Strongest Soldier

C534 A Stick of Wood

C534 A Stick of Wood

0"Alright, now as long as she wakes up, everything will be fine. Oh right, this sword … "Since I'm no longer here and you won't be able to use it, you should give it back to the Kobold Kid. This Kid has suffered a lot these past few years, so it's time for him to have something of his own."    


Susanoo said with a smile. However, his voice sounded much older than before.    


Lee Hongtian and Ye Guloong, who were watching these changes, felt that there were really a lot of amazing things in this world.    


But in the next second, an even more shocking scene occurred.    


"Look over there!"    


Ye Guloong suddenly pointed at the direction of the big tree and exclaimed.    


Lee Hongtian followed the direction of the voice and was surprised to find that the big tree, which had originally covered the entire valley with its lush treetops, had turned yellow. The wind blew past and leaves fell from the sky.    


"There's no need to be surprised. That tree was created from my true form, and now that I've run out of oil, it naturally can't continue to grow lush and verdant." Unknowingly, Susanoo had arrived beside the two of them and said lightly.    


"You … Am I going to die? "    


Lee Hongtian and Ye Guloong were shocked. Lee Hongtian asked in disbelief.    


"You can put it this way. According to your understanding, I am indeed going to die."    


Susanoo smiled and said, "I should have died a few thousand years ago, but I've been living my life to this day. It's time to do what I've always wanted to do but haven't finished yet."    


"Do you still have your unfulfilled wish?"    


"Of course there is. When I was young, I had always wanted to go find my mother, but after meeting and defeating the Baqi Snake in this place, I married and stayed here all the time. Now that the time has come, it's time to leave."    


Lee Hongtian was surprised again. He really didn't know about this.    


Susanoo suddenly said: "Oh yeah, after I leave, I need you to agree to a condition of mine."    


"What condition?"    


Lee Hongtian immediately became alert again. Even if the other side was a God, he couldn't just agree to it. What if he couldn't do it?    


As if he had seen through his thoughts, Susanoo smiled: "Relax, I won't let you die, but once I leave, the little girl from Abe's family will be in a very difficult situation. I hope that you can pull her when you can help her, after all, all of the dozen Precept God s on you have already given you without any hesitation, so you can't repay me for that?"    


"This... "Of course there's no problem." Lee Hongtian said after pausing for a while.    


In fact, it didn't matter even if these Precept God s didn't want it. But honestly speaking, if he didn't have the help of these Precept God s during his battle with the Baqi Snake, Lee Hongtian felt that he might not be able to last until Susanoo came.    


Therefore, from this perspective, it could be said that Abe Qingchuan saved his life, and Susanoo's words about repaying the debt of gratitude weren't wrong.    


Seeing Lee Hongtian agree, Susanoo laughed out loud and said, "Good, very good. Since there are no more regrets, I can leave with ease, haha …"    


Before he finished laughing, Susanoo had already disappeared.    


However, he did not disappear all of a sudden. Instead, he turned into pieces of tree leaves bit by bit and quickly merged into the leaves that fluttered in the sky.    


A great God had left just like that?    


Lee Hongtian and Ye Guloong were stunned. Everything happened too fast for them to digest.    


"Oh yes, little miss Abe, after you return that Sky Cloud Village to the kid from the Huang Family, you still need a weapon. If you do not mind, you can use this weapon from now on."    


Susanoo's voice suddenly sounded in the sky. Soon after, an earthen yellow ray of light flew over from the big tree. It stopped abruptly in front of Abe Qingchuan and landed in Abe Qingchuan's hands.    


It was a wooden stick about one meter long and about a third of the thickness of his wrist. Its surface was extremely rough. Rather than calling it a wooden stick, it would be more accurate to call it an unmodified branch.    


"What is this?"    


Tengye asked curiously as he stretched out his hand to touch it.    


Abe Qingchuan didn't mind and passed the wooden stick to him.    


But in the next second, there was a loud "Aiya!" followed by a loud bang. Grass Phew Tengye actually couldn't hold the wooden stick and let it heavily fall to the ground.    


"This is also … Isn't it too heavy? " Grass Pheasant Tengye shouted in an aggrieved manner.    


"What are you shouting for? There are still guests here."    


Bashen Zhenyi glared at Tengye then bent down to pick up the wooden stick. However, when his palm grabbed onto the wooden stick, he couldn't lift it up for a long time. Then, he used his other hand.    


"What's going on?"    


At this time, Lee Hongtian also came over with Liu Tie's help. Seeing Bashen Zhenyi squatting on the ground to fight with a piece of wood, he casually asked.    


"This thing is so heavy!" Bashen Zhenyi said.    


"How heavy?"    


Lee Hongtian was surprised for a moment. This log didn't even seem like it weighed one Jin. Even if it was made of iron, it was only about 10 Jin at most. Could it be that Bashen Zhenyi couldn't lift it?    


"Why don't you try?" Bashen Zhenyi gave up and stood up.    


Lee Hongtian glanced at him and then squatted down. He held the wooden stick with both of his hands and gently lifted it.    


He didn't move!    


Then, Lee Hongtian used all of his strength to lift it, causing the wooden log to move a little, but it was only one move. It was still far from being able to lift it.    




Lee Hongtian also gave up. With his current strength, lifting a few tons of stuff was not a problem. However, this ordinary wooden stick only made it move a little. There really was something there.    


Since Ye Guloong could not understand the words, he asked what was going on. Lee Hongtian gave him a rough idea, then finally asked if he wanted to try. Ye Guloong immediately shook his head, indicating that he did not want to try anything that Lee Hongtian could not lift.    


When Abe Qingchuan saw them acting like this, she thought it was a joke at first. However, after watching for a while, she realized that these men really couldn't lift the wooden stick. Puzzled, she immediately walked over and grabbed the wooden stick from the ground, playing with it in her hands.    


"Are you lying to me? This thing is obviously very light. "    



When the men heard this, they were speechless. It seemed like Susanoo had another intention behind his words. Other than Abe Qingchuan, no one else could touch this thing.    




Suddenly, Tengye pointed towards the tree in the distance and shouted.    


Everyone looked over and was surprised to find that the fallen leaves had stopped falling from the sky long ago. The direction where the giant tree originally stood was nowhere to be seen. It was as if the tree had never existed.    


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