Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C542 Unreconciled

C542 Unreconciled

0If it was overseas, Lu Lee would only need to wave his arms and call for a crowd to gather around him. However, in the eyes of these people, the word "Crown Prince" clearly couldn't be used as a reason for them to follow him.    


Especially since they did not need any financial assistance, it was obvious that wealth could not be the basis for moving them. What was good then? Lu Lee, who was always smart, couldn't help but to linger around.    


After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of a key character, and that was Xiao Tian. If he was right, Xiao Tian would definitely be able to help him.    


Without delay, Lu Lee took out his phone and dialed Xiao Tian's number and said, "I hope we can meet at the Grand Hotel in ten minutes, I'll be waiting for you in Room 111. Remember, don't bring your men over. There's something important. "    


Xiao Tian readily agreed to Lu Lee's words. After arranging his men, he started to look for Lu Lee.    


Fortunately, the entertainment location they chose was upstairs at the Grand Hotel, and it wasn't too far from the 44th floor to the 4th floor.    


Not long later, Xiao Tian appeared outside Lu Lee's door. Before Xiao Tian knocked on the door, Lu Lee opened the door like a prophet.    


"Come in, I've been waiting for a long time." Lu Lee said indifferently. Because he was wearing a nightgown, he was slightly lazy. Xiao Tian pushed open the door and walked in without hesitation.    


"As you expected, things have indeed progressed to this stage. What are you going to do now?" Xiao Tian said slowly. His eyes were like an unfathomable lake, making it hard for people to find emotion within them.    


"If it's you, what are you going to do about it?"    


Lu Lee did not directly answer Xiao Tian's question, but asked a question instead. Obviously, he wanted to know Xiao Tian's thoughts in order to judge whether he was an enemy or a friend.    


In other words, he couldn't completely put his secret in Lu Lee's hands. Although Lu Lee liked Xiao Tian a lot, but his intuition wasn't enough to make him trust the other person's life.    


For Lu Lee, there were very few friends, but very few who could really live. If Xiao Tian was the right person, Lu Lee wouldn't mind having a friend that was like a string, but if it wasn't Lu Lee, he would kill him without hesitation.    


Since he couldn't be friends, it was better to be a dead man, because Xiao Tian knew too much and there were too many things that he shouldn't have done. With his intelligence, if he couldn't be of use to Lu Lee, then it would be better to deal with him as soon as possible.    


"If it were me, I would do what you have done." Xiao Tian did not directly answer Lu Lee's question. Instead, he repeated the question once more. Hearing Xiao Tian's answer, Xiao Tian couldn't help but burst into laughter.    


"You're a smart person, but you don't show it. I'd like to hear what you think about these things. "If we're friends, then we should at least be sincere, right?" Lu Lee said in a charming manner, neither revealing his disbelief nor expressing his complete trust.    


Everything happened in an instant. This made Xiao Tian exclaim at the unfathomable depth of the person in front of him.    


Since the first day, Lu Lee had changed the riddle to another one, and this riddle would never be solved. Facing such a person, Xiao Tian couldn't think of any better solution other than to be honest with him.    


After making the decision over and over again, Xiao Tian slowly said what he was thinking. Hearing Xiao Tian's opinion on this matter, the smile on Lu Lee's face deepened.    


Unknowingly, the two of them started to talk a lot more. Finally, Lu Lee told Xiao Tian about his identity. Especially when he mentioned that his father was the ace agent, Xiao Tian was even more determined to follow.    


It was because Lu Lee was not only a courageous and scheming person, but also a person who valued friendship and friendship. These were all things Xiao Tian admired and he also needed someone like Lu Lee to bring him to a higher position.    


Thinking like this, Xiao Tian secretly decided that no matter what the method was used today, he must let Lu Lee take back those people. If anyone dared to disobey, then he must have a good look.    


After the conversation was over, the two of them sat in the elevator one after the other. The elevator was so quiet that only the breathing of each other could be heard. Obviously, Lu Lee didn't feel unwell, but Xiao Tian's heart couldn't calm down for a long time.    


Arriving at the meeting hall, the dim light quickly covered Wu Tie and Xiao Tian's eyes. When the elevator door opened, Wu Tie obviously didn't go in directly. Ye Zichen casually touched the one on his chest, and only after confirming that it was in Xiao Tian's hands did he start to walk away with a relieved expression.    


Of course, Xiao Tian didn't hide behind Lu Lee in order to trust him. Instead, he took the lead at the front, because the second Xiao Tian felt that Lu Lee was talking to him, he felt the trust.    


Xiao Tian's concept of doing things is that if others give me trust, then I will give them ten or a hundred times the price.    


"Young Master Xiao, why are you so late?" The moment Xiao Tian appeared in the hall, someone greeted him. All kinds of accents started coming from all directions.    


On the other hand, Lu Lee was a bit cold. Because Xun Guang and Chang Wu's men all went to the ward, there wasn't even a person who greeted them. Of course, Lu Lee was also free.    


