My Sensual Lady

C8 Because He Is My Man

C8 Because He Is My Man

0"Fuck you!" With a loud roar, a very dark and strong male student fiercely cursed before slamming into the door frame and walking in.    


He is the boss of our school, his name is Wang Meng. His family is from the countryside and is related to many local bullies. He knows a lot of people in the city and has also practiced martial arts. He is invincible in school.    




Following him was our second year, Seven Wolves. Second year's eldest brother, Chen Jianming, everyone calls him an ingrate. He has dyed yellow hair and is a famous rich person in the school. His six underlings were like tigers and wolves. Furthermore, each of his six underlings had quite a number of subordinates. They occupied the entire second year of high school.    


"If I don't kill you today, I won't be called Guang!"    


Behind them, a skinny boy rushed in with a black mass of people. He is Guang, the boy that I kicked yesterday. He wasn't very good at fighting, but he had a brother outside the school. He's a domineering character. He was the leader of the Grade One students. I've only heard of him before. I don't know him, but I know him now.    


Finally, Han Xiyin and seven or eight other girls walked in. Pushing the boy in front of her, Han Xiyin walked in front of me with an angry face. Then, she stretched out her slender fingers and pointed at me, saying, " Bitch, you actually dare to come to school!"    


At this moment, the big brother of the school is basically in front of me. I am very afraid in my heart, and the students in the class are also frightened badly. The timid ones quietly leave the classroom. Some of the people who wanted to mingle quickly stood behind them. Standing opposite of me, they want to help me beat me up.    


Especially the class monitor. He was like a dog that had met its master. Immediately raising his tail, he walked in front of Han Xiyin and called Ms Xiyin. Then, he lightly kicked me and said, "Little kid, aren't you pretty awesome?"    


I hate it when others kick me because kicking me will cause my pants to be covered in dust. The class monitor's kick didn't hurt, but I saw the anger in my heart that couldn't be described with words when he kicked me.    


I looked at him hatefully, gritted my teeth, and said, "What do you want?"    


"What do we want?" The school's boss, Wang Meng, was the leader. He looked at me in surprise and smiled.    


Han Xiyin, who was next to him, laughed. Seven Wolves laughed. The eldest senior brother, Guang, also laughed. When they smiled, their faces were ferocious, and there was a hint of cruelty in the corners of their mouths. Their eyes were fierce, as if they wanted to eat me alive. Suddenly, Wang Meng slapped me hard on the face with his big mouth. " F * ck you, you have a lot of guts! How dare you speak to me like that? What do you think we want? You hit my boyfriend yesterday... I'll f * cking kill you!"    


Wang Meng is indeed a martial arts practitioner. This slap directly made me see stars. A fishy and salty taste welled up in his mouth. At that time, half of my face was swollen, and blood flowed out from the corner of my mouth. I wanted to fight back, but I glanced at the people beside him and didn't dare to make a sound.    


"F * ck you, you dare hit my target!" Seven Wolf's boss, the ingrate, also made a move. He quickly slapped me in the face.    


His slap didn't hurt as much as Wang Meng's, but it was enough to make me choke. If I were to fight him one-on-one, I don't think I would be his match.    


I felt wronged in my heart. How would I know that the person I fought yesterday was their opponent? They were the ones forcing me, constantly forcing me to make a move. As a man, I really can't stand being continuously slapped by a girl at the school entrance. And I retaliated, I resisted under the pressure. I never thought that there would be so many inextricable relationships between these rascals.    


Sigh, what a bunch of green tea.    


Looking at them silently, I felt like crying, but I resisted the urge to cry. At this moment, Lin Shanshan, who was sitting beside me, suddenly spoke.    


Everything was because of her, but she stood up and said something that I didn't expect, "Sister, this Wang Yue seems to be a little silly. Seeing that he is my deskmate, don't lower yourself to his level."    


Lin Shanshan, she actually pleaded for me. This made me look at her in surprise. However, Lin Shanshan's words did not have any effect.    


Han Xiyin frowned and looked at her before saying unhappily, "Younger sister, this is no longer a matter between you and him. Today's matter has nothing to do with you, so don't bother about it."    


"What's the matter? Lin Shanshan, how can you plead on his behalf? You're being a little inconsiderate. " A girl with a slightly swollen face spoke. She seemed to have been slapped by me yesterday.    


After hearing the girl's words, Lin Shanshan looked at me sympathetically. "Sister Han, it's not that I don't care. It's because Wang Yue was beaten up badly by us yesterday. Today, you guys beat him up again. Why don't we just let this matter go? I'm afraid that something might happen to him if we beat him up. It'll be bad if the school finds out."    


"You don't have to worry about that. If something happens, I'll take care of it." The school's boss, Wang Meng, spoke. Then, he grabbed my hair and pulled it out with all his might. "F * ck you, come out with me!"    


When Wang Meng pulled my hair, I felt like my hair was about to fall off. I immediately received a storm of punches and kicks. Wang Meng pulled me out of the classroom and was beaten by a group of people at the same time.    


