Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C372 Dechuan's Intelligence

C372 Dechuan's Intelligence

0Wu Tie was confused. Xu Juan's words were very reasonable. It seemed like Sheyeo was really cunning. Lu Lee asked, "Then what should we do now?" Xu Juan shook her head. "It's too late to run now. On the contrary, it would leave a trail for the police to talk about." Lu Lee said, "What are you afraid of? Didn't they already catch Eve? " Xu Juan said, "But Eve fainted. Who attacked her? If she could have been killed in one blow, why didn't she hurry up and leave the scene? The police will soon be able to find these suspicious points, and it seems to me that Eve is safe for the time being and will not be in any danger. "    


Lu Lee said, "Xu Juan, you've confused me. Tell me, what should we do next?" Xu Juan said, "What's the rush? Isn't the nuclear bomb still not launched?" Lu Lee said, "After it's too late, all of our efforts will be wasted."    


Xu Juan said, "Don't worry, there will definitely be a way to stop them."    


The police had indeed made a thorough investigation. Eve was being held as the murderer, and the police were trying to find out the real reason behind Eve's fainting. The police chief thought that Eve's coma must have been caused by an attack, and the assailant was more likely to be the real culprit, and Eve was the scapegoat. Lu Lee rather admired this policeman's judgment. However, even though the police made such a judgment, Eve was still taken away by them. Lu Lee had already asked Yagyu Sizuka to be in charge of saving Eve, since the Yagyu Family Clan was the expert at tracking and assassinating people, saving people was not a problem.    


They tossed and turned until it was almost nine o'clock when they finally left Ximo's manor and returned to the apartment. Yagyu Sizuka still hadn't come back when Victoria suddenly collapsed on the sofa. "Lu, Hasen's people said that there was no activity at all at the manor tonight." Lu Lee glanced at Xu Juan, telling her that her calculations were wrong.    


Xu Juan said flatly, "If that's the case, then the situation is even worse." Lu Lee quickly asked, "What do you mean?" Xu Juan said, "If the things in the warehouse haven't been moved, then there's nothing meaningful in there. Perhaps there's nothing there at all. The warehouse is just a suspicious array that they set up to confuse us. This means that the nuclear bomb is not in the warehouse, but somewhere else. "    


Lu Lee said, "If that's the case, then why did they do all these things?" Xu Juan said, "We only have one goal, and that is to absorb more eyeballs. We think that there must be some powerful killing weapon in the warehouse, but we don't have any."    


Lu Lee said, "This doesn't make sense either. If they want to divert our attention, then there's no need for us to take care of the things in the villa. Isn't he leaving an opening for us to investigate? " Xu Juan said, "I don't know Shee Yiou, but I don't think any actions are meaningless. I just want to know if we can understand him correctly."    


Lu Lee said, "Are you saying that they also had a motive for causing trouble at the Manor?" Xu Juan rolled her eyes at him. "Do you spend your time and energy planning a murder case without any purpose? "What intelligence." Xu Juan's words made Lu Lee very embarrassed. He thought he was a very wise man. Even when he was playing intelligence games with Helena, he didn't panic. Why was Xu Juan not good enough for him?    


Victoria smiled on the side. She felt that it was indeed a fun thing to let Lu Lee down.    


Xu Juan said, "You let Yagyu Sizuka rob someone?" Lu Lee said, "I'll let her act according to the circumstances. If there's a chance, save Eve." Xu Juan said, "Do you really think Yagyu Sizuka will act according to the circumstances? She will only carry out your orders unconditionally, and I am afraid she will throw herself in. " Lu Lee said, "With Yagyu Sizuka's abilities, she shouldn't be in any danger, right?" Xu Juan said, "Then let me ask you, how's Eve's skill?"    


Lu Lee was stunned for a moment. He knew that Eve's kung fu wasn't too far off from Yagyu Sizuka's. His heart tightened. Someone who could make Eve suffer a loss should be above Yagyu Sizuka's kung fu. Lu Lee said, "Sizuka is staring at the police. I don't think she will meet that person, right?" Xu Juan said, "The fact that the police were able to arrive at the scene so quickly shows that they had already colluded with them. If they really wanted to use Eve for their work, do you think they wouldn't have any experts by her side?"    


Xu Juan said, "Lu Lee, have you thought about it before? This is another trap. If we use Eve as bait, who do you think they will catch?" Lu Lee said, "Are you saying that their target is me?" Xu Juan nodded. "There's such a possibility. Once we know that their target is you, can you even think about how you can use an elephant trap to catch a wolf?" Lu Lee naturally understood what Xu Juan meant. This trap was set for him. An expert should be around the same level as him. Yagyu Sizuka was really dangerous. He looked at Xu Juan and asked, "Why didn't you say so earlier?"    


Xu Juan sighed. "I've only just figured this out."    


Yagyu Sizuka came back, covered in blood, her face pale.    


She was injured. There were seven or eight cuts on her body. The most serious cut had cut open her abdomen. Yagyu Sizuka used her clothes to tighten the wound and escaped. Instead of going to the hospital, she went back to her apartment.    


