Unparalleled Sword Emperor

C1035 Qiu Yilan's Audacity

C1035 Qiu Yilan's Audacity

0"It hurts!"    


The moon shone brightly, and the stars shone brightly.    


At this moment, in a cave covered with Origin Energy barriers of different colors and with extremely high defensive capabilities, suddenly came the miserable shrieks of a young girl. At this moment, in a cave covered with Origin Energy barriers of different colors and with extremely high defensive capabilities, suddenly came the miserable shrieks of a young lady.    


When they looked in the direction of the voice, they discovered that the owner of the voice was impressively a young lady who was soaking in the dark red medicinal soup. Although the color of the soup was quite dense, they could still see that not only was the girl's appearance outstanding, her figure was also first-rate.    


The scene looked like the bathing of a fairy, but in reality, it was not so. This was because behind her pure white body, there was a man similarly dressed in white who was constantly pouring warm Origin Energy into her scarred body with a pair of white Origin Energy hands.    


This man was Lingyun, the one who personally concocted the special soup for the Little Demoness Qiu Yilan to heal the wounds caused by the Three Head Demonic Wolves. At the beginning, he had wanted the Little Demoness to deal with the injuries herself, but for some reason, the other party suddenly used the soup to treat the wounds as well.    


"Shut up." Hearing the loud shouts from the other party, Lingyun Fan, who was standing behind him and massaging his acupuncture points to heal his wounds, could not help but shout out coldly and interrupt her screams. Then, he took the opportunity before the Little Demoness Qiu Yilan had a chance to say anything and started complaining, "If Lingfan finds out about this, I'll definitely suffer a lot of pain …"    


"Hmph, you deserve it!"    


Seeing that he showed a rare look of fear, Qiu Yilan, whose face was blushing red, could not help but feel pain in her heart. She snorted happily, "Don't worry, I won't tell my sister. Otherwise, it wouldn't be good for me to see her."    


Ling Yun Fan, who was behind me, finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the Little Demoness' promise. He then continued to maintain his illusory healing technique to help the little girl recover from her injuries.    


… …    


After a few hours, the finally lit up sky once again descended into darkness. The red spirit soup in the pool had finally been completely absorbed by him, and had returned to its original clarity. As for Ling Yunfan, he finally took his hand off his white body, and like a frightened rabbit, quickly retreated, putting on his clothes and standing to the side in a few breaths.    


Lingyun, who was slightly using his source energy to suppress the nameless fire in his body, once again tied his long hair behind him, tidied up his breathing, and after doing all this, he looked at the Little Demon Girl impatiently and said, "Okay, since his injuries are already healed, then quickly come out, and continue standing in front of me like this. At that time, if anything bad happens, I won't take responsibility for you."    


As he said that, he threw away the clothes that were faintly fragrant with a virgin without any hesitation.    


"Tsk, you've seen everything I shouldn't have, and I've touched it already. Do you think I would care about such a small thing? I don't mind snatching men from my own sister."    


As a result, the clothes that flew over, Qiu Yi Lan, who walked out of the pond, glared at him discontentedly. After a slight sigh, she quickly put on the beautiful dress and released the Origin Power that belonged to a fourth level Spirit King.    


"Err …"    


Facing the Little Demon Girl whose temperament had changed a lot, Lingyun couldn't help but start to back up, and at the same time said with a face full of tears: "I only came to heal you, Miss Ilan, no matter what, you are still a pure and innocent girl, how can you say these things that people misunderstand."    


At this point, he could not help but retreat, hoping to put some distance between them.    


"Go, it's so boring …" Seeing that she seemed to be very afraid of him, Qiu Yi Lan stopped her steps in dissatisfaction. Immediately, she glared at him with a displeased expression and said coldly, "You smelly wolf. You obviously didn't like her before, but now you've suddenly lost your lust. How boring …"    


Just as she was about to complain, before she could finish her sentence, the Little Demoness' eyes suddenly rolled back as her entire aura dropped to the bottom. Her petite body seemed to have lost all its strength as it fell down like a collapsed tree.    


"Hmm?" Feeling that something was wrong, Lingyun hurriedly went forward to catch the petite body, and asked with some concern: "Hey, what's wrong, isn't your injury better now?"    


With regards to the Little Demoness' sudden dizziness, he was still very worried. After all, with her experience as an alchemist, she had received the essence of the medicine soup which contained a large amount of blood energy and the ability to heal wounds. Logically speaking, any injuries in her body would be treated, but now such a situation would occur. And so … "Let me rest for a moment in the bosom of the people I like …"    


Ah!" Seeing that Qiu Yilan would actually utter such words in her sleep, Lingyun was shocked, but he still hugged the soft body and lay on the side. Feeling the warmth coming from the other party's body, he mumbled to himself in surprise, "Perhaps one day, we will be enemies on the battlefield, but for now, let's maintain this delicate friendship. At least I don't want to be enemies with Rinsha's family …    


As he finished speaking, Ling Yun Fan began to slowly tidy up the hair of the little beauty in his arms, as well as the clothes that faintly revealed his secret, until the dust of her dress was all blown away before he stopped what he was doing. Just like that, Ling Yun who had done nothing could only pay close attention to the other party's sleeping appearance bit by bit during this long night.    


Perhaps under the influence of the Little Demoness' comfortable sleeping face, as he had just barely been able to adapt to the negative effects of the Hell's Fighting State these days, he was no longer able to suppress his fatigue. In the end, he could only fall asleep.    


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