I only felt panic in my heart. My scalp felt an indescribable pain. In a trance, I saw the class monitor beating me up. A few people in the class who had no grudges were also helping them beat me up.    


Lin Shanshan became even more anxious. She immediately pulled Wang Meng's arm and said, "Mr Meng, stop hitting me. Why don't we just let it go?"    


"F * ck you. Get away from here. How can you speak here!?" Wang Meng was furious.    


Seeing Wang Meng angry, the class monitor quickly pulled Lin Shanshan back. Then he bent down and kept apologizing to Wang Meng, "Mr Meng, my girlfriend is not sensible. Don't be angry. I will help you discipline her, don't be angry..."    


"Li Ren, who is your girlfriend?" Lin Shanshan asked.    


"Speak softly!" The class monitor winked at Lin Shanshan.    


Just as I was being pulled out of the classroom by them, I had already expected my outcome and my heart began to despair. Suddenly, a cold voice came from not far away from me, "What are you doing?"    


This voice was familiar and pleasant to the ears. Hearing that voice, I felt like Wang Meng had let me go. After that, many of the people around me looked panicked. Seeing a tall figure walking towards us, many of them quickly squeezed out a smile and said. "Ms Tang."    


It was Tang Yuxin, wearing high heels and a long black dress. Her expression was as cold as ice and her body gave off an indescribable temperament.    


When my and Tang Yuxin's eyes met, the temperature on my face quickly heated up. I felt that my dignity had suffered a blow and my heart felt ashamed. I really wanted to find a hole to hide in.    


Seeing that the person who was bullied was me, Tang Yuxin was also a little surprised. Then, a strange look appeared in her eyes. Then, she said with a serious face, "Wang Meng, Chen Jianming, Guang and Han Xiyin. What are you all doing? Why are you bullying my classmates?"    


"Bullying? We didn't bully him. Ms Tang, you might have misunderstood. We have a good relationship with this kid. We want to play with him."    


Even though Wang Meng was the school's boss, he was still afraid when he saw the teacher. After all, he was a student. He did not want to be expelled by the school because of a sudden impulse.    


Tang Yuxin was a smart person. How could she not see what was happening in front of her? She smiled and looked at Wang Meng with a smile. " Oh, so you guys didn't bully me. That's good. I have something to discuss with Wang Yue. Can I take him away?"    


"Sure, why not? You are a beautiful woman, Wang Yao said. Why wouldn't I listen to you?" Wang Meng immediately smiled. His tone sounded glib.    


After hearing Wang Meng's words, Tang Yuxin lightly nodded her head. Then she looked at me and said, "Wang Yue, I have a bucket of water in my office. Come over and help me store it."    


Although being bullied in front of Tang Yuxin made me feel very embarrassed. However, Tang Yuxin saved me. If she did not appear in time, I might have been beaten very badly.    


An indescribable feeling surged in my heart. I looked at Tang Yuxin's clean and delicate face and lightly nodded. Then, I walked towards Tang Yuxin. At this moment, Han Xiyin suddenly spoke coldly. " Ms Tang, you cannot take him away!"    


" Oh?" Tang Yuxin was shocked.    


Wang Meng was a wily old fox. Not only was his limbs well-developed, but his brain was also extremely astute. He was very good at assessing the situation. He also had an indescribable adoration for Tang Yuxin's beauty. However, Han Xiyin did not think too much about it. She was being held up by too many boys. She was used to being rude and willful. Even though Tang Yuxin was a teacher, Han Xiyin still did not give Tang Yuxin any face. "Ms Tang, this Wang Yue is very despicable. You cannot take him away."    


" Oh? How despicable is he?" Tang Yuxin seemed to have misunderstood. She thought of how despicable I was when I bullied her and looked at me with a strange gaze.    


" He hit a girl! "Han Xiyin said loudly.    


"Hit a girl?" Tang Yuxin frowned.    


"Yes!" In front of everyone, Han Xiyin bit her lips and glared at me. "Lin Shanshan, she is my younger sister. Yesterday, he bullied Lin Shanshan. I called him outside the school and taught him a lesson. But he actually dared to fight back and beat me up! "    


"Be more specific." Tang Yuxin looked at me in shock and then said to Han Xiyin.    



Hearing Tang Yuxin's words, Han Xiyin's anger became even stronger. "It's this brat. I hit him and he actually dared to fight back. He even beat up my sisters and many of us. I, Han Xiyin, hit people. I have never seen anyone who dares to fight back. But he actually dares to fight back and hit me. Ms Tang, I hope you hand him over to me. Otherwise, don't blame me for not giving you face. "    


" Alright, then hit me. " Tang Yuxin smiled.    


"Ms Tang, what did you say?" Han Xiyin was stunned.    


"I think Wang Yue is right. He should hit you. You brought people to bully him. If you hit him, why can't he fight back? If you are not convinced, you can take him away in front of me. But, if you touch him, try?" Tang Yuxin smiled. Her voice was slow and gentle. However, there was an indescribable domineering air about her.    


"Ms Tang, you want to protect him!?" Han Xiyin's expression changed and became incomparably ugly.    


"Because he is my person!"    


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