Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C534 I'm Doomed

C534 I'm Doomed

0As time passed, Ann Rann felt as if a century had passed in these few short minutes.    


Finally, Ann Rann's painful torture ended with Gu Tianjun's tall figure appearing at the entrance of the abandoned factory.    


The hot and intense sunlight shone from behind Gu Tianjun, blurring his silhouette. Ann Rann looked up and felt that Gu Tianjun was like a god that had descended. It calmed her struggling heart at this moment.    


"Gu Tianjun. . . " Ann Rann looked at Gu Tianjun's figure. In the next second, she stood up and ran over.    


This time, when Gu Tianjun came, Ann Rann suddenly did not fear anything.    


"Everyone stand there and do not move!"    


Zhou Hanqing's roar immediately made Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann stop where they were. They looked at each other and then looked at Zhou Hanqing.    


"Zhou Hanqing, let go of Ann Ann and Ann Rann. The matter between us will be settled by the two of us!" Gu Tianjun stood in the middle of the abandoned factory. His tall and strong body gave off a reassuring aura. He looked at Zhou Hanqing, his tone was still calm and cold.    


"Cut the crap!" Zhou Hanqing still put the knife on Ann Ann's neck. "You, Ann Rann, and this child in my hand, none of you will be able to escape today!"    


"Zhou Hanqing, as long as you take the knife away from me, I will do as you say!" Gu Tianjun moved his throat. He could only hide his worry about Ann Ann under his calm voice.    


"Okay!" Zhou Hanqing smiled. He put Anan's neck a few centimeters away from the knife in his hand. He looked at Gu Tianjun from head to toe and said, "Gu Tianjun, you are unknown CEO. Don't tell me you don't have anything to protect yourself with? Stop playing tricks on me. Hand it over to me now! "    


Zhou Hanqing was smart. He had experienced so many things. Of course, he would put everything in front of others. Even if Gu Tianjun did not call the police over for Ann Ann and Ann Rann's safety, Gu Tianjun was not stupid. He must have something to protect himself.    


Gu Tianjun's eyes flashed and his movements were a little stiff. Just now, in order to make Ann Rann and Ann Ann safe, he did not call the police. He did not even tell Zhang Xianxi and Gao Lei about this matter. He had brought along a weapon to protect himself and rushed here alone. And all of this was guessed by Zhou Hanqing.    


"Alright, I'll give it to you. " Gu Tianjun did not hesitate at all. In order not to anger Zhou Hanqing, and also for Ann Ann's safety, even if he did not have a weapon to protect himself, he would still do what Zhou Hanqing said.    


Gu Tianjun took out his spear, bent down, and slid the spear through the ground towards Zhou Hanqing.    


"Very good!" Zhou Hanqing, Ann Rann's phone, and Gu Tianjun's gun kicked behind him. He raised his ferocious face and said proudly, "Now, the game is getting more and more fun. You three should enjoy it!"    


Zhou Hanqing's voice suddenly became fierce. The knife that was far away from Ann Ann's neck once again pressed against Ann Ann's wound.    


At this moment, as long as Zhou Hanqing drew the blade closer, Ann Ann, who was already injured, would most likely die.    


"No!" Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann said at the same time.    


"If you are afraid that your son will die, listen to me obediently!" Zhou Hanqing looked at Ann Rann with lustful eyes and shouted at her, "Do you see the iron chain and the lock in the corner? Now use it to lock Gu Tianjun onto the pillar!"    


"Ann Rann was stunned and looked at Zhou Hanqing blankly. What exactly did Zhou Hanqing want? He wanted her to tie Gu Tianjun to a pillar? What would happen if she did that?    


"Ann Rann," Gu Tianjun said. Gu Tianjun walked to Ann Rann and placed his hands on her shoulders. There was not a trace of panic on his handsome face. He looked at Ann Rann's pair of peach blossom eyes that were red from crying. His voice was firm and steady. "Do as Zhou Hanqing said. Don't be afraid. I am here. "    


"But. . . " Ann Rann opened her mouth and looked at Gu Tianjun. Her eyes were full of tears. One was her son, and the other was her husband. She was afraid. She was really afraid! Now that Ann Ann was in danger, did she want to put Gu Tianjun in danger again?    


What should she do? What should she do?    


Ann Rann shook her head in pain and no longer looked into Gu Tianjun's eyes.    


"Don't cry. . . " Gu Tianjun shook his head gently to Ann Rann. He reached out his hand and used his thumb to gently wipe away the tears on Ann Rann's face. "Now Zhou Hanqing has become paranoid. For Ann Ann's safety, we have to do what he said and listen to him. "    


Be obedient. . .    


Ann Rann's tears kept falling. Gu Tianjun had said this to her countless times. He had used this sentence to "threaten" her. Now, he wanted her to be obedient and push him into danger with his own hands.    




She couldn't do it!    


"What are you guys dawdling for?" Zhou Hanqing was clearly angered by Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann's behavior. In the next second, he raised his hand and slashed at Ann Ann's neck without hesitation.    


This time, the force was even heavier than the previous slash. A wound immediately appeared on Ann Ann's white neck. Fresh blood flowed down. Even though it was not fatal, it still hurt Ann Ann's small face, which wrinkled into a ball.    


However, Ann Ann bit his lips tightly and did not cry because he knew that crying would not have any effect. Instead, it would make his mother even more worried!    


"Ann Ann!" Ann Rann saw another wound on Ann Ann's neck, and her legs immediately went weak. She almost fell to the ground. It was Gu Tianjun who held her up.    


"Ann Rann, listen to me, okay?" Gu Tianjun's calm face also showed panic when he saw the wound on Ann Ann's neck. He shook Ann Rann's shoulder and said in a hoarse voice, "Quickly tie me up!"    


"F * ck! I'll go right now!" Ann Rann screamed at the top of her lungs. She widened her eyes and ran to the corner to pick up what Zhou Hanqing had prepared. It was a heavy iron chain and an old-fashioned big lock.    


Ann Rann looked at the things in her hands blankly and did not know what to do next.    


"Tie Gu Tianjun up!" Zhou Hanqing impatiently shouted. Ann Rann suddenly looked up and met Gu Tianjun's eyes.    


At this time, Gu Tianjun was standing beside the pillar. He nodded firmly to Ann Rann, indicating that she should do as Zhou Hanqing said.    


Ann Rann looked at Ann Ann, who was still being held by Zhou Hanqing, with tears all over her face. She took the iron chain and ran over.    


The iron chain tied Gu Tianjun and the pillar together. Ann Rann's tears also flowed down. She felt like she was walking on thin ice that would break at any time. After every step, there was a possibility that she would be beyond redemption.    


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