Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C173 Fall into a Trap

C173 Fall into a Trap

0However, Feng Hua spoke up, "Puiniev, as a special ability user of Russia, he specializes in invisibility and clones, nicknamed light and shadow. Agility, and a first-rate attack speed. "    


Lu Lee frowned, but Feng Hua looked at Norwood and asked, "Don't tell me Pui Nieff has died at the hands of James Bond?"    


Norwood nodded his head fiercely: "Yes, although this is also a rumor, but it is also a rumor from our military, it shouldn't be fake."    


In order to convince Lu Lee, Norwood said, "Even if I were to fight against Puiniev, I would have no chance of winning."    


Lu Lee said, "Yes, thank you for the reminder."    


Norwood no longer said anything. He had said everything that should be said. Lu Lee said softly, "You can go!"    


Norwood thought he misheard: "Lu, what did you say? You mean let me go? "    


Lu Lee nodded: "Go on, we won't tell anyone about what happened today. As for what you should say when you go back, you can decide for yourself."    


Norwood's expression changed very quickly. Finally, he calmed down and said to Lu Lee with a smile, "Ok, take care of yourselves." Then he left without looking back.    


"Elder Brother Lee, you're really letting him go just like that?" Faang Shaojun said.    


Lu Lee said, "Otherwise, what else do you want? "Actually, this kid has quite the temper towards me. At least, he's an honest person."    


Deng Rann also nodded, "Elder Brother Lee, what do we do next?"    


Faang Shaojun also said, "If we knew this was going to happen, we wouldn't have needed to care about those Indonesian people."    


Lu Lee smiled lightly, "It's fine, Norwood's words need confirmation, and the intelligence in the Indonesian hands are the best evidence."    


After dinner, Faang Shaojun called Lu Lee into the room. Lu Lee took the cigarette that Faang Shaojun handed to him, and asked with a smile, "What is it? You're acting all mysterious and secretive, aren't you afraid that everyone will be worried? "    


Faang Shaojun didn't laugh. He lit up a cigarette with a serious face and took a long drag. He frowned and said softly, "Elder Brother Lee, I found something in the liaison office."    


Seeing how serious he was, Lu Lee was also serious. "What is it?" Faang Shaojun said, "There's a traitor among us!" Was there a traitor?    


Lu Lee was also shocked when he heard this. These people had been following them the entire way. How could there be a traitor? Lu Lee said, "Shaojun, don't speak nonsense like that. What evidence do you have?"    


Faang Shaojun said, "One of us has had contact with the liaison office before, and the contact person has the background of MI7!"    


Lu Lee said, "Why didn't you say so earlier?"    


Faang Shaojun replied, "I haven't had a chance for a long time. I was so busy that I had temporarily forgotten about it. I just remembered it when Liu Tie mentioned Military Intelligence Department 7." "I was thinking that this wasn't a coincidence. It must have had something to do with General Xu's kidnapping."    


"Who is it?" Lu Lee asked.    


Faang Shaojun shook his head. "I don't know. I only know his code name is' Wind '."    


Lu Lee asked, "Where is the person from the liaison office?"    


Faang Shaojun said, "His name is Ren Kun! It's the military attaché of the Embassy of the China in Egypt, the Deputy Chief of the Bureau of Military Intelligence and Egypt Liaison Office! "    


Lu Lee lightly said, "Where's the evidence?"    


Faang Shaojun said, "No, this situation was told to me by that girl Chen Lu. She also said that if you need evidence, you can look for her. You have to look for her yourself!"    


Lu Lee stood up and said, "Let's go, we'll go look for her now."    


Faang Shaojun said, "You go ahead, I won't go with you. She said that she can only tell you herself." Lu Lee said, "Alright then, I'll go."    


The two of them returned to the living room. Little Wolf asked, "Elder Brother Lee, is something the matter?" Lu Lee smiled as he shook his head and said, "I'm fine."    


Little Wolf looked at Faang Shaojun, who was standing beside Lu Lee. He felt that the two of them must be hiding something from everyone. Faang Shaojun felt uncomfortable under Little Wolf's gaze and forced a smile.    


Lu Lee said to everyone, "You guys take your time and chat. Maybe the Indonesian people will come over later. Shaojun and Feng Hua, you guys take care of it. As for the others, do what you need to do. I need to go out for a while."    


Xu Jing stood up. "Are you alone?" Lu Lee nodded. "I'll go alone." Xu Jing said, "It's too dangerous for you to go out alone in such a situation."    


Lu Lee said with a smile, "It's alright. You can rest assured." Xu Jing then sat down. "Come back early!"    


Lu Lee walked out of the house and got into the car. Before the car left Hilo Family villa, Hilovina drove a jeep and caught up to Lu Li, "Lu, where are you going?"    


Lu Lee said, "I have something to do and I need to go out for a bit."    


Hilovina said, "I want to go too."    


Lu Lee said, "No way, I can only go alone." Hilovina put the jeep horizontally in front of Lu Lee's car, jumped off the jeep and climbed into Lu Lee's car.    


Lu Lee tilted his head and frowned as he looked at Hilovina, "Vina, I do have something important to do, and I have to go alone. Don't mess around."    


Hilovina said, "I won't mess around. You handle your own matters, so I'll just wait for you in the car, right? I won't hold up your business. "    


Lu Lee smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Alright."    


The car slowly skirted the jeep and headed for the liaison office.    