When she knocked on the door, Victoria was shocked. Lu Lee quickly carried her and said, "Don't say anything, I'll take you to the hospital first." Victoria had already brought the car over. Xu Juan and Lu Lee had gotten Yagyu Sizuka into the car. Yagyu Sizuka had lost too much blood and fainted.    


Fortunately, they were already familiar with the surroundings and quickly brought Yagyu Sizuka to the nearest hospital.    


Yagyu Sizuka was pushed into the emergency room. Lu Lee paced around the room worriedly. Xu Juan said, "I say, can you sit down? My eyes are blurry. " Lu Lee sat down: "It's my fault. If I hadn't let her save Eve, she wouldn't have been injured like this." Xu Juan said, "It's already happened, so there's no use blaming yourself. "Lu Lee, the more it is like this, the calmer you have to be. Think about it, what is their motive for doing this?"    


Lu Lee replied, "They want to get rid of me." Xu Juan shook her head. "It's good to be able to get rid of you, but this is not their real goal. They created obstacles for you to deal with, so you don't have the time and energy to do more important things." Victoria woke up from her dream and also said, "I understand. They have seized on Lu Lee's emotional weakness and used Eve to hold Lu Lee back so that Lu Lee wouldn't be in the mood to pursue Sheyeo's matter."    


Lu Lee calmed down and didn't speak again. He had to think carefully about what to do next. Since the other party was using Eve to restrain him, if he did not care about it, Eve would definitely be in danger. If he were to wholeheartedly save Eve, then would Sheyeo's group of idiots be able to stop him with just Cia? He wished there were a two-way street.    


Seeing Lu Lee like this, she also felt very complicated in her heart. From Eve and Yagyu Sizuka, she could tell that Lu Lee was a very emotional person. He cared a lot about the people around him, and he even cared about their lives.    


At this moment, the hatred in Xu Juan's heart had vanished. Her sister was not mistaken.    


Xu Juan said, "Lu Lee, don't be in such a hurry. It's not as bad as I thought." Lu Lee looked at her and Xu Juan said, "What they did was just to make you panic. They gave up on the nuclear bomb investigation, so you couldn't care less about Eve. You caught Sheyeo and pursued him relentlessly." Lu Lee said, "Isn't Eve in a very dangerous situation?" Xu Juan shook her head, "It's chaos if you're concerned. Since it's the police who colluded with the police, it shouldn't be too difficult to settle this matter. What are the police afraid of? Pressure and public opinion. "    


Lu Lee's eyes lit up, "Why didn't I think of that?" Victoria said: "I will arrange it now. I will contact Hasen's side and then talk to James Bond. First, let them be pressured by Star State and the leading embassy. Wasn't Eve hired by the Russia government? Lu, you should also contact the people from the Russia and get them to intervene. Afterwards, I will think of a way to attract the attention of the public, so that they won't dare to act rashly for the time being. "    


Xu Juan smiled.    


Not long after, Yagyu Sizuka was pushed out. The doctor told Lu Lee that her life was no longer in danger, but she was still weak. The cut on her abdomen was very deep, and it almost hurt her liver and spleen.    


Lili was in an advanced ward, and Lu Lee would never be able to save money like that. When they entered the room, Yagyu Sizuka was already awake. She struggled to sit up when Lu Lee came in, but Lu Lee hurried over and held her down. "Sizuka, don't move." Yagyu Sizuka said, "Young Master, I'm fine." She was already weak, and the doctor had told Lu Lee to keep her talking as little as possible.    


Lu Lee said, "Mhm, it's alright. Take good care of your injuries and don't think too much about it."    


Yagyu Sizuka said, "No, there's something. I-I have to say it." Wu Tie nodded. "Have you heard of the meat grinder before?" she asked. Lu Lee shook his head. Yagyu Sizuka said, "Tokugawa Renzhi, the number one expert of the Tokugawa family, Zhang Dao, nicknamed the Meat Grinder." Lu Lee frowned. "Did he hurt you?" Yagyu Sizuka said, "Yes, although he is masked, but I'm sure it must be him."    


Lu Lee replied, "En, I'll be careful. Rest assured and recover from your injuries. You don't need to worry about these matters." Yagyu Sizuka shook her head, "No, they must have come for you. You barged into Tokugawa's family, and at that time Tokugawa Renzhi was not there, he must have wanted to take revenge." "So you're saying he didn't go with Sheyeo?" Lu Lee asked.    


Yagyu Sizuka said, "Mhm, I can't save Eve, she is surrounded by tight security. I found that there were a few powerful warriors that I couldn't handle, so I retreated but was stopped by Tokugawa Renzhi." Lu Lee replied, "Alright, I understand. These few days, you can stay in the hospital peacefully. I'll come and accompany you every day."    


Lu Lee said to Victoria, "Victoria, you should stay for the next few days to take care of Sizuka. You don't need to worry about anything else, I can handle it." Victoria said, "Lu, can you do it by yourself?" Lu Lee said, "Don't forget, I was one of the earliest." Xu Juan said, "I don't like hearing that. What do you mean by 'someone'? Am I not a person?" Lu Lee said, "I really forgot about you. You should also stay in the hospital and not cause any more trouble for me."    


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