The Romantic Soldier King



0After Wu Xiaohua and Zhen Changjian stopped talking, the so called birthday party had definitely not been sent out. The two of them finally hated Ye Cheng to the core.    


Everyone went back to their own homes, and without a word, Ye Cheng drove Chen Luoxue to the hospital to look after him after he went to work the next day.    


Seeing that Ye Cheng had arrived, Xu Shuilan left the hospital and went to attend lessons.    


Ye Cheng saw that Jiang Chuyao's expression looked much better and asked caringly, "Xiao Yao, what do you think now? "Do you still have a headache?"    


The moment Jiang Chuyao opened his mouth, his face immediately flushed red. Lowering his head, he replied: "Much better, I think I'll be able to leave the hospital in a few days."    


The two of them had just exchanged a few words, when the door opened, and two people carrying Cao Jinsheng who was unable to move walked in.    


Ye Cheng's face immediately darkened, and he said in an unkind tone: "What are you doing here? You are not welcome here. "    


When Cao Jinsheng saw Ye Cheng, his anger immediately rose, and a trace of malice flashed past his eyes. He said coldly: "I am not here to look for you, I am here for Xiao Yao."    


Jiang Chuyao's face did not have any expression, and his tone was calm as he asked: "What are you looking for me for?"    


Cao Jinsheng said hypocritically, "I came here hoping to receive your forgiveness and resolve the misunderstanding and conflict between us." Seeing that the Xiao Yao did not reply, he continued to speak, "I hit your steel pipe, it was indeed a mistake, I did not want to hurt you."    


Jiang Chuyao said slowly: "I know, I also don't have any intention to blame you."    


Ye Cheng was helpless: This little girl is too soft-hearted, too kind, why is she being polite to a bastard like Cao Jinsheng.    


"As long as you don't blame me." Cao Jinsheng said sincerely, "I sincerely want to resolve the conflict between us. I will pay for all the expenses of you being hospitalized, and I can even compensate you multiple times."    


Ye Cheng looked out of the window as he mumbled to himself doubtfully, "Strange, the sun hasn't risen from the west today either!"    


Cao Jinsheng glared fiercely at Ye Cheng and continued to speak with Xiao Yao. "I will compensate you with money, and I hope you can rescind your complaint against me."    


Ye Cheng was afraid that the Xiao Yao would suffer a loss if he continued to talk with the old fellow, and continued: How much compensation are you going to compensate?    


Cao Jinsheng was secretly angered: "I consulted my lawyer, all the compensation fees added up to a hundred thousand is enough. To show my sincerity, I can compensate Xiao Yao one hundred and fifty thousand. "    


Ye Cheng sneered: "You're really sincere, I will beat you half to death and also give you a hole in your head, after that I will compensate you with one hundred and fifty thousand, how about that?"    


Cao Jinsheng said angrily: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute. I am asking the Xiao Yao for his opinion. You broke two of my ribs, so I'll pay you slowly. "    


"There's no need to calculate it slowly. Let's just forget about it now. How about I stand still and let you kick me twice?" Ye Cheng shook his head with a look of regret. It's a pity that I didn't move and you couldn't hit me. What a pity. "    


"Shut up!" Cao Jinsheng was so angry that his entire body was trembling.    


The two men supporting Cao Jinsheng were both lackeys at the Yating Bar, they had seen the fearsome scene of Ye Cheng fighting a dozen people singlehandedly. The two of them did not dare dissuade Ye Cheng, so they simply pretended to be mute.    


"What are you arguing about? The patient wants to rest, get out." The young nurse, Zhang Kewei, angrily walked in.    


Cao Jinsheng saw Zhang Kewei's eyes light up, and stared straight at Zhang Kewei's proud big chest.    


Zhang Kewei's face revealed a look of disgust, he walked over to the sickbed and injected some medicine into it. Even with her back facing Cao Jinsheng, she could still feel two gazes that were as sharp as blades behind her, as she said furiously, "You still haven't left yet, this patient needs to rest."    


Ye Cheng laughed in his heart: See, by the time you realize your body's problems, it'll be too late to cry.    


Cao Jinsheng retracted her anger, perverted stared at Zhang Kewei's beautiful butt, and hypocritically laughed: I have something to discuss with the patient, I hope that the nurse can help out.    


Zhang Kewei felt unwell, and said unhappily: If you have something to say, quickly say it, if you have to say it, quickly leave.    


A little nurse thinks she's amazing, but when I recover, I'll see how I can get you into bed. Cao Jinsheng looked at Jiang Chuyao and asked: "150 thousand is already not a small amount. It's enough for you to struggle for a few years in exchange for you to rescind the accusation against me.    


A hundred and fifty thousand was a huge sum of money to Jiang Chuyao. She pondered whether or not she should agree to it.    


Ye Cheng looked at Cao Jinsheng coldly and said: "It's fine to compensate her for one hundred and fifty thousand, but Xiao Yao's father had borrowed three hundred thousand from you before and you can't harass Xiao Yao anymore in the future."    


Cao Jinsheng said coldly: "I never thought of taking back the money I lent. The grudge between me and Xiao Yao has nothing to do with her father."    


Ye Cheng stepped forward and stared straight at Cao Jinsheng. An invisible killing intent surged out. This was the sharp killing intent that only those who walked on the border of life and death would carry. Cao Jinsheng was so scared that his eyelids jumped, and his entire body broke out in cold sweat.    


