Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C524 The Signature Dish of the Chinese Ocean

C524 The Signature Dish of the Chinese Ocean

0The sudden change left Wan Mingyan with no time to react and made her cough non-stop, making her feel faintly nauseous.    


However, the feeling of it reaching her throat made her feel inexplicably excited. There was even a warm current generated in her body, causing her body to tremble slightly. Wan Mingyan spat out Lu Lee's friends, let out a sigh, and swallowed them all again. The feeling of holding them in her throat made her want to throw up, but instead, the excitement was getting stronger and stronger. The heat in her body was getting increasingly stronger.    


This was also the first time Lu Lee had experienced such a service. From time to time, his gentle mouth would rub against his partner's teeth and the soft tip of his throat. The excitement made Lu Lee very excited. It actually made Lili's cherry lips grow bigger.    


This sudden increase in strength made Wan Mingyan feel uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. However, two complex feelings made her speed up. Her head shook continuously under Lu Lee's body. After a while, Wan Mingyan was exhausted. She could only reluctantly spit out Lu Lee's determination. Lu Lee smiled and said, "Alright, now let me 'punish' you!"    


Lu Lee made Wan Mingyan kneel on the ground, and then he turned her back to face him. Lu Lee used his small companion whose veins had already exposed his ferociousness to push Wan Mingyan's soft and tender body against his, and heavily entered her body …    


Lu Lee and Wan Mingyan fought for the whole afternoon. This stubborn little girl, for the first time ever, did not beg for mercy. Instead, she asked Lu Lee for it many times. Arnold and Melody were upset by Wan Mingyan's delicate voice and joined the battle midway. Lu Lee had shot thousands of bullets into their bodies, leaving thousands of their descendants behind.    


When night fell, Lu Lee specifically read the news. It was just as he had planned, the slums had been set ablaze for a hundred years, thinking of the airport attack last time. This made Japanese anxious. Furthermore, according to the interview at the scene, when the streamer heard that an old man said it was a bunch of people who were speaking Korean, he immediately pointed his spearhead at Republic of Korea and denounced them, asking the Republic of Korea government to give an explanation.    


Towards this kind of bad media that can catch the wind and catch the shadows with just a little clue, Lu Lee felt that they were just too adorable. With these two things paving the way, Lu Lee believed that their actions would become more and more smooth, and in the end, the person who took the blame would undoubtedly be Republic of Korea.    


It wasn't until dinner time that Lu Lee walked out of the room with Wan Mingyan and the other two girls. In order to celebrate today's great victory, Lu Lee specifically ordered several large rooms and prepared a pile of delicious food to reward everyone. Pu Yongcheng and the other two tycoons followed Lu Lee. According to the reports from Sharp Blade Team, these two lads had not known anything about what was happening outside, from calling more than ten female East Ocean Demons to their rooms.    


Lu Lee, String and a few people who were close to him stayed in the same room, while the Sharp Blade Team s were allocated to the other rooms. Lu Lee first gave the people from Sharp Blade Team a round of wine, then returned to the room. Pu Yongcheng shamelessly sat next to Lu Lee and smiled obscenely as he said, "Senior Jin, I've heard that there's a special dish in the East Ocean Continent. I've long heard of it and would like to try it today."    


Lu Lee said, "What dishes?"    


Pu Yongcheng and his companion answered at the same time, "Of course it's a girl. I think you must have tasted her before, Brother Jin." As soon as the word "girl" came out, it made the men in the room burst out in laughter. The ladies, on the other hand, all blushed and lowered their heads in embarrassment.    


Honestly speaking, Lu Lee had been to the East Ocean Continent many times, but he had never seen a dish like this cooked by a woman before. Seeing the interest in their eyes, Lu Lee nodded and said, "Then call their manager over."    


Pu Yongcheng's smile became more and more vulgar as he said, "Brother Jin is truly open-minded. I'll go call the manager right away."    


As he said that, Pu Yongcheng and his companions ran out of the private room and brought back the manager after a short while. Pu Yongcheng said, "Give all of us in the private rooms a girl's body. Be quick about it."    


The manager said, "I'm sorry, sir. We don't have this dish here. If you want to try it, please go to a custom store nearby." Lu Lee immediately laughed when he heard this. These Japanese actually treated the body of women as a custom.    


Pu Yongcheng took out a stack of US dollars and threw it onto the manager's face with a "pa" sound. He said, "Don't act dumb for me, you just want money right? "Just say it, let me ask you, do you have a woman in your shop now?" The manager looked at the dollar amount and was clearly tempted. However, he still said, "I'm sorry, sir, we really don't have any here."    


Pu Yongcheng didn't get angry, instead, he laughed and threw another stack of dollars up and said, "Is there one?"    


