My Sensual Lady

C404 Seven Star Gang Fell

C404 Seven Star Gang Fell

0Zhao Xier is also good at martial arts, even though she is quite different from me in terms of martial arts. With her help, I am able to relieve a lot of pressure. At this moment, in this ward, other than the seriously ill and immobile Zhao Laohu, other than me and Zhao Xier, this married couple, there are also all of Han Jie's subordinates.    


Only the two of us are facing countless of Han Jie's subordinates.    


Seeing Zhao Xier and I fighting continuously with Han Jie's subordinates, Zhao Laohu, who was lying on the hospital bed, felt extremely sad. He regretted that the heavens could not give him one more chance. Why couldn't they let him move freely? If he wasn't sick, he would definitely stand up and help us. With his skills in the three northern provinces, no matter how many people Han Jie has, so what?    


Unfortunately, heroes are dying.    


Zhao Xier and I keep fighting with those youths. There were a few times when they almost slashed me, but I barely managed to dodge them.    




No, this isn't right!    


Just like that, I suddenly realized that something was wrong.    


Yes, there were a few times when they almost hit me, but I managed to barely dodge them.    


F * ck, why didn't they chop Zhao Xier?    


It's not that I'm irresponsible as a husband, but I'm not responsible as a husband. It's true that they didn't chop Zhao Xier up at all. They only cut me down.    


They only held machetes in front of Zhao Xier and waved them around. Then, they were cut by Zhao Xier and did not get up. But they really chopped at me. They gritted their teeth and fiercely chopped at my body.    


Just as one of them was knocked down, the people behind him pounced on them again.    


If I keep fighting like this, I will definitely fall into their hands due to exhaustion. But when I discover this strange phenomenon, I seem to have a plan to escape in my heart.    


Not only can I escape by myself, I can also successfully take Zhao Xier and Zhao Laohu away.    


After that, I fought for a while and found that it was exactly as I thought. They all wanted to kill me, but they only exchanged a few moves with Zhao Xier.    


After thinking for a while, I grabbed a machete and knocked it on the head of a young man with the back of the machete. Then, I asked him, "Why do you only want to kill me and not Zhao Xier?"    


"F * ck you, you f * cking idiot. Zhao Xier is our noble young lady, and her status is beyond words. In the entire Seven-star Gang of the Zhao family, who in our gang doesn't secretly like her? Even Han Jie told us not to hurt our young lady. We can't bear to hurt her. It's you, an outsider. We must kill you today. If we kill you, we won't hold back!" The youth shouted.    


"F * ck!" After hearing the young man's words, I kicked him out of the room. Then, I raised my machete to block the incoming machetes and asked loudly, "Are you all not going to hurt Little Xi?"    


"Little Xi is our young mistress. How can we hurt her?" They said loudly.    


"F * ck you. I get it. So you guys are ganging up on an outsider like me. You bastards!" Waving the machete, I jumped backwards. Taking out the golden gun in my arms, I directly shot down a young man. After that, I knocked down a few other young men with a few more shots.    


After these few shots were fired, the loud sound of the gunshots instantly caused one's eardrums to ring. When they saw me take down a few of their companions without any hesitation, they were all stunned.    


At this moment, I thought of another thing. They could have clearly used guns to kill me, but they used knives. Some of their bosses were qualified to use guns, but they didn't. They did not think that they could kill me with knives because they thought that they were very skilled in martial arts. It was that there were other people in the house, but they didn't want to hurt them. They don't dare to hurt people either.    


It was Zhao Laohu and Zhao Xier!    


Killing the gang leader was a serious crime. Even though Han Jie had rebelled, he still did not dare to hurt Tiger Zhao and Zhao Xier. He was a smart person. He knew what would happen if he hurt Zhao Laohu and Zhao Xier.    


The Seven Star Gang was the biggest power in Lin Province. Their power was not limited to the provincial capital of Lin Province. In the other major cities of Lin Province, there were also some Group Leader in their gang. In addition, the Zhao family also had some family members who held important power. If Han Jie injured Tiger Zhao and Zhao Xier, then the Group Leader and family members in the other cities in Lin Province would definitely swarm over and kill Han Jie.    


His excuse for rebelling was not to overthrow Zhao Laohu, but to kill an outsider like me. Even if he really killed me, he wouldn't dare to hurt Tiger Zhao and Zhao Xier. This Seven Star Gang was built by Zhao Laohu. He was already the god in everyone's heart, the spiritual leader of everyone. If Tiger Zhao died, not to mention the Group Leader that followed Han Jie wouldn't believe him. Even the hundred thousand disciples of the Zhao family would probably start a rebellion.    


Fuck! Since you, Han Jie, said that I want to kill the Sect Master, then I will really kill the Sect Master! I'll be the villain! Let's see what you can do to me!    


Thinking of this, I directly aimed my gun at Tiger Zhao's head. "F * ck you! All of you, don't come over! If anyone dares to walk any further, I'll shoot this tiger to death!"    


"Kill him!" They were eager to give it a try.    


With a bang, I pulled the trigger in my hand without any hesitation. This shot almost grazed Tiger Zhao's ear. Tiger Zhao, who was lying on the bed, revealed a pained expression.    