"I'm here. Find a place to sit and we'll talk later." "Xiao Tian said a few words in a perfunctory manner before finding a seat on the other side and arranging for Lu Lee to sit down. Listening to the surrounding noises, the two people looked at each other and conveyed a look that said 'the time has yet to come'.    


After a long while, it was time for the news to start. Due to the fatigue, everyone was quiet. Seeing the sudden silence, Xiao Tian realized that it was time to make a move.    


Xiao Tian lowered his head and gulped down a bottle of beer. Then, he slowly walked towards the center of the stage. He had already prepared a microphone in the middle of the stage.    


"I'm very happy to be here celebrating our reunion with everyone. Today, I'd like to take the liberty to ask everyone if you're willing to live your days like this?" Xiao Tian expressed his opinion in an infectious manner, trying to make the entire audience look good.    


As expected, when he wanted to incite them, the entire audience immediately answered: "I can't accept it!"    


The volume of the voice could be said to represent the fact that these people had been suppressed for far too long.    


"If you are unwilling, then do you still want to leave the martial arts world and go to hell with this vote?" Xiao Tian encouraged them again.    


After a moment of hesitation, they finally shouted, "Yes!"    


Hearing the crowd's reply, Xiao Tian smiled and said, "Then follow my big brother."    


Hearing Xiao Tian's words, everyone present was dumbfounded. This man, who was the overlord of a city, had said that he wanted to follow someone else. What kind of man was he exactly?    


Could it be that there really was someone in this world who had the ability to transcend the heavens? All sorts of guesses went around in that moment. Almost everyone was looking forward to who was the person Xiao Tian was talking about. Based on their understanding, they had never heard of Xiao Tian having a boss in the city.    


"Young Master Xiao, why haven't I heard anything about your eldest brother from you?" A leader who looked like a person couldn't help but to ask. Hearing his question, Xiao Tian knew that it was time to speak.    


He immediately grabbed the microphone and said: "He's my new big brother. His name is Lu Lee, he's the son of the best agent in China, Lu Lei …"    


With that, the crowd burst into an uproar. Just when everyone was astonished, Lu Lee realized that it was time for him to appear on stage. He immediately stood up and walked towards the stage.    


When Lu Lee's figure appeared on the stage, everyone was shocked! Everyone was shocked! No one would have thought that Lu Lee was the extremely mighty person that Xiao Tian spoke of. In their eyes, Lu Lee usually retained an old mindset.    


That was, a strong person must have a strong face or something, but thinking of such a handsome boy, and looking at his small body, it was unexpected that there was such a huge power hidden under the surface.    


"…" It was extremely quiet, and no one said a word. Compared to the excitement when Xiao Tian shouted just now, everyone was considering whether it was better to tell Lu Lee or not.    


Although they believed in Xiao Tian and knew how powerful Xiao Tian was, even more so, they had heard Lu Lei's name. However, they were unable to determine if this news was real or fake.    


After all, he was someone who had been there once before, so he knew that if there was a second time, there would be no other way but death.    


Those who were able to escape were all people who wanted to do a bit of work. Who would be willing to see God for no reason? And because of this, at the crucial moment of their choice, they suddenly backed off. Everyone was waiting for a powerful attack.    


Suddenly, someone in the crowd recognized Lu Lee. When his gaze landed on Lu Lee, he couldn't help but cry out: "I know him, he's that man that defeated Snake-scorpion Woman! I have even personally witnessed his battle with Tiger Head! "    


"Is that true?" Hearing his words, everyone couldn't help but ask in unison. The moment they found out about Lu Lee's identity, an uproar broke out among them. Adding such a heavy weight to the news, wouldn't it be like adding wings to a tiger?    


It had to be known that the people who came from the inner city understood one thing, and that was that no matter who had the bigger fist, they could just ignore it. Obviously, if what this person said was true, then Lu Lee's position in their eyes would be even higher.    



Most of them had heard of Snake-scorpion Woman's strength before, so how bad would a man who could defeat her be? Plus, wasn't his solid foundation the very person they were supposed to follow?    


"Yes, it's true! I've seen a tiger's head fall at his hands. " Another voice suddenly came from the crowd, but when he finished his sentence, the entire crowd was in an uproar. The group of people looked at Lu Lee with expectation and fanaticism, as if only Lu Lee could prove the meaning of their rebirth.    


"I'll join." A voice was immediately heard as a youth with dyed silver hair walked onto the stage. They recognized that this was the number one on the Tiger Ranking, Silver Demon.    


The moment he stood beside Lu Lee, everyone was shocked once again. Soon, the group of people successively expressed their willingness to follow Lu Lee.    


Xiao Tian nodded his head in satisfaction as he saw this scene. He waved his hand and ordered his men to count the number of people.    


According to Lu Lee, those who were willing to stay were naturally the address and those who were unwilling to leave. However, what made people happy was that the final result clearly indicated that no one was leaving.    


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