Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C465 Pretty Boy

C465 Pretty Boy

0Everyone looked around and saw Gu Tianjun in a black casual suit with dark stripes. He had long legs and a sharp face. He had a pair of eagle eyes looking at them with a cold and noble look.    


Behind Gu Tianjun stood two rows of expressionless black-clad bodyguards wearing sunglasses. Next to them stood the principal of the kindergarten, who had been wiping his cold sweat.    


"Gu. No, that's not right! Dad!" Ann Ann immediately shouted and was the first to rush over.    


Gu Tianjun bent down and hugged Ann Ann, then straightened his body.    


"Ann Ann, I'm sorry, dad came late. " Gu Tianjun pinched Ann Ann's pale face.    


"It's okay. It's good that you are here. " Ann Ann shook his head. He was extremely happy.    


Ann Rann also looked at Gu Tianjun. She walked to his side and said, "Gu Tianjun, Ann Ann, he. . . "    


"Although I just came here and did not know what happened, what that woman said just now. . . I find it interesting. " Gu Tianjun didn't wait for Ann Rann to finish speaking and looked at the principal of the kindergarten. His voice was very calm, but it carried an invisible pressure. "Principal, tell me. Can my son stay in this kindergarten?"    


The principal wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and quickly bowed to Gu Tianjun. Sorry, Mr. Gu. It was our negligence that made Ann Ann suffer in the kindergarten. We will give you a satisfactory explanation!    


Although the fat woman had money and was the chairman of the Parent Committee, it was the first time she had seen the principal of the kindergarten being so humble.    


Didn't they say that Ann Ann was from a single parent's family? Although this man looked quite imposing, There were many people in this society who didn't have money but pretended to be powerful! And he was so handsome. He was probably a gigolo! He could scare the principal, but he couldn't fool himself!    


Thinking of this, the fat woman immediately put her hands on her waist and shouted at Gu Tianjun. Hey, I'm talking to you! Yes, it's you, the gigolo! You. . .    


"Shut the f * ck up!"    


The fat woman had yet to finish her words when the short and fat man, who had been completely ignoring her wife's actions, said. He hurriedly shouted. The moment he saw Gu Tianjun, His legs had gone soft. After confirming it again and again, Only now did he confirm that the man who was standing at the door and hugging Ann Ann was the man who controlled the economic lifeline of H City. Gu Tianjun, who was very powerful in the entire country and even overseas!    


Thinking about what his son and wife had said and done just now, the short and fat man felt like dying. He, the boss of a small company, didn't even have the chance to lift his shoes. Now, he actually ran into this gun barrel!    


The short and fat man's hands trembled as he pushed the fat woman and roared: "Do you have no brains? Don't you know who this mister in front of you is? He is the famous Mr. Gu! "    


The fat woman was stunned by her husband's shout. She stared at Gu Tianjun for a long time. She finally remembered who this handsome and calm man in front of her was. He was the Gu Tianjun who could do anything in H City!    


The fat woman took two steps back in fear. She didn't recognize Gu Tianjun because she didn't recognize him. It was impossible for a god-like figure like Gu Tianjun to appear in this kindergarten!    


"Mr. Gu, I'm really sorry!" The fat woman's husband quickly went forward and bowed to apologize to Gu Tianjun.    


Gu Tianjun's expression did not change. He did not even look at him. He just patted Ann Ann's head and asked, "Ann Ann, you decide this matter. No matter what you decide to do, I will support you. "    


When Gu Tianjun said this, The fat woman and her husband immediately felt weak under their feet. They looked at Ann Ann in fear, afraid that a child would say something so serious. At that time, based on the temper of Gu Tianjun, they estimated that they and their son would suffer.    


When Ann Ann heard Gu Tianjun's words, he indicated that he wanted to come down.    


Gu Tianjun followed Ann Ann's instructions and put him down.    


Ann Ann stood on the ground and stretched out his hand. He held Gu Tianjun's hand with one hand and Ann Rann's hand with the other. Then, he walked towards the fat boy.    


"Baby!" When the fat woman saw this scene, she thought Ann Ann was going to pull Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann to do something that would give her a tooth for a tooth. She was so scared that she quickly ran over. But before she could take two steps, the man in black who followed Gu Tianjun immediately stepped forward and stopped in front of the fat woman and her husband.    


When the principal of the kindergarten and other kindergarten teachers saw this situation, they just stood still and did not dare to say anything.    


The fat boy sitting on the hospital bed was already scared silly. The situation changed so quickly. He did not know how to react at all. He just stared blankly at Ann Ann, Ann Rann, and Gu Tianjun walking towards him. Then he sobbed intermittently and did not even know how to move.    


Ann Ann pulled Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann to the front of the fat boy and said seriously, "Baby, look. This is my father and mother. I am not lying. Do you know?"    


The fat boy looked at Ann Ann, then looked at Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann. He pursed his lips in fear. His tears were about to fall. He nodded honestly. I, I know. You are not lying.    


"Well, since I am not lying. That means you misunderstood me. So, you have to apologize to me. " Ann Ann's eyes were filled with determination and unquestionable conviction.    


The fat boy was so scared that tears were rolling in his eyes. He was about to cry, but when he saw the tall Gu Tianjun beside Ann Ann, he was so scared that he held it back. He cried with a sad face and said, "Sorry, sorry. . . "    


"It's okay. " Ann Ann shook his head. "Because you hit me first, so I don't think I need to apologize. Then. . . "    


After saying that, Ann Ann stretched out his hand towards the fat boy.    


The fat boy immediately shrank back in fear. Seeing that Ann Ann only reached out his hand and did not want to hit him, he looked at him timidly, not knowing what Ann Ann meant.    


"Since you have already apologized, I will also forgive you. Then we will be good friends in the future!" Ann Ann smiled and looked at the fat boy, even though there were traces of swelling on his face.    


The fat boy's tears fell, but he did not cry. He held Ann Ann's little hand and reflected on himself. "Ann Ann, I will never talk about you again. You are a good child!"    


"It's good that you know! You have to learn from me!" Ann Ann shook his head. He did not look humble at all. He looked very much like Gu Tianjun.    


"You!" Ann Rann pointed at Ann Ann's forehead. Her eyes were full of love.    


"Alright, now that this matter is settled, what else do we need to do?" Gu Tianjun touched Ann Ann's head and said, "Dad and Mom will always be with you. "    


"Teacher, is it now time for the parents' meeting to officially begin?" Ann Ann said and jumped in front of the kindergarten teacher. He raised his small face and asked.    


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