The Romantic Soldier King



0"You are Ye Cheng?" Xu Shaohua shot a glance at Ye Cheng, his tone carrying disdain.    


"Yes, I am." Ye Cheng indifferently agreed. Since this fellow was so arrogant, Ye Cheng's attitude towards him would definitely not be good. Moreover, this person had openly come to poach him.    


"Hello." A sneer flashed across Xu Shaohua's eyes, and he elegantly extended his hand towards Ye Cheng like a gentleman.    


"Hello." In front of An Ningxuan, Ye Cheng naturally did not lose his composure, he extended his hand to shake Xu Shaohua's, but unexpectedly, Xu Shaohua did not let go of his hand and immediately increased his strength.    


Ye Cheng could not help but sneer at the same time and smile bitterly. This kind of provocation was too low levelled, and at the same time, he increased his strength.    


Seeing the two of them holding hands without letting go, and seeing the veins on Xu Shaohua's forehead popped out, and the hand that was grabbing onto Ye Cheng started to tremble, An Ningxuan naturally knew that they were secretly competing against each other. Ye Cheng was an outstanding second grade commando, and if it wasn't for the time when he was forced out of the army on a whim, he completely had the qualification to be promoted to a first grade commando.    


This Xu Shaohua who had some background in his own house had barely managed to enter the ranks of the special forces. Ordinary soldiers were naturally better off than him, but Ye Cheng was not that simple. Although An Ningxuan was annoyed by him, he did not fall out with him due to his family background. Only, he did not expect Xu Shaohua to be so narcissistic as to think that he had a good impression of him and chase after him relentlessly.    


Of course, regardless of whether it was his family or appearance, Xu Shaohua was much stronger than him, but what An Ningxuan hated the most was arrogance, and he was too self-righteous. Previously, An Ningxuan had told him that he already had a boyfriend, but Xu Shaohua did not take it to heart, as the look of disdain in his eyes made An Ningxuan extremely disgusted, and now that An Ningxuan was Ye Cheng's woman, she was naturally not willing to look down on Ye Cheng. Looking at Xu Shaohua who was forcefully holding back the pain and his red face, An Ningxuan felt a sense of schadenfreude.    


"Hehe, isn't Mr. Ye being a little too enthusiastic?" Xu Shaohua forced out these words, his voice trembling because of the pain.    


"Haha, a guest from afar. Could it be that Mister Xu is not used to it?" Ye Cheng released her hand in time and pulled An Ningxuan's small hand, asking her a question.    


"I'm sorry, I'm a little squeamish about cleanliness." Xu Shaohua pretended to pat his hands casually, meaning that he felt that Ye Cheng's hands were dirty.    


Hearing this, Ye Cheng and An Ningxuan had weird expressions on their faces. Xu Shaohua was truly a good person, Ye Cheng really suspected that he was a soldier, how could a soldier have an obsession with cleanliness? At that time, Ye Cheng would often eat snakes and mice. This household was obsessed with cleanliness, it was unknown how he managed to survive.    


"Come, have some tea." An Ningxuan, on the other hand, gave Ye Cheng face in front of everyone, and obediently poured the two of them a cup of tea, and handed it over to Ye Cheng.    


"Thank you." Ye Cheng ended up drinking a cup of tea, feeling extremely refreshed. This girl really knew how to give herself face, she threw him an appreciative look, and touched An Ningxuan's thigh with her claws under the table without leaving a trace.    


Feeling Ye Cheng's perverted hands touching his thighs, An Ningxuan did not blame him in front of him, and instead pinched his waist, scolding him non-stop.    


Xu Shaohua was really thirsty, and even hungry. He rushed over from this morning, wanting to invite An Ningxuan for breakfast, but unexpectedly, after hearing from her office all morning, he couldn't even finish a cup of water. Now that Ye Cheng had arrived, he immediately gave her a cup of tea. He then saw the two of them making small moves under the table. Although he did not know what exactly they were doing, but seeing An Ningxuan's beautiful face, which was blushing slightly, and seeing her blushing and blaming appearance, even a fool would know that they were flirting. Xu Shaohua's eyes seemed like they were spitting fire.    


"Mr. Ye sure is fortunate to have a girlfriend as pretty as Ning Xuan. I'm really envious of her. May I know where Mr. Ye comes from?" Xu Shaohua suppressed the displeasure in his heart and changed the topic.    


Ye Cheng was helpless, there were too many people who had asked him this question and Ye Cheng could not help but summarize a rule. As long as it was his love rival, any man with some background was willing to ask himself this question, and casually laughed: "Winning Group, security."    


"Group security? "No wonder he has a bit of brute force." Xu Shaohua pretended to be surprised, but the disdain in his tone was obvious. Xu Shaohua knew of Ye Cheng's other identity, but Guo Weimin did not say anything about Ye Cheng's martial prowess, but only wanted him to cooperate with Ye Cheng in the Eastern Ocean.    


