Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C246 Pseudo Monkey

C246 Pseudo Monkey

0When the two of them reached the basement, String saw Lu Lee and the others had come, so they hurriedly said, "Elder Brother Lee, don't worry, I'm here to protect you." Lu Lee smiled and said, "Open the door." The string hurriedly opened the door, and Lu Lee said to the fake "monkey", "You, come out." The fake "monkey" glared at Lu Lee but didn't move. He stretched out his hand and pulled him out. Without dodging, he stood outside the cell and looked at Lu Lee coldly.    


After closing the cell door, Lu Lee softly said to the fake "Monkey": "Come with me, I won't make things difficult for you." The fake "monkey" thought for a while, but still followed behind Lu Lee, while Little Wolf walked at the back.    


Lu Lee brought the fake "monkey" to his room, Little Wolf followed in and closed the door. Lu Lee sat down first and pointed at the sofa in front of him. "Sit." The fake "monkey" didn't hold back. He sat down in front of Lu Lee casually, while Little Wolf sat down on the sofa beside him.    


Lu Lee took out his cigarette and handed it over. The fake "monkey" didn't reach out to take it, but only said lightly, "No." Lu Lee lit a cigarette himself and threw the cigarette and the fire onto the tea table. Lu Lee blew out a smoke ring and asked softly, "Aren't you tired of wearing disguise?" The fake "monkey" didn't say anything, but his face was throbbing. Lu Lee was only guessing at first, but from the fake 'monkey' look, he found that his guesses were reliable.    


Lu Lee shook his head. "Do you really think that we wouldn't know if you didn't tell us? "Alright, Little Wolf, go call Ziyan!" Hearing that, the fake Monkey's expression changed drastically. He jumped up from the sofa and said, "No, we can't let her know!" Little Wolf didn't know what Lu Lee was doing, he looked at Lu Lee in confusion. Lu Lee waved his hand to signal Little Wolf to stay put, he looked at the fake "monkey" and said, "Sit down, I think you should be willing to communicate with me now, right?"    


The fake Monkey's face was ashen. "How did you know?" Lu Lee laughed. "When I heard that 'monkey' is fake, I had some ideas." The fake "monkey" said, "Why?" Lu Lee said, "Because this makes me think of another thing. That's, when General Xu was in trouble, a fake Hua Ziyu appeared." The fake "monkey" didn't understand what Lu Lee meant. He frowned and asked, "So what?" Lu Lee said, "Hua Ziyu is fake. 'Monkey' is also fake, but the other two are real. What does this mean?"    


"I don't understand what you mean," replied the fake 'monkey', who had been stunned by Lu Lee. At this time, Little Wolf also laughed. "I understand. Let me say it, Elder Brother Lee. Do you think I'm right?" Sun Tie nodded and indicated for him to speak. Little Wolf said, "Lu Lee's meaning is that those two are real, so for a fake 'monkey' like you to be able to get along with them, it means that you're not completely fake. Of course, you're definitely not 'monkey', so you can only be the other person: Hua Ziyu!"    


The fake Monkey's face turned red and then white. Little Wolf asked Lu Lee, "Elder Brother Lee, am I right?" Lu Lee said, "Yes, he should be Hua Ziyu. And the one that died at that time should be the real 'Monkey'. Hua Ziyu, I want to know how you got 'Monkey' to agree to trade identities with you?"    


Hua Ziyu took off the disguise on his face and said with a wry smile, "Lu Lee, I know you are powerful, but I never expected you to be able to see through this situation!" Lu Lee said lightly: "That's because I have my doubts. Although I don't know much about you, Hua Ziyu, but I am sure one thing, it is impossible for me to kill you easily." I understand your skill, although it cannot be said that you have reached the pinnacle, you are still a first-rate expert. Moreover, your mind has always been very meticulous, almost to the point of being suspicious, so the probability of you falling into my trap is too small.    


Hua Ziyu lowered his head, "Lu Lee, it seems that we haven't met in many years, right?" Wu Tie nodded his head, "Yes, it has been eleven years, but human nature will never change, so your personality will never change. As for martial arts, Ziyan is already very powerful, she said that you are much stronger than her, so I know that even though I haven't seen you for more than ten years, your martial arts will only become stronger and not weaker."    


Hua Ziyu said, "Alright, Lu Lee, since you already know everything, what do you want to do?" Lu Lee said, "Until now, no one knew that the fake 'monkey' was Hua Ziyu. I also told everyone that 'monkey' would come to us to negotiate conditions. Do you know why I did this?" Hua Ziyu didn't say anything. Lu Lee said softly: "I am doing this for the Hua Family, so I hope that you can cooperate with me. Only by doing this can I help you."    


Hua Ziyu said, "What do you want me to do?" Lu Lee asked indifferently, "Where's Madame Xu?" Hua Ziyu said with a wry smile, "She's very safe." Lu Lee replied, "I want to see her." Hua Ziyu said, "I can take you there." Lu Lee looked at Little Wolf and said, "Little Wolf, only the two of us know about this. Don't tell anyone, including my father and Ziyan." Wu Tie nodded. Lu Lee continued, "I'll go with him to see Madame Xu later. You think of a way to get rid of this fake 'monkey'."    