At this time, Jiang Chuyao finally spoke. If I agree to your conditions, you don't need to give me the one hundred and fifty thousand. Give it to my father and I will return the remaining one hundred and fifty thousand to you as soon as possible. "    


Ye Cheng shook his head helplessly, "Xiao Yao, you can't promise him that easily. If I were to let this bastard off so easily, he would come and pester me. "    


"That's a deal. Remember to drop the charges against me as soon as possible." Cao Jinsheng was ecstatic. He never thought that he would be able to easily deal with this little girl. A pleased smile surfaced on his face as he looked at Ye Cheng provocatively.    


Jiang Chuyao said with his eyes closed, "Then write an IOU stating that my father only owes you one hundred and fifty thousand. When I see the promissory note, I'll drop the charges against you. "    


"Alright, alright, I'll write it right away." Cao Jinsheng was extremely happy, it looked like owing three hundred thousand was no different from owing one hundred and fifty thousand, as long as he owed money, Jiang Chuyao would not be able to escape his grasp.    


Ye Cheng advised: "Xiao Yao, you can't be so hasty to agree to his request."    


Jiang Chuyao stubbornly said: "elder brother Ye, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I have already thought it through clearly."    


Ye Cheng sneered in his heart: Even if Xiao Yao lets this bastard go, I will definitely not forgive him.    


Cao Jinsheng laughed as he left the sickroom. Not even half an hour later, he sent someone over with a promissory note.    


Jiang Chuyao immediately called Xu Shuilan, "Sister Shui Lan, may I trouble you to cancel the complaint I made to Cao Jinsheng!"    


Xu Shuilan asked in shock: "Xiao Yao, what happened? Once the accusation against Cao Jinsheng is withdrawn, the police will no longer bother with this matter. Are you going to let Cao Jinsheng go for nothing? "    


Jiang Chuyao calmly said, "He has already agreed to pay me one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I think we should just let this matter go."    


Xu Shuilan understood Jiang Chuyao too well, once she made a decision, it was very hard for anyone to persuade her to change her mind. Xu Shuilan who was on the phone sighed, "Since you've already decided, I will follow your decision."    


Ye Cheng also lamented, "Xiao Yao, you are too foolish."    


"I think it's worth it to exchange my injuries for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. If I get hurt again, I'll be able to pay my father off completely. " Jiang Chuyao foolishly revealed a happy smile, causing Ye Cheng's heart to ache.    


"Sister Xiao Yao, I'm here to see you." Tang Sisi ran into the sickroom quickly, holding a bright red apple in his hand. This is your favorite apple, I specifically bought it for you. "    


Ye Cheng buried the pain in his heart and revealed a brilliant smile. I'll peel the apples for you. "    


He borrowed a fruit knife from Zhang Kewei and in less than half a minute, he had already peeled an apple.    



"Tang Sisi looked at Ye Cheng's dazzling fingers, with a face full of worship. So fast, how did you do it? "    


"Didn't you see it earlier? It was hand-cut!" Ye Cheng placed the apple next to Jiang Chuyao's mouth and said, "Here, let's eat this apple.    


Jiang Chuyao took the apple, and said embarrassedly: "elder brother Ye, I'll do it myself! "Don't always treat me like a patient."    


Tang Sisi said in dissatisfaction: "I want to eat too!"    


"Sure, I'll cut one too." Ye Cheng was afraid that Tang Sisi would pester him recklessly, so he wielded his fruit knife and sliced an apple for Tang Sisi.    


He did not put down the fruit knife in his hand, and after a while, he sliced out an apple and gave it to the silent Zhang Kewei. You have always taken care of Xiao Yao, and you have also been rewarded with an apple. "    


Zhang Kewei took the apple and said: "Thank you!"    


As Tang Sisi ate the apple, he did not forget to ask Ye Cheng, "How did you peel the apple so quickly?"    


Ye Cheng jokingly said: "My family used to sell apples, if there was nothing else, I would peel apples to play with.    


"So that's how it is!" Tang Sisi really believed in Ye Cheng's explanation. She tilted her head and asked: "Have you thought about it? When are you going to beat that bastard up? "    


Ye Cheng played with her fruit knife: "Wait for the right time."    


Tang Sisi was dissatisfied: "If you don't go and beat up that bastard, I won't admit that you're Xiao Yao's boyfriend."    


Jiang Chuyao blushed slightly and explained, "Sisi, he's not my boyfriend."    


"Liar!" Tang Sisi said agilely: "He is not your boyfriend, yet you are willing to risk your life to help him block the steel pipe. He's not your boyfriend, why would he come to the hospital to take care of you? I even secretly carried you to the ladies' room and fed you. "    


Jiang Chuyao flushed red and said anxiously: "Tang Sisi, don't speak nonsense."    


Tang Sisi laughed, "I know everything, you can't lie to me."    


Jiang Chuyao couldn't help but want to sew Tang Sisi's mouth shut, and shyly explain: "elder brother Ye was only beaten up because of me, so of course I want to save him. And because my hands and feet are inconvenient, I let elder brother Ye feed me. "    


"Don't explain. Explaining is concealing, concealing is the beginning of deceit." Tang Sisi laughed mischievously: "You still don't admit it, Xiao Yao, you call a elder brother Ye so close, even I can't stand it."    


"You ?" Jiang Chuyao was at her wit's end, her little face flushed red as she said angrily: "I'm not going to explain to you."    


Tang Sisi bit off a large piece of apple and said happily: "If you don't explain it, then it's your consent."    


Ye Cheng awkwardly coughed once, he did not need to explain himself, otherwise, the more he tried to explain, the darker he became, and the more he would feel!    


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