When they saw me really shoot, their expressions instantly changed. Gripping my gun tightly, I coldly looked at them and said, " Little brat, do you think you can fight me? I, Wang Yue, am able to sit in today's seat, and my hands have been stained with a lot of blood. I f * * king killed Tiger Zhao, but I didn't kill much. I let Tiger Zhao go alone. If you dare touch me again, I will kill this little tiger!"    


"Wang Yue, he wants to kill the gang leader! He really wants to kill the gang leader!" Hearing my words, the young men surrounding me roared in fear.    


Outside, Han Jie heard that there was no movement in the ward and also walked in. When he saw me pointing a gun at Tiger Zhao, he was instantly stunned.    


Of course, he wanted me to kill Zhao Laohu. He wanted me to kill Tiger Zhao with one shot. But if he didn't protect Zhao Laohu and let me kill Tiger Zhao on purpose... Then, all the disciples present would immediately turn against him and rush forward to kill him. He was only the military advisor and Group Leader of Zhao family, he wasn't the patriarch of Zhao family. Many of the younger brothers here had the surname of Zhao. Some of them were even relatives of the eight men of Zhao family. Ever since Zhao Laohu became famous, he had brought all the relatives in the village with him.    


He stared into my eyes. He couldn't help but take a deep breath and clench his fists. In his heart, he couldn't help but curse.    


Damn it, this Wang Yue is really sinister. He actually grabbed onto my soft spot.    


"Wang Yue, release Sect Master Zhao. I'll give you a complete corpse." Han Jie said with a calm expression.    


"Fuck you! What are you? What right do you have to talk to me? You are just a dog of Zhao family, and I am Gang Master Zhao's son. Kneel down, you f * cking kneel down! Han Jie, I order you to kneel down, or else I will kill you with my spear! " I pointed my spear at Han Jie ferociously and roared at him.    


"Seeing how serious my acting was, Han Jie's face turned ashen.    


"Kneel down, did you not hear me?!" I pointed my gun at Tiger Zhao's head again.    


"Brother Jie..." When they saw me pointing at Tiger Zhao's head, all of them looked at Han Jie in panic.    


Killing Tiger Zhao to rebel was impossible. He could only take advantage of the fact that Tiger Zhao was seriously ill in bed and take control of the Zhao family. Then, he would devour the entire Zhao family bit by bit.    


If anything were to happen to Tiger Zhao because of me, his prestige in the Zhao family would be gone.    


But now, he saw me using Tiger Zhao to threaten him, and I even made him kneel down. If I kneel down, I might make him surrender and take him down.    


"Wang Yue, don't go too far. Let Lord Hu go, I'll let you go." Han Jie said coldly.    


"Let you go? I'm going to kill Zhao Laohu and all the people of Zhao family!" I roared.    


"Wang Yue, stop acting. I'll let you go." Han Jie was getting impatient.    


"Alright then. Find me a car." I said.    


"The car is downstairs. Choose whatever you want." Han Jie said.    


"Alright, get out of my way." I said.    



I pointed my gun at Tiger Zhao's head and asked Zhao Xier to push Tiger Zhao's bed. Then, I walked out of the ward. After I walked out of the ward, I was stunned when I saw him.    


The long corridor was filled with Han Jie's men.    


If I killed Han Jie, these people would definitely rush up and kill me. I don't have many bullets left, I only have three left. If Han Jie deliberately instigates me to hurt Zhao Laohu, then those people will kill Han Jie. We are now in half, neither of us can hurt the other. It's already considered not bad that I can escape.    


After that, Zhao Xier pushed Zhao Laohu, and I pointed my gun at Tiger Zhao. Every step we take, they will take a step back. When we walked out of the hospital, we saw that the outside of the hospital was filled with people.    


"Wang Yue, when did you release Gang Master Zhao and the young lady?" Han Jie asked me.    


"I want to bring them back to Liao Province." I said.    


"No!" Han Jie said.    


"Really?" I asked.    


After hearing what I said, Han Jie frowned and thought for a moment. Currently, he had the authority to control the Zhao family, and those disobedient old fellows in the provincial capital were all captured by Wu Xiaofu. Also, those Group Leader were also captured by Hui Lang. Although it was a pity that he couldn't keep Gang Master Zhao and Zhao Xier alive, he had finally gotten the power to control the gang.    


Letting them go was also good, lest they cause more trouble in the gang. As long as he could swallow the entire Zhao family, he wouldn't be afraid even if we came back in the future.    


"Wang Yue, you have quite the nerve to capture Gang Master Zhao and the young lady. But you have to think carefully. After you leave... We will definitely attack your territory and flatten it. We will save Gang Master Zhao and the young lady. " Han Jie said.    


"He really knows how to act!" I scolded him with disdain, then helped Zhao Laohu get into the car. After Zhao Xier got into the car, she slowly started the car. She saw that countless of Zhao family members had opened up a path for us.    


With Tiger Zhao and Zhao Xier in my car, they wouldn't dare to chase after me. That night, the entire Zhao family had fallen into Han Jie's hands.    


Tiger Zhao has always been a shrewd man. Sometimes, even I am no match for him. However, he had never considered this day.    


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