Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C263 Scorpion

C263 Scorpion

0Yan Xiaoxue had already been waiting at the hotel entrance. When the car arrived, Lu Lee waved to her, and Yan Xiaoxue quickly got in.    


"Lu Lee, what's wrong? Have you found anything? " Yan Xiaoxue asked as she got into the car. Lu Lee shook his head and said, "You'll know when we get there." Yan Xiaoxue laughed. "What's going on? "It's so mysterious." "Elder Brother Lee guesses that the woman wants to see you." Yan Xiaoxue said in surprise, "Meet me? "What do you mean?" "Elder Brother Lee said, the next sentence of 'I can't bear the flowers falling' is' I've seen you before '. Elder Brother Lee felt that women should know you, and she wanted to see you because of this riddle."    


Yan Xiaoxue frowned. After thinking for a while, she felt that it made sense. She asked, "What's the background of that woman?" Lu Lee said, "I'm not too sure either, but Shaojun once said that she seems to be from the Army Intelligence Service." Yan Xiaoxue said, "The Army Intelligence Service? I don't think I've ever had anything to do with them. "    


Lu Lee said, "Don't even think about it. Let's just watch and see. We have no other way anyway." Yan Xiaoxue nodded. "Yes."    


As the car pulled up outside the woman's house, Lu Lee said, "You stay in the car. Xiaoxue and I will go in." The string nodded, and Lu Lee and Yan Xiaoxue got out of the car. Lu Lee walked in front and knocked lightly on the door. A moment later the door opened and the woman stood at the door, looking at Lu Lee, then at Yan Xiaoxue, then at her watch. "Lu Lee, you're three hours ahead of what I expected," she said. Yan Xiaoxue looked at the woman and froze.    


After Lu Lee entered, he sat down comfortably on the sofa and lit up a cigarette. He didn't care about the stunned Yan Xiaoxue at all, because he could tell from the woman's expression that he was right this time.    


Finally, Yan Xiaoxue spoke, "Scorpion?" The woman lightly nodded her head. "Let's talk after we enter."    


Lu Lee was surprised to hear Yan Xiaoxue say the word "Scorpion." He would never have thought that this woman was actually "Scorpion." Lu Lee knew what the word "Scorpion" meant. She was a veteran spy. More importantly, the countries she served all knew her identity, but they could still tolerate her. This meant that this "Scorpion" did indeed have some ability, and it was no wonder she had such an IQ.    


The woman and Yan Xiaoxue also sat down. The woman said to Yan Xiaoxue, "I didn't believe it when I heard that you were following Lu Lee. I didn't expect it to be true." Yan Xiaoxue replied, "What's there to be surprised about that? I am a Chinese myself, it is normal for me to return to my homeland." The woman smiled blandly. "There is one thing you must not know, right?" Yan Xiaoxue asked, "What's the matter?"    


The woman said, "The CIA and Bureau of Military Intelligence have both issued a killing order to you." Yan Xiaoxue said, "That's not surprising." The woman laughed again, "Then do you know why they didn't make a move?" Yan Xiaoxue shook her head. She really didn't know that. The woman said softly, "There are two reasons. First, they don't want to offend Lu Lee." After saying that, he glanced at Lu Lee, but Lu Lee acted as if nothing had happened and just smoked his own cigarette without even taking a glance at the two women.    


The woman continued, "As for the second reason, I've also done a lot of work." Yan Xiaoxue said, "It seems that I have to thank you properly?" The woman shook her head. "Don't say that. Actually, I'm just repaying you for your past favors." Yan Xiaoxue did not say anything, but Lu Lee said, "I brought him here, so he passed the second stage, right? "What's next?" Only then did the woman look at Lu Lee: "The second stage is such a simple question yet you took so long. It seems like it will be hard to pass the third and fourth stages."    


Lu Lee said indifferently, "You only care about setting the question, whether you can pass it or not is my problem." The woman nodded. "Alright, you can leave now. Miss Yan, let's talk about old times." Lu Lee didn't understand. Let him go just like that? The question had not been decided yet.    


Seeing that Lu Lee was stunned, the woman said, "The question has already been decided. As for whether you can guess it or not, that will depend on you." "Lu Lee, take care, I won't send you off." Lu Lee looked at Yan Xiaoxue, who nodded. She assured Lu Lee that there would be no problem if she stayed. Lu Lee gave her a concerned look and then left, closing the door behind him.    


Lu Lee got in the car and didn't say anything for a long time.    


"Where's Sister Yan?" Lu Lee said, "It's still inside." "Seems like we've guessed correctly." Lu Lee said, "I passed this one, but what about the next one?" "What question did she come up with?" Lu Lee shook his head, "She left your Sister Yan here to reminisce about the past and then kicked me out. I was wondering at the time, the third question hasn't been answered yet, but she said it was already decided, so I had to think about it myself."    


