killing intent resounded in his ears: "Ye Cheng, go and die!"    


Qiao Rubing's small fist once again fiercely smashed into Ye Cheng's eye sockets with a terrifying killing intent.    


Ye Cheng "Ouch!" A miserable scream came out from Qiao Rubing's body and he almost rolled down the bed.    


"Ye Cheng, you!" Qiao Rubing pointed at Ye Cheng and was just about to flare up, when he suddenly remembered that Chen Luoxue was just beside him. Thinking back to what Ye Cheng had just said, Qiao Rubing even had the heart to die, and now, he really couldn't even wash his hands off it even if he jumped into the Yellow River. He angrily glared at him, and suddenly recalled that Ye Cheng simply couldn't see her gaze now, and he wouldn't be able to see if his eyes could kill people.    


"Hehe, little Cheng, come, let elder sister Xue see how you are." Chen Luoxue giggled as he moved his butt and hugged Ye Cheng.    


"Motherf * cker, you said I didn't deserve it. It was clearly you over there, but why did I pounce on Sister Bing!?" At the moment, Ye Cheng was dressed in pajamas, looking like an aggrieved child. He laid in Chen Luoxue's embrace with a crying face, but his claws weren't honest at all as they climbed up Chen Luoxue's shoulders, and even prostrated between Chen Luoxue's breasts.    


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