Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C177 Vina's Escape

C177 Vina's Escape

0After Hilodias said that, seeing that his daughter didn't say anything, he shook his head and left. He knew the character of this daughter of his. She was too unyielding. Even if he was the father, as long as she didn't agree, he would continue to harden his heart. Hilodias sighed secretly. He had placed too much importance on the interests of the family and had lost his mind. It was too late to regret it now.    


He walked to the door and told the two men standing guard outside, "Watch carefully, don't let her run away. No matter what she says, don't believe her. Don't go in easily."    


As her father, Hilodias knew about Hilovina's brain. She had done a lot of swindling people out of the door before, so she gave such an explanation.    


Hilovina didn't say anything else. She knew that it was impossible to persuade her father to let her go. She could only wait until her father had left and then think of a way out. Where is Mickey? He couldn't have followed his father all the way to the underworld, right? Lu Lee was his master. If his master was in trouble, how could his disciple sit by and watch? She hoped that Mickey would be able to come visit her. She felt that she was completely confident in persuading Mickey to help her escape.    


Since the Hilo Family Clan had already reached an agreement with them, then Lu Lee's current hiding place was no longer safe. No, he must think of a way to get out and notify Lu Lee to escape. Even now, Hilovina still didn't know that Lu Lee had already been captured. At this moment, Lu Lee was imprisoned in a villa not far from Hilo Family Clan. Of course, that villa was also owned by Hilo Family Clan.    


Lu Lee heard the door being gently pushed open and then shut. He turned around and saw that it was Du Mingyi.    


Lu Lee closed his eyes again. Du Mingyi walked in front of Lu Lee and kicked his ankle. Lu Lee was in so much pain that tears almost flowed out of his eyes, yet he still didn't make a sound.    


Du Mingyi smiled and said, "Lu Lee, how is it? Do you like this feeling?" He didn't even wait for Lu Lee to speak. "I really didn't think that your old Lu Family would have such a day. It's a pity, it's not that old fellow Lu Lei. But as long as you're in our hands, your Lu Family won't dare to play any tricks."    


He got close to Lu Lee, reached out his hand and slapped Lu Lee's face: "Crown Prince! Do you think you are worthy to be called the crown prince? "    


Lu Lee suddenly opened his eyes and glared at him. He was startled and took two steps back. Du Mingyi was a little angry. Lu Lee no longer had the ability to attack, and he could only stare in shock.    


Du Mingyi's face reddened. He took two steps forward and kicked Lu Lee's chest with force: "Fuck, I'll see how vicious you are!"    


"Stop!" Du Mingyi turned around and saw that it was Cheng Xin. Du Mingyi quickly withdrew his hand and moved to the side. He said with a charming smile, "Mr. Cheng, why are you here?"    


Cheng Xin didn't even look at him and said lightly, "Get out."    


Du Mingyi was stunned and did not move. Cheng Xin slapped his face: "What? My words are useless? "    


Du Mingyi covered his face with his hands and said, "Mr. Cheng, I will be right out. Please don't be angry." As he spoke, he ran back. Cheng Xin waited for him at the door and said in a deep voice, "Close the door."    


Lu Lee had been watching on the side the whole time. He didn't know much about Du Mingyi, but from Du Mingyi's performance just now, he was sure to have a grudge with Lu Family.    


As for Cheng Xin, Lu Lee didn't know why Cheng Xin came to see him. He heard from Lu Yuv that although his junior brother's martial arts were not weak, he had never cared about matters of the world, especially the government. Lu Lee was a bit eccentric, but why did he come this time?    


Cheng Xin walked in front of Lu Lee and sat down. He lit a cigarette and handed it to Lu Lee's mouth, "Logically speaking, you are my martial nephew, I shouldn't treat you like this, but I have my own difficulties. Don't worry, I'm just in charge of capturing you, the future has nothing to do with me."    


Lu Lee smoked but didn't say anything.    


Of course, with his skills, it's not easy to trap him, but your old Lu Family made him into a fool. Fool, it's precisely this so-called loyalty that binds his hands and feet. "    


Lu Lee asked, "How are my father, grandfather, and uncles doing?"    


Cheng Xin played with his skinny hands and said, "They will be fine for now, but I don't know if any problems will affect them."    


He did not turn around, but only said lightly: "I hope your fate is good, and that you will be able to recover from the calamity. When you are safe, your Lu Family will be safe, and you will be the most important barrier in this game."    


Cheng Xin went out and the door closed. Lu Lee didn't understand why Cheng Xin would tell him this. Cheng Xin didn't seem to be hostile, and his words were full of hints.    


Chen Ke snuck into the house quietly, but Hilovina didn't notice. Chen Ke slowly approached Hilovina, and just as he was about to cover her nose and mouth, he suddenly heard someone call out loudly from outside the door: "Sis!" Sis, are you there? "    


Chen Ke quickly hid himself while Hilovina heard this and was overjoyed, "Mickey! "You're finally here."    


A voice came from outside the door, "Young master, please don't make things difficult for us. The lord has said that no one is allowed to enter." Mickey said, "Alright, I won't make things difficult for you."    


