Dragon King In City

C297 Head for the Leng Clan

C297 Head for the Leng Clan

0After Chen Tao suddenly said this sentence, Leng Zhi, who was standing opposite of him, was extremely happy.    


He quickly said word by word.    


"Mr Tao, don't worry. This is definitely not a problem. Just tell me when you're coming and I'll send someone to pick you up immediately, okay?"    


From Leng Zhi's words, it could be seen how eager he was to meet Chen Tao.    


Then Chen Tao immediately shook his head.    


"I say, brother, I don't know what you've been thinking all day, but I can do it by myself. There definitely won't be any problems, so you can rest assured."    


After saying this word by word, Leng Zhi, who was facing him, smiled and nodded.    


"No problem, Mr Tao. I'll tell you the truth, my father has wanted to see you for a long time, he really didn't joke with you at all."    


Then Chen Tao nodded and hung up after talking to Leng Zhi.    


After hanging up, Chen Tao took a deep breath. Now that Jiang Chen was dead, Jiang's Group definitely had no problems.    


His sister, Faang Yanyan, could handle all this.    


Chen Tao was very clear about this.    


After a few minutes, Chen Tao drove directly to Jinxuan Group.    


Chen Tao went straight to Lee Shutong's office. When Lee Shutong saw Chen Tao, her mouth twitched. Perhaps, Lee Shutong already knew what Chen Tao meant.    


Then, Chen Tao walked step by step to the front of Lee Shutong and hurriedly said to her.    


"I am truly sorry … I have no other choice. After all, things are already like this, so I really can't say anything. "    


After Chen Tao finished his sentence, Lee Shutong nodded and said.    


"Chen Tao..." "Since you're already like this, I definitely won't stop you. Furthermore, I don't have the ability to stop you, so you just have to consider for yourself."    


After Lee Shutong finished her sentence, Chen Tao nodded thoughtfully.    


"Since it has already become like this, I won't say anything unnecessary. Anyway, my meaning is actually very simple. If it is possible …" Can you wait here properly first? "    


The corner of Lee Shutong's mouth twitched.    


"If it's like this... "Then what are you going to do next!"    


After Lee Shutong said this word by word, Chen Tao, who was facing her, took a deep breath.    


"I need to go to the capital first. I need to find a way to find other people. I should ally with a few other families first. After all, only then will I have the ability to fight against them."    


After he said that, Lee Shutong nodded. At this moment, she could not say anything else.    


Lee Shutong nodded after a moment of silence.    


"I understand."    


Chen Tao turned his head and immediately left the spot.    


He knew very well in his heart that he and Lee Shutong no longer had any intention of continuing their conversation.    


After a moment of silence, Chen Tao turned around and looked at Jinxuan Group behind him.    


No matter what he said, he was already in this state. Besides, he couldn't say anything else.    


Plus, he had been fighting here for such a long time, he really didn't know what to say.    


It was indeed a bit difficult to suddenly leave now.    


In the end, the corner of Chen Tao's mouth twitched, and he still chose to leave this place.    


He had no other intentions, because as a man, this was something that he had to do.    


Chen Tao finally arrived at the capital after about two days. When he arrived at Leng Zhi's home, he called Leng Zhi.    


Leng Zhi picked up the phone and hurriedly said.    


"Mr Tao, have you already arrived? Where are you? I'll pick you up now! "    


Chen Tao nodded slightly.    


"I'm already at our house, you can come out."    


After Chen Tao said this, Leng Zhi directly broke the phone. At this moment, before Chen Tao could react, he heard the sound of a door opening.    


Seeing this scene, Chen Tao was stunned on the spot. What a joke, it was only a few seconds to go back and forth. Wasn't this speed a bit too fast?    


When Leng Zhi came out, he was still wearing his pajamas.    


"Damn Mr Tao!" "You really are so quick. Why didn't you tell me? I thought you'd still have to consider it for a few more days."    


After Chen Tao heard this, he gently shook his head and chuckled to Leng Zhi.    


"What kind of joke is this? It's already time, and I still don't know what to say. You've already told me before, so how could I abandon you? I have to improve my attitude."    


After Chen Tao said this word by word, Leng Zhi, who was standing opposite of him, burst into laughter. He patted Chen Tao on the shoulder as he laughed.    


"Alright, let's not talk about the unnecessary words. Let's go in first and talk about it later."    


After Leng Zhi finished his sentence, Chen Tao hurriedly nodded and then walked into the room with Leng Zhi.    


When Chen Tao and Leng Zhi entered, Chen Tao directly saw Leng Zhi's father.    


Why did Chen Tao know that this person was Leng Zhi's father? It was because this man looked to be around 50 years old, but he looked just too similar to Leng Zhi.    



These facial features in particular were carved from the same mold.    


The man opposite to him smiled when he saw Chen Tao. Then, he walked over and extended his palm towards Chen Tao.    


At the same time, Chen Tao also went up to welcome them happily.    


The man lightly patted Chen Tao's shoulder.    


I have long heard of your great name. I am Leng Zhi's father, and also the patriarch of this Leng family, so since you have come here, you are our family's highest-level guest.    


After Leng Zhi's father said this, Chen Tao hurriedly nodded to him and then gave him his thumbs up.    


"I've long heard of you from Leng Zhi. Leng family Master … I never thought that I would finally meet this sovereign today. "    


When Chen Tao finished this sentence, Leng Zhi's father opposite of him hurriedly nodded with a smile.    


"It's fine, it's fine. Since it's already like this, I won't say anything unnecessary. In short, we'll sit down together and talk about it later."    


Chen Tao nodded slightly.    




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