Strongest Soldier

C503 Missing Something

C503 Missing Something

0After resting for one night, Lee Hongtian and Ye Guloong set off early the next morning.    


Last night, Ye Guloong gave Elder Ji a report on the situation over the phone. Elder Ji did not know much about the card, he only knew that it was the state Precept God was in before he was summoned. As for how to summon it, Elder Ji did not know.    


Based on the dead bodies they saw at the base earlier, they guessed that the other party had sent out at least three Precept God s. However, Lee Hongtian only found one card on the Luomann Country person called Yamamoto Miche, which meant that two more Precept God s had not been found.    


What Elder Ji meant was that he wanted Lee Hongtian and the others to find the Yin Yang Masters hiding in the country first, and then think about going to the Luomann Country. During this period of time, Elder Ji would also do his best to gather information about Abe's family, so he wouldn't be displeased when Lee Hongtian and the others took action.    


Lee Hongtian and Ye Guloong had no objections to this arrangement.    


The two came to the area of the base yesterday but didn't go in. The body inside was already taken away by people from Qi Wei country last night. There was nothing to see inside.    


Lee Hongtian was suspicious about this. This base had been researching genetic problems all along, so there should be a lot of research results inside. But from beginning to end, neither Ye Guloong nor Elder Ji ever mentioned this.    


However, he did not bring up this issue. After all, he was only here to help and he did not want to involve himself too much in such matters.    


Lee Hongtian could only guess that the research results might have been transferred to someone else. After all, he and Ye Guloong only came over dozens of hours after the incident.    


Ye Guloong's wounds had already been professionally treated. For someone who was often injured, it actually wasn't much, so Ye Guloong's actions weren't affected at all.    


The two searched the forest near the base for the better part of a day. They almost searched the entire mountain, but didn't find anything.    


At noon, the two gathered together to exchange their search results.    


"Do you think the other party will leave after the mission is completed?"    


Ye Guloong leaned on a tree and ate the rations he brought from the base. Running around the forest this early in the morning consumed a lot of energy.    


Lee Hongtian was also replenishing his energy. Hearing Ye Guloong's words, he thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't think it's possible, but think about it, according to the resident doctor's speculation, the body in the base was found by the delivery team for several hours already. Plus the time we came over."    


"So much time has passed. If the other party had already completed his mission, I'm afraid that he would have already returned to the Luomann Country. However, when we came out, they intercepted us.    


"Then could it be that when we met them yesterday, they hadn't completed their mission, and after this night, they completed it again?" Ye Guloong continued to imagine.    


Lee Hongtian said, "It's possible, but I don't think it's likely. Like I said before, they haven't completed their mission in such a long time!"    


"Right now, there are Qi Wei Country's secret sentries nearby the base, if they want to get close to the base, they'll definitely be discovered, and entering the base again, that's going to be difficult, and for the Luomann Country people, the only good thing is that they have to persevere, because if they can't complete the mission, then they'll only be able to go back and be killed."    


Pausing, he continued, "And as soon as we left the base, we met a Yin Master. If I'm not wrong, their target should still be the base."    


"This also explains why they didn't leave even though they killed everyone in the base. The truth is, these two guards found out where they were and had no choice but to keep quiet."    


"These analyses of yours sound very reasonable, but …" I feel like I'm missing something. "    


Ye Guloong frowned and started to think.    


Lee Hongtian was also thinking. When Ye Guloong said this, he also felt that there was something missing from his analysis. However, when he thought carefully, he couldn't pinpoint what it was.    


After a while, Lee Hongtian suddenly shouted: "Quick, let's go back!"    


"Go back? "Go back to where?" Ye Guloong was confused.    


Lee Hongtian answered and headed out of the forest. At the same time, he said, "Let's talk while we're walking."    


Ye Guloong quickly caught up and said anxiously, "Don't keep us in suspense. What did you think of?"    


Lee Hongtian said, "Didn't you say you thought my analysis was missing something? I just remembered, according to my analysis, Qi Wei country is surrounded by hidden sentries."    


"No matter which direction they approach the base from, they'll be discovered. However, from yesterday till now, there hasn't been any news of a secret sentry being killed. This means that they haven't even passed through these secret sentries."    


"And if the target is a base, then they would definitely try to enter the base from the outside. However, we couldn't even find a single soul within a dozen kilometers of the base, where do you think the enemy is hiding?"    


"How would I know …" Ye Guloong was about to roll his eyes, but he suddenly thought of something. He paused in mid-sentence and was immediately overjoyed. He exclaimed, "Could it be that they have been hiding in the base all this time?"    


Lee Hongtian laughed, "It should be, the one we met yesterday, I'm afraid he didn't come out of the base originally, but was inside the base. He took advantage of our battle with the Precept God to run out."    


"But we searched the base yesterday, and there was nothing." Ye Guloong asked again.    


Lee Hongtian said, "Don't forget, our attention was all on those corpses yesterday. Although we walked around inside the base, we didn't look for those hiding people in the corners. They probably avoided our search like this."    


"However, you've said it earlier. When we were fighting against that blade, the other party had probably already run out. How could they possibly enter again?"    


"I believe in Qi Wei's scouts, if the enemies really leave their encirclement, they'll definitely be discovered, but there's still no news!"    


"It means that the enemy is still in the encirclement. In this area, the best place to hide is the base that was modified by the dugout." Lee Hongtian said calmly.    


Ye Guloong also didn't say anything. He had to admit that Lee Hongtian's conjecture was very logical and very likely.    


Besides, he had been looking all morning for nothing. Going back to the base would be another way.    


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