Little Wolf thought about it and said, "How about this, let's say that the fake Monkey is willing to cooperate and agree to help us find Madame Xu, and we promise to let him go as long as we find Madame Xu. What do you say?" Lu Lee nodded in agreement. He looked at Hua Ziyu: "We can let you go, but what about you in the future? How are you going to face Hua Family?" Hua Ziyu sighed, "I will tell you everything, but not now. I need to leave this place first."    


Lu Lee said, "Alright, we'll leave now. You should put on your clothes for the time being." Little Wolf said, "I'll go out and prepare first. I'll give an explanation along the way. I'll drive the car to the door and wait for you guys ten minutes later." Wu Tie nodded.    


Ten minutes later, Lu Lee and Hua Ziyu were in the car. As they passed the living room, no one said anything. Little Wolf had already explained. There was only one person looking at Hua Ziyu's back that had a strange feeling. It was Hua Ziyan, but her heart was only slightly moved. She did not think about it, because in her heart, Hua Ziyu was already dead.    


The car started up and Lu Lee and Hua Ziyu sat in the back. "Where to?" Little Wolf asked. Hua Ziyu said, "Red Square."    


It was almost two hours drive from Red Square. Lu Lee did not speak and just stared out the window at the street lights flying past. Hua Ziyu said softly, "Lu Lee, you must have thought that I was the one who planned the kidnapping case of the entire General Xu, right?" Lu Lee didn't say anything, only turning his head to look at him.    


Hua Ziyu said, "If you were to encounter such a situation, you would do the same as me." Lu Lee said softly, "Can you tell me the whole story now? "What the hell is going on?" "This has to start from the time I received the order to accompany General Xu on a trip to Egypt," Hua Ziyu said.    


"As you know, this is just an ordinary defensive mission. To us, it is as easy as pie and there is no suspense at all. But on the night of the mission, I received a mysterious text message with only two words: Be careful. " As Hua Ziyu said this, he bit his lips and narrowed his eyes as if he was recalling something, "Seeing this text message, I suddenly feel uneasy. I feel that someone must be scheming against us."    


Hua Ziyu said, "That night, I gathered everyone and told them about the text message and my worries. After all, we know the importance of General Xu. If something really happened to him, none of us would be able to escape responsibility. That same night, I asked the head to come forward and communicate with General Xu. Hopefully, this trip of General Xu is just for sightseeing and does not involve anything related to his research. Only after the head had communicated with us and said that General Xu had agreed to our request did we heave a sigh of relief. "    


Hua Ziyu's tone was very calm: "But when we were about to leave, I noticed that Madame Xu had a laptop in her hand. As a rule, I was entitled to know if there were secrets involved in this computer. So I asked General Xu, and before he could answer, Madame Xu said, 'Old Xu does some research every night before he goes to sleep. It's been a habit for several years.' This sudden turn of events caused me to be caught off guard. I called the Chief again, but he didn't know about this. He promised to coordinate with General Xu again, hoping that General Xu would give up on carrying the computer. "    


Lu Lee frowned. He realized that this matter wasn't that simple from the beginning.    


Hua Ziyu continued, "Chief failed to convince General Xu, because General Xu had sufficient reasons to keep his laptop by his side. In the end, chief told us to be careful, but chief said that General Xu's trip this time is absolutely confidential, even his family doesn't know, so there shouldn't be any problems. We were slightly relieved when he said that. "    


Hua Ziyu spoke very slowly, as if he was hoping Lu Lee would understand every word he said.    


Hua Ziyu paused before continuing, "The two days before we arrived in Egypt were indeed calm and peaceful, and we gradually relaxed. This trip to Egypt by General Xu has a total of seven days, I think seven days will pass very soon." But on the night of the third day, something happened that made our relaxed nerves tense up again. "    


Hua Ziyu closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about how to describe what happened that night. After about two minutes, he opened his eyes and continued, "On the third night, after dinner, as usual, General Xu would take a walk in the garden of the hotel. Usually, Jiang Cheng and 'Monkey' would be by his side and Madame Xu's side, while Lin Zhiguo and I would be in charge of observing from afar. But that day, Madame Xu said that her stomach wasn't feeling well and she couldn't go down with General Xu, so we just had to stay with her. She wants to stay in her room and lie down for a while. "    


"General Xu was very concerned about her body, and asked her very carefully. He even planned to cancel the evening walk and stay with Madame Xu in the room, but Madame Xu didn't agree. She said that her stomach was just uncomfortable, that she would be fine after lying down for a while, and no one will accompany her. In the end, General Xu was unable to refuse and went downstairs for a walk. Initially, I was prepared to ask Madame Xu to stay behind to take care of her, but Madame Xu said that she didn't want to be disturbed. She didn't agree, and we didn't insist on going for a walk with General Xu. "    


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