My Sensual Lady

C450 The Trial of Traitors

C450 The Trial of Traitors

0Zhao Laohu's power had caused the entire Zhao family to tremble in fear. Even though Zhao Laohu could not walk and he could only sit in a wheelchair, his prestige was still deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone in the Zhao family.    


Now, he had appeared. Countless disciples of the Zhao family couldn't help but kneel down and worship the patriarch of the Zhao family from the bottom of their hearts.    


There was no sacrifice or bloodshed. We, just like this, helped the Zhao family to settle the internal strife.    


As for Han Jie, Hui Lang, and a few other rebel Group Leader, they were taken down by us. Guang brought Monkey, Tang Hu, and the two brothers from the Luo family and ran straight into the dungeon of the Zhao family. He released Feiying, Tieh Dan, and the few elders from the White Fox.    


When Feiying, Tieh Dan, and the few elders walked out of the dungeon, they saw that Zhao Laohu had recovered quite a bit. The three old brothers couldn't help but kneel on the ground. After that, hot tears rolled down Zhao Laohu's strong tiger body.    


"Big brother, as long as you're alright, even if we die in your place... We are willing to do so. It's finally alright now, you're finally alright. Promise us that you will not drink from now on. If something really happens to you, we brothers really don't know how to live anymore..."    


" Alright, I promise you. I'm old, I can't be like a young man anymore." As Zhao Laohu spoke, I clearly saw a lot of white hair on his temples. Zhao Laohu had indeed come. He was a formidable man of his generation. Finally, he is going to withdraw from this mixed martial world.    


Because of Zhao Laohu's appearance, the entire Zhao family was regrouped. That night, Zhao Laohu began his judgment on Han Jie and the other Group Leader's rebellion.    


In the Zhao family's torture chamber, Little Xi, Tieh Dan and the other elders helped Zhao Laohu to sit on a chair in the hall. Zhao Laohu's tiger eyes immediately stood up. He pointed his finger at Han Jie and the others who were kneeling on the ground and said. "Han Jie, your family background is ordinary. Your father is a worker. Mother doesn't have a job. When you joined the Zhao family, I thought you were a university student. I took care of you and specially promoted you. I owe you a debt of gratitude. However, you didn't drink water and think about the source. You had been thinking of subverting our Zhao family. I already knew what you were thinking, but I still didn't do anything to you. I cherish that you are a talent, and I still put you in an important position. And now you are rebelling and wanting to kill me and Little Xi. You want to seize the position of the Seven-star Gang's Sect Master, and the position of the Zhao family's Sect Master. I will sentence you to death now. What do you have to say? "    


" Kill me! " After hearing Zhao Laohu's words, Han Jie's eyes turned red and the veins on his forehead bulged. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he roared hysterically at Zhao Laohu.    


"Bastard, you are about to die, but you still dare to be stubborn!?" Feiying's eyes were filled with anger.    


"Kill me! Kill me! The winner takes all! I understand this rule. Now that I've lost, I have no complaints. I would rather use my life to bet on my life's glory than to live a mediocre life. My parents are mediocre, that's because they are useless. As for me, I have already become the leader of the Seven-star Gang. I have already tasted the feeling of being the overlord of a province. I have no regrets. I won't regret it even if I die! " Han Jie shouted at Zhao Laohu and Feiying.    


"Bastard, killing you is letting you off too easily!" After hearing Han Jie's words, Feiying thought for a moment, then rushed in front of Han Jie and kicked him to the ground. He kept kicking and kicking at Han Jie's body.    


As for Han Jie, he only smiled. Even though his mouth was bleeding from the kick, he still sneered. He had already become a devil. He didn't care about anything anymore.    


When his mouth revealed his white teeth and the blood on his teeth, he looked extremely terrifying.    


"Kill him." Seeing that Han Jie was still unrepentant, Zhao Laohu couldn't help but sigh. Then, he turned his head away. At this moment, he seemed to have aged ten years.    


"Take Han Jie out and put him to death!" Feiying kicked Han Jie out of the room and said coldly while breathing heavily.    


"Hehe, I'm afraid of death. I, Han Jie, am not afraid of death. I, Han Jie, am not afraid of death... I will draw my saber to its end and not let the young man down... I, Han Jie, am not afraid of death. I failed, I don't regret it... " When Han Jie was dragged up by the disciples of the Zhao family, Han Jie grinned and sneered.    


"Kill, kill, drag Han Jie out and kill him." Looking at Han Jie's fearless face, Feiying's eyes revealed a look of deep disdain. Then, he looked at the swordsman from the Zhao family, frowned, and turned his head.    


"Take Han Jie out and kill him." After hearing Feiying's words, the disciples of the Zhao family dragged Han Jie out.    