Hilovina had a charming smile on her face. She glanced at the man beside her complacently. She noticed that Lu Lee's expression was quite enchanting under his helplessness.    


Hilovina said, "Lu, if you release Norwood, won't you worry about him going against you again?"    


Lu Lee said, "What's there to worry about? He can't do anything to me."    


Hilovina said, "Even so, I still don't think we should let him go."    


Lu Lee laughed, "You can't be wanting to keep him here, right? Although you guys have a lot of money in Hilo Family, you shouldn't just look after others when you see them, right? "    


Hilovina shook her head. "No, I think we should kill him. Otherwise, he might become your biggest opponent in the future."    


Lu Lee said softly, "He is not worthy." Hilovina whistled and stopped talking about it.    


When the car arrived at the door of the liaison office, Lu Lee said to Hilovina, "Wait obediently in the car. I'll be out in a while."    


Although Hilovina was mischievous, she didn't say anything more when she saw Lu Lee's attitude. She just nodded.    



Lu Lee walked through the door, passed through the long corridor, and arrived at the door of Chen Lu's room. He knocked lightly on the door.    


"Come in!" A woman's voice sounded. Lu Lee pushed open the door and entered, but did not see anyone. He immediately became alert and entered the suite: "Miss Chen!"    


Lu Lee shouted, but no one answered. The suite was Chen Lu's bedroom. Lu Lee saw a bed, and a woman was lying on it with her back to Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee called out again: "Chen Lu, Miss Chen!" The woman still did not move.    


Lu Lee walked to the bedside and put his hand on the woman's shoulder. With a gentle push, the woman turned over. It was Chen Lu. However, there was a silver knife in her chest, Willow Leaf Knife. Lu Lee was shocked. Chen Lu was dead!    


Chen Lu was killed by the Willow Leaf Knife, and this Willow Leaf Knife was Lu Lee's. He was familiar with his own blade, his blade had a soul, a soul that he bestowed to the blade.    


He gently pulled out the Willow Leaf Knife, although he was sure that the sword was his, he still wanted to confirm, yes, it was his blade, his entire body felt cold, he immediately knew that he had been tricked, his figure took a step back and was about to leave, but it was too late, two figures appeared in front of him.    


Lu Lee froze. He didn't move but stared at the two people in front of him. He didn't know these two, but he could feel their murderous intent.    


"You killed her?" a man asked.    


Lu Lee did not utter a word. He did not try to defend himself. He knew clearly in his heart that this was just a trap, and yet he ended up bumping into it.    


That person said, "Lu Lee, from now on, you are suspended. You must come with us and be investigated internally."    


Lu Lee then asked, "Who are you people?" The person who spoke replied, "I am Wang Zhibinn from the Military Bureau of Investigation Investigation Department. This is my colleague, Hee Kai."    


Lu Lee nodded and said, "Alright, I'll go with you!" The moment the words left his mouth, Lu Lee leaped towards the window at an angle. He already didn't have the time to figure out what was going on. He won't go with them, he won't, he has to figure out everything himself.    


Wang Zhibinn and Hee Kai were already on guard against Lu Lee's move. The moment Lu Lee made a move, Hee Kai flashed to the window and placed a hand on Lu Lee's wrist!    


Wang Zhibinn moved even faster. Just as Lu Lee and Hee Kai were about to be burnt, he actually went behind Lu Lee and his hands were about to grab onto Lu Lee's hands. At this moment, Hee Kai pulled Lu Lee forward and Wang Zhibinn missed his target.    


Lu Lee's heart gradually became heavier. He realized that whether it was Hee Kai or Wang Zhibinn, their skills were not inferior to his. The probability of them successfully escaping was not high.    


What made him even more depressed was that he had always been very confident in his skills. Although he couldn't compare to Lu Yuv and the others, he was not too far away from them.    


Lu Lee could not help but feel anxious. He had to leave. He could not let Wang Zhibinn and Hee Kai take them away. If he did go with them, many problems might not be clear to him.    


Lu Lee finally made his move. The blade sliced through Hee Kai's wrist, and Hee Kai quickly let go of Lu Lee's hand. Of course, Lu Lee wouldn't really hurt him. He withdrew his sabre and rushed towards Hee Kai. Hee Kai staggered and fell backwards. Wang Zhibinn saw Hee Kai fall and Lu Lee had already jumped over his body. Wang Zhibinn became anxious and pulled out his gun.    


"Stop, if you move a bit more, I'll shoot."    


The black muzzle was aimed at Lu Lee, but Lu Lee paused. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't be faster than the bullets fired from behind. Although Lu Lee loved to gamble, but this kind of gamble was impossible to win.    


Lu Lee slowly turned around, but Wang Zhibinn didn't stop him. After Lu Lee turned around, Wang Zhibinn looked at him and said lightly, "Lu Lee, you can't run away. Come back with us. If you didn't kill him, we wouldn't have wronged you."    


Lu Lee sneered, "Really? As soon as I'm dead, your inspector arrived. Do you think I'm an idiot? "    


Wang Zhibinn said, "We're here to do an internal investigation. What happened today was just a coincidence."    


Lu Lee said, "If I'm not wrong, your so-called internal investigation should be aimed at me, right?"    


Wang Zhibinn glanced at Hee Kai and nodded. Then, Wang Zhibinn said, "Yes, we did come here because of the problem with your team."    


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