My Sensual Lady

C373 A Beauty in a Luxury Car

C373 A Beauty in a Luxury Car

0"My body, what's wrong?" I was still immersed in excitement. The way I looked at Feiloong was also filled with indescribable excitement. Then, I followed his gaze and looked at my own body. My heart gradually turned cold.    


It was the sequela of the twelve potions that started...    


This time, I did not fail to lift, nor did I become a green giant. After the great battle, there was nothing wrong with my body other than weakness.    


Then, as time passed, on the 15th of the first month, the side effects of the medicine on my body began.    


That night, other than spouting nonsense, I also did something abnormal. My body actually grew a lot of dense fur.    


As a man, it's normal to have some fur on my body, but other than my body, there are also a lot of fur growing on my face. This is a bit abnormal, looking like a child.    


Then, I was scared to death, and my brothers were also scared to death by those fur. They all knew that I used up all of Zhang Yuhui's medicine in one go, and those medicines would leave a huge side effect on the human body. Seeing that my behavior was strange, and that I had grown a lot of hair on my body, they sent me to the hospital.    


It was already past midnight by then, and it was past 1: 00 in the morning when they arrived at the hospital. Then, I checked in the hospital and drew blood. When it was past 3: 00 in the later half of the night, the hair on my body actually gradually disappeared.    


As for the condition of my body, the doctor explained that I injected too much hormones into my body. These hormones caused a lot of hair to grow in my body and affect my nerves at the same time. It caused me to be in a state of neurosis. He told me to rest more, don't get too tired recently. Then I have a regular diet to rest, and I don't drink anymore. He even prescribed me some medicine, all of which are for the sake of my spirit.    


I have some doubts about the doctor's words. But what he said makes sense, so I went home skeptically. However, I have a faint feeling that I might become a monster.    


"Mr Yue, won't you become a werewolf?" That night, it was Guang who slept with me. When I returned home, it was already past five o'clock in the morning. Guang sat on my bed and thought about it.    


"Damn, it can't be, right?" I asked.    


"Mr Yue, you like the moon. The moment you see the moon, you will grow a lot of fur. Damn it, if this isn't a werewolf, what is it?" Guang said.    


" Brother Guang, don't scare me. " I said.    


"Don't really turn into a werewolf. F * ck, what else should we do?" After Guang said that, we went to sleep.    


The next night, I was afraid that I would really turn into a werewolf, so I didn't care about my work anymore. I sat at home and waited for the whole day, waiting for the moon to come out at night.    


After the moon appeared at night, I didn't feel anything when I saw the moon. I wasn't as excited as I was yesterday. I felt that the moon was very normal, just like when I saw it in the past.    


I thought to myself, could it be that I have to see the moon on the 15th of the first month to have an effect? However, I might have to wait until next month.    


After thinking for a while, I called Nalan Yi, who was overseas. Nalan Yi had already gone overseas and was currently in the Children's Center for a month abroad. The night after she left, she went overseas. Then, she gave us a call. Basically, we've been in contact with each other for the past few days when she was overseas. It's just that I'm not busy anymore, so I called her to chat for a while.    


When I was on the phone, I told her about my long hair. I also told her about me roaring at the moon like a dog. I said very seriously to her, "Fourth Brother, this matter must have something to do with the 12 doses of medicine. I have left behind sequelae. I might even turn into a werewolf. "    


" Pfft! "Nalan Yi seemed to be drinking something and spat it out when she heard what I said. Then, for some reason, I hit the point of laughing and laughed for a long time on the other side of the phone.    


"Is it funny?" I asked.    


"Stop messing around, there's no such thing as a werewolf. You've watched too many foreign ghost movies, haven't you? Impossible, there can't be a werewolf in this world. " Nalan Yi said to me with a smile.    


"But I have long hair, and I still roar at the moon like a dog." I said.    


"You must have drunk too much, right? Besides, isn't it normal for a boy to have a bit of hair? Your fur is already quite a lot, and you have a lot of fur on your legs." Nalan Yi said.    


"It's not the fur on your legs. It's the fur on your face too. I'm like a child, do you know that? " I said.    


"Send me a photo to take a look." Nalan Yi said.    


"I was almost scared to death. How could I be in the mood to take a photo?" I said.    


"Hahaha, there's no werewolf. You're thinking too much. Alright, let's not chat anymore. It's not good for the baby to call for too long. Let's talk tomorrow." Nalan Yi hung up the phone.    


Nalan Yi loved our child very much and very carefully took care of the baby. Seeing that she no longer wants to chat with me, I feel somewhat helpless. After thinking for a while, I sat on the sofa and watched Lorie walk towards my room. I said to Lorie, "Sister, I might become a werewolf."    


... "" After hearing what I said, Lorie gave me a strange look and left.    


Liu Li did not like to talk. Her personality was exactly the same as Lee Mingxi's. I thought to myself, what is going on? Elder sister is so cold. Younger sister is also so cold. Are all children from rich families like this? I'm also a child of a rich family now. Why am I not so cold? Furthermore, I feel that I am becoming more and more of a loser.    


