My Sensual Lady

C264 The Secret of Acting Cool

C264 The Secret of Acting Cool

0After chatting casually with Waner, I walked out of her office and smoked two more cigarettes. About half an hour later, a middle-aged man walked in from outside. The middle-aged man wasn't tall, was rather dark, and was a little fat. He wore a white work shirt, and looked like a leader from some department.    


Then he walked in and glanced at me. He politely asked Waner, "Miss Waner, Brother Hui isn't back yet?"    


"No, Brother Hui has been busy these few days. Other than our district, which we need to invest in, we also need to invest in half of the provincial capital. There are a few cities that are looking, and I don't know when they will be back." Waner put away her ambiguous look when she was with me and said in a serious manner.    


"This, this is not good..." Hearing Waner's words, the middle-aged man anxiously rubbed his palms together.    


Then, the middle-aged man became a little anxious. He stood up and walked a few steps in the office. After thinking for a while, he sat down again and looked at Waner with a bitter smile.    


I don't know who this middle-aged man is, and I don't know what he wants to do. After looking at him for a while, I understood everything.    


In the middle. After sitting for another two minutes, he thought for a while and looked at Waner with a smile. "Miss Waner, will you go to the auction party at the art school during the weekend? "    


"Take a look at the time." Waner smiled.    


"Go. The auction party at the art school is pretty good. It was all organized by some students. They were quite thoughtful. Moreover, some of the students and teachers' works are really not bad, and they have some collectibles value. You and Brother Hui are both people who understand art, so it would be good to go to the charity gala to take a look. After that, I have two bottles of '82 Lafite from my friends. Brother Hui likes wine. You can go to my place and try it." The middle-aged man said.    


"Okay" Waner had a professional smile on her face, and her attitude towards the middle-aged man was cold and indifferent. She only casually agreed and then lowered her head to look at the company's documents.    


"Above one person, below ten thousand people. At such a young age, he became Brother Hui's assistant. You're Brother Hui's right-hand man. You're amazing. You're worthy of being a top student who graduated from MIT." After thinking about it, the middle-aged man flattered Waner.    


"Not bad." Waner smiled.    


"Miss Waner, do you have time for lunch?" The middle-aged man thought about it and asked again.    


Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Waner raised her eyes and looked at him. Then she pushed up the large black-rimmed eyes on her face and looked at me, saying, "Boss Ma, you are the sponsor for this year's Arts School's auction gala. You are the boss of a five-star hotel in the city. "    


"Yes, yes." The middle-aged man nodded.    


When I heard Waner's words, I immediately looked towards the middle-aged man. I already understood that Waner's words were meant for me to hear. She was indirectly telling me that this person is the sponsor for the auction of the art school that we are going to. He is the father of the student council president that I am fighting over.    


"You're in trouble." Waner said again.    


"Yes, yes," ___ said. The middle-aged man quickly nodded.    


"It's an old man who owes you a loan of 30 million for three years, and that person has some connections with the four big families. He's Qin Hu's cousin. Qin Hu has a good relationship with the four big families. " Waner said.    


"Yes, yes!" The middle-aged man nodded again.    


"You know, we don't get along with the Four Great Clans. And Brother Hui is the only person in the entire province who is qualified to fight against the four big families." Waner said.    


" Right, other than you guys, no one else can help me. I have waited for this 30 million loan for too long. When I heard that you came to the provincial capital, I really did not know what to say in my heart. Are you happy? So I beg you, you must help me get this 30 million loan back. My five-star hotel's business these few years isn't too good, so I've already lost over 20 million. If it wasn't for that loan, my five-star hotel probably wouldn't have been able to hold on for much longer." The middle-aged man said very sadly.    


"!!" Hearing the middle-aged man's words, my eyes instantly lit up.    


This person is the father of the student council president who tried to snatch my boyfriend. When Mr Zhu told me that his family has a hundred million yuan, he nearly scared me to death.    


So it turns out that after all this time, he also has a huge debt like me. It's just that he's a bit stronger than me. He still has 30 million in loan outside. As long as I get it back, I'll be able to slow it down a bit. For big bosses like them, it was common for them to borrow from each other to withdraw some interest. It was just that this Ma Da was unlucky and met an old swindler. That old man relied on his background as a gangster to not return the money, and he didn't have any background. There was nothing he could do about it.    