"Are we going to wait for Sister Yan?" Lu Lee said, "Let's wait and see. I should also think carefully at this time to see what exactly is being sold in her gourd." The string said, "Throwing you out is the question? What kind of question is this? " Lu Lee said, "I'll think about it." He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.    


Lu Lee's mind was blank. This time, the woman didn't give him any hints. It seemed that the series of actions from the moment he and Yan Xiaoxue entered the door to his departure was a mystery. However, he didn't find anything valuable. Lu Lee smiled bitterly, it seemed like his IQ wasn't enough.    


"I say, could this woman be deliberately mystifying?" Lu Lee said, "Regardless of whether or not she's deliberately mystifying, I have to find the third mystery immediately. Time can't wait." The string said softly, "Think about it slowly. I'll go down and smoke a cigarette." He jumped out of the car.    


About 20 minutes later, Yan Xiaoxue came out. Seeing that Lu Lee and the rest had not left yet, she got in the car and asked, "Why are you guys still here?" Lu Lee said helplessly, "If we don't, where else can we go?" Yan Xiaoxue said, "I understand. You must not have thought of what the third mystery is, right?" Lu Lee shook his head. "I can't think of anything. Could it be that you already know about it?" Yan Xiaoxue laughed, "Lu Lee, the riddle this time isn't difficult. You didn't guess it?"    


Hearing his words, Lu Lee turned his head and asked, "Hurry up and say it, stop keeping us in suspense."    


Yan Xiaoxue asked, "Isn't it a mystery why she left us alone?" Lu Lee still didn't understand. Yan Xiaoxue said, "It's actually very simple. Where will you go when you don't have a goal?" Lu Lee thought about it and said, "Go back to the hotel." Yan Xiaoxue said, "Then it's over." Lu Lee became more and more unconvinced: "It's that simple?" Yan Xiaoxue said lightly to the strings, "String, drive back to the hotel." He started the car. Yan Xiaoxue then continued, "Things are usually very simple, just let us think about it ourselves."    


Lu Lee said, "But what if we go back? Will there be an answer? " Yan Xiaoxue said, "If you don't go back and just randomly hit your luck, there won't be an answer." Lu Lee asked, "How did you know?" Yan Xiaoxue said, "Because I know her too well. We once worked together."    


Lu Lee asked again, "What did you guys talk about?" Yan Xiaoxue shook her head and said, "If I told you that we haven't talked for half an hour, would you believe me?" Lu Lee nodded and said, "I believe you." Yan Xiaoxue looked at Lu Lee with gratitude. Yes, Lu Lee's trust really moved her. She said softly, "We didn't say anything. I think she left me behind to make your mind more confused. She might even have guessed that you hadn't left yet, because she knew you must not have found your target. "    


Lu Lee said, "Why do you have so many tricks? I have an intuition that even if I can't guess it, she would still tell me in the end." Yan Xiaoxue said, "You're wrong, it's already pretty good that she can give you hints in this way. With her personality, she wouldn't care about this, so I think the ISI must have asked her to do this, and the good thing is that considering the feelings of the other organizations, they can't give you the information openly, that's why they took such a detour."    


Lu Lee said, "I understand what you mean, but why didn't the ISI tell me directly?" Yan Xiaoxue said, "The ISI lost a lot of brothers due to you saving General Xu. They have to find an opportunity to vent that anger, right? "I was thinking that they only asked 'Scorpion' to tell you out of morality, and they couldn't care less what 'Scorpion' wants to play with."    


Back at the hotel, Lu Lee greeted everyone and went to his room. When he opened the door, he saw an envelope on the floor. Lu Lee picked up the envelope and saw a few Chinese characters: Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee opened the envelope and saw a letter inside. On the letter were two sentences written in English, "Mr Lu, I hope you won't read this letter too late. Otherwise, you really won't have time." Lu Lee was furious. It was just a few sentences and that was all. Lu Lee shook his head. How long did this woman want to play around with the last mystery?    


Lu Lee picked up the envelope again and shook it hard. There was nothing inside.    


Lu Lee sighed. Just as he was about to go to the string-side, the hotel phone rang.    


"Hello, who is this?" Lu Lee said unhappily. A girl's sweet voice sounded in his ear, "Hello, are you Mr Lu?" Lu Lee replied, "I said yes, you are?" The girl said, "This is the main reception desk. Someone handed over a room card for me to give to you. I've called a few times and you're not here. Since you're back, can I trouble you to come down and get it?"    


Lu Lee suddenly jumped up, "Ok, ok, I'll be right there." After hanging up, Lu Lee rushed out.    


At the reception desk, Lu Lee met the girl who was talking to him on the phone. Although she looked ordinary, she had a pair of beautiful eyes: "Are you Mr Lu?" Lu Lee nodded. The girl picked up a room card from the table and said, "This was left by a lady. She told me to tell you that what you want is the room." Lu Lee took the room card and the girl said, "Mr Lu, that lady also said that the room fee is on your head, do you agree?" Lu Lee hurriedly said, "Alright, pay me back."    


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