After letting my thoughts run wild for a while, I thought about it and opened a bottle of red wine. Then, thinking about how the doctor told me that I can't drink, I sealed the bottle and put it in the fridge. Once the wine was sealed and not drunk, it would also sour for a few days in the fridge. But now that all my brothers are staying at my house, the wine would probably be gone at night. Then I lit a cigarette and smoked a few times before coughing. I felt that my lungs were always so cold, and I began to hate Ma Chao in my heart.    


Ma Chao, this person will definitely be my enemy in the future.    


In the next few days, I don't care about the matters at work anymore. Our brothers are all capable. Hongshan will be in charge of all matters. The small matters, Young Master Qian and Guang, will be taken care of. I am in charge of resting, taking medicine on time, and waiting for the 15th of next month. If I am no longer so abnormal on the 15th of next month, then I should be fine.    


During the few days that I rest, Hongshan carried out a huge personnel transfer within our gang. Other than the Five Tigers staying in the provincial capital, all of the seven Ying were sent to the major cities in the province. Guang was the elder brother in charge of the City J. Mr Haonan, Tang Hu, the brothers from the Luo family, Hei and Monkey. He was the big brother in charge of the other cities.    


As for Young Master Qian, Feiloong, Leng Shi, Bull and Gao Dali. The five of them were in charge of the five most important districts in the provincial capital.    


This transfer could be said to be the biggest transfer of personnel in the history of our gang. The main thing is that we brothers have been walking for a few years, from Zhang Yuhui's little brother. All the way to self-establishment. We have experienced a lot of storms and waves, and we have also experienced a lot of small things. Now, all of us brothers have the ability to fight on our own.    


Now, Hongshan is going to send them away to take charge of all the major cities in the province. By doing so, he can expand our power even more. He will also be able to consolidate our position in the province. Thinking about how my brothers have followed me for long enough, I can't always be my little brother. It's time for them to be big brothers themselves. I promised them that before they left, I would use tea as wine to send them away. I was a little reluctant, even though they are my little brothers. But I treat them like my own brothers. The older Luo Ying, Hei, and Mr Haonan, sometimes I even treat them as my older brothers.    


After they left, only Zhao Xier, Liu Li, and Snowy were left by my side. Leng Shi also went to be the big brother in charge of the other districts. Young Master Qian also went to be the big brother in charge of the other districts. Bai Ke left with him.    


The huge villa seemed a little deserted because of their departure. Zhao Xier also needs to go to school. She can't always be with me. When my injuries have healed quite a bit, I will let her return to City J to go to school. Liu Li also doesn't talk much to me, even though she is my younger sister. But now I don't like to pick up girls anymore. I don't really like this younger sister of mine. Our relationship is just average. I only know that she is my sister, and I am her brother. He no longer had the energy to treat Tang Yuyi as well as this younger sister.    


After that, I have nothing to do every day, so I ask Snowy to run with me. She was getting fatter and fatter. Her height was 1.65 meters, and her weight was also 165 meters.    


I said to Snowy, "What happened? We are rich now, and you are corrupted. Every day, I see you post on your WeChat Moments. You just eat, eat, and eat in all kinds of good restaurants. You're even more dashing than my big brother. Don't eat anymore. Otherwise, you won't even be able to find a partner in the future. "    


..." "After hearing what I said, Snowy lowered her head in embarrassment.    


"Let's go for a run and exercise with me. Slimming your weight. Although you are not a beauty even if you lose weight, a good figure will always attract men." I said.    


"Mr Yue, I am not fat because I eat. I'm born fat, and I'm fat even when drinking cold water. There's nothing I can do about it." Snowy said to me with a sad face.    


"How much weight did you get when you applied?" I asked.    


"Fourteen." Snowy said.    


"What about now?" I asked.    


"One hundred and sixty-five..." Snowy said.    


"Then run with me, target 140." I said.    



Because my Hilltop Villa is very close to Han Xiyin's school, other than me and Snowy running together, sometimes we also run together with Han Xiyin and the others. The group of people are quite happy. Sometimes we even go to Han Xiyin's school to play.    


In a flash, it was November. In the afternoon, Han Xiyin was going to wash her clothes at school. She didn't run with us. Without Han Xiyin, Tingting and Chen Yuanyuan also did not run with us. I don't care, so I just took Snowy and ran slowly. Because of the side effects of the medicine, I was hit by Ma Chao's palm and had a serious lung disease. It would be better for my body to do some proper aerobic exercise.    


When Snowy and I were running, we saw a car secretly following us. At this time, the four family heads of the four big families had already been beaten away by us. I even released a wanted poster to hunt them down. Because my father had spoken, the Nalan family and the Loong family didn't cause me any trouble. There was no movement from Zhang Yuhui's side either. No one knew what he was planning.    


I'm used to being hunted and assassinated all the time. I was wondering if someone wanted to kill me. If someone wanted to kill me, who would it be? So I secretly reached out and touched the pistol in my arms.    


The moment I touched the gun, the car drove to our side and lowered the window. It was a white Maserati with a beautiful girl sitting in it. The makeup on the girl's face was exquisite. Her beautiful eyes stared at me for a few seconds before revealing a smile. " Wang Yue, is that really you?"    


"Who are you?" I looked at her in surprise.    


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