The manager said, "No." Another stack of dollars. "Do you have it?" "None." "Did you get it?" "None." "Did you get it?" "None.    


When Lu Lee and the rest saw how Pu Yong Cheng threw the money at the manager, they couldn't help but to laugh at him. Zhangs couldn't stand watching anymore, he walked up to the manager and gave him a slap on the face, then said to Pu Yong Cheng: "This Japanese is obviously trying to cheat you, why are you wasting so much time talking to him?"    


The manager rolled on the ground twice after being hit by the string, and even had a tooth broken. The string kicked him and said, "Hey, stop playing dead, get up quickly. Let me ask you, do you have anything now?"    


Half of the manager's face had been beaten until it was swollen. He spat out two large teeth, but there was no anger on his face. Instead, he smiled and said, "Yes, sir. Yes. Please wait a moment. We will send the girl up immediately."    


Pu Yongcheng pulled the manager back and said, "Pick up the money on the floor and remember, the woman who brought us the dishes must be a virgin and must be a White Tiger. I don't want to eat her fur, and I also want her figure and appearance to be good, otherwise don't blame me for ruining your store."    


The manager kneeled on the floor and picked up all the dollars that Pu Yongcheng threw away. He put it away and said with a fawning expression, "This is a must. Don't worry, I will do this for you." Seeing the manager's slavish look, Zhangs said: "To deal with these Japanese s, the more ruthless you are, the more he respects you and the more he fears you. These people are truly despicable, you don't have to talk to them properly." Pu Yongcheng and his companion instantly showed an expression of realisation as they bowed and said, "Thank you for your guidance, Senior. We understand."    


I don't know if it's because the string hit the manager, or because Pu Yongcheng threw over a dollar bill, but in less than ten minutes, a fair skinned girl with a curvy body and a pretty face was placed on a small table. She was about eighteen years old and was being carried in by a few wretched little East Ocean Dwarfs." The manager said, "Gentlemen, please enjoy your meal. We have also sent your other friends to the female body.    


Pu Yongcheng's gaze was immediately attracted by the girl who brought him in. He waved his hand and impatiently said, "I know, I know, get out of here!" The manager quickly nodded, then led the few Japanese s out of the room.    


Lu Lee looked at the girl lying on the small table with interest. Although she wasn't that pretty, she had the unique jade-like look of a young family member. In other words, she would become a standard wife in the future.    


Her round skin was quite nice. Lu Lee estimated that she had around a D cup. There was not a single hair on her body. Lu Lee could tell that it was not because she had shaved her hair, but because this woman was a White Tiger. Judging from how tightly her legs were locked together, Lu Lee realized that this woman was actually a virgin.    


"Baby! Absolutely precious! " Lu Lee couldn't help but to exclaim. One must know that in this kind of laughing society, the chance of encountering a virgin was much lower than the chance of winning the hex competition. It seems that sometimes money can't change everything, but it can only mean that you don't give enough money, or that your fist isn't big enough.    


The thin layer of salmon was covering all the specific spots on the woman's body. The translucent state made Lu Lee widen his eyes. This was what a real beauty should do.    


Lu Lee picked up his chopsticks and started to walk around the beautiful white body of the woman. He started with a pair of proud smooth circles and then gradually moved down.    


Slowly, Lu Lee felt not only physically shocked, but also mentally satisfied. Although he had just finished venting his anger, his subordinate still couldn't help but stand at attention. A pair of chopsticks purposely squeezed those special spots in an attempt to arouse the woman's lust. However, the other party seemed to have received professional training, and didn't even make a move to twist his body.    


Lu Lee was disappointed. The pride of a man disappeared in an instant. However, since he didn't want this woman to lose her job, he shook his head and gave up the impulse to grab her. He assured God it was the most benevolent time of his life.    


After enjoying the feast, Lu Lee didn't immediately let this woman go. Due to his curiosity towards the girl's body, he couldn't help but call out to her.    


Through simple communication, he understood that the woman in front of him had no choice but to engage in this profession because she wanted to support his younger brother in his studies. And the best way to remain a virgin in this country is to be a woman.    


The girl reluctantly said that she initially chose this job to escape from her stepfather's clutches. He had peeped at her bathing or changing clothes many times at home, and her mother had broken it many times, but her mother had remained indifferent.    


After listening to the girl's story, Lu Lee couldn't help but sigh that the country treated children pretty well. At least I haven't heard much about a stepfather trying to force a stepdaughter, but that doesn't rule out individual cases.    


He didn't know why Lu Lee suddenly felt sympathetic. Since the girl's eyes looked so innocent, then he might as well help out a little.    


Lu Lee said, "If you want, come with me to China. I guarantee that no one will bully you there."    


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