As soon as he finished, he heard two groans, and the two guards outside were knocked unconscious by Mickey.    


Mickey opened the door: "Sis, hurry up and go, I'm sure father will find out that I'm here to save you, you have to save master, I'll hold him for now, I've prepared a car for you at the back door, there are two guns and your phone. I'll come and find you after I deal with father."    


Hilovina wasn't an unreasonable person and said to Mickey, "Be careful!" Then he ran out into the darkness.    


Hilovina got into the car and started it up. She was surprised to find someone in the back seat. Chen Ke said softly, "Don't be afraid, it's me."    


Hilovina heard Chen Ke's voice and could not help but say joyfully, "Master! "You're here?"    


Chen Ke smiled bitterly and said, "How many times have I told you? I'm not your master."    


Hilovina said, "I don't care. You'll be my master if you teach me martial arts." Chen Ke didn't want to get entangled with her and asked softly, "Where is Lu Lee now?"    


Hilovina said, "I told him to hide in the old house, but I'm worried that it's no longer safe." Chen Ke frowned: "En, drive faster. Let's go take a look first."    


Hilovina said as she drove, "I'm sorry, Master. I don't know why my father is like this."    


Chen Ke said, "It's not your fault. Your father was blinded by his own interests. By the way, don't tell anyone about my trip to Egypt, I mean anyone. "    


Hilovina said, "Master, I want to tell Mickey that he is trustworthy." Chen Ke asked, "Was it he who let you out just now?"    


Hilovina nodded. Chen Ke said, "Alright, do as you see fit. Don't let too many people know. The more people know, the more danger Lu Lee will face."    


Hilovina said, "I understand. I don't want anything to happen to Lu Lee either."    


Before the car stopped at the old house, Chen Ke jumped off the car and walked to the door. The door was ajar. Chen Ke carefully opened it and walked inside.    


Hilovina followed behind him without making a sound. After searching all over the room, he couldn't find any trace of Lu Lee. Chen Ke said, "There are no traces of a fight. Lu Lee probably left by himself."    


Hilovina said, "Where can he go? He is unfamiliar with this place. "    


Chen Ke said: "He must have left because he sensed danger, or he might have found out something."    


Hilovina said, "A clue?" What kind of clues could be found by staying here?    


Chen Ke shook his head. "I don't know." Hilovina asked again, "Then what should we do?"    


Chen Ke said, "You can go back now. Leave the rest to me. I'll tell you as soon as I have news of Lu Lee."    


Hilovina said, "No! I have to find Lu Lee, I won't go back, I don't want to see my father again, and I don't want to return to the Hilo Family anymore. "    


Chen Ke said, "You'd better go back and stop being mad at your father. That way, you might be able to get some useful information from him."    


Hilovina said unhappily, "But I'm worried about Lu Lee." Chen Ke smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will be with you!"    


"No, I have to find a way to leave." The string softly said to Little Wolf. Little Wolf didn't say anything, his eyes were looking at the few people guarding them.    



Noticing that Little Wolf did not respond, Zhuan Zi lightly touched Little Wolf with her shoulder: "Say something, I keep having the feeling that Elder Brother Lee is in trouble."    


Little Wolf and the others were brought to the embassy, but fortunately, they weren't under strict supervision. Their people were all locked in a small hall on the second floor, which should be a conference room. There were six or seven men with guns guarding them. The guards did not make things difficult for them because they were here to "cooperate with the investigation."    


Xu Jing walked to Little Wolf's side, "Little Wolf, what are they trying to do? I'm worried that something might happen to Lu Lee. "    


Little Wolf closed his eyes, thought for a while, then opened his eyes and looked at the strings. "Even if you go out, can you guarantee that you can find Lu Lee? Maybe they are waiting for us to make a mistake so they can find an excuse to deal with Lu Lee? "    


Lu Lee is our leader, and if we do anything to make them find an excuse to make trouble, Lu Lee's situation will be even more dangerous. Zhangs, we are all worried about Lu Lee, but the more we do this, the less we will be able to act recklessly, don't worry, Lu Lee still has Lu Family behind him, and Uncle Yuv and the rest, so he will be fine.    


Although Faang Shaojun said this, he already knew in his heart that something must have happened to his Lu Family of Capital City because of this.    


"Then we won't do anything?" Little Wolf said, "We can't do anything. Wait, there will be news."    


Lee Tao was not one of Lu Lee's men. He spoke more casually, "What if Lu Lee is really in danger?"    


Little Wolf said, "If Elder Brother Lee is really in danger, then we don't have to care about that anymore. We just have to do what we have to do."    


When he heard this, he felt much more comfortable.    


Lu Lee was sleeping on the bed when he heard someone entering the room. He sat up and saw that it was Qin Yue and a few men.    


Qin Yue walked in front of Lu Lee and said, "Young Master Lu, let's greet you on your way."    


Lu Lee's heart sank. Were they planning to make a move against him? Qin Yue saw the change in Lu Lee's expression and knew that his words were ambiguous. He smiled and said: "Young Master Lu, don't misunderstand. I said we are going to the embassy. We have a plane to send you back to China tonight."    


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