Xu Shaohua's father was the bureau chief of the Fourth Bureau of National Security. Originally, Guo Weimin didn't want to send him over, but Xu Shaohua didn't know who told him about this, so he sent himself over to Xu Shaohua through his father's negotiations. On the surface, Xu Shaohua was the calmest person in the Eastern Ocean, but in reality, he was here for An Ningxuan.    


I really don't know what Director Guo is thinking about a guy who made me match up with a body full of wild grass energy, Xu Shaohua thought.    


"Director Guo told me to cooperate with you. Tell me about the situation of East China Sea." Xu Shaohua asked with arrogance, as if he was not cooperating with Ye Cheng's work and wanted her to report to him.    


"You don't seem to have seen your position clearly. The reason you've come to cooperate with me is to listen to my orders. Right now, I'm skeptical about your identity and ability." Ye Cheng said indifferently.    


"What!?" Who are you! You have to understand the situation! I'm here to help you, not to beg you to help you. Besides, I'm not so much here to help you, but rather to help Ning Xuan. I'm a level 3 Chinese special forces soldier, don't underestimate you just by looking at how strong you are, I can knock you down with a single punch. Furthermore, my father is the director of the Fourth National Security Bureau, what qualifications do you have to make me listen to your commands? " Being looked down upon by Ye Cheng, Xu Shaohua was instantly angered. The gaze she used to look at Ye Cheng was full of contempt and haughtiness.    


In Xu Shaohua's opinion, Ye Cheng was just a bit more familiar with the East Sea, he was only responsible for taking care of the peace in the East Sea, the nature of the work was similar to An Ningxuan's, this kind of trash did not have much value in terms of martial arts, the reason he said all this was to provoke Ye Cheng to have a spar with him, to let An Ningxuan see how insignificant his boyfriend was in front of him.    


"Xu Shaohua! "We are just ordinary friends, please call me Group Leader An or my full name. Besides, my brother also said before, Director Guo didn't even want to send you to work with him, you came by yourself, since you have to listen to orders, you already said that you're a third level commando, don't tell me third level commandos are this organized and disciplined?" An Ningxuan was not a person with a good temper, he was truly too disappointing.    


Since he had already explained it so clearly, Ye Cheng naturally would not leave Xu Shaohua any face. "So it turns out that you're a father with a fourth game of State Security, no wonder you're so arrogant and conceited."    


"Arrogant? "You seem to have forgotten what I said before. Other than that, I'm still a Chinese level 3 special forces soldier. I've performed meritorious service twice in the first tier and waited for 8 times in the second tier. I'm not far from becoming a third tier soldier." Xu Shaohua said proudly.    


"Level 3 commandos are very powerful, but that depends on who's in front of them." Ye Cheng said in an undeniable manner.    


"Oh? Then you mean you're stronger than me? "Then let's have a match. If you lose, then roll away from Ning Xuan's side and stop bothering her!"    


"Little Xuan is my woman to begin with. I don't have the habit of betting on my own woman. Moreover, your words seem to have dropped something, right?" Ye Cheng held An Ningxuan's small hand and said.    


An Ningxuan allowed Ye Cheng to hold his hand. Although he did not express anything, his heart was filled with sweetness as he listened to Ye Cheng's words.    


"Drop what?" Xu Shaohua was suspicious.    


Ye Cheng helplessly rolled his eyes, this Xu Shaohua was truly arrogant to the extreme, and reminded: "What if you lose?"    


Xu Shaohua stared blankly for a moment, obviously not expecting himself to lose, he directly asked: "Then what do you think we should do?"    


"Since we are going to compete, it is inevitable that we will get a little reward. How about this, if I lose, I will listen to your orders and do whatever you want with the rest of the matters. If you lose, then quickly go back to your side and train for two more years. Although he was not afraid that this fellow would be able to catch up with An Ningxuan after he had left, because he understood An Ningxuan's personality, once he identifies her and gives her to him, he would not be able to change anything. Even if gave him a year and a half, this arrogant fellow was obviously a shit-stirring stick, and if it was because of his insolence, it would be troublesome, so Ye Cheng would rather not help him.    


"Trash? Haha! "Alright, then I'll let you see the strength of a level 3 national commando. It's not something a spy like you can compare to!" Xu Shaohua said arrogantly.    


Ye Cheng smiled and nodded towards An Ningxuan who was beside him.    


An Ningxuan had done many missions together with Ye Cheng, so he could understand what Ye Cheng meant with a glance, and said: "There is a huge training ground at the back of the police station, and there is a place to compete."    


Eastsea City was one of the most economically developed cities in all of China. The facilities of the city's police station were naturally complete, such as a shooting-range and a training field.    


When the three of them arrived at the training ground, Ye Cheng saw Gao Han's man from far away playing shooting with a few capable guys.    


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