When Han Jie was dragged out, Hui Lang and Wu Xiaofu who were kneeling on the ground were immediately frightened. They couldn't help but turn around and look at Zhao Laohu in fear.    


"Uncle, I was confused by them. I don't know anything. I was tricked by them. Uncle, since young, you've been the best to me. Please forgive me, I'm already regretting it. I've already thought about it. If Wang Yue still doesn't come, I will kill Han Jie and find you. Uncle, I have nothing to do with them. Please forgive me. " After saying that, Wu Xiaofu knelt on the ground and immediately cried. Then, tears and mucus kept crawling towards Zhao Laohu.    


"Hehe, you think you can kill Han Jie with just you alone? If you want to kill him, why do you have to wait for us to come before killing him?" Young Master Qian stood on the side and sneered.    


"Bastard, get lost!" When Wu Xiaofu crawled in front of Zhao Laohu, Tieh Dan, who was standing on the side, roared and kicked him away.    


Tieh Dan, he was Wu Xiaofu's father. When he heard Young Master Qian's sarcastic words, he instantly became angry.    


Gritting his teeth, Tieh Dan looked at Wu Xiaofu in disappointment. Then, his eyes gradually turned red. With a puff, he kneeled in front of Zhao Laohu and said. "Big Brother, Wu Xiaofu is a beast. It's my fault for not teaching my son well. It's my fault for harming our Zhao family. Because of Wu Xiaofu, this beast, he nearly caused his big brother's death. He almost caused the death of Little Xi and Wang Yue. I, Tieh Dan, will treat this beast as if it never happened. I won't plead on his behalf. Please sentence him to death. As for me, I don't have the face to meet you and my brothers."    


As he spoke, Tieh Dan took out a dagger from his body and stabbed it into his chest.    


"Tieh Dan, what are you doing!?" Seeing Tieh Dan's blood gushing out of his chest, the faces of Feiying and the white fox changed drastically. Little Xi, who was standing beside Zhao Laohu, was also shocked.    


Then they quickly squatted down and covered Tieh Dan's chest with their hands. "Tieh Dan, what are you doing?! ”    


"Feiying, White Fox, I, Tieh Dan have not taught my son well. A son does not teach his father. It was me who harmed my big brother and all of you. I don't have the face to meet all of you. Kill this beast. Don't give me any face. Kill him, I don't have the face to meet all of you..." Blood kept flowing down, Tieh Dan's face was pale. At this moment, he seemed very weak. Zhao Laohu, who was sitting on the chair, couldn't help but frown when he saw Zhao Laohu's appearance.    


"No, no, dad, you can't kill me. You can't let them kill me! I'm your biological son. How can you do this to me? If you kill me, what will happen to Mom? If I die, who will take care of you!?" Wu Xiaofu spat out a mouthful of blood as he watched Tieh Dan treat him in such a way. What?!    


"Bastard! I, Tieh Dan, don't know anyone like you! I, Tieh Dan, have been loyal to my big brother for my entire life, but in the end, my innocence was ruined because of you! I, Tieh Dan, will pretend that I have never seen a beast like you before. And I don't want to live anymore. I don't need you to take care of me and send me off. It's you, a beast, who caused my family to be ruined and my family to die. You did such an ugly thing, yet you still have the face to say such things. Hehe..." Tieh Dan's face became even paler, and he kept spitting out blood from his mouth. Then, hot tears rolled down from his eyes.    


"Sigh..." Seeing that Tieh Dan was determined to die, I couldn't help but light a cigarette and sigh.    


Now, I am about to become a father. I understand Tieh Dan's feelings the most. In this world, which parent doesn't love their own child? Even if the parents beat and scold their own child, they still love their own child in their hearts. It was just that their way of education was slightly different.    


Because Tieh Dan and a few elders of Zhao family doted on Wu Xiaofu, it caused Wu Xiaofu to develop an arrogant and arrogant personality. Not only was he arrogant and arrogant, he was also greedy.    


It was the fault of a son to not teach a father. Because of the internal strife in Zhao family, not only did it have something to do with Wu Xiaofu, it also had something to do with these elders.    


And now, Tieh Dan's heart was aching because of Wu Xiaofu. He didn't want to live anymore. I know what he was thinking. He was planning to leave this world with Wu Xiaofu after his death.    


As for Hui Lang and the others, when they saw that Han Jie had already been brought to the outside world and was about to be executed, and that Wu Xiaofu was also Tieh Dan's biological son, they immediately became afraid. None of them wanted to die.    


