Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C349 Dark Aid

C349 Dark Aid

0Lu Lee said, "Whatever, let's continue." Yagyu Sizuka nodded, and then led the way. In front of them was a forest. As soon as the three of them entered, they realized that there seemed to be no path in front of them. After a long while, he returned to the starting point. Lu Lee said, "Sizuka, what's going on?" Yagyu Sizuka said, "Maze, this forest is a maze. I was just trying it out to see what it was designed to be. " Lu Lee asked, "Is there any way to get out?" Lili said, "I have some ideas, but I don't know if it'll work."    


Lu Ao said, "Let's give it a try." Yagyu Sizuka said, "Look, these trees are arranged neatly. Master, you and Uncle Ao will do as I tell you to. After we're done, we'll see if we can get out of here." Lu Lee replied, "Go ahead, we'll do as you say." Yagyu Sizuka passed the Japanese dagger in her hands to Lu Lee, and said: "Uncle Ao, you have a knife, you and Young Master are responsible for cutting down trees. The first row, the first row, the second row, the second row, the third row, the third row. I'll continue after you've cut down the third row. "    


Soon, the third row was over.    


Yagyu Sizuka continued, "The fourth row, split into three rows, cut into one, the fifth row, cut into two, the sixth row, cut into three." Lu Ao said, "It's that troublesome? Wouldn't it be fine if we just cut them all? " Lu Lee wanted to say something, so he looked at Liu Shengjing to see how she would respond. Yagyu Sizuka smiled and said, "If we kill them all, we can only stand on this piece of land forever. We won't be able to find a way out." Since it's a maze, its exit is the only one. "    


The two of them had no choice but to continue chopping down trees under the command of Yagyu Sizuka.    


Finally, they heard Yagyu Sizuka say that it was enough. Only now did they realize that they had actually walked back to the starting point. Lu Ao exclaimed, "Didn't we just go all the way in? Why are you back? " Yagyu Sizuka said, "Therefore, if we were to cut everything up as you say, we would only be able to stand here and stare blankly at the open space. "You guys follow me. This time, I guarantee that you'll be able to make it."    


Lili walked in and out of a weird pattern, almost without any pattern. Lu Lee and Lu Ao followed closely behind her, finally stepping out of the woods and onto a patch of grass. Yagyu Sizuka let out a long breath. Lu Lee asked, "Sizuka, how the hell did we get out of here?" Lili asked softly, "When you were cutting down the trees, did you notice how many trees there were in each tree?" Lu Ao answered first, "Nineteen of each."    


Yagyu Sizuka nodded. "Young Master, did you think of something?" Lu Lee thought for a while before replying, "Go, it's a Go board!" Yagyu Sizuka said, "Yes, I was counting this tree the first time we met. This was indeed a Go board, but Tokugawa's current master was a Go board expert, he was most proud of the game that he played against the National Champion Wu Qingyuan, he had barely won a quarter of his fingers, and the most interesting part about this game was the game of loot. So I think this robbery is the way out of this game. "    


Lu Lee finally understood that Lu Ao was also an expert at Go. When he recalled the path they took just now, he self-deprecatingly said, "It seems like my brain is just a blockhead in front of you guys."    


Yagyu Sizuka said: "Uncle Ao, don't say that, it's because you are not familiar with the Tokugawa Family's Patriarch. After we pass this passage, we will meet up at the place where we met up. " Lu Lee said, "Let's go. There shouldn't be any traps left on this grassland, right?" Yagyu Sizuka said with a wry smile, "Young Master, if I'm not mistaken, the most dangerous thing is ahead. It looks like a meadow, but there should be countless man-made swamps hidden inside. "Once caught, the consequences will be unthinkable."    


Lu Lee heard Yagyu Sizuka's words and laughed, "Man-made swamps? "It's not easy to do. Why don't you just find a stick and try to walk away?" Yagyu Sizuka said, "Since it's an artificial swamp, it won't be that easy to get across. Sometimes, after you've tried a place that doesn't matter to you, there might be a change when the mechanism is activated." Lu Lee said, "How did you know?" Yagyu Sizuka said: "Because someone from the Yagyu Family have passed through, and died in the artificial swamp, I have also heard of it."    


Lu Lee asked in confusion: "Isn't Yagyu Family one with Tokugawa's family? Why would they still force their way in? " Yagyu Sizuka said: "I don't know either, but I know that the person who died was a top expert of the Yagyu Family. You have fought with Liu Sheng and Jingyun, that person is much stronger than Liu Sheng and Jingyun. " Lu Lee nodded his head and looked at the grass in front of him. He couldn't help but be cautious.    


Lu Ao said, "Let's do it or the sun will rise." Lu Lee told Yagyu Sizuka, "Let's go!" This time, they did not let Yagyu Sizuka walk in front. Since it was an artificial swamp, then Lu Lee and Lu Ao would not let Yagyu Sizukayun take the risk. However, another miracle happened. They walked all the way across the grassland, yet they did not encounter a single swamp. Lu Ao laughed, "Looks like our luck is really good." However, Lu Lee said, "No, it's not that our luck is good, but that someone is secretly helping us."    


Yagyu Sizuka couldn't figure out what was going on either. They walked for another ten meters before they saw a small house.    