And at this time, he needed people like us to do it. We are hoodlums, hoodlums who take people's money and help them get rid of disasters. Even if he is a big boss with a net worth of over a hundred million, he will still beg us kindly.    


As for Zhang Yuhui's identity, he is a famous big brother in the south. Both his power and wealth are big shots who can compete with the four big families. According to the rules of the Jianghu, if we help him collect the thirty million debt... We will take 20 to 30% of the profit.    


Zhang Yuhui gave me a house for 50 million. Does he think this small profit is worth it? Not to mention the millions of dollars, even if Boss Ma gave him 30 million, it would still be worth it. He was afraid that he would have to settle this matter in a dozen days or so.    


I am Zhang Yuhui's younger brother, and I understand Zhang Yuhui's intentions. That Qin Hu was the one who betrayed Zhang Yuhui, causing Zhang Yuhui to be besieged by the four big families and almost die in battle. Now that Zhang Yuhui had returned, he wished that he could immediately start a war with the four great families. Especially Qin Hu's family, they were definitely the people he hated the most. This matter is easy to handle. If I help Zhang Yuhui settle this matter... Not only will it fulfill Zhang Yuhui's wishes, it will also make Zhang Yuhui happy. I will also become his guest because I am helping Boss Ma solve problems.    


Thinking of this, a smile instantly appeared on my face. If I help Boss Ma settle this matter, I'm afraid that the student council Young Master Ma who snatched Han Xiyin from me will see me. Not only did he not dare to offend me, he even respectfully called me uncle.    


Ginger is still old and spicy. Waner's thoughts were meticulous and she had already arranged everything properly. Looks like I have to spend more time with her when I have time. I have to study well with her.    


"His name is Wang Yue." Waner saw that I could not sit still and looked at my eager look. A smile appeared on her face.    


"En!" After hearing Waner's words, Boss Ma immediately looked at me.    


"He used to be one of the four Heavenly Kings by Brother Hui's side. He was Brother Hui's favorite and most beloved younger brother. Now, he is the absolute big brother of City J." Waner said.    


"You, you are the Wang Yue who fought with the four great families until the sky and earth were turned upside down? No, no, no, Mr Yue?" Hearing Waner's words, Boss Ma looked at me in shock.    


" It's good, it's good. " I said modestly.    


"Not bad, indeed a hero comes from a youth." Boss Ma continued to praise me. His eyes were shining as he swept his gaze over me.    


"Not bad, not bad." After hearing Boss Ma's words, I humbly said.    


"Young man, good job!" Boss Ma gave me a thumbs up.    


On the side, Waner looked unhappy for some reason. Then, she said to Boss Ma, "Boss Ma, Brother Hui has no time to care about small matters like you settling accounts. Even if Brother Hui has a grudge with the four big families and the Qin Family, compared to your small profits, brother Hui will also arrange for this matter to take place in a dozen or so days. If you have time, you will ask about it a little. "    


" Yes, yes, Brother Hui is a big shot. " Boss Ma hurriedly nodded his head.    


"And Wang Yue is a very capable big brother. Leave this matter to him, he will handle it for you." Waner said.    


"Haha, then I have to thank you!" After hearing Waner's words, Boss Ma immediately walked over and gripped my hands tightly.    


"Brother Ma, this matter is not a problem." I said with a smile.    


"Then, if you have time, can we do it now?" Boss Ma asked me.    


"Alright, we can do it." I said.    


After I chatted with Boss Ma for a while, I was ready to help him. This kind of thing is common in City J, but those who ask us to do things are not as high level as him. I can't get much from the profits. I can't be bothered with a few hundred thousand. I also don't want my brothers to interfere. But now, the person I meet is Boss Ma. This is different. Because if I help him settle this, I will be able to act cool the day after tomorrow.    


However, just as we were about to leave, Waner called me back. She told me to close the office door and stared at me with a look of disappointment. Then, she took off her glasses and looked at me unhappily. "What's going on? How can you call him brother? "    


"Then what should I call him, Uncle Ma?" I asked.    


After hearing what I said, Waner instantly stomped her little feet in annoyance and said, "Be more aloof, and be more arrogant. You are the big brother, the big brother who asked you to do things. Why are you like a hooligan?"    


"If you want him to call you big brother, he will be willing to call you big brother. You've lowered our status! "    



... "" After hearing Waner's words, I stared blankly at her for a moment. Then, I gradually felt enlightened.    


I seem to have comprehended the secret to acting cool...    


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