They immediately cried. All of them knelt on the ground and begged Zhao Laohu for mercy. "Gang Master Zhao, Lord Hu, Patriarch, please let us go. We admit our mistake! We have followed you for so long, and we have worked hard for you even though we didn't make any contributions. Although we don't have any ability, we have always worked very hard. We've also done a lot of big and small things for the gang. Sect Master, please let us go! Please let us go! "    


As they spoke, Hui Lang and the others kept kowtowing. They kept kowtowing and banging their heads on the ground, causing them to bleed. They cried pitifully.    


"Gang Master Zhao, please let us go!"    


At this moment, there was no expression on Zhao Laohu's face.    


As for me, I was standing at the side, quietly looking at Zhao Laohu. I could already tell that Zhao Laohu really wanted to kill Han Jie and Hui Lang, but Wu Xiaofu made things difficult for him.    


Because Wu Xiaofu had rebelled with Han Jie and the others. If Han Jie was killed, the rest of the people in the gang would not accept it. If Wu Xiaofu is not given a fair trial, I'm afraid that the people in this gang will be disbanded from now on.    


After thinking for a moment, I suddenly smiled, "Isn't it too cheap to kill Wu Xiaofu and Han Jie?"    


"Wang Yue, what did you say?" After hearing what I said, Feiying and the white fox looked at me in shock. They were already prepared to plead on Wu Xiaofu's behalf when they heard me say such words. He couldn't help but have an indescribable feeling in his heart.    


"Dad, I want to ask, am I a member of the Zhao family? Am I a member of the Zhao family, or am I an outsider of the Zhao family?" After extinguishing the cigarette in my hand, I looked at Zhao Laohu and said.    


"Wang Yue, you have already called me father. Are you one of us or an outsider?" Zhao Laohu smiled.    


"Wang Yue, f * ck you! You gigolo! It was because of you that the Zhao family started a civil war. We have offended you in the past, but now, we have made a mistake! Are you going to kick us while we're down? Very well, we curse you, if we die, we won't let you go even if we become ghosts. If you treat us like this now, one day, you will definitely receive retribution!"    


Wu Xiaofu, Hui Lang and the others have a deep grudge with me. Until now, they are still prejudiced against me. They all hate me, and they hate me deeply in their hearts.    


Now, they were captured because of me, and I was the one who helped Zhao Laohu take back the Zhao family. They are going to die. They are all going to die because of me.    



When they saw me speak, they immediately gritted their teeth and couldn't help but curse at me.    


"You bastards! You have made a mistake, yet you still want to splash dirty water on Mr Yue?! You are all here to kill us, and now you have been captured by us! You still have the nerve to scold us? Damn it, there is no need for the Zhao family to kill you all. Today, I'll kill you all first!" Young Master Qian immediately became angry. He took out his pistol and pointed it at Wu Xiaofu and Hui Lang.    


"Young Master Qian, wait!" He raised his hand to signal Young Master Qian to stop. I thought for a moment and immediately kneeled down in front of Zhao Laohu and said. "Dad, I want to ask you something. I helped you settle the internal strife in Zhao family. What kind of reward do you intend to give me?"    


"I will abdicate and pass the position of Patriarch to Little Xi. Little Xi does not have a mother. She is the most precious treasure in my life. And I have already given Little Xi to you and my most precious treasure to you. If you have anything else you want, as long as I still have it... I can give it all to you." Zhao Laohu said.    


"Alright, I want them!" I turned around and pointed at Wu Xiaofu and Hui Lang.    


"You want them?" Zhao Laohu asked.    


"Yes, I want them. Ever since I came to the Zhao family, they always make me feel like my chest is clogged up. Now, it's them who are courting death. Seeing them receive retribution makes me happy, but it's too late. And I think that killing them just like that is too cheap. Why don't you give them to me, how about it?" I said.    


"Wang Yue, I'll f * ck you!" After hearing what I said, Wu Xiaofu, Hui Lang and the others cursed hysterically.    


"What do you want to do with them?" Zhao Laohu smiled.    


"I'm afraid killing them will dirty the land of Zhao family. I hope we can capture them for now and let them reflect on their actions. After that, when they wake up, they will regret it. Then release them and work in the orphanage and nursing home that I'm about to build." I said.    


" What they've committed is a capital offense " Zhao Laohu said.    


"A capital offense can be avoided, but a capital offense can't be avoided. We can give them a chance to turn over a new leaf. Wouldn't it be better to save their dog lives to benefit the society? " I said.    


"Hehe, then you can make the decision." Zhao Laohu laughed.    


"Thank you, father." With a smile, I bowed slightly to Zhao Laohu.    


When I stood up and turned around, the hall of the torture chamber became extremely quiet. Wu Xiaofu, Hui Lang and the others looked at me in shock. There were still tears on their faces.    


One second, two seconds, three seconds. After a few dozen seconds, Hui Lang suddenly slapped himself hard in the face.    


Then, tears of sincerity flowed down from Hui Lang's eyes. He knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to me.    


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