The three of them pushed open the door and entered. They saw an old man sitting on a deck chair. Yagyu Sizuka walked up to him, "I was sent here by the princess. She told me to look for the owner of this house." The old man glanced at her. "Oh, I am." The old man's eyes were unfocused and his words were weak. His hands, in particular, were trembling uncontrollably.    


Lu Lee and Lu Ao looked at each other. They didn't believe that such an old man could help them.    


The old man struggled to sit up, but Lu Lee helped him. The old man looked at Lu Lee and said softly: "Thank you, young man." With that, he coughed loudly, the sound was as if he was about to cough out his lungs.    


Yagyu Sizuka was also puzzled. Princess Yuzi had asked her to always use the most primitive method to contact the "Ghost Valley". She had asked Princess Yuzi to contact the "Ghost Valley" by placing a note at a fixed point of contact. Yagyu Sizuka was a little disappointed. She had initially thought that this person would be able to give her clues that he was good at creating monkeys. Now it seemed like it was no longer possible.    


Yagyu Sizuka said, "Do you know where the person we're looking for is?" This question was originally just a casual one. She clearly knew that the old man couldn't rely on it, but she didn't expect the old man to actually say, "Follow me!" As he spoke, he walked out with a hunched back. He walked very slowly, as if he was afraid of stamping the ants on the ground to death. Anxious, Lu Lee said, "Old man, why don't you tell us where you are and we can go by ourselves." The old man turned around and glanced at him, revealing a smile. Lu Lee wanted to say something, but Lu Ao pulled him back.    


Lu Lee looked at Lu Ao in confusion. Lu Ao whispered in his ear, "Follow him, don't talk." Lu Lee knew that Lu Ao must have a hidden meaning behind his words, so he didn't say anything else and slowly followed behind.    


After walking for nearly twenty minutes, they reached a wooden house. The old man stepped onto the stairs, crossed the threshold, and entered the wooden house. Lu Lee and the others followed closely behind him. As soon as they entered the room, the door closed and more than a dozen figures appeared from the shadows. Lu Lee wanted to go forward, but who knew that the old man would stop him. Lu Lee was shocked. The old man's block was full of energy, dispelling his power into nothingness. Only then did he know why Lu Ao did that. He turned around and looked at Lu Ao. There was a smile on Lu Ao's face.    


The old man said gently: "Where's Tokugawa? Let him come out and see me. " Lu Lee and Lu Ao didn't know who Tokugawa was, so they didn't feel anything. However, Yagyu Sizuka was shocked, who was Tokugawa? He was the current Patriarch of the Tokugawa family. If the old man dared to speak with such a tone, then what kind of status did the old man have?    


Everyone quieted down. Two minutes later, a white-haired old man walked out. He looked very energetic, which was a huge contrast to the old man with Lu Lee and the others.    


"Tokugawa, you take care of my matters with the children." Bad old man said. The person who came was the Patriarch of Tokugawa's family, Tokugawa Kang Nai. He looked at Old Man Xie, and spoke after a long while: "Since you've asked, what else do I have to say?" Then, he looked at Lu Lee: "What are you guys planning to do by intruding into the Ghost Valley?" "We want to find someone." Lu Lee said. Tokugawa asked helplessly: "Who is it?" Lu Lee replied, "One of the Chinese is called Hou Jingan, nicknamed Monkey!" Tokugawa turned her head and asked, "When did 'Ghost Valley' come to Chinese?"    


Tokugawa, Little Wu Lang, stepped forward. "Father, there is no one like him." Xiao Wen Lang looked at Lu Lee quietly, then Tokugawa frowned: "You guys heard it, the Ghost Valley is the secret training grounds of the Ocean Emperor, how could there be a Chinese here? For the sake of Mr Yagyu, I don't want to bother with you guys, you guys can go."    


Lu Lee sneered: "For Tokugawa's family's good upbringing, can this little Wulang's words be trusted? Just now, I made a bet with him, he lost and then went back on his words. What he said, Mr. Tokugawa actually dares to take it seriously. " When Tokugawa and Kang Nai heard this, they looked at Little Wu Lang with sharp eyes. Little Wu Lang said, "Father, he, he lied." With that, he waved his hand and said, "Why aren't you chasing these people out." A dozen or so ninjas immediately gathered around and launched a group attack at Lu Lee and the others.    


Tokugawa wanted to stop her, but after thinking about it, he did not say anything. Yagyu Sizuka was also wondering, who on earth was this old man called Liu Sheng? From the looks of it, he should be a member of the Yagyu Family Clan, but why have I never heard of him?    


Just as the Ninjas launched their attack, Old Liu Sheng moved. His back was no longer hunched and his eyes no longer glazed, and his movements were no longer sluggish. His palms were wide open like autumn leaves being swept away by the wind. Although Lu Lee didn't know who the old man was, he recognized the old man's move. Even Lu Ao saw it and the two of them exclaimed at the same time, "Taiji!"    


Lu Ao thought that he could also instantly push back a dozen players, but he couldn't make them fall to the ground and lose their ability to fight back. Impossible, he was already a ninth level third rank martial artist. Could this old man have a cultivation skill above tenth level? Didn't Father say that level 10 people were practically non-existent? What the old man brought to them was no longer shock, but shock. Tokugawa then shouted out, "Stop, Little Wu Lang, hurry up and hand the person over."    


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